
Xamiol gel. Reviews for psoriasis, instructions for use

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  1. Release form and composition of the drug
  2. Pharmacological properties
  3. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  4. Indications for use
  5. Contraindications
  6. At what age can the drug be used?
  7. Instructions for use, dosage for psoriasis
  8. Application for other pathologies
  9. Side effects
  10. Overdose
  11. special instructions
  12. Drug interactions
  13. Analogs
  14. Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  15. Price
  16. Xamiol Gel Video

Xamiol (Xamiol) - a gel that has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Medication is often prescribed when psoriasis is diagnosed, some other dermatological diseases.

Reviews about the effect of substances in the composition of the drug on the course of pathology may differ, which is associated with the characteristics of the body and the nuances of application in each case.

Release form and composition of the drug

The drug Xamiol is available in the form of a gel for external use. It is a composition with a gel-like consistency, which is well distributed on the skin and is quickly absorbed. The gel is packaged in polyethylene bottles, which can contain 15, 30 or 60 ml.

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Xamiol gel. Instructions for use for psoriasis, reviews

Each bottle is placed in a small cardboard box, in which you can also find a description, which indicates the nuances of therapy, possible contraindications and features. The composition of the drug includes 2 active substances - betamethasone and calcipotriol.

They carry out the main therapeutic effect. The composition contains auxiliary ingredients:

  • Castor oil.
  • Mineral oil.
  • Polyoxypropylene.

The excipients have no therapeutic properties.

Pharmacological properties

Xamiol gel (reviews for psoriasis can be positive when the condition improves) has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties. This helps to eliminate the most acute manifestations in psoriasis and some other pathologies of the skin.

Xamiol gel helps to improve the condition of patients in the acute period of the disease, and also prevents the exacerbation of the condition. The drug also stimulates tissue regeneration, stimulates cell renewal and prevents their rapid destruction.

The medicine improves the condition of tissues, softens them, eliminates irritation. Patients feel relief immediately after several applications.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

After applying the product, it begins to act quite quickly. Betamethasone has pronounced properties, since it belongs to glucocorticosteroids. The substance helps to suppress the inflammatory process and additionally has antiallergic properties.

Xamiol gel. Instructions for use for psoriasis, reviews

As a result, the risk of developing allergic reactions decreases against the background of the progression of the pathological condition.

The hormonal component somewhat suppresses the activity of local immunity, which is important when diagnosing psoriasis. The activation of the immune forces leads to the progression of the disease, so suppressing the reactions helps prevent the worsening of the condition.

Xamiol gel has other properties:

  • Reduces the risk of rapid progression of the pathological condition in patients with chronic forms of disorders.
  • Improves general condition by eliminating itching. This manifestation is considered the most pronounced, worsens not only the condition of the skin, but also the general well-being of the patient.
  • The drug does not provoke skin irritation with prolonged use, which is associated with the gentle composition, as well as the absence of irritating components in the product.
  • The drug also has immunosuppressive properties, that is, it somewhat reduces the immune response of the skin. The activation of the immune forces in psoriasis will inevitably lead to a worsening of the condition, therefore, the use of the agent prevents complications.
  • The presence of calcipotriol in the composition of the substance helps to improve the condition of the tissues. This component is a synthetic analogue of vitamin D, which explains its properties for the patient's skin.

The complex effect of the drug helps to eliminate the acute symptoms of the disease and prevents the progression of complications. When applied to the skin, the drug is rapidly absorbed into the outer layers. The amount of substance in the blood with a single application is minimal.

In the absence of damage to the skin, the absorption of substances is minimal, but when used for the purpose of applying under a bandage, the amount of absorbed components increases significantly.

Prolonged use of the drug leads to the formation of a certain supply of ingredients in the outer layers of the skin. In this case, the concentration of substances in the blood increases significantly. Their processing takes place in the liver and takes several days.

Xamiol gel. Instructions for use for psoriasis, reviews

Decomposition products are evacuated by the kidneys. There is a slight slowdown in the processing and absorption of components in patients suffering from various liver disorders. Despite this, the effectiveness of therapy is not reduced.

Indications for use

Xamiol is an effective gel that is used not only for psoriasis of varying severity and shape.

Patient reviews confirm the effectiveness when used in the presence of the following violations:

  • Dermatitis of various forms and origins. With an allergic nature of the disease, the remedy helps to stop the progression of symptoms and relieves itching.
  • Dermatoses.
  • Eczema of various origins.
  • Itching of the skin against the background of a dermatological pathology of unspecified origin.

The drug is used mainly for the treatment of acute and chronic psoriasis. It may be the only treatment.

For other diseases, in most cases, the medicine is prescribed as part of a complex treatment in order to increase its effectiveness. It can be used in case of damage to the scalp.


The medication is not prescribed to patients with intolerance to the components of the composition, which is associated with an increased risk of complications.

Other barriers to gel therapy include:

  • Purulent foci on the skin, which occur when tissue is damaged and an infection is attached. The remedy can lead to a slowdown in the process of tissue repair and the spread of the inflammatory process to healthy tissues.
  • Acne in the area of ​​psoriasis foci or other dermatological pathologies.
  • Identification of foci of dermatitis in the mouth.
    Xamiol gel. Instructions for use for psoriasis, reviews
  • Atrophic changes in the skin, in which the gel can provoke severe complications.
  • Psoriasis with the formation of pustules on the body or limbs.
  • Pathologies accompanied by a violation of the processing and assimilation of calcium in the patient's body.
  • Viral skin lesions.
  • Bacterial infections affecting the patient's skin.
  • Fungal diseases, in which not only the skin is affected, but also the patient's nail plates.
  • The presence of foci of inflammation on the patient's body, the origin of which has not been identified.
  • Bleeding due to damage to the skin, which interferes with the normal distribution and absorption of the components of the gel.

The drug is used with caution for the treatment of elderly patients, which is associated with the presence of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels in most of them. In each case, the doctor can identify individual contraindications that are an obstacle to therapy.

At what age can the drug be used?

Xamiol is a gel (reviews for psoriasis depend on the characteristics of use by specific patients), prescribed only for patients over 18 years of age.

The use in children and adolescents can provoke complications. If the appointment of such medicines is required, the doctor selects more gentle medicines.

Instructions for use, dosage for psoriasis

The drug is used only externally to treat the skin when signs of psoriasis appear in various forms. When using it, it is important to wash your hands beforehand, as well as to carry out processing with a cotton swab.

Xamiol gel. Instructions for use for psoriasis, reviews

The treatment regimen assumes treatment within 1-2 months, depending on the severity of manifestations. When treating psoriasis on the scalp, it is sufficient to use it for 1 month, but when treating the skin of the body and limbs, the medicine can be applied for 2 months.

The standard therapeutic regimen involves applying the gel with a cotton swab only to the affected area in a thin layer. Enough 1 treatment per day. In this case, the choice of time of day is not critical.

Despite this, experts recommend using the gel in the evening after hygiene procedures. After application and absorption, there is no need to rinse off the residue from the skin. In each case, the doctor can adjust the duration of therapy.

If the doctor notes an improvement within 2 weeks, he does not extend the course to 2 months. In the absence of a result, the specialist can cancel the therapy, prescribe other drugs that are suitable for a particular patient.

Application for other pathologies

Xamiol - gel (reviews for psoriasis are based on the experience of using patients over a long period of time), used for dermatological pathologies quite often, but only for the intended purpose and after a preliminary diagnostic survey.

The medicine is used according to the standard scheme, that is, it is applied once a day in the morning or in the evening with a thin layer and using a cotton swab. Treatment usually lasts no more than 2 weeks, since prolonged use can provoke complications, as well as aggravation of the symptoms of the disease.

Xamiol gel. Instructions for use for psoriasis, reviews

It is allowed to apply the gel once a day under the bandage, which increases the effectiveness of the treatment. However, such treatment is carried out no longer than 1 week and only as directed by a doctor. When using the gel for the purpose of applying under a bandage, the concentration of substances in the blood increases, which can provoke complications.

Side effects

If the gel is applied incorrectly or if other features of the instructions are violated, patients may develop complications from the internal organs and systems. Usually they affect only the skin, but there are cases when patients develop systemic disorders.

Damage area Frequent disorders

Nervous system

Headache and dizziness can appear on the background of allergic disorders in patients. At the same time, many note weakness and fatigue, a decrease in mental and physical performance. In many patients, increased irritability is observed, which also occurs against the background of local negative reactions on the skin. After the disappearance of allergic manifestations, the symptoms of the nervous system disappear on their own within a few days.
Digestive organs Digestive tract disorders also appear as a result of acute allergic manifestations. Patients report nausea and vomiting, pain in the stomach and intestines. Some develop stool disorder, which is also the result of neurological disorders associated with allergies.
Visual apparatus An increase in intraocular pressure is observed with prolonged use of the gel, even if the patient does not exceed the dosage. In some patients, there is a deterioration in vision, swelling of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.
Skin With prolonged use of the drug, the patient may develop not only allergic reactions, but also atrophy of the skin is observed, and areas of irritation appear. When an allergy is added, the rash spreads to large areas of the skin, which leads to an aggravation of the condition. The patient combs the affected area, which only worsens the condition of the tissues. With prolonged persistence of symptoms, manifestations spread to large areas of the skin, leading to systemic disorders.
Xamiol gel. Instructions for use for psoriasis, reviews
Xamiol gel washes to cause skin atrophy.

In some cases, there is a disruption in the functioning of the adrenal glands, which leads to other disorders of the internal organs.

The severity of negative reactions depends on the duration of drug use. Some people may need special treatment if the symptoms do not go away on their own.


Xamiol - gel (reviews for psoriasis can be negative if the patient develops negative reactions), which is absorbed into the blood in small quantities when used in short courses and following all recommendations doctor.

Despite this, in rare cases, the gel can provoke an overdose. This usually occurs with prolonged use in high doses without a doctor's prescription.

Overdose is accompanied by acute symptoms from the side:

  • digestive tract;
  • nervous system;
  • skin.

Patients talk about:

  • severe weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • stool disorders.

In severe cases, the symptoms are aggravated by acute urticaria or Quincke's edema. The condition worsens significantly, symptoms in the form of edema of the mucous membranes of the throat and oral cavity join.

Such complications lead to disruption of oxygen supply to the lungs, which can be fatal. In the absence of treatment, an overdose is life-threatening for patients, therefore it is important to visit a doctor in a timely manner when its first symptoms appear.

In most cases, to improve the condition, it is enough to take some medications, but sometimes you need to be treated in a hospital. The scheme for providing assistance in case of an overdose in each case is compiled individually, depending on the severity of a particular complication.

special instructions

When treating with a drug, the patient should regularly visit a doctor who notes improvement or worsening. If there is no therapeutic effect, another medicine is prescribed, which is selected individually, depending on the symptoms of the disease.

During the period of therapy, the patient is advised not to be in open sunlight for a long period of time. If any complications arise, you should refuse to use the gel and consult a doctor. Timely treatment will avoid serious complications.

Drug interactions

The medication is not used concurrently with other drugs with the same properties. It should not be used in combination with medications based on glucocorticosteroids, as this can provoke a severe overdose.

When treating in combination with systemic medications, you should first consult with your doctor, who will determine the appropriateness of using a particular drug.


The drug has substitutes. Some of them contain the same components in the composition, others have an effect due to the presence of a different active ingredient.

The most effective substitutes:

  • Psorkurtan - cream for external use based on calcipotriol. The drug does not contain a homronic substance in the composition, but improves the condition of tissues, prevents the aggravation of psoriasis and some other diseases of the skin. The substitute is quite expensive, its price starts at 1900 rubles.
    Xamiol gel. Instructions for use for psoriasis, reviews
  • Daivobet - an ointment for external use, which has the same composition as the substitute. The tool has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on tissues, prevents the progression of the pathological condition. The drug is slightly cheaper than the original, its average price is 900 rubles.

Substitutes have pronounced properties, but the doctor should select them, despite the presence of similar active ingredients in the composition.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

The drug is dispensed in different pharmacies without presenting a certified prescription from a doctor, which makes it easier to purchase. When storing it, it is important to avoid direct sunlight and keep it out of the reach of children. The maximum storage time is 2 years.


The cost of the medicine starts from 1200 rubles. and depends on the amount of gel in the package. Xamiol is a gel with pronounced anti-inflammatory and antipsoriatic properties, which is actively used in psoriasis and some other skin pathologies.

Reviews about the action of the drug differ depending on the characteristics of its use and the presence of concomitant complications.

Xamiol Gel Video

How to treat psoriasis with Xamiol gel:

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