
The stomach pounds, gas. Causes in women, treatment of flatulence, how to get rid of pregnancy

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  1. Causes of bloating in women
  2. Drug therapy
  3. Folk remedies
  4. Nutrition and drinking regimen
  5. Massage
  6. Physical exercise
  7. How to remove gas from the intestines during pregnancy
  8. First trimester
  9. Second trimester
  10. Third trimester
  11. Video about the causes of gas formation

Complaints that the stomach is swollen or gas accumulated in the intestines, accompany most of the known diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The reasons for both men and women can be alimentary factors, eating behavior, as well as impaired intestinal motility.

This condition is called flatulence. For him, not only the presence of discomfort in the abdomen (bloating) is typical, but also belching with air, as well as flotation, or the removal of excess accumulated gases through the anus.

Causes of bloating in women

There are several groups of factors that cause excessive gas formation. The most common is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. The main links of the digestion process are violated.

So, with acid-dependent diseases, for example, with gastritis or gastric ulcer (duodenal ulcer), due to the altered acidity level, protein metabolism slows down. The optimum pH is not observed, therefore, the degradation process slows down. This causes an increase in fermentation, a slowdown in the evacuation of food from the lower parts of the intestine. As a result, gassing increases.

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The stomach pounds, the woman has gas. Reasons, treatment, how to get rid of pregnancy

Chronic pancreatitis is often accompanied by a loss or a sharp decrease in exocrine function. The latter consists in the secretion of digestive enzymes involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates, partly fats and protein substrates.

If this function is insufficient, the breakdown of all 3 main groups of organic substances in the human body decreases. This exposes the remnants of food to processes of decay, partly fermentation.

Here it is possible to use the enzymatic preparation Penzital. The drug normalizes the secretion of the pancreas, and the enzymes in the composition help the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into simpler components, which makes them easier to digest.

The stomach pounds, the woman has gas. Reasons, treatment, how to get rid of pregnancy

The use of the drug Penzital returns lightness after eating, eliminates flatulence and bloating. Take 1-2 tablets by mouth, during or after meals.

The concentration of indole, skatole, mercaptan and other unpleasant biogenic amines increases. The tone of the intestine decreases, there is a tendency to constipation and delayed evacuation of gases from the intestinal tube. Clinically, pain and a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, as well as flotation, will disturb.

There is an alimentary factor in the development of flatulence. It involves eating excess amounts of so-called carminative products. Under the influence of digestive juices and enzymes, they break down into simpler components with an excess of gases.

Here it is also important to remember the digestive factor, which is realized in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of a very different nature. As a result, digestion processes are still disrupted, which causes, among other things, flatulence and its manifestations.

Less common reasons include the following:

  • intestinal dysbiosis against the background of taking antibiotics or immunosuppressants with a predominance of flora that causes fermentation or putrefaction;
  • violation of blood flow in the intestinal mucosa, which affects both absorption, digestion, and the motor function of the organ;
  • mechanical obstruction (fecal obstruction or swelling), which leads to constipation and mechanical accumulation of gases;
  • neurosis and other psychosomatic disorders, which are based on the dissonance between the cortical centers of regulation and the work of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole, as well as in the exchange of neurotransmitters.

Flatulence in pregnant women is considered separately. The characteristics of the body in this period are explained by changes in the hormonal status. The concentration of progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy, increases. It has a myotropic effect.

At the same time, smooth muscle cells of the mucous membrane of the intestine, stomach and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract relax. This leads to decreased motor skills and constipation. They, in turn, are responsible for the development of flatulence and other symptoms.

The stomach pounds, gas (the reasons in women during pregnancy are associated not only with hormonal changes) due to the pressure of the uterus on the surrounding organs, which changes their topography. The bowel loops may be compressed. This creates conditions for stagnation of food, its fermentation and the accumulation of gases in the cavity of the intestinal tube.

Drug therapy

First of all, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. It includes antispasmodics. This is necessary to reduce pain impulses, eliminate the feeling of fullness in the abdomen. No-shpa is prescribed in injections or tablets. It is important to remember about possible drug intolerance.

An alternative is papaverine injections. If nausea or vomiting is present, metoclopramide or domperidone can be used. You can start with intramuscular injections, and then move on to the tablet form. For children, it is possible to use a suppository.

Prescribing laxatives can eliminate constipation as one of the factors causing distention and rumbling in the abdomen. Therefore, they significantly improve the condition and almost immediately eliminate unpleasant symptoms and sensations. Duphalac has a mild effect.

The stomach pounds, the woman has gas. Reasons, treatment, how to get rid of pregnancy

It is also convenient because it exists in different dosage forms. A worthy alternative is Forlax, the herbal preparation Gutalax. For today, drugs based on sennoside cannot be prescribed for a long time, therefore they are not used in the treatment of flatulence.

If intestinal dysbiosis is identified as the cause of unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations, then probiotics are prescribed. Based on the analysis of feces (culture), a drug is selected. Most often, Hilak forte, Linex or preparations based on bifidobacteria or lactobacilli are prescribed. Medicines are taken for a long time, followed by mandatory control of feces for dysbiosis (sowing).

If not conditionally pathogenic, but pathogenic bacteria are identified, then they resort to using antibiotics. Gastroenterologists prescribe Rifaximin 200 mg three times a day with an eight-hour interval, or Enterofuril at the same single dose, but four times a day. The choice of antibacterial agents is based solely on stool culture, including antibiotic susceptibility.

With flatulence, the appointment of enzymatic agents is considered mandatory. It can be the usual Pancreatin at a dose of 50,000 IU three times a day, or maybe the more powerful Creon, Pangrol. With concomitant disease and insufficiency of gallbladder function, it is advisable to use Mezim.

The stomach pounds, gas (the reasons in women can be eliminated on their own) are often due to an imbalance between pathogenic and beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Pathogenetic treatment also involves the use of enterosorbent drugs.

They remove substances that are toxic to the intestinal mucosa. In addition, these medicines help restore your own beneficial microflora. Enterosgel helps well.The stomach pounds, the woman has gas. Reasons, treatment, how to get rid of pregnancy

In case of gas retention in the intestine, Espumisan is prescribed. This remedy has a pronounced carminative effect. It allows you to get rid of obsessive rumbling in the stomach, bloating and even pain.

Folk remedies

Alternative therapies work very well for pregnant and lactating women. After all, not all drugs can be taken in 1-2 trimesters due to an unknown or obviously unfavorable effect on the developing fetus. Therefore, herbal natural recipes will help to cope with the uncomfortable sensations in the stomach.

For diseases of the stomach, intestines, especially of an inflammatory nature, chamomile has long been used. To reduce gas formation, reduce spasm of the intestinal muscles, an infusion of flowers is needed.

It is prepared as follows:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. pour about 300 ml of boiling water.
  2. It is not necessary to boil the resulting mixture further. It is left for 20-30 minutes. infuse.
  3. The next day, the drink is consumed during the day in 2 - 3 doses of a glass of chilled drink, preferably before meals. The course is up to 10 days.

An infusion based on caraway seeds or dill is another folk remedy that works well with the symptoms of flatulence. Herbal extracts relax the muscles of the intestines and genitourinary organs. At the same time, the stool is improved and regulated, peristalsis is normalized.

Among the effective decoctions, mint is considered, to which you can add lemon balm. Such a decoction is prepared as follows:

  1. For 300 ml of water you need 2-3 tbsp. l. dried mint.
  2. Then the liquid is boiled for about 20 minutes. and cool.
  3. It is recommended to take the remedy in 20 minutes. before meals. Pain impulses decrease and the feeling of fullness disappears.

Nutrition and drinking regimen

Gastroenterologists and nutritionists insist on observing the frequency of food intake. With a tendency to constipation and flatulence, it should be 5-6 meals a day with snacks.The stomach pounds, the woman has gas. Reasons, treatment, how to get rid of pregnancy

The stomach can puff up due to non-observance of the diet. On the background of overeating, as well as the use of dry food, excess gas is formed in most women. The same sensations are possible with an excess of carminative products and in cases of drinking food with cold water, which is categorically not recommended.

It is necessary to eat in a calm environment, without unnecessary stress and movement. Snacks on the go are not allowed. This leads to somatopsychic and psychosomatic manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract.

Among the products that cause flatulence, everything can be used without harm to the body, but only after adequate heat treatment. Below is a table with foods not recommended for people with a tendency to bloat, as well as alternatives that can be substituted for them.

Featured Products Not recommended products
  • Yeast dough.
  • Pearl barley, rice.
  • Milk, sour cream.
  • Peas, beans, mushrooms, cabbage, turnips, onions.
  • Prunes, grapes, raisins.
  • Carbonated drinks, strong coffee.
  • Hot seasoning, salt, pepper.
  • Dry bread.
  • Buckwheat, barley groats.
  • Low-fat fermented baked milk, varenets, yogurt.
  • Cream soups using the same ingredients.
  • Apricots, dried apricots.
  • Kissels, compotes, green tea, water.
  • Fresh greens.
The stomach pounds, the woman has gas. Reasons, treatment, how to get rid of pregnancy

Much attention should be paid to the drinking regime. The minimum amount of fluid is about 2 liters, if there is no concomitant cardiovascular pathology.


This method of exposure is auxiliary. Massage movements are very helpful when done on their own. The abdomen is a rather tender and sensitive area. Therefore, an assistant is not needed in this situation. You can handle it yourself.

There is no need to warm up the massage area. Begin by stroking the entire abdomen. Then the main location of the massage movements is moved to the umbilical region. Violent movements should be avoided. It is also not recommended to massage near the umbilical ring.

Physical exercise

The stomach puffs and gas in women can occur for reasons associated with a low level of physical activity. In this case, discomfort occurs, as a rule, after eating. Exercises to relax the intestinal muscles are performed after meals.

According to doctors, preference should be given to the "Embryo" and "Cat" positions. During these exercises, you need to perform breathing exercises. On inhalation, the walls of the abdominal cavity are strained as much as possible, and on exhalation, they relax as much as possible. A good effect is given by exercise complexes on a ball or ball.

How to remove gas from the intestines during pregnancy

Methods and ways of eliminating unpleasant bloating syndromes in the intestines and other uncomfortable sensations during this vulnerable period do not differ practically from the generally accepted ones. Nevertheless, special attention is paid to the choice of specific medicines and herbs in the case of choosing alternative methods of treatment.

First trimester

This is the most vulnerable period of pregnancy, since it is at this time that the bookmarks of the main organs and systems are formed: the nervous system, heart and blood vessels. Therefore, the choice of methods should be as thoughtful as possible. The main thing is that the risk justifies the benefit.

Priority is given to herbal remedies. Dill seed infusion or dill water works well for pregnant women. The plant has the ability to relax the smooth muscles of internal organs, including the intestines, ureter, and bladder. Therefore, an infusion based on dill seeds is applicable both for constipation, flatulence and bloating, and in case of problems with the genitourinary system.

Second trimester

After 14 weeks of gestation, the laying of internal organs and systems continues. Therefore, it is still risky to indiscriminately take drugs, not knowing their effect on the genitourinary system, and even more so on the fetus.The stomach pounds, the woman has gas. Reasons, treatment, how to get rid of pregnancy

The causes of discomfort in women in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy remain unchanged, as well as the ban on the use of a number of medications; nevertheless, obstetricians-gynecologists advise the use of sorbents.

It can be regular Smectin or Neosmectin. Particular attention should be paid to a history of intolerance and allergic reactions to drugs.

For the first 2 semesters, preference is given to herbal preparations. Exercise is also recommended.

They are positional. Some postures improve blood flow and intestinal motility, while reducing the volume of the retroperitoneal space.

Among the postures useful for pregnant women, there is a knee-elbow position. This is called the position of the embryo. This exercise is performed for several minutes three times a day. The blood supply to the uterus improves, which is important for maintaining its normal tone. In addition, the severity of flatulence decreases due to the activation of intestinal motility.

The Cat position also relieves excess gas accumulated in the intestinal loops. It involves the arch of the spine in a position on all fours, followed by a downward bend. The main thing is not to make sudden movements.

Third trimester

Organ systems at this time were already practically formed. But you should not take risks, therefore, first of all, unpleasant symptoms can be eliminated with the help of folk methods and physical exercises. Then, if they are ineffective, they switch to taking medications. The drugs of choice also remain Smecta and Neosmectin, as well as Espumisan and Pancreatin.

In the abdomen in women, swelling quite often against the background of overeating, eating disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gas builds up, causing distension and discomfort in the abdomen.

Causes in pregnant women are associated with changes in hormonal levels and uterine pressure. However, following the recommendations of doctors, this phenomenon can be successfully dealt with.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Video about the causes of gas formation

Why does the stomach swell:

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