
Eyes hurt when moving the eyeballs to the side, up. Causes for ARVI, colds, fever, what to do, how to treat

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If a person's eyes hurt during the movement of the eyeballs, the causes of such symptoms are not necessarily associated with diseases of the visual organs themselves. This can happen even with a common cold, overwork, or against the background of more serious pathological conditions.

Record content:

  • 1 Which doctor to contact
  • 2 Causes of eye pain when moving the eyeballs
    • 2.1 Overstrain, fatigue
    • 2.2 Ophthalmic causes of eye pain
    • 2.3 Inflammatory processes
    • 2.4 Pressure
    • 2.5 Incorrectly fitted glasses or prolonged wear of contact lenses
    • 2.6 Eye injury
    • 2.7 Other problems
  • 3 Drug treatment
  • 4 Adjunctive treatments
  • 5 Folk remedies
  • 6 Video about eye diseases

Which doctor to contact

If you experience discomfort and any alarming symptoms, you first need to visit a therapist who will give you a referral to an ophthalmologist. If you suspect diseases of the visual organs, you will need a consultation from a specialist with a narrower qualification - an ophthalmologist-surgeon.

Depending on the causes of the onset of pain, an additional consultation with an ENT specialist, a traumatologist and a neurologist may be required. As a rule, all examinations are free if you get a referral from the district clinic. On a paid basis, you can take tests and get a doctor's opinion in a private medical center, which is located in almost any major city in the country.

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Causes of eye pain when moving the eyeballs

Eyes hurt when moving the eyeballs for a variety of reasons. There are a number of common problems.

Overstrain, fatigue

If a person sits at a computer for a long time or focuses on a certain object, then this can cause pain in the eyes. In this case, it is enough to rest for a while and try not to look at a computer monitor, TV, tablet or phone. It is worth dimming the light and closing your eyes.

Also, similar symptoms can appear if a person gets physically tired, for example, from difficult work. With such an overexertion, the muscles that hold the eyes get tired.Eyes hurt when moving the eyeballs to the side, up. Reasons, what to do, how to treat

They begin to hurt when the eyeballs move. The muscular structures of the visual organs are also responsible for the focusing process. Therefore, if, in addition to painful sensations, there is a feeling of turbidity in the eyes, then this is another sign of overexertion.

This can happen against the background of constant stress, chronic fatigue syndrome. In such a situation, it is recommended to do exercises for the eyes - blink often, and then look into the distance, near and to the sides.

Ophthalmic causes of eye pain

Pain in the visual organs may appear against the background of pathologies of the eyeball. However, additional symptoms are usually observed.

For example, severe discomfort can appear when:

  • Blepharitis. This is an infectious disease, which is a manifestation of Staphylococcus aureus. With this disease, inflammation begins, which is localized at the edges of the eyelid. A patient suffering from blepharitis complains of increased sensitivity of the eyes, pain when moving the eyeballs, swelling and itching. Pus may begin to flow from the visual organs, which sticks together the eyelids. In an advanced stage, pathology can also cause vitamin deficiency, astigmatism, anemia and problems with the digestive system.Eyes hurt when moving the eyeballs to the side, up. Reasons, what to do, how to treat
  • Myositis. In this case, inflammation of the eye muscles is diagnosed. Patients complain that the most painful sensations appear when rolling the eyes and looking up. As the pathology aggravates, it becomes more difficult for a person to move his eyeballs. Additional symptoms include swelling of the eyelids, rapid overstrain when reading books and working at a computer. If you do not start treatment, then the eyes become impossible to move.
  • Glaucoma. This is a chronic type of disease that develops against the background of high eye pressure. With glaucoma, visual function decreases very quickly; if untreated, blindness occurs. The first symptom of this disease is that it is difficult for the patient to move the eyeballs to the sides. Additional signs include dilated pupils, pain in the eyes, puffiness, redness. Patients complain of frequent migraines, lacrimation and the fact that when looking directly, they see a dark spot. As a rule, older people, as well as patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, myopia, most often suffer from glaucoma. Often, pathology is diagnosed in heavy smokers and in people with impaired outflow-inflow of moisture in the eye cavities.
  • False myopia. Also, this pathology is called accommodation spasm, since the disease develops against the background of spasms of the eye muscles. If you do not start early treatment, then the patient will develop myopia or strabismus. Among the additional symptoms that appear in patients, it is worth highlighting rapid eye fatigue, frequent headaches, pain, burning sensation and lacrimation. Often, this pathology is diagnosed in schoolchildren and adolescents. The cause of the disease is that it is young people and girls who spend a lot of time for computer, thereby provoking the development of not only false myopia, but also overexertion, vitamin deficiency and osteochondrosis.
  • Destruction of the vitreous body. With this disease, the vitreous body of the eye organ is destroyed. In addition to pain, when moving the eyeballs, patients notice the appearance of so-called flies in front of the eyes. In fact, these are detached collagen particles. If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, then there is a great risk that complete detachment of the vitreous body will occur. Such destruction usually becomes a consequence of myopia, problems with blood circulation in the eyes, viruses or mechanical damage to the eyeballs.
  • Iritium. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the iris of the eye. Among the additional symptoms, blurred vision, the appearance of puffiness can be distinguished. A person may even have a change in their eye color. At the same time, patients note a delayed reaction to bright light and the fact that when looking up, a stronger feeling of discomfort appears. The pain can be localized not only in the eye area, but also spread to the eyebrows. As a rule, iritis develops on the background of an infection or allergy.
  • Uvete. Inflammatory processes occur directly in the vessels of the eyes. Often, this pathology does not manifest itself in any way. Some patients complain of increased sensitivity to light, tearing, pain when moving the eyeballs. Gradually, vision deteriorates and completely disappears if therapeutic measures are not taken.Eyes hurt when moving the eyeballs to the side, up. Reasons, what to do, how to treat
  • Dry eye syndrome. This pathology is characterized by an insufficient number of tears that are produced by the body. The syndrome can result from external or internal factors. Patients suffering from pathology complain of burning sensation in the eyes, a feeling of tightness and pain when moving the eyeballs.

Inflammatory processes

If a person suffers from a seasonal viral disease, then the body is overworked, the whole body begins to hurt, including the visual organs. Also, with ARVI and ARI, the temperature rises, which also increases the load on the eyes. Among the additional symptoms of such diseases, it is worth highlighting blurred vision, chills and fever.

Eyes hurt when moving the eyeballs and with the following health problems:

  • With frequent migraines. If the attacks of headaches are very strong, then it hurts the patient even to look directly, he constantly wants to squint. As a rule, painful sensations appear only on one side.
  • With sinusitis. This is an inflammation that is localized in the maxillary sinuses of the nose. In patients, swelling of the mucous membrane appears, an accumulation of purulent discharge begins. As a result, this leads to increased pressure on the eye socket and it becomes difficult for the patient to move the eyeballs.Eyes hurt when moving the eyeballs to the side, up. Reasons, what to do, how to treat
  • At the front. This disease is very similar to sinusitis, but the inflammation is localized in the frontal sinuses, that is, above the eye sockets. With frontal sinusitis, as well as with sinusitis, the patient's body temperature rises greatly.


Pain in the eyes when moving the eyeballs can cause increased intracranial pressure. Patients also report severe pain when blinking.

The pressure is the result of the fact that the cerebrospinal fluid begins to act on the walls of the ventricles of the human brain. It is very difficult and impossible to measure such pressure at home. However, if his jumps are strong, then this is extremely dangerous for a person.

The pressure also rises with cerebral hypertension. Additional symptoms of this pathology are very frequent migraines, redness of the eyes, and the formation of bruises under the eyes.

Patients often complain that the visual field is narrowing, that the eyes begin to double. You may also experience nausea, chills. These symptoms are especially dangerous if they appear in the morning. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Liquors can cause serious damage to the brain, which are infectious in nature.

Incorrectly fitted glasses or prolonged wear of contact lenses

If the glasses were not chosen in accordance with the diagnosis of the ophthalmologist, then the person begins to have frequent headaches, it becomes difficult to move the eyeballs. As a result, the pathology only begins to worsen, and vision becomes even worse. The same situation occurs if the lenses are incorrectly selected.

It is very easy to check that this is the problem. It is enough to observe your feelings if you do not wear glasses during the day. If the state of health improves, then this is the problem.Eyes hurt when moving the eyeballs to the side, up. Reasons, what to do, how to treat

Even if the lenses are selected correctly, they cannot be worn for a long time without removing them. This can provoke irritation of the visual organs. In no case should you leave your lenses while you sleep. In this case, problems with eye movement are guaranteed. Also, in the process of using lenses, there is a risk of infecting the eye if the recommendations for the use of such products are not followed.

Eye injury

If the patient complains of pain in only one eye, then the problem may have been triggered by a bruise, burn, or penetrating injury to the optic organ. In this case, vision begins to decrease very quickly, signs of conjunctivitis may appear, and hematomas form under the eyes.

Any damage of this type can result in loss of vision. The danger is also the accumulation of blood under the mucous membrane. In this case, the risk of retinal detachment and the occurrence of serious inflammatory processes increases.

Injury can lead to the detachment of a blood clot, which in turn is dangerous by narrowing or blockage of blood vessels.

Other problems

Eyes hurt when moving the eyeballs for a variety of reasons. There are a number of additional factors that can lead to unpleasant symptoms. For example, painful sensations may appear against the background of an allergic reaction to irritants.

These can be medicines, cosmetics, plant pollen, and more. When the stimulus is eliminated, the alarming symptoms disappear. In addition to pain, while moving the eyes, patients also complain of other signs of allergies - nasal congestion, drowsiness.

Also, pain in the eyes can appear against the background of neurosis, hypertension, benign and malignant neoplasms. Sometimes symptoms appear with dental diseases.Eyes hurt when moving the eyeballs to the side, up. Reasons, what to do, how to treat

The cause may be neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve). In this case, the patient also has a headache, vision deteriorates, and so-called blind spots appear. Among the additional symptoms, it is also worth highlighting the deterioration of color perception. This pathology can be infectious in nature, often it occurs against the background of caries or sinusitis.

Eye pain sometimes occurs when the skull is injured. Even if outwardly the damage is completely invisible, the patient will complain of pain when moving his eyes. It is caused by tissue edema or nerve endings that have been damaged.

Drug treatment

Since there are many different reasons leading to such symptoms, treatment depends on the specific diagnosis:

  • For infectious pathologies of a bacterial nature, antibiotics are prescribed. The doctor most often prescribes Amoxicillin. Antimicrobial agents in the form of drops (Tobrex or Levomycetin) can also be prescribed.
  • With the viral nature of the onset of pain, the patient is usually prescribed antiviral ointments (for example, Acyclovir), antiseptics of local action (Okomistin is more often prescribed), as well as anti-inflammatory and hormonal agents in the form drops.
  • If the soreness of the eyes is caused by allergies, then antihistamines will help get rid of the symptoms. As a rule, the doctor prescribes oral medications (Tavigil, Suprastin or others), as well as topical agents (for example, Allergodil drops). In severe situations, more potent drugs may be required, such as Dexamethasone, which belongs to the group of glucocorticoids.
  • If you need to quickly remove a very strong pain syndrome, then it can be stopped with the help of painkillers (Analgin, Ibuprofen). Antispasmodics (for example, No-shpa) will also be effective.Eyes hurt when moving the eyeballs to the side, up. Reasons, what to do, how to treat
  • If pain occurs against the background of an injury or damage to the eye, an anesthetic in the form of drops should be used first. Usually the doctor prescribes Inocaine or Diclofenac. You will also need ointments with a regenerating effect (for example, Solcoseryl), as well as anti-inflammatory drugs (Sofradex).
  • If the patient suffers from ordinary eye fatigue, it is usually enough to moisturize the mucous membrane to relieve unpleasant symptoms. For this, many pharmacy products are suitable, such as Visin or Sistane. Additionally, doctors often recommend starting to take vitamins that improve vision and enrich the tissues of the visual organs.
  • To reduce pressure in the eyes and when dryness appears on the mucous membrane of the optic organ, Irifrin is often used in the form of drops. If we are talking about dry eye syndrome, then it is worth purchasing Emoxipin or a remedy called Systane Ultra at the pharmacy.
  • If irritation occurs due to prolonged use of contact lenses, the drug Visoptic will help. However, if lenses or glasses were not fitted correctly, they must be replaced.

If the cause of the pain is strong eye strain while working at the computer, then, as a rule, the doctor recommends starting to do eye exercises. With minor problems, fatigue can be relieved with the help of the simplest traditional medicine.

For example, if you feel tired in your eyes, you need to brew tea bags. When it cools down, the tea bags must be applied to closed eyes. Lotions using calendula or chamomile also help well.

For more serious pathologies, for example, if the patient is diagnosed with cataract, an operation to implant an artificial lens of the eye is required.

Adjunctive treatments

Homeopathic medicines can help as an aid or in case the pain syndrome is not associated with a serious pathology.

Name of the homeopathic remedy For what symptoms is it recommended to use
Belladonna If there are sharp and even throbbing pains that are aggravated by bright light or loud sounds. It also helps with cramps in the eyes, migraines and increased lacrimation.Eyes hurt when moving the eyeballs to the side, up. Reasons, what to do, how to treat
Iris With severe throbbing pain, which is localized on one side, above the orbit.
Potassium iodatum If the deterioration of vision and the appearance of pain in the eyes is due to the development of glaucoma.
Bryony If, in addition to pain, there is also a feeling of discomfort, which intensifies only when the eyeballs move to the sides.
Aconitum With mechanical damage to the visual organs. Helps with severe pain associated with photophobia or high blood pressure.
Gelsemium Helps with dull pains that are localized in the back of the head, but give to the front of the head, eyes.

Eyes hurt when moving the eyeballs very often from fatigue. In addition to standard remedies, the doctor may also prescribe physiotherapy procedures. If the problems are more serious, then laser treatment, electrophoresis, may be required. Modern medicine often uses electroneurostimulation.

The course of treatment depends on the specific pathology and accompanying symptoms. Those who prefer self-treatment and buy "eye drops" at the pharmacy should take into account that most of these drugs only temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms.

At the same time, there is a risk that the disease that provoked the pain will continue to develop, adversely affecting a person's visual ability. That is why doctors usually prescribe not one drug, but a whole range of different drugs with different effects.

Folk remedies

Before starting such treatment, it is worth making an accurate diagnosis and consulting a doctor. Usually, ophthalmologists are not opposed to using traditional medicine as ancillary therapeutic measures.

For example, when a pain syndrome appears in the visual organs, it will help to get rid of discomfort:

  • Cornflower broth. To prepare the product, you need to pour 2 tsp. l. herbs with a glass of boiling water. The resulting liquid should be infused for about 30 minutes. After that, the broth is required to drain and rinse the eyes.
  • Oak bark infusion. This tool allows you to quickly get rid of dry eyes, and also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. For cooking, you need to pour 1 tbsp. l. oak bark with a glass of water and heat over low heat for about 5 minutes. After that, the broth must be allowed to brew. Cool it down and use it to rinse the eyes.Eyes hurt when moving the eyeballs to the side, up. Reasons, what to do, how to treat
  • For severe inflammation of the eyes, sage will help. To prepare the broth, you need to pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs 100 ml boiling water and put the liquid over low heat. As soon as the sage begins to boil, you need to turn off the stove and cool the liquid. After about 30 min. you can start treatment. To do this, you need to dip cotton pads in the broth, squeeze them out a little and use for the eyes in the form of compresses.
  • Parsley with carrots. This is a kind of vitamin cocktail for the eyes. To prepare a remedy, it is necessary to mix carrot and parsley juice in a ratio of 1: 3. The resulting product should be drunk every day 3-4 times before meals.
  • Rose hip. This plant helps with advanced conjunctivitis. Rosehip decoction helps to remove purulent masses. To prepare such a medicine, you need to pour 1 tbsp. boiling water 1 tbsp. l. dry or fresh rose hips. After that, you need to bring the product to a boil, remove it from the stove and leave for about 30 minutes. When the liquid has cooled down, you can dip cotton pads into it and make medical compresses for the eyes.
  • Potato. To get rid of pain in the eyes, you need to grate 1 potato on a coarse grater and immediately use the prepared gruel as an eye lotion. The procedure is performed 2-3 times a day. Potatoes need to be kept for about 10-15 minutes. After that, it is enough to rinse your eyes with lukewarm water. You can also prepare another remedy. To do this, you need to mix the potato gruel with the protein of the chicken egg. The resulting mixture is suitable for compresses that need to be applied for 15 minutes. several times a day.

Propolis solution, chamomile also helps well. If a person is diagnosed with glaucoma, then it is recommended to drink an infusion of woodlice, aloe juice. With an exacerbation of pain, nettle compresses help well.

The pharmacy sells various fees, which contain herbs that help improve vision. Therefore, it is recommended to take products with blueberries and St. John's wort.

If your eyes hurt every time you move your eyeballs, then you need to see a doctor. More than 80% of information a person receives through the use of the organs of vision. Therefore, the deterioration of this function has a very negative effect on daily life. In this regard, pathologies should be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner.

Video about eye diseases

Three causes of eye pain:

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