
Phenazepam tablets. Dosage 1, 2.5 mg, instructions for use, price

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  1. Composition and form of release
  2. Terms of sale, storage, prices
  3. Pharmacological properties
  4. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  5. Indications for use
  6. Contraindications
  7. Method of administration and dosage
  8. Side effects
  9. Excess dose
  10. special instructions
  11. Drug interactions
  12. Analogs
  13. Video about the drug Phenazepam

Phenazepam is psychotropic means of Russian production. It allows you to quickly stop fear, anxiety and other signs of nervousness. The product is produced in 2 dosage forms: tablets for oral administration and solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration. In this case, the active substance in tablets is contained in different dosages (0.5; 1 and 2.5 mg).

Composition and form of release

Phenazepam in tablet form are dispersible (dissolve in the oral cavity) tablets of white color, round and flat. For the convenience of dividing them, there is a dividing line on 2 sides. Tablets are placed in cellular blisters in the amount of 10 or 25 pieces.

The carton pack contains 5 blisters containing 10 tablets or 2 blisters containing 25 tablets. Also, the drug can be in a resealable white plastic jar in the amount of 50 tablets. The package with the medication contains instructions.

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The components of Phenazepam tablets are:

List of components Brief description of components
The main component
Bromodihydrochlorophenyl-benzodiazepine The substance eliminates convulsions, anxiety and fear. Reduces muscle tone, also has a hypnotic and sedative effect.
Auxiliary components
Lactose The element is a filler, and also gives the tablets a sweet taste, stabilizes the activity of the nervous system, improves the absorption of iron, magnesium and calcium. The element normalizes the activity of the digestive and cardiovascular systems.
Potato starch The component is a disintegrant (due to the component, the tablet quickly dissolves in the oral cavity), and also has an enveloping effect, protecting the gastric mucosa, strengthens the immune system.
Povidone The component attracts and removes (with feces) toxins from the body, and also activates the urine output.
Calcium stearate The element combines the constituents of the tablets and allows the tablets to maintain their desired shape.
Talc The component is a filler and thickener.
Phenazepam tablets 1, 2.5 mg. Dosage, instructions for use, price
Phenazepam 1, 2.5 mg.

In tablets, the active element may contain 0.5; 1 or 2.5 mg.

Terms of sale, storage, prices

Phenazepam tablets, the dosage of which is available in 3 concentrations, can be purchased in pharmacies only with a prescription. Sales restrictions are based on the fact that the drug can cause severe hallucinations and relaxation, in due to which it (before) was often acquired by people who abuse drugs and alcohol. Also, the drug is dangerous by the development of side effects.

It is required to store the medication at home away from the sun's rays, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius, and also away from children's accessibility. The shelf life of the drug is 36 months from the date of manufacture.

The price of Phenazepam tablets varies depending on the concentration of the active substance, region and place of sale.

Average price range for Phenazepam tablets:

Concentration of the main element in tablets Minimum price Maximum price
0.5 mg RUB 90 130 RUB
1 mg 110 RUB RUB 180
2,5 mg 150 rbl RUB 215

The drug is not always available at the pharmacy, so it is recommended to order it in advance.

Pharmacological properties

Tablets Phenazepam is a tranquilizer and has a sedative (eliminates anxiety, anxiety, fear), hypnotic, anticonvulsant, and relaxing effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Phenazepam tablets, the dosage of which is set strictly by the attending physician, contribute to normalization of psychological balance due to the following effect on the body:

  • have a hypnotic effect, eliminating insomnia;Phenazepam tablets 1, 2.5 mg. Dosage, instructions for use, price
  • relax muscle tissue by eliminating tone, thereby eliminating cramps;
  • inhibit the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • reduce the excitability of brain cells;
  • reduce the manifestation of reflexes;
  • suppress feelings of fear and anxiety;
  • normalize the absorption of calcium, iron and magnesium;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive and cardiovascular systems;
  • help to strengthen the immune system;
  • do not irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract;
  • help to accelerate the removal of toxins from the body;
  • cause temporary memory loss;
  • eliminate the symptoms of an epileptic seizure;
  • prevent the development of depression, but at the same time can cause the appearance of aggression, anger;
  • reduce daytime activity and reduce concentration of attention;
  • reduce the severity of hangover symptoms;
  • provoke the development of euphoria (a feeling of complete happiness, delight, bliss);
  • does not help to eliminate hallucinations caused by alcohol, drugs or mental health problems.

The effect of the medication is noted within approximately 2 hours after taking the pill and can last up to 18 hours. The active ingredient is excreted from the body in the urine.

Phenazepam tablets, even when taken correctly, can cause severe addiction and dependence, and cause the development of nervous disorders. At the same time, with prolonged use, the initial euphoria gradually turns into pronounced aggression, and the patient may also have suicidal thoughts. The drug should be canceled under the strict supervision of a physician. It is not uncommon for the procedure to be performed permanently.

Indications for use

Phenazepam tablets are prescribed by a doctor only if the following indications are present:

  • to suppress a pronounced attack of fear, panic attack, anxiety, and irritability;Phenazepam tablets 1, 2.5 mg. Dosage, instructions for use, price
  • mental imbalance in severe form, neuroses;
  • severe sleep disorder;
  • increased muscle tone, provoked by a violation of the nervous system;
  • severe symptoms of a hangover syndrome;
  • severe depression;
  • disruption of the nervous system;
  • hypochondriac syndrome. Pathology is expressed by concern for health status. The patient is constantly looking for symptoms of various diseases;
  • autonomic dysfunction. The disease is manifested by a deterioration in the activity of internal organs as a result of a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • in the combined treatment of epilepsy.

Phenazepam can be prescribed for the prevention of these conditions, and the agent is also used in preparation for general anesthesia before surgery.


Phenazepam tablets are strictly prohibited for use if the patient has the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the elements, as well as the likelihood of developing an allergy to the components of the drug;
  • shock or coma;
  • increased and rapid muscle fatigue;
  • severe acute alcohol and drug poisoning, accompanied by a strong weakening of the work of vital organs. As well as drug poisoning;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • impaired functioning of the lungs, since Phenazepam can exacerbate respiratory failure);
  • depression in an extremely severe form. The medication can increase the severity of suicidal tendencies;
  • carrying a child (especially in the 1st trimester), since the drug provokes the development of fetal defects. And when using the medication in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, it can provoke depression of the nervous system in a child.Phenazepam tablets 1, 2.5 mg. Dosage, instructions for use, price

If Phenazepam is used before childbirth, then the newborn will have a violation of breathing and the act of sucking, and the baby will not be able to maintain a normal body temperature. Moreover, if a pregnant woman took pills for a long time (during pregnancy), then the child is diagnosed with withdrawal symptoms after childbirth;

  • the patient's age is up to 18 years. The ban is due to the lack of safety tests of Phenazepam in childhood;
  • lactation. At the time of using the drug, it is necessary to transfer the baby to the mixture. If you continue to breastfeed, then the child may have a decrease in pressure, a violation of the rhythm of heart contractions and the development of suffocation.

Phenazepam tablets should be used with extreme caution under the following restrictions:

  • renal or hepatic impairment;
  • severe movement coordination disorder;
  • the presence of drug dependence;
  • a tendency to abuse psychoactive medications;
  • pronounced pathological motor activity;
  • violation of the state of brain tissue of an organic nature;
  • severe psychosis;
  • cessation of breathing at night;
  • the patient is over 65 years old;
  • low concentration of protein in the blood.

If even one item from the list of prohibitions is identified, Phenazepam is not used, but a drug of similar action is selected.

Method of administration and dosage

Phenazepam tablets must be taken orally. In this case, the medication should be kept on the tongue until it is completely dissolved. Further, the dissolved composition must be swallowed (it is not required to drink it). Depending on the type of pathology, the doctor selects an individual dosage (it is forbidden to select the dose yourself).

Features of taking Phenazepam tablets by type of indication:Phenazepam tablets 1, 2.5 mg. Dosage, instructions for use, pricePhenazepam tablets 1, 2.5 mg. Dosage, instructions for use, price

Purpose of appointment Single and daily dose Course and notes
Eliminate fear, panic attack and anxiety The initial dose may be 1-2 mg of the drug. Then, every 15 hours, 1 mg of the drug should be consumed. The tablets are used until the attacks are stopped.
Mental imbalance Use 0.5-1 mg of the drug up to 3 times every 24 hours. Then (after 2-4 days) the dose can be increased to 6 mg per day. The treatment period is assigned individually.
Sleep disturbance Take 0.25 or 0.5 mg approximately 0.5 hours before bedtime. The tablets are used no longer than 14 days (when used daily).
Increased muscle tone The drug is used at 2-3 mg up to 2 times every 24 hours. The drug is used until the muscle condition is normalized.
Hangover syndrome The tablets should be taken from 2 to 5 mg per day. Use the medication for no more than 2 days.
Depression The medication is taken in an amount of 2 mg every 15 hours. The course can be 10-14 days.
Disruption of the nervous system Phenazepam is taken at 1-3 mg up to 3 times a day. The duration of admission is individual.
Vegetative dysfunction The agent is prescribed at 0.5-1 mg per day. The course is up to 2 weeks.
Epilepsy Phenazepam take 2-10 mg per day. Taking the pills can last up to 60 days.
Prevention of pathologies Use 0.25-0.5 mg every day. The course can be up to 10 days.

Phenazepam tablets 1, 2.5 mg. Dosage, instructions for use, priceThe table shows the approximate dosages that can be used if the patient has no restrictions. A more accurate dose will be determined by the doctor, taking into account the patient's condition.

The classic single dosage of Phenazepam is 0.5-1 mg, and the daily dosage is up to 5 mg. The daily dose is required to be divided into 2-3 doses. On average, in the morning and in the afternoon, they consume 0.5-1 mg, and before going to bed, 2.5 mg. In this case, more than 10 mg of the drug should not be taken per day.

Advice. If the tablets are taken for more than 14 days, then the patient begins to develop addiction syndrome. Although in severe pathologies, it may be necessary to use the medication for up to 2 months. It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to stop the course of using the medication gradually.

Side effects

Taking Phenazepam tablets (especially a long course) can lead to the development of the following adverse reactions:

  • lowering the concentration of leukocytes;Phenazepam tablets 1, 2.5 mg. Dosage, instructions for use, pricePhenazepam tablets 1, 2.5 mg. Dosage, instructions for use, price
  • a sharp decrease in the protective functions of the body, manifested by an increase in sensitivity to infection;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • increased body temperature accompanied by fever;
  • a decrease in the level of iron in the blood. As a result, cells are deficient in oxygen and nutrients;
  • decrease in platelets, as a result, there is a slowdown in stopping bleeding;
  • constant sleepiness. The symptom is more common in older patients;
  • severe dizziness;
  • decreased concentration of attention;
  • slowness of motor and mental reactions;
  • violation of coordination of movement;
  • deterioration of consciousness and clarity of thoughts;
  • violation of gait;
  • headache;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • memory impairment;
  • motor disorders not only of the limbs, but also of the eyes;
  • pathological fatigue;
  • rapid muscle fatigue;
  • disruption of the speech apparatus;
  • exacerbation of epileptic seizures. It manifests itself mainly in patients with epilepsy;
  • outbursts of fear, anxiety;
  • the development of a depressive state and depression;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • exacerbation of insomnia;
  • dryness in the mouth, or vice versa, an increase in the amount of saliva;
  • decreased appetite;
  • violation of stool (constipation or diarrhea);
  • nausea, vomiting and heartburn may also occur;
  • pronounced euphoria;
  • double vision;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • deterioration of the liver, urinary tract and kidneys;
  • increased heart rate;
  • incontinence or vice versa urinary retention;
  • increased or decreased libido;
  • severe soreness in the lower abdomen during menstruation;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • weight loss;
  • various allergy symptoms (from itching to choking).

An equally dangerous side effect of taking Phenazepam tablets is the development of addiction, which is not always possible to get rid of on your own. Sometimes inpatient treatment is required. The dependence is manifested by severe irritability, lack of sleep, fever, sweating.

Excess dose

Phenazepam tablets (the dosage of the drug may increase with prolonged therapy) should not be taken in large doses (more than 10 mg per day), since drug poisoning has serious consequences:

  • with a pronounced form of depression of consciousness, cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest, symptoms can cause death;
  • the victim sleeps all the time;Phenazepam tablets 1, 2.5 mg. Dosage, instructions for use, price
  • lack of perception of the outside world;
  • pronounced decrease in reflexes;
  • bright speech impairment;
  • strong fluctuation of the pupil;
  • tremors of the limbs and convulsions;
  • a pronounced slowdown in the number of heartbeats;
  • a strong decrease in pressure;
  • violation of the composition of the blood with a sharp decrease in the level of iron, platelets and leukocytes;
  • lack of strength;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • severe cramps;
  • memory losses;
  • bright hallucinations;
  • profuse vomiting and diarrhea;
  • yellowing of the skin and white of the eyes due to deterioration of the liver;
  • swelling and lack of urine due to kidney failure;
  • an increase in the number of heart contractions;
  • coma.

In cases where no more than 40 minutes have passed after poisoning, the patient needs to rinse the stomach and give sorbents. Further symptomatic therapy. If more time has passed and the victim has severe symptoms, then an ambulance should be called urgently. Hardware blood purification is practically ineffective. And the introduction of glucose or saline solution intravenously relieves the patient's condition.

Taking Phenozepam tablets in an amount of 10 mg in combination with alcohol can be fatal.

special instructions

To use Phenazepam tablets, in order to reduce the severity of side effects, take into account the following special instructions:

  • since the tablets dissolve quickly from contact with liquid, so you need to take them only with dry hands;Phenazepam tablets 1, 2.5 mg. Dosage, instructions for use, price
  • if the patient has chronic pathologies, especially of the kidneys, heart and liver, it is required to monitor the change in the course of the disease;
  • if the patient does not abuse alcohol, and has not previously used psychoactive drugs, then the dosage of Phenozepam tablets is lower than the standard;
  • with depression, use the medication with caution, as it can increase the tendency to suicide;
  • for patients over 65 years of age, the drug must be used under special supervision;
  • when using the drug, it is forbidden to drive vehicles and perform dangerous work.

If a patient has any of the side effects, it is impossible to use Phenazepam tablets.

Drug interactions

Phenazepam tablets (the dosage cannot be increased on your own, as it is dangerous to health and can be fatal) can be used in combination therapy only after approval doctor.

Since taking the drug with the following means can harm your health:

  • Phenazepam lowers the effect of levodopa (the agent is used in the treatment of parkinsonism);
  • the toxicity of the antiviral drug Zidovudine increases;
  • the effectiveness of hypnotics, antiepileptic and antipsychotics, as well as ethanol-based painkillers is enhanced;
  • the side reaction from drugs used to normalize oxidative processes increases;
  • preparations containing enzymes to normalize liver activity reduce the effectiveness of Phenazepam.Phenazepam tablets 1, 2.5 mg. Dosage, instructions for use, price

In addition to the listed points, it should be borne in mind that Phenazepam enhances the effect of medications used to lower the pressure indicator.


Phenazepam tablets have a significant list of contraindications and an impressive list of side effects. If the patient has at least one of the points (from contraindications or side effects), then the doctor replaces the medication with the following analogues:

  • Afobazol. The tablets have a similar, but less pronounced, analogous effect. Available without a prescription. The price is about 500 rubles;
  • Selank. Nasal drops have an identical effect (less pronounced). Sold freely. The average cost is about 600 rubles;
  • Tranquesipam. Solution for injection and tablets. You can buy only with a prescription. The approximate price is about 200 rubles;
  • Mebikar. Pills. The tool has a small list of side effects and contraindications. Sold by prescription. The average cost is about 500 rubles;
  • Elzepam. Solution for injection and tablets. The average cost is approximately 150 rubles;
  • Adaptol. Pills. Allowed for admission from 10 years. You can buy the drug with a prescription. Average price RUB 800;
  • Stresam. Capsules. Available by prescription. Estimated cost 800 rubles.

A more complete list of analogues to Phenazepam tablets can be checked with your doctor. In this case, you can pick up more harmless medicines.

Phenazepam tablets are a potent and effective drug for eliminating the pathologies listed in this publication. Also, the drug has a budgetary cost, so its purchase is available to all segments of the population. The disadvantages of the drug include its large list of life-threatening side effects. In this regard, it is extremely important to strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Author: Kotlyachkova Svetlana

Video about the drug Phenazepam

Phenazepam how it works and why it is dangerous:

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