Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Kimmerly's anomaly in the cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment, consequences

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Kimmerli's anomaly is considered a rather rare condition, which has not been identified as a separate disease today, but refers to disorders of the spinal column.

Wherein there is a change in the cervical spine the structure of the first vertebra, which leads to the appearance of severe symptoms. There are several methods of therapy that are selected individually, taking into account the manifestations and characteristics of the course of the disease.

Record content:

  • 1 Types of vascular disorders in Kimmerli's anomaly
  • 2 Forms of pathology
  • 3 Reasons for development
  • 4 At-risk groups
  • 5 Symptoms
  • 6 Diagnosing Kimmerly's anomaly
  • 7 Disease therapy methods
    • 7.1 Conservative therapy
    • 7.2 Massages
    • 7.3 Massage pillow
    • 7.4 Physiotherapy
    • 7.5 Physiotherapy procedures
    • 7.6 Neck fixation with Shants collar
    • 7.7 Surgery
    • 7.8 The use of folk recipes in treatment
  • 8 Why is pathology dangerous without treatment? Complications of the disease
  • 9 Is it possible to live with this pathology? Life span
  • 10 Kimmerly anomaly video

Types of vascular disorders in Kimmerli's anomaly

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Kimmerli's anomaly is a pathological condition in which a small bony arch forms in the atlas or the first vertebra of the cervical spine. It compresses arteries and nerve endings, which leads to poor nutrition in the brain and many negative symptoms.

There are several types of vascular disorders in the development of a similar condition:Kimmerly's anomaly in the cervical spine. Symptoms, treatment, consequences

Type of violation


Atherosclerotic changes With such violations, symptoms are especially acute, provoked by the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Constant squeezing of the vessels leads to the formation of foci, which become a favorable environment for plaque attachment. This type of disorder is quite common and is considered common.
Damage to the walls of blood vessels With this type of pathology, the state of the vascular wall deteriorates significantly, which contributes to the formation of thinned foci. Various factors can lead to damage to the vessel wall and other complications. The disorder is less common, but considered more serious.
Increased intracranial pressure This type of violation is also considered common. The mechanism of its development is based on the constant compression of the vessels supplying blood to the brain. As a result, there is an increase in intracranial pressure and the development of pronounced clinical manifestations.

Determination of the type of pathology is carried out during the diagnosis. As a rule, it is impossible to classify a condition by external signs.

Forms of pathology

Kimmerli's anomaly in the cervical spine or atlas malformation in different patients proceeds with different symptoms, depending on the form of the disorder.

Today, doctors distinguish several forms. Depending on the side of the lesion, unilateral and bilateral anomaly occurs. In the first case, only one vessel is squeezed on one side of the vertebra, while on the other side there are no pathologies.Kimmerly's anomaly in the cervical spine. Symptoms, treatment, consequences

In the second case, an arc forms on both sides and squeezes both vessels, which aggravates the symptoms and more often provokes complications.

In addition, there is a congenital and acquired type of the disease. The first is diagnosed at primary school age, but the arc is formed already during intrauterine development. Experts today cannot name the exact reason for such changes.

The acquired form is considered more dangerous, develops against the background of other diseases of the spinal column and is often complicated. In this case, symptoms can appear at a young or more mature age.

Depending on the degree of neglect of the condition, a complete and incomplete form of the disease is distinguished. With a full degree, a severe course of the condition is noted, provoked by the conjugation of an abnormal bone arch with another ligament of the atlas. In this case, a gradual thickening of the arc occurs due to the deposition of calcium salts and an increase in the load on the arteries.

With an incomplete anomaly, the patient's condition worsens gradually, since the arch is not associated with other ligaments of the vertebra. Symptoms are usually mild, but with an unfavorable course, it can worsen and turn into a full form.

Reasons for development

The causes of the congenital form of the pathology have not been identified.

However, the acquired anomaly develops as a result of the influence of several predisposing factors:

  • Severe osteochondrosis, in which it is the cervical spine that is affected and the load on the first vertebra is shifted, which leads to the formation of a bone arch that squeezes the vessels.Kimmerly's anomaly in the cervical spine. Symptoms, treatment, consequences
  • A severe course of arterial hypertension, in which there is a gradual deterioration of the vascular condition, as well as other disorders.
  • Congenital pathologies localized in the area of ​​the junction of the skull with the spinal column.
  • Injuries to the spinal column in the cervical or thoracic region, which inevitably lead to a shift in the load.
  • Instability of the vertebrae of the neck as a result of pathologies of the ligaments and the muscular apparatus.
  • Pathology of the vessels of the neck, in which they pass near the place where they are located normally.
  • Damage to the clavicle or shoulder on the side where the arch is localized. In this case, a unilateral anomaly is usually diagnosed.
  • Open and closed skull injuries.
  • Osteoarthritis of the cervical spine, in which there is a gradual destruction of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs.

In addition, the cause of the anomaly can be constant and heavy physical exertion, in which a person constantly makes sudden head movements.

At-risk groups

Kimmerli's anomaly in the cervical spine can occur in any patient, but there are risk groups, including people who are professionally involved in any kind of sport or have chronic diseases vertebrae.Kimmerly's anomaly in the cervical spine. Symptoms, treatment, consequences

In addition, the risk group can include patients who have a history of skull or spine trauma, as well as a hereditary predisposition.

There is a high probability of developing an anomaly in people whose professional activities are associated with regular and long-term loads on the spinal column, as well as being constantly in a sitting position, when the load on vertebrae.

Patients with weak muscular and ligamentous apparatus and vascular diseases are at risk and more susceptible to impairment.


Symptoms of the disease can be mild or severe, depending on the form of the disorder and other features.

The first manifestation is considered to be headache and dizziness, which occurs as a result of insufficient blood supply to the brain and the development of oxygen starvation. The patient notes that the pain does not depend on the time of day or blood pressure indicators, but more often occurs in the evening or after heavy exertion.Kimmerly's anomaly in the cervical spine. Symptoms, treatment, consequences

The headache can be so severe that it provokes vomiting, which does not bring relief to the patient. If the patient develops a one-sided form of the disease, the pain is localized only in one part of the head, where there is a deficiency of blood supply.

In addition, the patient is worried about blurred vision, as well as blurred eyes, the appearance of flies, veils or stars. As a rule, such phenomena are short-term, but as the condition progresses, they appear more and more often.

Almost always, the anomaly is accompanied by tinnitus, as well as impaired coordination of movements, the development of sudden weakness of the muscles of the limbs.

Patients are worried about other manifestations:

  • Decreased appetite, weakness.
  • Weight loss, deterioration of the skin.
  • A sharp change in mood, the development of depression and stress.
  • Fainting provoked by vasospasm.
  • Short-term disorders of the sensitivity of the skin.
  • Sudden loss of balance and fall without fainting.
  • Irritability.
  • Sleep disturbance provoked by vasospasm and pain.
  • Nightmares.
  • A significant decrease in performance and a deterioration in mental activity.

In addition, the patient may be concerned about pain in the cervical spine, as well as numbness of the facial skin. The latter manifestation appears from time to time, usually with significant loads.

Diagnosing Kimmerly's anomaly

Kimmerli's anomaly is quite easy to diagnose, since localization in the cervical spine provokes a number of symptoms that indicate the defeat of the Atlantean.Kimmerly's anomaly in the cervical spine. Symptoms, treatment, consequences

The first method is to interview and examine the patient. The neuropathologist listens to the patient's complaints, specifies the time of their manifestation and the duration of the course of the condition. In addition, he examines the affected area, assesses the condition of the skin and muscles. After that, he tries to identify the presumptive cause of the disorder, which facilitates treatment.

A mandatory method is a general and biochemical blood test, in which the patient's condition is assessed, signs of inflammation and other abnormalities are detected. The blood is taken from a vein and then sent to the laboratory.

After that, the patient is sent for x-ray of the cervical spine and skull. In the pictures you can see the degree of deviation, but in general terms. For a more complete examination, an ultrasound examination of the vessels is carried out, in which it is possible to assess the degree of filling of the arteries and the speed of blood flow through them.

However, the most accurate and informative method today is considered to be magnetic resonance imaging.

The method helps to identify the degree and shape of the lesion, assess the general condition of the damaged area, and also detect even minor deviations that may not be visible on an x-ray. Based on the diagnostic data, the doctor chooses the method of treatment that will bring the best result and help prevent complications.

Disease therapy methods

Depending on the degree of neglect of the disease, as well as the presence of complications, the doctor chooses conservative, surgical or alternative methods of therapy. A combined scheme is often used, in which several of the most effective methods are used.

Conservative therapy

Kimmerli's anomaly in the cervical spine is difficult to treat with conservative methods, but some remedies help improve blood circulation and ease the course of the disease.

The most effective medicines:

  • Cinnarizine - a pill medication that improves the nutrition of the brain tissues, stimulates the patient's memory and prevents movement coordination disorders. Tablets should be taken orally 1 piece 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 2-4 weeks, depending on the severity of the symptoms. The drug is considered to be very effective and relatively safe.
    Kimmerly's anomaly in the cervical spine. Symptoms, treatment, consequences
    Cinnarizine tablets
  • Actovegin - means for improving metabolic processes in tissues. When taking pills, the risk of developing cell hypoxia is reduced, which is an important element of treatment. In each case, the duration of admission may differ, but usually the patient is prescribed a course of 2-3 weeks. It is necessary to take 1 tablet 3 times a day. In the absence of a result, the course can be extended.
  • Cavinton - a drug to improve the condition of blood vessels and normalize blood circulation. It is prescribed as a course of 10-14 days with a daily introduction of 2 ml of the drug intravenously using a dropper. Before the introduction of 2 ml of the solution is added to 200 ml of sodium chloride 0.9%. The procedures are carried out in the clinic or in the hospital of the neurological department.Kimmerly's anomaly in the cervical spine. Symptoms, treatment, consequences
  • Trental - a vasodilator medication that allows you to increase the amount of blood flowing to the brain. The drug is prescribed only to patients who do not have symptoms of hypotension, since the solution lowers blood pressure. The procedures are carried out daily, 5 ml of Trental is added to 200 ml of sodium chloride, injected using a dropper. The minimum course duration is 10 days, if necessary, it can be extended to 14-20 days.
  • Cortexin - a remedy that is often used to normalize blood circulation in the brain and eliminate pain. Before intramuscular administration, the powder is dissolved in 2 ml of the solvent, which is attached to each bottle. 1 injection is made per day, the course lasts from 10 to 20 days.
  • Piracetam - one of the most effective means that improves memory, attention and stimulates the brain by normalizing blood circulation and metabolic processes in it. The patient receives intravenously daily from 5 to 10 ml of solution. Treatment lasts up to 2 weeks.
  • Ketorol - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, which is prescribed for severe headache. The tool helps not only to eliminate discomfort, but also to reduce body temperature. Tablets are taken no more than 2 times a day, 1 piece. The course of treatment should not last more than 7 days, since the drug negatively affects the condition of the digestive tract.
  • Enap - an antihypertensive agent, which is prescribed when an anomaly is combined with hypertension. The tablets are taken in courses or on an ongoing basis. The daily dosage is 5-20 mg, depending on blood pressure indicators. Usually, the medication is used in combination with other drugs that enhance its effectiveness.
  • Furosemide - a short-acting loop diuretic, which is prescribed to patients in combination with antihypertensive drugs. The drug helps to reduce blood pressure, it is prescribed in short courses of 3-5 days with a daily injection of 2-4 ml of the drug intramuscularly in the morning.
  • Sirdalud - a muscle relaxant used in combination with other agents and relieves muscle tension, as well as improves tissue nutrition. Tablets should be taken 2 times a day, 1 piece. The course of therapy lasts no more than 14 days.Kimmerly's anomaly in the cervical spine. Symptoms, treatment, consequences

In each case, the treatment regimen includes several agents. The dosage and duration of use is determined individually.


In the absence of contraindications, patients are prescribed a course of massage aimed at improving tissue nutrition in the cervical spine and eliminating muscle spasm.

The massage is done only by a specialist in a medical institution. The duration of the procedure is 20-40 minutes. The course consists of 15-20 sessions with a frequency of 2-3 days. The movements of the specialist during the manipulation should be careful, the patient should not feel pain or discomfort.

With careless massage, complications may develop, so it is important not to do it yourself and not contact dubious specialists.

Massage pillow

In specialized stores, you can purchase massage cushions equipped with rollers that simulate finger movement. At the same time, the patient can relieve his condition on his own at home.

It is worth remembering that before purchasing a pillow, you must consult a doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications to its use.


Kimmerli's anomaly in the cervical spine requires constant muscle development in order to improve blood circulation and prevent the deposition of calcium salts, which aggravate the course of the pathology. All movements during gymnastics should be careful, slow.Kimmerly's anomaly in the cervical spine. Symptoms, treatment, consequences

Most often, it is recommended to do several exercises:

  • Turning the head in different directions. Repeat 10 times in each direction.
  • Rotation of the head clockwise and counterclockwise, repeat 20 seconds in each direction.
  • Head tilts forward and backward, right and left. Repeat 10 times in each direction.
  • Raising the shoulders in a standing position with arms lowered along the body. Do 20 lifts.

This complex, if done correctly, will not harm the patient. Other exercises should only be done under medical supervision. Exercise should be done daily in the morning.

Physiotherapy procedures

Some physiotherapy methods help improve tissue nutrition and normalize metabolic processes. Most often, patients are prescribed electrophoresis and magnetotherapy.

Electrophoresis involves the impact on the problem area of ​​electrical impulses that promote muscle relaxation, stimulate vasodilation and blood flow to the brain. The procedure lasts 20 minutes and is carried out 3 times a week for a month.

During magnetotherapy, a magnetic field acts on the problem area, which improves the condition of the vertebrae, discs and muscles. After 10-15 sessions, the patient feels better. The minimum duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, it is carried out at least 3 times a week.

Neck fixation with Shants collar

The Shants collar is a rather thick and large foam cushion that helps to fix the cervical vertebrae in the right position to relieve pressure on the vessels.Kimmerly's anomaly in the cervical spine. Symptoms, treatment, consequences

Usually the device is worn during the daytime, removed before bedtime. It is used in advanced cases and concomitant muscle pathologies.


Surgery is indicated when none of the conservative and alternative methods has brought the expected result. The essence of the operation is to remove the bone arch and release the vessels.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, the rehabilitation period lasts up to 4-8 weeks. In this case, a Shants collar is required, which will reduce the load on the operated tissues.

The use of folk recipes in treatment

Alternative medicine recipes do not help to cope with the disease, but are sometimes used to normalize blood pressure and improve blood circulation.

Honey compresses help relieve tension and improve blood circulation. Before going to bed, apply a thin layer of honey to the collar area and attach a piece of cloth or polyethylene. Repeat therapy for 7-10 consecutive days.

To reduce pressure, you can prepare a tincture of motherwort. For 100 ml of alcohol, you will need 20 g of pre-dried and crushed rhizomes of the plant. The medicine should be infused for 14 days. After that, take 25 drops 2 times a day for 14 days.Kimmerly's anomaly in the cervical spine. Symptoms, treatment, consequences

It is worth remembering that self-medication can significantly worsen the patient's condition, therefore, non-traditional methods are allowed to be used only after consulting a doctor.

Why is pathology dangerous without treatment? Complications of the disease

Lack of treatment will certainly provoke complications. The most common is the weakening of the muscles and difficulty in movement in the affected area. In this case, the patient's movements are limited, cause discomfort.

In addition, blockage of the arteries is possible, which leads to a sharp decrease in the amount of blood entering the brain. Compression of arteries can lead to the most dangerous complication of ischemic stroke. The condition often provokes death.

Is it possible to live with this pathology? Life span

Subject to the doctor's recommendations and mild course with Kimmerli's anomaly, it is quite possible to live a normal life. If the course is unfavorable and surgical intervention is required, then after the operation it is possible to return to the usual way of life.

Life expectancy is greatly reduced in the absence of treatment and the rapid progression of the condition, as the risk of ischemic stroke increases.

However, the anomaly itself does not affect life expectancy if the patient regularly visits a doctor. It is noted that many people do not know about the presence of the disease before complications appear, and the condition often resembles other deviations.

Kimmerli's anomaly is a rather rare disease that can be mild or severe, congenital and acquired. The lesion is localized in the cervical spine, which is dangerous if left untreated. However, if all the recommendations are followed, the prognosis for the patient is almost always favorable, and recovery occurs quickly.

Kimmerly anomaly video

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