Respiratory System

Strepsils throat spray. Instructions for use with lidocaine for children, adults, price, reviews

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Spray Strepsils is effective medicine for throat treatment and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The drug has pronounced antiseptic properties, providing a bacteriostatic effect.

Strepsils spray can be used as an independent medication for the treatment of a local inflammatory process, or it can be used in combination with other drugs. This antiseptic is produced by the British pharmaceutical company Reckitt Benckiser.

Record content:

  • 1 Indications for use
  • 2 Compound
  • 3 In what form is it produced
  • 4 Pharmacodynamics
  • 5 Pharmacokinetics
  • 6 Application
    • 6.1 For children under 18
    • 6.2 For adults
    • 6.3 For pregnant
    • 6.4 For the elderly
  • 7 Contraindications
  • 8 Overdose
  • 9 Side effects
  • 10 Drug interactions
  • 11 Storage conditions and periods
  • 12 Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies
  • 13 Analogs
  • 14 Video about Strepsils throat spray

Indications for use

Spray Strepsils is indicated for the treatment of children, adult men and women who suffer from the following diseases of the throat, mucous membranes and epithelial tissues of the oral cavity:

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  • chronic tonsillitis of a bacterial origin (the main components of the drug suppress the further activity of the pathogenic microflora);Strepsils throat spray. Instructions for use with lidocaine, price, reviews
  • gingivitis and inflammatory periodontal disease;
  • severe sore throat caused by colds, SARS and other diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • recurrent type aphthae, which are localized in the oral cavity;
  • sore throat or tonsillitis, which is in the stage of exacerbation;
  • stomatitis of a bacterial or fungal nature of origin (candidiasis);
  • acute or chronic laryngitis;
  • inflammation of the vocal cords, accompanied by complete or partial loss of voice;
  • acute or chronic pharyngitis.

Strepsils throat spray can be used during the rehabilitation period of patients who have undergone surgical removal of the tonsils. The drug is indicated for use as a local therapeutic agent that acts directly on the focus of the pathological process.

Spray Strepsils has the following properties:

  • relieves acute and chronic inflammation, restoring the normal functionality of the tissues of the throat and oral cavity;
  • eliminates the edematous state of the mucous membrane, facilitating breathing during the acute phase of the development of the disease;
  • has a local anesthetic effect, which makes this remedy very effective for angina, acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • exhibits a pronounced antiseptic effect, suppressing the pathogenic activity of most gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms;
  • prevents the further development of fungal infections that parasitize the mucous membrane of the throat or oral cavity (similar symptoms are characteristic of candidal stomatitis or tonsillitis).

The therapeutic properties of the drug are most pronounced if Strepsils is used immediately after the first signs of infection of the throat with a bacterial or fungal infection appear. The combined use of other anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs only enhances the effect of the spray.


Strepsils throat spray has a combined chemical composition with several active ingredients that have different therapeutic effects. The table below describes in detail the main and auxiliary substances of the drug, as well as their pharmacological purpose.

Strepsils throat spray. Instructions for use with lidocaine, price, reviews
Strepsils throat spray
Spray components Strepsils Characterization of chemicals
Amylmetacresol Amylmetacresol is the active substance of Strepsils spray, the concentration of which is 0.29 mg. This chemical compound has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimycotic effect.
Lidocaine The main purpose of this active ingredient is to provide an analgesic effect. Lidocaine eliminates the feeling of pain in a sore throat, which helps to alleviate unpleasant symptoms. The mass fraction of this component is 0.58 mg.
2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol This chemical compound is also the main substance of Strepsils spray. 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol provides a local anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and decongestant effect. The concentration of this substance is 0.78 mg.
Lemon acid Citric acid is an excipient of Strepsils spray, which acts as a natural and safe preservative.
Peppermint leaf essential oil The presence of essential oil obtained from the leaves of the medicinal plant peppermint provides the drug with a pleasant aroma, gives it anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. This component of the drug is auxiliary.
Purified water Industrial refined drinking water is used as an excipient that forms the liquid base of the spray.
Saccharin Saccharin is an additional component of Strepsils, which gives it a pleasant sweetish taste, neutralizing the bitterness of the active ingredients.
Anise seed essential oil Natural essential oil, obtained by industrial processing of the seeds of the medicinal plant anise, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Despite its therapeutic properties, this substance in the Strepsils spray performs an auxiliary function.
Azorubin Azorubin is an excipient of an antiseptic solution, which is a synthetic dye. Due to the presence of this component, Strepsils spray has a rich red tint. In the pharmaceutical and food industries, azorubin can also be found under the E122 label.
Uncrystallized solution of sorbitol with a concentration of 70% Liquid sorbitol is an additional component of this drug, which is a preservative for the chemical composition of the spray, and also provides the drug with a pleasant sweetish taste. This substance is completely safe for people suffering from diabetes.
Glycerol Glycerol is an auxiliary component of Strepsils spray, which is used to create a homogeneous mass of a drug. It also functions as a universal solvent for all active and auxiliary substances that make up a liquid medicine.
Levomenthol Levomenthol is an additional component of the drug that has anti-edema properties, enhancing the effect of the main substances of the drug.

Strepsils throat spray contains a large number of active and auxiliary components, the complex action of which ensures the achievement of a positive therapeutic effect.

In what form is it produced

Spray Strepsils is produced in the form of a solution with a rich red color and a characteristic medicinal odor, which is poured into glass vials with a capacity of 20 ml. The top of the bottle is closed with a white cap, and is also equipped with a dosing device.Strepsils throat spray. Instructions for use with lidocaine, price, reviews

On average, 1 bottle of Strepsils spray is designed for 70 doses. This amount of the drug is enough to undergo a full course of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory therapy for the throat, as well as the oral cavity. The main packaging of the drug is a box made of thick cardboard, inside which contains detailed instructions for using the spray.


The pharmacodynamic features of Strepsils spray are its local action. After spraying the drug on the surface of the mucous membrane of the throat or oral cavity, a uniform distribution of the solution occurs. Lidocaine acts on local nerve endings, providing a pronounced analgesic effect.

Despite the presence of an acute inflammatory process, a person does not feel acute pain, it is easier to tolerate the symptoms of the disease throughout the entire period of the development of the disease. The mucous membrane and epithelial tissues treated with the spray become numb.

Amylmetacresol and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol have a local antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect. These substances also prevent the development of fungal microorganisms that parasitize on the surface of the mucous membrane of the throat and mouth due to a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system.

The pharmacodynamics of Strepsils spray allows you to use the drug for the treatment of local inflammatory diseases that occur without signs of complications. In most cases, the drug is included in other therapeutic complexes with more pronounced pharmacological properties.


From all active components of the Strepsils spray the most pronounced pharmacokinetic activity is possessed by lidocaine. This substance quickly penetrates the membrane of the mucous membrane, saturating the tissues of the throat and oral cavity, and also enters the bloodstream.

The metabolism of lidocaine is carried out in the liver tissues, and its half-life is at least 2 hours.Strepsils throat spray. Instructions for use with lidocaine, price, reviews

Most of the metabolites of lidocaine are excreted by the kidneys. Other active substances of the drug in the form of amylmetacresol and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol do not have pronounced absorption into the bloodstream. The pharmacokinetics of these components is characterized by exclusively local action. Therefore, in this direction, more detailed laboratory studies have not been carried out.


Strepsils throat spray is a safe drug that can have a quick therapeutic effect. The drug is indicated for use in children and adults of all ages.

For children under 18

Spray Strepsils is approved for the treatment of the throat and oral cavity in children who are 12 years old and older. The application of the drug is carried out directly on the inflamed surface of the throat or oral mucosa, for the treatment of which it is necessary to perform 2 presses on the dosing valve of the bottle.

After completing these actions, 1 dose of Strepsils spray will be sprayed. The standard dosage for children over 12 years old is to treat the throat and mouth every 3 hours with 1 dose of medication. In order to avoid the appearance of signs of overdose, it is recommended to use no more than 6 doses of the spray within 24 hours.

For adults

Patients in the adult age group follow the same dosage rules for the drug. The inflamed area of ​​the throat or oral mucosa is irrigated with Strepsils spray every 3 hours for 1 dose. In this case, the order of food intake does not matter.Strepsils throat spray. Instructions for use with lidocaine, price, reviews

After using the antiseptic solution for 15 minutes. it is recommended not to drink any drinks in order to exclude the washing off of the active components of the drug. The maximum duration of therapy with Strepsils spray is no more than 5 days. In case of deterioration of health, it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital.

For pregnant

Spray Strepsils is contraindicated for women who are pregnant and breastfeeding. An antiseptic solution is used with extreme caution and only in extreme cases, if the potential benefit of the medication is higher than the risk of developing complications and pathologies of the child's development.

For the elderly

Elderly patients should treat the inflamed surface of the mouth and throat with Strepsils spray every 3 hours for 1 dose. Spraying of an antiseptic solution is carried out directly on the focus of localization of pain syndrome or an infectious process.

The maximum duration of treatment should not exceed 5 days. The active components of the drug do not have a negative effect on the body of older people, therefore, a special dosage adjustment is not needed.


Spray Strepsils has a minimum number of restrictions on use.

The drug is contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to one of the main or auxiliary components, which is most often expressed in the form of an allergic reaction (the appearance of a rash, itching and redness of the skin surface, swelling of the mucous membrane shell);
  • children under the age of 12;
  • pregnancy and lactation of the baby by the breast.Strepsils throat spray. Instructions for use with lidocaine, price, reviews

A small number of contraindications are explained by the local spectrum of action of the drug and the low absorption of its active ingredients. Depending on the type of throat or oral cavity disease, the attending physician may detect other factors that exclude the possibility of using Strepsils spray.


In medical practice, there have not yet been cases of overdose with Strepsils spray. If the dosing rules are violated, a feeling of prolonged numbness of tissues located in the upper respiratory tract, oral cavity and esophagus is not excluded.

In the event of this symptomatology, it is recommended to refrain from eating too hot food and drink. This is necessary in order to avoid thermal burns of the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat and esophagus.

Side effects

All side effects that occur after using Strepsils spray are associated with individual intolerance to the main or auxiliary components of the drug.

In this case, the manifestation of the following symptoms is not excluded:

  • itching of the tissues of the proud and oral cavity;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • feeling of dry mouth;
  • the appearance of itching and a red rash on the skin around the mouth and on the neck (this side effect is very rare);
  • sore throat and dry cough;Strepsils throat spray. Instructions for use with lidocaine, price, reviews
  • swelling of the tissues of the throat and mouth, to which the antiseptic solution was applied;
  • temporary loss of sensitivity of the tongue (in most cases, this side effect of the medication goes away on its own 2-3 hours after applying the spray).

The occurrence of side effects caused by taking Strepsils spray requires discontinuation of therapy with this drug. It is also recommended to seek additional advice from the attending physician who prescribed the use of this antiseptic solution.

Drug interactions

According to laboratory data, Strepsils spray does not interact with other drugs. There are no restrictions on the simultaneous use of an antiseptic solution with medicines of other pharmacological groups.

Storage conditions and periods

Spray Strepsils should be stored in a cool and dark place, where the air temperature does not exceed +30 degrees Celsius. The drug must be placed away from children. The maximum shelf life of the medication is 3 years, after which the further use of the spray is contraindicated.

Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies

Spray Strepsils can be purchased at retail pharmacy chains without a prescription. The average cost of an antiseptic is 225 to 260 rubles. per bottle with a capacity of 20 ml.


For the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the throat, oral cavity, as well as the elimination of acute pain, the following drugs can be used, which are analogs of Strepsils spray:Strepsils throat spray. Instructions for use with lidocaine, price, reviews

  • Deflu Silver - the average cost of a medicine in pharmacies is 240 rubles. for a bottle with a capacity of 30 ml;
  • Givalex spray - an effective antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent for the oral cavity, which can be purchased for 280 rubles. (the volume of the vial with the medicinal solution is 50 ml);
  • Fiorda spray - a drug for the treatment of sore throat and diseases of the oral mucosa (for the purchase of this medication does not require a prescription from the attending physician, and its average cost is 275 rub.);
  • Sanorin Lor - an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of throat infections, pathological condition of the periodontal and oral mucosa (the price of the drug is 290 rub. per bottle with a capacity of 30 ml);
  • Broncho Veda - an antimicrobial spray on a natural basis, which is intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the throat and oral cavity (the average cost of a medication is 180 rubles. per bottle with a capacity of 30 ml).

Spray Strepsils is an effective drug with a local spectrum of action. The medication is intended for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity, the elimination of the feeling of severe pain, the destruction of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

The active components of the drug are effective against fungal microorganisms from the genus Candida, which makes it possible to use the spray in the treatment of candidal stomatitis. Strepsils is available in the form of a liquid solution with a rich red tint. The medication has a minimum number of contraindications and practically does not cause adverse reactions.

Video about Strepsils throat spray

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