Respiratory System

Lysozyme tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, composition, reviews, price

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Lysozyme is tablets intended for absorption in the oral cavity. The drug has a similar composition with the original products, but is offered to consumers at a more affordable price and at the same time has a similar effect.

Record content:

  • 1 Indications for use
  • 2 Compound
  • 3 In what form is it produced
  • 4 Pharmacodynamics
  • 5 Pharmacokinetics
  • 6 Application
    • 6.1 For children under 18
    • 6.2 For adults, pregnant women and the elderly
  • 7 Contraindications
  • 8 Overdose
  • 9 Side effects
  • 10 Drug interactions
  • 11 Storage conditions and periods
  • 12 Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies
  • 13 Analogs
    • 13.1 Lizobact
    • 13.2 Laripront
    • 13.3 Hexalysis
    • 13.4 Faringosept
    • 13.5 Imudon
  • 14 Video about Lysozyme

Indications for use

Lysozyme - tablets for resorption, which are recommended for the maintenance and stimulation of local immunity of the mucous membranes.

The drug should be used under the following conditions:

  • infection of tissues in the oral cavity, larynx with gingivitis, stomatitis;
  • catarrhal phenomena in the upper respiratory tract;
  • aphthous lesions of the mucous membranes;Lysozyme tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, composition, price
  • professional laryngitis;
  • herpes rash.
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In addition to the listed pathologies, Lysozyme can be used for prophylaxis after contact with infected people.


Each tablet contains the following substances:

lysozyme 20 mg
pyridoxine 0.1-0.3 mg
pantothenic acid 1.2 mg

In addition to active ingredients, the composition includes excipients:

  • tragacanth gum;
  • milk sugar;
  • flavoring;
  • stearate Mg.

Some preparations with lysozyme do not contain pantothenic acid.

In what form is it produced

Lysozyme are lozenges that are manufactured by several pharmaceutical companies:

  • Hexalysis - 30 pcs. from the Bouchard-Recordati Laboratory, 300 rubles;
  • Lysozyme + vitamin B6 - 30 pcs. from BIOTerra;
  • BAA Lysozyme for throat - 25 pcs. from Evalar;
  • Lizobakt - 30 pcs. from BOSNALIJEK;
  • Laripront - 20 pcs. from MACK;
  • Lysozyme - 30 pcs. from A-LAB.
    Lysozyme tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, composition, price
    Lysozyme lozenges

In addition to these drugs, other structural analogs can be presented on the market.


Pharmacologically, lysozyme refers to antibacterial agents - enzymes of the hydrolase subclass. The therapeutic activity consists in the destruction of the cell walls of bacterial bodies. This happens as a result of hydrolysis of peptidoglycans - heteropolymers of N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid, linked by lactate particles of peptide chains.

Under natural conditions, lysozyme in the highest concentration is found in the composition of saliva, which explains its antimicrobial properties, nasopharyngeal mucus, lacrimal fluid and on the inner lining of the gastrointestinal path. During breastfeeding, the body secretes lysozyme along with breast milk.

At the same time, the concentration six months after the birth of the child begins to increase for natural reasons in order to prevent infection of the developing baby.Lysozyme tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, composition, price

Pyridoxine, which is also part of the drug, helps to stimulate regenerative processes in the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and accelerates the restoration of damaged epithelium.


Data on the pharmacokinetic properties of the drug are not presented.


Tablets containing lysozyme should be slowly absorbed in the oral cavity, keeping the resulting mass for a long time, if possible, without swallowing.

For children under 18

The drug should be taken in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • children from 3 to 7 years old - 1 tablet 3 times a day;
  • children from 7 to 12 years old - 1 tablet 4 times a day;
  • children from 12 years old - 2 tablets up to 4 times a day.

The duration of therapy can be up to 8 days. For children under 3 years of age, after consultation with a doctor, it is allowed to use the drug by rubbing it in any convenient way to a powder state and mixing with a small amount of water.

You should not give a whole pill at this age, since the child is not yet developed enough to consciously dissolve it completely. In addition, there is always a risk of suffocation if the tablet accidentally enters the respiratory tract.

Another way to simulate long-term absorption is to repeatedly scoop up a small amount of the powder with a wet spoon and offer it to the child. For children, it is recommended to purchase those tablet options that do not include additional flavors, except for the main one - natural cocoa powder.

For adults, pregnant women and the elderly

Adults can use 2 tablets with lysozyme. up to 4 times a day. The period of pregnancy is not a contraindication.Lysozyme tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, composition, price Therefore, women can use the drug at any time of gestation without the risk of causing any harm.


Conditional contraindications include hypersensitivity to individual components.


Cases of a significant increase in a single dose are unlikely. To excessively exceed the permissible dosage, you need to take about 200 tablets daily for 2 or more months.

In this case, the risk will be associated with an overdose of pyridoxine:

  • violations of the sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • tingling sensation in the limbs;
  • trembling and convulsive phenomena.

If any such symptoms appear, it is recommended to interrupt the treatment with Lysozyme.

Side effects

With the course of using the drug, manifestations of allergic reactions are possible:

  • narrowing of the airways;
  • medicinal exanthema;
  • redness and itching of the skin;
  • nausea, diarrhea, vomiting.Lysozyme tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, composition, price

For severe symptoms, it is recommended to see a doctor or ambulance. The most severe complication is anaphylactic shock.


  • a sharp increase in tissue swelling;
  • chest pain and muscle pain;
  • redness and itching;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

The result of an increase in pathological symptoms can be a spasm of the lung tissues and the subsequent death of the victim. Therefore, if even minor symptoms of anaphylactic shock appear, you should immediately call an ambulance, leaving the front door open.

Drug interactions

Lysozyme - tablets for resorption, which, when used in recommended doses, practically do not interact with other drugs of concomitant therapy. When used together, lysozyme enhances the pharmacological activity of antibiotics and nitrofurans, including penicillin, chloramphenicol, nitrofurantoin.

After the expiration of the time specified in the instructions, during which it is undesirable to drink fluids and eat, it is recommended to supplement the course of treatment with other drugs for topical use.

These include herbal infusions for rinsing, disinfectants in the form of oil mixtures and solutions. In this case, the surface of the mucous membranes will often and intensively be cleaned of the metabolic products of bacteria and their decay. As a result, the treatment process will be reduced to a minimum period.

Storage conditions and periods

It is recommended to store the drug in a place protected from direct sunlight at an ambient temperature of up to 25 ° C. If possible, you should avoid areas with high humidity or open the tablets immediately before treatment.

Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies

Medicines containing lysozyme do not require a prescription from a doctor. However, this does not exclude the need to adhere to the recommendations of the instructions for use.


On the basis of lysozyme, a number of drugs are produced that have some differences, but in general act in a similar way on the development of inflammatory phenomena.


The drug in pharmacies is the most popular among buyers. Lizobakt is produced by JSC Bosnalek in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The cost of 1 package with 30 tablets is on average about 300 rubles.

Lysozyme tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, composition, price

They include the following components:

  • lysozyme g / x - 20 mg;
  • pyridoxine g / c - 10 mg.


  • milk sugar hydrate;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • vanillin;
  • saccharin;
  • tragacanth.

The drug is recommended as an antiseptic in ENT practice and dentistry. Lysozyme in its composition, being an enzyme of a protein structure, provokes lysis of cell membranes in gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and fungi. Additionally, the substance exhibits antiviral properties.

Recommendations for medicinal use:

  • 2 tablets 3-4 times a day.
  • the course of treatment is 8 days.

If necessary, in case of incomplete elimination of symptoms, the duration of the course use can be increased. In this case, it is important to comply with the condition not to swallow tablets without resorption.


The drug is produced by the Egyptian company "Oktober Pharma SAE". 1 package contains 20 tablets.

The composition includes the following components, for 1 piece:

  • lysozyme hydrochloride - 10 mg;
  • dequalinium chloride - 0.25 mg;
  • magnesium stearate - 15 mg;
  • povidone K 25 - 20 mg;
  • anise flavor - 0.5 mg;
  • peppermint oil - 3 mg;
  • sugar - 701.25 mg.

The active substance in this preparation is fortified with dequalinium chloride, a substance pharmacologically belonging to the class of antiseptics and disinfectants. In addition to various microbes and bacteria, dequaline destroys fungi and viruses, suppresses the development of inflammatory processes and normalizes hemostatic parameters in the human body.Lysozyme tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, composition, price

The drug has the following indications for use:

  • throat and mouth infections;
  • periodontal inflammation;
  • mucosal candidiasis;
  • purulent tonsillitis.

Also, the drug complex is recommended for use in order to prevent infection in acute periods of the year during epidemics and outbreaks of general morbidity of the population.

The mode of use is standard for such tools:

  • 1 tablet every 2-3 hours;
  • keep in mouth without chewing.

After use, you should refrain from food and drinks for at least 30 minutes. The duration of treatment is until the symptoms disappear. With a persistent course of the disease, it is recommended to supplement the therapy with more radical drugs.


Lysozyme is a drug complex in the form of lozenges, which initially have a similar composition with the following Indian product. It is produced by the Bouchard-Recordati Laboratory.

Each tablet contains as active ingredients:

  • biclotymol - 5 mg;
  • enoxolone - 5 mg;
  • lysozyme - 5 mg.

Additionally, the composition includes:

  • citric acid - 10 mg;
  • acacia gum - 60 mg;
  • lemon oil - 0.2 mg;
  • magnesium stearate - 15 mg;
  • dye - 0.1 mg;
  • granulated sugar - up to 1.2 gLysozyme tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, composition, price

Biclotymol is an antibiotic from the pharmacological group of thymols, intended for use in dentistry and for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity. The substance effectively suppresses the vital activity of staphylococci, streptococci, micrococci and corynebacteria.

Biclotymol is characterized by the ability to locally anesthetize and relieve inflammatory processes in tissues. The substance slowly penetrates into the deep layers of the mucous membranes, due to which a long-term therapeutic effect is achieved.

Enoxolone is an active derivative derived from the glycyrrhizic acid of licorice root, or licorice. In terms of its chemical structure, it shares similarities with steroid hormones.

When used topically, glycyrrhizic acid quickly relieves most inflammations and stimulates the restoration of damaged tissues, their regeneration. In combination with biclotymol and enoxolone, lysozyme significantly accelerates the recovery of a sick person.

The mode of therapeutic use of Hexaliz tablets:

  • adults - 1 pc. every 2 hours;
  • max dose for 1 day - 8 pcs .;
  • children over 6 years old - 1 pc. every 4 hours;
  • max dose for 1 day - 4 pcs.

The tablets should be slowly absorbed in the oral cavity, without chewing and for a long time without swallowing saliva. The total duration of the course application should not exceed 10 days. In the absence of improvement in well-being, it is recommended to consult a doctor and combine with more intensive therapies.


The drug is not a structural analogue of drugs with lysozyme. But with reasonable use, it can quickly alleviate the condition of a sick person. Faringosept belongs to a fairly well-studied remedy, since it has been produced by the Romanian company S.K. Therapy S.A.

It goes on sale in several forms of 10 mg of the active substance - ambazon:

  • 20 pcs. with honey and lemon flavor;
  • 10 or 20 pcs. with lemon flavor;
  • 20 pcs. with the taste of cinnamon;
  • 10 or 20 pcs. no taste;
  • 20 pcs. with mint flavor.

Externally, the tablets look standard, have a chocolate flavor and beveled edges. On one side there is an engraving - the letter L.Lysozyme tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, composition, price

The following components are included in the preparation as auxiliary substances:

  • milk sugar hydrate;
  • acacia gum;
  • polyvidone K30;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • cocoa powder;
  • sucrose.

To impart a pleasant smell, lemon flavor is additionally included in the composition.

Pharmacologically, the drug has a strong bacteriostatic effect. Ambazon stops the development, growth and reproduction of bacteria in the body. In the future, human immunity begins an independent activity to completely suppress the infection.

The drug is effective against a wide range of microorganisms, including Viridans streptococci, hemolytic bacteria and pneumococci. The optimal level of concentration in saliva, sufficient for the full development of therapeutic activity, is achieved 3-4 days after the start of treatment in the recommended dosages.

Reception regimen and duration of therapy:

  • the tablets should be slowly dissolved in the mouth, mixed with saliva;
  • it is recommended to take the drug 15-30 minutes after eating;
  • after resorption, do not eat or drink for 3 hours.


  • adults and children from 7 years old - 4-5 pcs. per day;
  • children 3-7 years old - 3 pcs. per day;
  • course duration - up to 4 days.

If the recommended doses are exceeded, discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract may appear. Ambazon has no specific antidote. Therefore, if the dosage is accidentally exceeded, symptomatic therapy is recommended, including taking laxatives, enterosorbents and washing the stomach with clean, warm water.


Lysozyme - tablets for resorption, which can be replaced by this drug without losing the pharmacological effect. Imudon is a mixture of bacterial lysates - a polyvalent antigenic complex that corresponds to the types of pathogens that become the most common cause of inflammatory diseases oral cavity.

Externally, the tablets have a flat-cylindrical shape, the surface is smooth and shiny with beveled edges. The smell is mint, sometimes slight marbling may be present.

The composition includes:

  • a wide range of bacterial lysates - 0.1575 mg;
  • sodium deoxycholate - 0.53 mg;
  • thiomersal - 12.5 mcg;
  • glycine - 2 mg.

In addition to active substances, the drug contains a number of auxiliary components that allow the medicinal additives to be evenly distributed over the entire volume of the tablet.Lysozyme tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, composition, price

Pharmacodynamics of the drug is associated with increased phagocytosis, stimulation of the synthesis of immune cells. As a result, the production of natural lysozyme, interferon and secretory immunoglobulin A in salivary fluid is significantly increased.

The mode of therapeutic use of the drug:

  • the tablets should be dissolved without chewing;
  • the interval between doses is 1-2 hours;
  • max dosage for 1 day - 8 pcs.;
  • the course of treatment is about 10 days.

For prophylactic purposes, the drug should be taken up to 6 times a day with a time interval of 2 hours. The duration of a course admission can be up to 20 days. The frequency of preventive treatment is up to 4 times a year. If necessary, it is possible to increase the frequency of use in conditions of an increased risk of infection.

Lysozyme is a lozenge formulation that quickly suppresses activity pathogens and significantly accelerate the overall recovery of health, even against the background of severe infections. This is especially true for cases of complex use together with other active agents.

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