Respiratory System

Strepsils (Strepsils) tablets for sucking. Price, instructions for use, composition for children, pregnant women, adults, reviews

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Strepsils has been considered one of the most popular drugs for many years. for the treatment of pathologies of the throat of inflammatory origin. Lozenges help stop the inflammatory process, and their price allows the patient to complete the full course.

The medication is considered quite effective, therefore it is often prescribed for children and adults. To get only benefit from its use, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist.

Record content:

  • 1 Indications for use
  • 2 Compound
  • 3 In what form is it produced
  • 4 Pharmacodynamics
  • 5 Pharmacokinetics
  • 6 Application
    • 6.1 For children under 18
    • 6.2 For adults
    • 6.3 For pregnant
    • 6.4 For the elderly
  • 7 Contraindications
  • 8 Overdose
  • 9 Side effects
  • 10 Drug interactions
  • 11 Storage conditions and periods
  • 12 Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies
  • 13 Analogs
  • 14 Video about Strepsils tablets

Indications for use

The tablets are an antiseptic and antibacterial agent that helps relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes in the throat. The drug has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, helps to stop the growth of bacteria, as well as their spread to healthy tissues.

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The main indications for the use of the drug:

  • Angina in acute and chronic form.
  • Tonsillitis at the initial and advanced stages of development. In this case, the tool can be used with frequent relapses of the pathological condition.
  • Pain when swallowing, which occurs against the background of the development of respiratory diseases.
  • Viral pathologies at different stages, when the patient has not only general symptoms, but also throat disorders.
  • Laryngitis in the acute or subacute stage.
  • Stomatitis and gingivitis. With such violations, the medicine is used only in the initial stages.

As part of a complex treatment, the agent can be used for other diseases accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane of the throat.


Strepsils - tablets for resorption, the price of which is affordable, prescribed for various diseases due to the content of antiseptic active components. The main ingredient in the composition is amylmetacresol, which has pronounced antimicrobial properties. The substance helps fight various pathogens.

In addition, the second active component, dichlorobenzyl alcohol, plays an important role. It also has an antiseptic effect and prevents the growth of microorganisms.

The composition of the drug contains auxiliary ingredients:

  • Levomenthol.
  • Peppermint oil.
  • Anise oil.
  • Tartaric acid.
  • Glucose.
  • Karmazin Edikol.

Auxiliary ingredients do not have a therapeutic effect, they are necessary to impart aroma and taste to the tablets. In some types of tablets, ascorbic acid or various essential oils may be added to enhance the effectiveness of the drug.

In what form is it produced

The drug is available for purchase in the form of special lozenge tablets. They can have a honey-lemon or lemon flavor, and tablets are also available that have menthol and anise aromas.Strepsils (Strepsils) tablets for sucking. Price, instructions for use, composition for children, pregnant women, adults

The tablets are small, round, and vary in color depending on flavor and other additives. Available in blue, yellow, red and orange tablets. Each tablet has a pleasant aroma and taste. The drug is manufactured by a pharmaceutical company in the UK.

The tablets are packaged in blisters of 4, 6, 8 or 12 pieces. An individual cardboard box can contain 1 or 2 blisters, as well as instructions for the correct use of the medication.

The cost of the drug in different pharmacies depends on the number of tablets in the package. The average price is about 160-200 rubles.


Strepsils is considered an effective remedy, since the lozenges act directly in the mouth and throat. The price of the tool allows you to complete the full course without compromising the budget. The drug has pronounced antimicrobial properties, relieves inflammation of the throat mucosa and improves local blood circulation.

As a result, swallowing and the general condition of the patient are facilitated by eliminating pain. The active substances of the agent are active against most gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, which allows the use of tablets for inflammation of various origins.

Efficiency is noted for streptococcal and staphylococcal pharyngitis, as well as when other microorganisms are exposed to the mucous membrane. In addition, the agent has a local anesthetic effect, which allows you to feel relief after the first use. The patient can take food and liquids, his swallowing is much easier.

When using the drug in a course, tissue regeneration is stimulated, and intake is improved. to the mucous membranes of the nutrient components, and the progression of the pathological process is also prevented. The complex effect of the drug makes it the most preferred among other local remedies.


When the tablet is resorbed, the main amount of the active ingredient is concentrated in the area of ​​the affected mucous membranes, where it has a therapeutic effect. The drug is almost not absorbed into the systemic circulation, which is considered an advantage over other medicines.

After resorption, the minimum amount of active substances is absorbed into the blood; the ingredients do not accumulate in tissues and organs. A small dose in the systemic circulation enters the liver, where it is processed and excreted for 10-14 hours.Strepsils (Strepsils) tablets for sucking. Price, instructions for use, composition for children, pregnant women, adults

Almost all of the ingredients are excreted by the kidneys. There is no slowdown in the onset of the therapeutic effect in patients who suffer from any pathologies from the liver and other internal organs. The effect of the medication is weakened by food and liquid intake, therefore it is important to follow the recommendations specified in the instructions.


The drug is actively used to treat patients of all ages. But for children and adults, different therapy regimens are used to ensure maximum effectiveness. That is why a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.

It is also worth noting that the tablets are not intended to be swallowed or chewed. So their effectiveness is reduced to a minimum, and the risk of complications increases significantly.

For children under 18

The pharmaceutical agent is prescribed to patients over 5 years of age with indications and no contraindications. The daily dosage is determined individually, but usually different schemes are used for children of different ages.

Patient age

Dosage and duration of use of the medication

Children from 5 to 7 years old Such patients with pharyngitis, laryngitis and other lesions of the mucous membrane of the throat are prescribed resorption of tablets for 5-8 days, depending on the severity of the symptoms. The daily dosage is 4 tablets, which must be absorbed at regular intervals. It is not recommended to extend the course or increase the dosage, especially without a doctor's prescription. As a rule, the tablets are used in combination with other medicines.
Patients from 7 to 12 years old Children from 7 years old are prescribed 6 tablets per day, they should be absorbed at regular intervals throughout the day. The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 7 days. If there is no therapeutic effect during this period, you should consult a doctor. You can not prolong the course or increase the dosage. If necessary, the doctor can prescribe re-use if he believes that this is required for the patient's recovery.
Patients from 12 to 18 years old Patients from 12 years old are prescribed the use of the medication for 5-8 days. The daily dosage is 8 tablets. It is necessary to dissolve them during the day, observing approximately the same break
Strepsils (Strepsils) tablets for sucking. Price, instructions for use, composition for children, pregnant women, adults

It is important to remember that the medication is absorbed separately from meals or liquids. This means that the tablets should be taken 20 minutes before meals or 20-30 minutes after taking them.

For adults

For adults, the drug is prescribed without restrictions, but it is important to exclude contraindications. The daily dosage is 8 tablets. It is categorically contraindicated to exceed it. The maximum duration of a therapeutic course is 7-10 days.

When dissolving, do not try to chew the tablet or swallow it. In acute pathologies, it is important to strictly observe the intervals between doses in order to ensure a uniform effect on the affected mucous membranes. If complications appear or if the condition worsens, you can stop using and visit a doctor. He may prescribe another medication.

For pregnant

The official instructions do not contain data on the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation. However, experts say that the use of pills is possible if there is such a need.

The dosage should be determined by the doctor in each case individually, as well as the duration of the course. Usually, a medicine is prescribed when the benefits of its use outweigh the potential risk to the child and the mother's body.

For the elderly

Strepsils - tablets for resorption (the price depends on the amount of medicine in the package), which are often prescribed to elderly patients. The therapy regimen does not differ from that used for adults. Despite this, the medication is used with caution, as it can provoke complications.

Strepsils (Strepsils) tablets for sucking. Price, instructions for use, composition for children, pregnant women, adults
Strepsils lozenges

The treatment regimen involves the use of tablets for 5-8 days. The daily dosage should not exceed 8 pieces. They should be taken at regular intervals. It is categorically contraindicated to increase the daily dose, as well as the duration of the course, especially while taking other medications.


The drug is not prescribed to patients who suffer from intolerance to the components of the composition or have a history of allergic manifestations. In a severe form of candidal stomatitis, the medication is contraindicated, since it can lead to an aggravation of the condition and the spread of fungi to healthy tissues.

In addition, tablets are not prescribed in the presence of trophic ulcers in the oral cavity, as well as areas of damage, in which traces of violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes are visible. Do not use the medication in severe pregnancy, as well as in patients under the age of 5 years.

Relative contraindications include severe heart failure, coronary artery disease and angina pectoris. Do not use the medication in the case of diagnosing acute thyroid pathologies with impaired hormone production and deterioration of the patient's general condition.

It is not recommended to use tablets for exacerbation of gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, since in this case the risk of developing internal bleeding as a result of the irritating action of the components increases composition.

Strepsils (Strepsils) tablets for sucking. Price, instructions for use, composition for children, pregnant women, adults

In pediatrics, for children under 5 years of age, the medicine is not used even if there are indications. Safer medicines are usually selected. Self-administration of the drug is also contraindicated. In each case, the list of obstacles to therapy may increase depending on the characteristics of the organism.


Strepsils - tablets for resorption, the price of which is affordable and allows everyone to undergo a course of therapy. However, the drug can provoke an overdose, despite minimal absorption into the systemic circulation.

The condition is accompanied by a deterioration in general health, headache and weakness. Patients report rapid fatigue and sleep disturbance. Sometimes there is a tremor of the limbs, aggravated when performing manipulations that require great precision.

In some patients, indigestion and dyspeptic disorders are noted, manifested in the form of nausea and frequent bouts of vomiting, as well as diarrhea or persistent constipation. Such disorders only aggravate the condition.

In case of an overdose, allergy symptoms may appear, which manifest themselves in the form of acute urticaria. Large red spots of various sizes appear on the patient's body. They can rise above the level of the skin, provoke unbearable itching, burning and peeling. In addition, the patient may experience itching of the eyelid skin, swelling of the mucous membranes, and lacrimation.

With urticaria, it is possible to add symptoms of allergic rhinitis, in which a fairly large amount of liquid mucus is released from the nose. If signs of overdose appear, you must stop using the medication. If they worsen, it is worth visiting a doctor who prescribes symptomatic treatment, since there is no specific antidote to the remedy.

Side effects

The medication often provokes negative reactions if the instructions for its use are violated. But it is worth remembering that compliance with all the rules cannot exclude the risk of side effects.

The most common complications are:

  • Dry mouth, increased thirst.
  • Discomfort in the stomach and intestines.
  • Increased urge to urinate.
  • Diarrhea or persistent constipation.
  • Headache, weakness and dizziness.
  • Irritation of the oral mucosa, manifested as a small rash on the inside of the lips or cheeks. In this case, the patient has difficulty eating food and liquids.
  • A rash on the body that spreads to the abdomen, back and limbs.
  • Itching of the skin, irritation, the appearance of foci of peeling.Strepsils (Strepsils) tablets for sucking. Price, instructions for use, composition for children, pregnant women, adults
  • Decreased performance.
  • Insomnia or constant drowsiness, provoking the patient's lethargy and the inability to concentrate on performing ordinary household manipulations.

Sometimes complications affect the organs of the urinary system and manifest themselves in the form of pain during urination, increased urge to empty the bladder. If negative reactions occur, it is important to stop using the tablets immediately.

In most cases, complications disappear or their severity is significantly weakened. If the manifestations are aggravated, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe remedies to eliminate them.

Drug interactions

Strepsils (tablets for dissolution, the price of which is affordable, can be prescribed in combination with many drugs) can be used simultaneously with systemic drugs from different groups. There are no negative reactions with a competent combination of tablets with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and vascular medicines.

In addition, it is allowed to take the drug in combination with antihypertensive, hypoglycemic and heart medications. Since the agent enters the systemic circulation in a minimal amount, it does not weaken or enhance the effect of systemic drugs.

It is not recommended only to combine the medication with other lozenges with the same therapeutic properties. In each case, the decision about the interaction is made by the doctor.

Storage conditions and periods

When storing tablets, it is important to place them out of the reach of children. Limit access to moisture and direct sunlight. Do not put pills in the refrigerator.

The maximum storage time is 3 years. It is strictly forbidden to take the product after the expiration date.

Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor.


If it is impossible to use the original medicine, a suitable analogue with similar therapeutic properties should be found.

There are several substitutes for pills:

  • Falimint - lozenges, which have pronounced antiseptic properties and have a local anesthetic effect. Assigned to adults and children from 3 years old. The drug is taken in 4-10 tablets per day, depending on the age and severity of symptoms. It quickly eliminates pain, discomfort when swallowing and inflammation against the background of various pathologies. The duration of the course is 5-10 days.Strepsils (Strepsils) tablets for sucking. Price, instructions for use, composition for children, pregnant women, adults
  • Lizak - popular and effective lozenges with pronounced antiseptic, antibacterial and fungicidal properties. The medication is prescribed for children and adults at 4-8 tablets per day for 1 week. When it is used, all symptoms are quickly eliminated, as well as the spread of infection to the lower respiratory tract is prevented. The remedy should be prescribed by a doctor, since self-administration can provoke various complications.
  • Ajisept - a product in the form of lozenges for resorption, which has the same composition as Lizak, has pronounced therapeutic properties. It is prescribed for angina, pharyngitis and other inflammatory pathologies of the pharynx. The drug is indicated for adults and children from 5 years of age. The daily dosage is 3-6 lozenges, the duration of the course is from 3 to 7 days, depending on the severity of the manifestations and the age of the patient.
  • Efizol - lozenges with pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antifungal properties. The drug is prescribed for adults and children from 4 years old with angina, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other pathologies of the throat of inflammatory origin. The medication is considered effective and is often prescribed to patients.Strepsils (Strepsils) tablets for sucking. Price, instructions for use, composition for children, pregnant women, adults

Any of the analogues can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor, but it is recommended not to use them without a prescription.

Strepsils are effective and popular tablets designed for resorption and with pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. The price of the drug is affordable, and its action allows you to prevent various complications and the transition of inflammation to the lower respiratory tract.

Video about Strepsils tablets

Indications and overview of Strepsils tablets:

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