Respiratory System

Hexoral (Hexoral) during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, is it possible, contraindications, reviews

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One of the most common and effective brands for throat treatment, - Hexoral. The drug is relatively safe and is recommended for both adults and children, however, its use during pregnancy is often questioned by women.

Before use, it is important to seek the advice of a doctor and study all the information about the drug, including taking into account the trimester, the state of health of the expectant mother and fetus.

Record content:

  • 1 Composition and action, release forms
  • 2 Indications for use
  • 3 Can I use it during pregnancy?
  • 4 Which shape should you choose?
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 Instructions for use
    • 6.1 1 trimester
    • 6.2 2 trimester
    • 6.3 3 trimester
  • 7 Well
  • 8 Precautionary measures
  • 9 Video about Hexoral

Composition and action, release forms

The medication is designed to eliminate painful sensations in the throat area, has antiseptic and analgesic effects. The drug is available in white or silver rectangular cardboard packaging with a characteristic pink and blue arrow.

The tool exists in 3 forms: solution, tablets and aerosol. In the first case, the drug is sold in a transparent glass bottle with a label that repeats the image on the pack. It is closed by a screw cap made of aluminum.

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Inside contains 200 ml of liquid. It has a reddish hue that ranges from pink to deep red, and a rich menthol scent.Hexoral (Hexoral) during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, contraindications

Tablets are produced under the name Hexoral Tabs or Tabs Classic in a silver-white square cardboard box. Orange, yellow or pink may be present depending on the taste. The products are packaged in foil strips. The drug is a biconvex lozenge tablet. They have a round shape and a rough surface.

The color depends on the taste:

  • orange - orange;
  • honey lemon - brownish yellow;
  • black currant - purple;
  • mint - white;
  • lemon - yellow.

In this case, the tablet may be colored unevenly or contain air bubbles in places, which is normal. In total, the package contains 4 strips, each of which contains 4 medicinal products.

Another form of release is an aerosol intended for topical use, that is, spraying down the throat. Like previous versions of the drug, it is packaged in a cardboard box that contains a white aluminum can with a removable spray bottle. There can be several attachments - up to 4. The volume of one bottle is 40 ml.

Geksoral during pregnancy, the trimester and the specific period of which it is important to consider when choosing a drug, in the form of a solution and an aerosol contains only one active ingredient - hexetidine. The remaining components of the composition are auxiliary and perform functions associated mainly with the addition of the properties of the main element, giving the drug shape, color and smell.

Hexoral (Hexoral) during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, contraindications
Hexoral spray during pregnancy is dangerous due to its ethanol content

These substances include:

Component Function
Ethanol (solution 96%) Antiseptic
Purified water Solvent
Sodium saccharin Sweetener
Polysorbate 60 Emulsifier
Azorubin (solution 85%) Dye (red)
Peppermint oil Antispasmodic
Eucalyptus oil Expectorant, pain reliever
Anise oil Antiseptic, antispasmodic
Clove oil Antiseptic, pain reliever
Citric acid monohydrate Improving taste
Methyl salicitate Anti-inflammatory, analgesic
Levomenthol Locally irritating

In tablets, the active ingredients are different: amylmetacresol and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol.Hexoral (Hexoral) during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, contraindications

Simultaneously with them, the composition includes:

  • sucrose;
  • dye;
  • anise seed oil;
  • dextrose;
  • field mint oil;
  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • flavoring.

The drug has an antiseptic effect on the throat, destroying harmful bacteria and viruses. The drug envelops the mucous membrane and creates an anesthetic effect, dulling painful sensations.

The active substance is not absorbed into the blood, but remains on the gums and tooth surface. It will take about 65 hours to completely eliminate hexetidine from the mucous membrane. The teeth are cleaned of traces of the substance in 10 hours.

Indications for use

Each form of drugs has its own characteristics and purpose. The most widely used solution is used not only to kill infections in the throat, but also to treat various dental diseases.

The list of indications for the use of the liquid includes:

  • inflammation in the mouth and pharynx, and various diseases caused by infections;
  • colds (auxiliary function);
  • stomatitis;
  • diseases associated with the formation of pus from the oral cavity and pharynx and fever, in severe form;
  • the process of destruction of tumors, accompanied by bad breath;
  • glossitis;
  • tonsillitis;Hexoral (Hexoral) during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, contraindications
  • the need for additional oral hygiene associated with the course of common diseases;
  • aphthous ulcers;
  • various sore throats;
  • preparation for an operation on the oral cavity or pharynx and elimination of its consequences;
  • pharyngitis;
  • fungal infections;
  • periodontopathy;
  • gingivitis;
  • infections that have penetrated the alveoli as a result of the tooth extraction procedure;
  • bleeding gums.

Geksoral during pregnancy, the trimester and duration of which are important for starting the use of the medication, can be used in the form of an aerosol. It has almost the same properties and is also recommended for the treatment of diseases associated with damage to the oral cavity, teeth or pharynx. It is a suitable medicine for the treatment of tonsillitis, sore throat, stomatitis.

The tablets are intended primarily for diseases in which the infection enters the pharynx. However, they are also used to treat inflammation in the oral cavity, in particular the gums.

Can I use it during pregnancy?

The manufacturer indicates that as a result of research, no properties have been identified that could harm the health of the expectant mother or the condition of the fetus.

These data allow us to say that there are no obstacles to the use of Hexoral during pregnancy.

However, in order to decide how safe a drug is, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the woman. Despite the fact that the drug has practically no contraindications and side effects, there can never be one hundred percent confidence in its effect on the fetus.

This is especially true for women who have been diagnosed with chronic diseases and other serious health problems. An additional burden on the body in the form of the use of medications, even if they are harmless at first glance, sometimes leads to adverse consequences.Hexoral (Hexoral) during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, contraindications

All actions of a pregnant woman regarding the intake of medicines and the use of various methods of treatment should be discussed in advance with the doctor. Only a specialist will be able, on the basis of the patient's individual characteristics, to determine how much the drug safe for her and the fetus, in what quantities and how often it can be used without negative consequences.

It is recommended to resort to the use of Hexoral only with the consent of the doctor. The use of the drug is possible when the threat to the mother's health is much more impressive than the potential adverse consequences for the formation and development of the fetus.

Which shape should you choose?

The greatest danger to the body of a woman carrying a child is represented by preparations in the form of an aerosol and a rinse solution. This is due to the ethyl alcohol content, which is often discouraged by doctors when it comes to pregnancy.

The use of a substance, even in small quantities, often becomes the cause of the appearance of disorders in the development of the fetus, which can lead to the birth of a child with chronic diseases, mental problems and abnormalities in the work of the head brain.

Geksoral during pregnancy, the trimester and duration of which affect the perception of the maternal body and the fetus of alcohol, in most cases is safe. However, it is recommended not to act on your own and seek medical help. He will be able to accurately determine the degree of safety of the drug for a woman.

The use of tablets also cannot be absolutely harmless due to the content of 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol as an active substance. If necessary, their use should take place under the strict supervision of a specialist.Hexoral (Hexoral) during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, contraindications

If there are no contraindications, the choice of the dosage form is made by the woman herself, based on her own preferences. But it is advisable to consult with a doctor before this and clarify with him whether all drugs are suitable for treatment and whether they will do more harm than good.


All dosage forms are united by one obstacle to their use - the presence of allergic reactions to any of the components that make up the composition, or their intolerance. In order to recognize these phenomena in case they were not known in advance, it is important to observe the state of health for several hours after taking the medication.

It is necessary to stop using the drug if you have the following symptoms:

  • rash on the body;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • itching;
  • sneezing;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • stool disorders.

Aerosol and solution should not be used by children under 3 years of age. In the case of lozenges, the age at which it is allowed to give the drug to a child increases to 6 years.

The aerosol has a special contraindication, which consists in the inadmissibility of using the agent in the presence of lesions of the mucous membrane, which have an erosive-squamous character.

It is forbidden to use tablets in the following cases:

  • deficiency of sucrase-isomaltase;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • individual intolerance to fructose.

Instructions for use

The solution is used to rinse the mouth and throat. It does not need to be diluted and is best used after meals. The recommended dose for one procedure is 15 ml. Having typed the liquid into the mouth, it is necessary to rinse the mouth or throat for 30 seconds, and then spit it out. It is forbidden to swallow the solution.Hexoral (Hexoral) during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, contraindications

It is also allowed to apply the medicine to the affected areas of the mucous membrane with a tampon or cotton pad. It is enough to repeat the procedure in the morning and at bedtime. However, if necessary, you can use the drug more often because it is safe.

The aerosol is also used after meals. When the drug is injected into the oral cavity, it is necessary to hold your breath to avoid the occurrence of laryngospasm. The medication is sprayed by pressing the nozzle. It can be directed both to the mouth or throat, and to a specific area that requires treatment. It is enough to use the drug twice a day, one injection at a time.

Lozenges are used every 2-3 hours. Apply 1 product at a time. The maximum number of lollipops per day is 8 pieces. The use of the drug does not depend on food intake, but it is advisable to refrain from eating for some time after using the drug. The tablet is kept in the mouth until it is completely dissolved.

1 trimester

Hexoral is most dangerous precisely at the initial stages. During pregnancy, it is better to refrain from using the medication in the 1st trimester, since during this period the fetus is actively formed, its internal organs and various systems are laid.

The use of drugs, whose effects on the health of a woman and the unborn baby are unknown and questionable, can lead to deviations and the development of anomalies.

The use of Hexoral in any form at this stage is possible only in the absence of alternatives and a great threat to the health of the mother, which exceeds the risks to the fetus.

2 trimester

Starting from 4 months, the use of the drug becomes safer. Doctors usually calmly prescribe it to patients with a sore throat and complaints about the condition of the oral cavity. By this time, the foundation for the formation of the fetus has already been laid, so the risk of harming it with Hexoral is practically minimal when it comes to a healthy woman, without chronic diseases.

It is recommended to use aerosols as they work more effectively. The drug is evenly distributed over the mucous membrane, while it is almost impossible to accidentally swallow it.

3 trimester

The danger of using the medication at a later date is that their anesthetic effect leads to a decrease in the activity of the uterus. This adversely affects a woman's ability to give birth without negative consequences for herself and the child. Solution and tablets act worst of all on the body, therefore it is still recommended to use an aerosol.Hexoral (Hexoral) during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, contraindications

It is dangerous to prescribe the drug on your own in the last 3 months. It is worth consulting your doctor before using it.


The instructions for the solution and aerosol do not indicate a specific recommended duration of use of the medicinal product. The terms of treatment are determined by the doctor based on the patient's condition and other circumstances.

The tablets are recommended to be used within 5 days. The maximum possible duration of drug use is 1 week.

Precautionary measures

Hold your breath when using the aerosol. It is important to take all medicines in the doses prescribed in the instructions or prescribed by the doctor. In case of an overdose, symptoms of alcohol intoxication are observed.

Do not use the drug if its expiration date has expired. Opening, squeezing, or attempting to burn a cylinder are dangerous.

An effective remedy Hexoral is used for sore throat and inflammation in the oral cavity. It is relatively safe during pregnancy, but it is recommended that you do not start using it without consulting your doctor. The most harmless drug is in the 2nd trimester.

Author: Olga Eisen

Video about Hexoral

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