Respiratory System

Aqualor Throat for children. Price, instructions for use, analogues, composition, reviews

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Aqualor drug Throat - soft shower for irrigation of tonsils and throat with sea water with natural extracts of medicinal plants. The drug is produced by the Swedish pharmaceutical company Aurena Laboratories AB and offers it to consumers at a relatively affordable price.

With the help of a special nozzle, the balloon allows you to accurately and under pressure direct the jet for thorough flushing of all accumulations of lymphoid tissue on the tonsils in children and adults.

Record content:

  • 1 Composition, release form and price
  • 2 Mechanism of action
  • 3 Indications for use
  • 4 Contraindications and side effects
  • 5 Overdose
  • 6 Instructions and doses
  • 7 special instructions
  • 8 Drug interactions
  • 9 Storage conditions and periods
  • 10 Analogs
    • 10.1 Linaqua Forte
    • 10.2 Nozafer throat
    • 10.3 Aqua Maris Strong throat
  • 11 Recommendations for the safe use of ready-to-use sprays
  • 12 Video about the treatment of throat in children

Composition, release form and price

The drug for the treatment of throat diseases is a hypertonic solution with a sea salt content of 19-23 g per 1 liter. The seawater for its production is extracted at a depth of 22 m in especially clean areas on the territory of the French and Swedish borders.

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Moreover, it undergoes several stages of processing:

  • natural filtration;
  • deep cleansing;
  • disinfection.

Natural filtration is carried out through a layer of sand 15 m thick. Then, with the help of special equipment, the water is pumped up and enters the production lines for further processing. After the completion of the last 2 stages, the finished water is poured into bottles and hermetically sealed.

Due to its natural composition, it contains all the minerals and trace elements that are characteristic of the seas in natural conditions.

To enhance the therapeutic activity against diseases and infections of the throat, the complex contains plant extracts,% of the total:

Extract Content
Roman chamomile 0,025 %
Aloe vera 0,025 %
Aqualor Throat for children. Price, instructions for use, analogues, composition

The product contains no preservatives or ethanol, since the bottle initially contains a sterile solution, and the special configuration inside it ensures the prevention of spoilage.

Aqualor Throat for children, the price of which depends on the form of release, is produced in the following forms:

  • 125 ml - 350-450 rubles;
  • 50 ml - 250-300 rubles.

In the inner part of the balloon there is a special package of 4 layers with a valve on one side, which ensures absolute sterility of the solution throughout the entire period of use. This prevents backflow of the solution and prevents the penetration of air.

The drug is not included in the list of vital and essential medicines, so its cost can vary significantly in individual pharmacies and pharmacy chains.

Mechanism of action

The therapeutic activity consists in disrupting the osmotic balance of the outer part of the mucous membranes and deeper layers under the influence of a salt solution. As a result, there is a release of fluid from the tissues, the edema is significantly reduced. Also, salt has a detrimental effect on many microorganisms due to the same effect.

After using the drug, they significantly decrease in size and die. Therefore, recovery from various ENT diseases occurs much faster. Especially against the background of systemic therapy, if the patient's condition was initially severe enough.

The composition of seawater contains a number of active components, each of which acts in a specific direction:

  • minerals calcium and magnesium activate the processes of self-cleansing of the mucous membranes;
  • zinc and selenium stimulate the enhanced synthesis of lysozyme, a natural substance used to fight microbes;
  • they also contribute to the formation of more interferons and immunoglobulins;
  • iodine has a natural antibacterial and soothing effect.Aqualor Throat for children. Price, instructions for use, analogues, composition

The healing activity of aloe vera extract:

  • has an analgesic effect;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • destroys bacteria and germs;
  • stimulates immunity;
  • regenerates tissue.

Therapeutic activity of chamomile extract:

  • relieves inflammatory reactions on mucous membranes;
  • prevents the reproduction of pathogenic flora;
  • neutralizes bad breath;
  • softens painful sensations.

The complex action of all 3 components ensures high efficiency of the course use of the drug.

Indications for use

Aqualor Throat is recommended for people of all ages, including children from 6 months, and is offered in 2 volumes at different prices.

Indications for the therapeutic use of the medicinal product:

  • tonsillitis;Aqualor Throat for children. Price, instructions for use, analogues, composition
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis.

Also, the drug can be used for various inflammatory processes in the periodontium for washing tissues from mucus and for getting rid of pathogens.Aqualor Throat for children. Price, instructions for use, analogues, composition

Sea water is especially recommended in the periods before and after surgical operations in the field of dentistry and otorhinolaryngology, and also as a basis for a procedure for preparing mucous membranes before spraying or applying other medicinal compositions.

Contraindications and side effects

Aqualor Throat for children, the price of which is due not only to efficiency, but also to safety, practically has no contraindications, except for rare cases of individual intolerance to the components included in it compound.


A significant excess of the permissible dose is practically excluded, since the concentration of salt and the total volume of the bottle do not exceed the permissible daily norms for its use.

Instructions and doses

Aqualor Throat for children. Price, instructions for use, analogues, composition

The nozzle included in the kit is packed in a separate bag.

Immediately after using the drug, it is recommended to place a nebulizer into it for further storage, rinsing with a stream of clean water and drying well. It is not necessary to do this in the process of direct treatment.

Recommendations for the medical use of the drug:

  • 3-4 pressing the piston at least 4-6 times a day;
  • the spray should be directed towards the throat.

If necessary, the frequency of use can be increased.

The duration of therapy is not limited, therefore, in the case of an increased risk of infection, it is allowed to use the solution throughout the entire period of growth and the peak of the general morbidity of the population.

special instructions

The drug is particularly safe, therefore it can be used without restrictions in pregnant women at any time of gestation and in mothers who are breastfeeding. If the solution is swallowed, no adverse effect should be expected.

When using the solution at the same time by several family members, it is recommended to always adhere to the rule of treating the nozzle with boiling water or wiping it with salicylic alcohol. This is to prevent the risk of spreading the infection.

Drug interactions

No negative effects were observed when combined with other drugs.

Storage conditions and periods

Aqualor Throat for children, the price of which also depends on the remoteness of the pharmacy from the manufacturer, can be transported by any type of vehicle at temperatures from 1 ° C to 40 ° C.Aqualor Throat for children. Price, instructions for use, analogues, compositionFor permanent storage, the temperature should not exceed 25 ° C. The guaranteed shelf life under these conditions is 3 years from the date of production.


In addition to the described medicinal solution, a large number of other drugs for similar purposes are presented on the pharmaceutical market. If necessary, you can deviate from the doctor's recommendations and prefer one of the most common analogs.

You can often find information that physiological solution intended for many procedures, injections, inhalations and other purposes, acts in the same way as Aqualor. However, when comparing the 2 drugs, the salt concentration should be taken into account. In ready-made products for the nasal cavity and throat, it reaches 23 g or more per 1 liter. In physiological saline, the concentration is strictly standardized and is always 9 g per 1 liter.

Therefore, with pronounced inflammatory processes, especially in combination with the formation of purulent discharge it is necessary to use saturated hypertonic formulations for deep and thorough cleansing of mucous membranes shells.

After relieving symptoms, rinse treatment with warm sodium chloride solution can be added. You can add a small amount of baking soda to it if you like.

Linaqua Forte

The drug is produced by the pharmaceutical company Solopharm from the safe and clean water of the Gulf of Saint-Malo on the northern coast of the sea in France. The drug is produced in metal cylinders with a volume of 125 ml. The cost of 1 package is about 350 rubles.Aqualor Throat for children. Price, instructions for use, analogues, composition

The total amount of sodium chloride in the solution is 21 g / l.

In addition to table salt, the composition contains ions of potassium, magnesium, calcium, chlorine, selenium, iodine, zinc, copper, iron and a number of other, more rare, minerals. Preservatives are not included in the preparation.

The medicinal solution is intended to be used for the following purposes:

  • protection of mucous membranes;
  • treatment of diseases;
  • removal of irritations;
  • prevention;
  • hygiene.

The drug is allowed to be used daily without any interruptions for adults and children over the age of 2 years.

It is produced in several volumes:

  • 125 ml;
  • 100 ml;
  • 50 ml.

The mechanism of pharmacological action is to increase the resistance of tissues in the oral cavity to the effects of pathogens and to increase the immune defense. After using the solution, completely ready for use, the discomfort with swallowing movements, dryness and sore throat are reduced.

Recommendations for the therapeutic use of sea water:

  • 3-4 doses up to 6 or more times a day.

During use, it is necessary to direct the nebulizer towards the back of the larynx.

Nozafer throat

Another drug, less common in pharmacies, is available in 50 ml bottles, complete with a special spray nozzle. Manufacturer - pharmaceutical company Aseptica. The product meets all the requirements of ISO: 9001. The cost of 1 package is about 130 rubles.

The ready-to-use mixture contains the following components:

  • natural sea water;
  • chamomile extract;
  • aloe extract.

The type of solution is hypertonic with a total amount of sodium chloride of about 19-23 g per 1 liter. The drug is intended for intensive drainage of tissues and their deep cleansing from mucus, microbes and fungi. Indications, method of therapeutic use and other characteristics are similar to those of Akvalor.

Aqua Maris Strong throat

The drug is especially effective at the first signs of an onset cold and is intended for use in adults and children over the age of 1 year.Aqualor Throat for children. Price, instructions for use, analogues, composition

The ready-to-use solution is safe for pregnant and lactating women. The convenient format in the form of a compact tinted glass bottle allows you to take it with you if necessary. The average cost of a drug in pharmacy chains is 250-300 rubles.

The composition includes the following ions, in 1 ml, not less:

  • calcium - 0.25 mg;
  • sodium –7.5 mg;
  • bromine - 0.04 mg;
  • potassium - 0.2 mg;
  • chlorine - 16.5 mg;
  • magnesium - 1 mg;
  • sulfur - 1.8 mg.

Also, the composition contains hydrocarbonates in a total amount of at least 0.1 mg / ml. The sterile liquid is hermetically sealed and does not contain preservatives.

Due to the pharmacological action of the listed ions, an intensive cleansing of the throat from all types of the most common pathogens is provided.

Recommendations for medical use:

  • the drug should be sprayed at least 4-6 times a day;
  • the number of injections for each time - up to 4.

Before using the solution for its intended purpose, it is necessary to turn the sprayer to a horizontal position, then direct it to the back of the throat and press the recommended number of times on the piston in the upper part bottle.

If necessary, it is allowed to use the drug in children under 1 year old, observing all safety rules.

Recommendations for the safe use of ready-to-use sprays

Aqualor Throat for children, the price of which seems to many to be unreasonably high, can significantly facilitate condition during illness, accelerate recovery and significantly reduce the duration of acute period. With proper use, most buyers become regular customers of the manufacturer.

For maximum efficiency, you should adhere to a number of rules, the observance of which will reduce the consumption of funds and make the procedures as effective as possible.

At first glance, the human tonsils, located in the pharynx, may seem like an extra organ that does not perform any useful functions.Aqualor Throat for children. Price, instructions for use, analogues, composition

However, these formations play one of the key roles in maintaining good health:

  • prevent the ingress of foreign particles into the lung tissue;
  • immune cells synthesize active interferons on them;
  • as a result, viruses and microbes die after contact.

The tonsils have a complex structure with many grooves, depressions and lacunae in which food debris can accumulate. All this, combined with warmth and high humidity in the oral cavity, creates favorable conditions for the development and reproduction of pathological microorganisms.

Against the background of washing and other methods of restoring normal health, doctors very often prescribe sprays and aerosols containing antiseptic substances and antibiotics.

In all these cases, especially if the child is prone to developing allergic reactions, one should be aware of the risk of developing laryngospasm. In some cases, it ends with extensive Quincke's edema and is accompanied by a serious threat to the survival of the child.

Symptoms of the development of complications:

  • breathing for no apparent reason becomes difficult, wheezing;
  • this is due to the gradual narrowing of the airway lumen;
  • with a further increase in symptoms, immediate medical assistance is required;
  • then shortness of breath and a feeling of shortness of breath appear even at rest;
  • at the same time, the symptoms of hypoxia increase, the skin acquires a blue tint;
  • then they reach the most acute stage, when the attack can be fatal.

Therefore, at the first suspicion of the development of a pathological condition, you should always immediately call an ambulance. In this case, the behavior of loved ones should be calm enough, since excitement will only accelerate the development of laryngospasm in the victim.

Safe spray Aqualor Throat is highly effective for eliminating pathological processes on the mucous membranes in children and adults.

With a competent approach to the treatment process, it will provide significant assistance to reduce the overall recovery time, even in the presence of severe symptoms at the very beginning of the pathological process. And in the case of the earliest start of the course therapy, the consumption of funds will be minimal, and the price in this case will cease to seem overpriced.

Video about the treatment of throat in children

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