Respiratory System

Oxyfrin (Oxyfrin) spray for children, adult. Instructions for use for the nose, from which it helps, reviews, price

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Oxyfrin drug relieves nasal congestion and runny nose. It comes in the form of nasal drops and spray. The drug has a number of features that relate to, including the possibility of using the drug for children. Therefore, before you start using the drug, it is important to read the instructions and it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Record content:

  • 1 Terms of dispensing from pharmacies, drug price
  • 2 Composition, release form
  • 3 Principle of operation and efficiency
  • 4 Indications for use
  • 5 Contraindications and side effects
  • 6 At what age is it prescribed?
  • 7 Application and doses
    • 7.1 For adults
    • 7.2 For children
    • 7.3 For pregnant women and during lactation
  • 8 special instructions
  • 9 Interaction with other drugs
  • 10 Storage conditions and periods
  • 11 Compositional analogs
  • 12 Video about Oxyphrine

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies, drug price

The drug does not contain highly active active substances in the composition, therefore the patient does not requires constant monitoring of the influence of the drug on his well-being by medical workers. The medication can be purchased at any pharmacy without having a doctor's prescription with you.

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Despite this, it is recommended that you visit a specialist before using the spray. A professional pediatrician will examine the child and, having analyzed his condition, will be able to say exactly how safe and effective the drug will be in his case. It is especially important to see a doctor if children have chronic illnesses.

The cost of the drug is different. It is primarily influenced by the city and the pharmacy where the purchase is made. As a rule, the larger the city, the more expensive the medicine is. Prices for Oxyfrin start at 95 rubles. and can go up to 200 rubles.

Composition, release form

The main active ingredient in the preparation is oxymetazoline hydrochloride. It is on its properties that the action of the spray is based. Thanks to this component, narrowing of the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa occurs, which helps to temporarily relieve puffiness.

Together with it, the congestion disappears and the runny nose disappears, making breathing easier. As part of the drug, it is used in such an amount that when the dispenser is pressed, a person receives a dose of 11.25-100 mcg of the active substance, depending on the version of the spray.

Oxyfrin (Oxyfrin) spray for children, adult. Instructions for use, reviews
Oxyfrin spray

In addition to oxymetazoline, other products are also used in the manufacture of the drug, which are designed to help create a solution and preserve its properties for a long time.

The following are used as auxiliary substances:

Name Properties and function Quantity
Anhydrous glycerol Emulsifier, regulates the degree of viscosity of the solution. 952.425 μg
Sodium Citrate Dihydrate Moisturizes mucous membranes, has a lemon flavor and scent. 172.035 μg
Distilled water Dissolves substances, forms the basis of the solution. 43.839 mg
Anhydrous citric acid Has a lemon flavor and aroma. 25.065 mcg

Oxyfrin is a spray for children, produced in white-orange (1-6 years old) or white-green (from 6 years old) cartons. There are also special nasal drops for the treatment of children under one year old. They are sold in a white and pink pack.

The solution is packaged in special white bottles made of plastic or polyethylene. It is equipped with a special dosing nozzle, when pressed on which the substance comes out in the form of splashes. The solution itself is a clear liquid. As a rule, it is colorless, but a light yellow tint is allowed.

The pack contains 1 bottle. It comes with paper instructions.

Principle of operation and efficiency

The effectiveness of the drug is ensured by the active participation of oxymetazoline molecules in the processes occurring in the body. Entering the nasal cavity, the active substance is deposited on the mucous membrane and enters the circulatory system through the capillaries. Dissolving in the blood, it begins the activity of vasoconstriction to their normal state.Oxyfrin (Oxyfrin) spray for children, adult. Instructions for use, reviews

At the same time, the component affects the work of the mucous glands responsible for the secretion of nasal mucus. It is with its excessive production that the onset of a common cold is associated with colds and various forms of rhinitis.

Oxymetazoline regulates the functioning of the gland and reduces the amount of secretion secreted by them, as a result of which the flow from the nose stops, congestion disappears, and puffiness disappears.

The active substance takes effect quickly. In the body, it practically does not undergo systemic absorption. For this reason, oxymetazoline enters the bloodstream in small quantities that do not affect the functioning of various systems of internal organs.

Elimination of the active ingredient takes a long time. As a rule, it takes 5 to 8 days for the body to get rid of half of the consumed dose. The excretion of the drug is carried out with the help of the kidneys and intestines, so the component leaves the body at the same time as urine and feces.

Okimetazoline is considered one of the most powerful and attractive remedies for the treatment of the common cold, since the effect of using the spray occurs within the first 15 minutes. In this case, the effect of the substance lasts up to 8 hours, so that frequent use of the drug is not required.

Indications for use

Oxyphrin is a spray for children that is great for relieving symptoms during colds. Thanks to the active substance, the drug perfectly copes with the difficulty of nasal breathing, reduces the degree of swelling and normalizes the amount of nasal mucus, preventing a runny nose.Oxyfrin (Oxyfrin) spray for children, adult. Instructions for use, reviews

Therefore, the medication is recommended for use in diseases accompanied by sinus inflammation and congestion:

  • sinusitis (acute and chronic);
  • cold;
  • sinusitis (acute or chronic);
  • flu.

The drug is also used for eustachitis, which causes congestion in the ear and is often the result of an acute respiratory viral disease that has not been cured in time.

It is recommended to use the drug in case of allergic reactions occurring with increased secretion of nasal mucus or breathing difficulties. We are talking, among other things, about hay fever - an increased sensitivity of the body to pollen and seeds of plants, dust, animal hair.

Oxyphrin is prescribed when observing congestion in the nasal cavity. It is also used to eliminate edema of the conjunctiva, the shell that is the top layer of the eyeball and inner eyelid.

Contraindications and side effects

Before using the drug, you must read the instructions, because, like any drug, it has its own limitations.

So, you can not use a medication for the following diseases and phenomena:

  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, passing without the release of nasal mucus;
  • arrhythmia;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • atrophic form of rhinitis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic kidney failure.Oxyfrin (Oxyfrin) spray for children, adult. Instructions for use, reviews

It is not recommended to use the drug for women in the process of bearing a fetus and when breastfeeding a child. The active substance can affect the formation of a new organism and cause deviations in physical development.

The use of a medication is possible only after consulting a doctor and only if it is not possible to find a safe analogue, and the threat to the mother's health is too high.

Do not use the drug for people with hypersensitivity to its active substance. In this case, there is an increase in the runny nose, itching, swelling.

Oxyphrin is a spray for children that should be used with caution. This is associated with a large list of side effects.

During the first few hours after using the drug, the following conditions may occur:

  • a feeling of dryness in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe sinuses;
  • increased heartbeat;
  • increased excitability;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • mydriasis;
  • burning sensation of the nasal mucosa;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • dizziness;
  • paresis of accommodation;
  • dry throat;
  • painful sensations in the head;
  • irritation of the conjunctiva;
  • sneezing;
  • mucosal atrophy;
  • problems with falling asleep, the development of insomnia;
  • retraction of the eyelid;
  • hyperemia of the mucous membrane.Oxyfrin (Oxyfrin) spray for children, adult. Instructions for use, reviews

With prolonged use of the drug and non-compliance with the doses indicated in the instructions or prescribed by the doctor, tachyphylaxis is observed - a condition in which the effectiveness of the effect of the active substance on organism. Oxymetazoline is easily addictive, so the longer it is used, the higher the dose is required to treat symptoms.

At what age is it prescribed?

In the instructions for the drug, some restrictions are prescribed regarding the age from which the use of the spray is permissible. The classic version of the drug, containing about 22.5 mcg of oxymetazoline per dose, can only be used for adults and children over 6 years of age. In other cases, it is worth choosing medicines with a lower concentration of the active substance.

The company that manufactures Oxyfrin also produces special versions of the drug that are safe for use in childhood. A child from 1 to 6 years old is recommended to be treated with a drug containing two lower concentrations of the substance - 11.25 μg.

It has a milder effect, practically does not cause side effects and addiction with a competent approach to the use of the medication.

There is a special version for babies, where the concentration of the solution is 0.01%. Most of it is water (up to 1 ml), and the active ingredient is used in an amount of 0.1 mg. When the two components are combined, a solution is obtained with a weak effect for adults, but optimal for infants under one year old, which allows you to treat a runny nose without compromising health.

Application and doses

Oxyphrin is a spray for children, the dosage regimen of which depends on the age and severity of the disease. For effective treatment, it is important to adhere to the daily norms of the drug indicated in the instructions, since oxymetazoline is easily addictive with frequent and excessive use.Oxyfrin (Oxyfrin) spray for children, adult. Instructions for use, reviews

It is best to visit a doctor's office before starting use and consult with him about the drug. The specialist will conduct an examination and, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, will help determine how safe is the drug and is there a need to adjust the daily dose specified in instructions.

For adults

For the treatment of rhinitis in adults, it is necessary to use a drug in which the content of the active substance reaches 22.5 μg per injection. In accordance with the standard regimen prescribed in the instructions, the drug can be used up to 3 times a day. In this case, there is one injection at a time for each nostril of the nose.

The duration of the course of treatment is individual, but it is not recommended to use the medication for more than 7 days. With prolonged use, the body becomes accustomed to oxymetazoline, as a result of which a large dose is required to facilitate breathing, and the effect lasts only a couple of hours. If there is a need to continue therapy, it is better to take a week break and only then repeat the course.

If after 3 days of using the drug there are no results, you should consult a doctor.

For children

When using nasal drops for babies in the first month of life, the drug is used up to 3 times a day. At this age, 1 drop is prescribed in each nasal passage. Starting from 5 weeks, the dose, if necessary, can be increased to 2 drops. It is also permissible to wipe the child's nostrils with cotton wool slightly moistened with a solution, the amount of which does not exceed the specified norm.Oxyfrin (Oxyfrin) spray for children, adult. Instructions for use, reviews

Children from one to 6 years old are prescribed 1 injection into the nasal passages. The procedure is repeated up to 3 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease.

The duration of the course is 5-7 days from the moment of the first use of the drug. If there are side effects, worsening of the condition, or increased feeling of nasal congestion, stop using the spray and see a doctor.

For pregnant women and during lactation

It is not recommended to use the drug for women while carrying a child or feeding a newborn with breast milk.

Although the active substance is practically not absorbed into the circulatory system and its amount in the body small, there is a risk that even a small concentration of the component can lead to developmental disorders fetus. This is especially dangerous in the first trimester, when a new organism is being formed.

Before using the drug, a doctor's permission is required. When using the medication during pregnancy or lactation, the maximum dose indicated in the instructions must not be exceeded. It is best to choose a product with a lower concentration of the active substance, since they are safer, but at the same time their effect is not as noticeable as with other products.

special instructions

Oxyphrin is recommended to be used individually - 1 spray per person. It is especially important to observe this principle for children in order to avoid the spread of infection to an immature organism.

When using the drug, it is important to direct the dispenser into the nostril. Avoid accidental ingestion of particles of the active substance into the mucous membrane of the eye, since oxymetazoline can cause irritation and redness of the conjunctiva.

Long-term use of the drug affects the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It is worth considering this if it is necessary to drive a car and other means of transport, since a decrease in attention, a slow reaction to what is happening is possible.

Interaction with other drugs

Simultaneous use of the spray with drugs that have a vasoconstrictor effect should be avoided. Their combination enhances the effect on the body and often leads to the development of side effects.Oxyfrin (Oxyfrin) spray for children, adult. Instructions for use, reviews

Oxyfrin is used with caution in conjunction with the following drugs:

  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
  • drugs designed to increase blood pressure;
  • tricyclic antidepressants;
  • local anesthetic medicines.

In combination with them, oxymetazoline is able to greatly increase blood pressure indicators, which manifests itself in a rapid heartbeat, tinnitus, and facial flushing. With a combination of the active ingredients of the spray and anesthetics for local anesthesia, the absorption of the latter into the blood is slowed down. This leads to an increase in the duration of their action.

Storage conditions and periods

To preserve the properties of the drug, it is important to place it in an environment protected from the penetration of sunlight. Do not allow overheating or excessive cooling of the medicinal product. The most optimal room temperature will be.

The medicine is stored for 3 years from the date of production. After the expiration date, the use of the drug is not allowed, as it may be hazardous to health.

Compositional analogs

As a replacement for Oxyfrin, pharmacies offer the following products with oxymetazoline in the composition:

Name Release form At what age should you apply? Price in rub.
Sialor Rino Spray, drops 12+ 150
Nesopin Spray 6+ 180
Otrivin Express Spray 12+ 260
Afrin Spray 6+ 210
Vicks Active Sinex Spray 10+ 250
Rinostop Extra Spray, drops 2+ (0,05%), 6+ (0,1%) 130
Nazivin Spray, drops 1+ 160
Nazol Spray 6+ 160
Knoxprey Spray 6+ 120

A drug based on oxymetazoline Oxyfrin relieves puffiness and makes breathing easier for the first few minutes after use. The spray is mild and good for children.Oxyfrin (Oxyfrin) spray for children, adult. Instructions for use, reviews

Before starting use, it is recommended to consult a doctor and consult with him, since the drug has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to use the drug for long-term treatment of rhinitis.

Author: Olga Eisen

Video about Oxyphrine

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