Respiratory System

Pectusin tablets for resorption for children, adults. Instructions for use, price, reviews

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Pectusin's action, available in the form of lozenges, has been tested by millions of patients. The combination drug is used for upper respiratory tract diseases and helps to cure a cough.

Record content:

  • 1 Forms of release and composition of the drug
  • 2 Pharmacological properties
  • 3 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • 4 Indications for use
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 At what age can the drug be used?
  • 7 Instructions for use, dosage
    • 7.1 For children
    • 7.2 For adults
  • 8 Side effects
  • 9 Overdose
  • 10 special instructions
  • 11 Drug interactions
  • 12 Analogs
  • 13 Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  • 14 Price
  • 15 Cough medicine videos

Forms of release and composition of the drug

Pectusin is a cough medicine that comes in pill form. The drug has a vegetable base, due to which it has a pleasant, specific and slightly sweetish taste. Each package of Pectusin contains from 1 to 5 plates containing 10 tablets.

This remedy is not found neither in the form of a suspension, nor in the form of a throat spray or lozenges for resorption - only Pectusin in the form of tablets can be bought at the pharmacy.

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Often, Pectusin is mistakenly confused with a syrup that has a similar name - Pertussin. Both drugs are used to treat coughs, but there is nothing else that brings them together. Medicines are completely different in composition and mechanisms of action on the body.

Each Pectusin tablet contains 4 mg of L-menthol (levomenthol) and 0.5 mg of eucalyptus oil.

In addition to the main ones, it is also worth noting the excipients in the tablets:

  • talc;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • powdered sugar;
  • sodium carmellose;
  • calcium stearate.Pectusin tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Pectusin belongs to the group of phytopreparations with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties. Lozenges act locally for respiratory and otolaryngological diseases.

Pharmacological properties

Pectusin effectively fights cough due to the chemical properties of the components it contains. The main function of relieving this symptom is performed by menthol. This substance actively stimulates peripheral nerve receptors located on the surface of the larynx and trachea.

Menthol cools inflamed and irritated tissues, producing a local anesthetic effect. The second active ingredient - eucalyptus oil - has antimicrobial properties and helps to stop inflammation.

These substances work better in pairs, and the result of their combined action is a more intense sputum separation.

Due to the local irritating effect of menthol, the mucous membrane seems to "freeze" and the patient stops coughing for a while, and eucalyptus oil promotes healing of irritated mucous membranes and neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms localized in the pharynx and in the mouth cavity.

Pectusin (lozenges are the only form in which this pharmaceutical product is produced) has a vegetable base and is intended for the treatment of respiratory diseases. It acts superficially on nasopharyngeal tissue.

It is important to understand that lozenges do not cure the cough itself. Pectusin does not affect the centers of the brain responsible for this reflex, and does not thin phlegm. The unpleasant symptom is blocked by eliminating the softening of the throat mucosa.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The absorption properties of Pectusin are minimal. The low absorption of substances, despite the fact that all the components in the composition of the tablets for resorption penetrate into the digestive tract, is the main advantage of the drug.

The bulk of menthol and eucalyptus oil remains on the walls of the oral cavity and nasopharynx, and the remaining portions of these natural substances that enter the bloodstream and, with normal tolerance, do not have any negative effect on organism.

Indications for use

Cough pills are generally not used as monotherapy for respiratory diseases. It is more correct to use Pectusin in combination with antiviral, antibacterial agents or other antiseptics for diseases of the nasopharynx.

Lozenges are prescribed for patients with dry cough and sore throat. with infectious-inflammatory and cold respiratory diseases:

  • laryngitis;Pectusin tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, price, reviews
  • bacterial and viral sore throat;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • mild bronchitis;
  • chronic or acute rhinitis, provoking a cough;
  • tonsillitis.

Pectusin can be used regardless of the severity of the disease. However, in infectious pathologies accompanied by high body temperature, the effectiveness of the drug is minimal.

The instructions for use of these lozenges do not indicate the possibility of their use for prophylactic purposes. However, in practice, doctors recommend taking Pectusin to people who, by the nature of a professional activities have to deal with an intense load on the vocal cords (teachers, singers, announcers).

The tablets help to eliminate the swelling of the larynx and significantly reduce the risk of developing reactive laryngitis.


Despite its natural composition, Pectusin has serious limitations to its use. In some diseases, the use of drugs based on menthol, eucalyptus and other substances can lead to dangerous complications.

Cough tablets should not be sucked away if:

  • spasmophilia - a disease occurring with hyperexcitability of the central nervous system and manifested by uncontrolled reflex convulsions;
  • stenosing laryngotracheitis - stimulation of peripheral throat receptors can lead to the progression of the disease;
  • bronchial asthma - the risk of bronchospasm as a result of reflex irritations of the nasopharyngeal receptors increases several times (menthol can provoke an attack);
  • diabetes mellitus - the tablets contain glucose.

In order to avoid the development of complications, before taking the tablets for resorption, you should carefully read the annotation to the medicine and consult a specialist.

In case of unfavorable individual hypersensitivity to menthol, eucalyptus oil or other substances in the composition of Pectusin, it is impossible to use. People who are prone to allergic reactions need to start treatment with minimal doses.Pectusin tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to the use of Pectusin, however, the expectant mother should never self-medicate. The absence of separate instructions for the use of the drug in the prenatal period in the instructions indicates that during its clinical trials, no negative effects on the fetus were detected.

However, it should be remembered that the active components of Pectusin are strong allergens and, if used illiterately, cough tablets can cause allergies in a child.

The restriction on the use of Pectusin by lactating women is similar. Menthol and eucalyptus ether tend to penetrate into breast milk, so even a small amount of these substances can affect its taste. In connection with the above, during pregnancy and lactation, it is better to opt for medicines with less absorption and allergenicity.

At what age can the drug be used?

Pectusin - lozenges that are not suitable for patients of all age groups. For example, doctors prescribe this drug to children only upon reaching the age of 7. The prohibition on the treatment of cough with Pectusin in children is justified by the need to use the drug sublingually, which cannot be explained to a small child.

The tablet must be held under the tongue until it is completely dissolved, and in most cases, children simply bite through or swallow the drug entirely, and therefore the proper therapeutic effect does not occur.

Instructions for use, dosage

Pectusin must be used sublingually. The drug is placed under the tongue and held until the tablet softens and dissolves. The use of the drug in this way allows you to achieve the expected result due to prolonged and systematic reflex irritation of the nerve endings of the throat.Pectusin tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, price, reviews

As per annotation:

  • the optimal daily dose is 3-4 tablets;
  • take the drug at least 1 hour before meals;
  • after using Pectusin, it is advisable not to eat anything for the next 1.5-2 hours.

These dosage recommendations are indicative only. The duration of the course of therapy and the daily rates of the drug are set by the attending physician in the individual order, based on the clinical picture of the patient, his age, additional diseases in the anamnesis and other conditions.

When side effects appear, specialists do not always make a decision to cancel treatment with Pectusin. If the symptoms are mild and do not cause severe discomfort to the patient, the recommended dosages are first revised. In the case when the dose adjustment does not lead to positive changes, the pills are stopped and Pectusin is replaced with a suitable analogue.

In the reviews of some patients, there are doubts about whether this drug can be used with a wet cough. Pectusin is effective both in the absence and in the presence of expectorant secretions. In this case, the use of tablets with abundant sputum secretion should be combined with the intake of additional funds from the group of expectorant and mucolytic medicines.

Pectusin is most often prescribed for the relief of a cold cough, accompanied by soreness in the upper respiratory tract. Lozenges do not contribute to the dilution of sputum, however, according to doctors, they block the development of the inflammatory process and help to establish the normal functioning of the bronchi.

For children

Pectusin can be given for coughing to children after the age of 7 years. For a school-age child, 1 tablet is enough 1-2 times a day for a week. The duration of therapy can be increased by the doctor upwards (up to 10-14 days), if the patient has a positive dynamics, but to consolidate the therapeutic effect, prolongation is required course.

Teenagers over 12 years old are allowed to give the drug 3 times a day. For children, as well as for adult patients, lozenges should not be taken at the same time as food or drink.

For adults

Adult patients can take Pectusin 4 times a day, 1 tablet. This dosage is considered to be the most appropriate in most cases. Pectusin tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, price, reviewsIn addition, more than 4 tablets cannot be taken during the day - this is the maximum daily amount.

Side effects

Unlike potent medicines, phytopreparations rarely cause negative reactions from one or another body system. The manufacturer notes that Pectusin is not capable of provoking severe side effects like chemical pharmaceutical products. However, lozenges often cause allergic reactions in patients.

Caution for the use of the drug should be approached by persons with hypersensitivity to herbal ingredients. With intolerance to menthol and eucalyptus, which is manifested by hyperemic areas on the skin, small rashes, urticaria. Also, allergies can manifest themselves as itchy skin on the face.

If you develop or suspect an allergic reaction, you need to stop taking the pills, take an antihistamine and consult your doctor about possible substitutes for Pectusin.


If you take pills without disregarding the recommendations of doctors, the likelihood of any harmful or dangerous consequences is minimal. Pectusin has a sweetish pleasant taste, therefore, hypothetically, the drug can attract the attention of a preschool child. This must not be allowed!

When poisoning with this medication, patients have the following symptoms:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • headache;
  • hyperexcitability, quickly and unreasonably replaced by increased drowsiness.Pectusin tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, price, reviews

There is no specific antidote for an overdose of Pectusin, and therefore, one should act according to the standard scheme used for food and drug poisoning of varying severity:

  1. Rinse the stomach by drinking 1.5-2 liters of water. In the absence of vomiting, flushing is carried out using a probe.
  2. Give the patient adsorbents (the simplest is activated carbon).
  3. Provide the patient with a comfortable body position, measure body temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure.

There is no confirmed information about severe cases of overdose with Pectusin.

special instructions

In the annotation to the drug there is no clear prohibition on the use of Pectusin during pregnancy and lactation, which means that you can dissolve cough pills if a doctor prescribes them. In the absence of allergy to menthol or eucalyptus, the drug can be included in the complex therapy along with other drugs.

Pectusin - lozenges that do not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and do not reduce concentration. Menthol and eucalyptus oil do not accumulate in the body, therefore, in patients taking a cough medicine for for 1 week or more, the ability to drive a car or difficult mechanical installations.

The drug can be taken by people of any profession. Persons with a history of diabetes mellitus should take into account that 1 tablet of Pectusin contains up to 750 mg of simple carbohydrates (equal to 0.05 XE). It is important for these patients to have their blood glucose checked regularly.

Drug interactions

The official instructions from the manufacturer of Pectusin do not indicate information about the interaction of active substances with the components of medicines used in parallel during the treatment of cough. Patient reviews also testify to a safe combination with other drugs.

When using Pectusin together with mucolytics, expectorants, dilution and excretion sputum occurs faster, sore throat disappears due to elimination of mucosal inflammation shell.

Pectusin tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Cough tablets based on eucalyptus oil and menthol partially inhibit vital functions pathogenic bacteria, but they do not interact with antibiotics and do not help with pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis.

The drug Pectusin is not prohibited to use with alcohol, however, the effectiveness of the tablets when combined with ethanol may decrease. If it is necessary to use other antitussives in parallel, it is necessary read the instructions carefully or consult your doctor to prevent side effects and overdose.


Pectusin (lozenges) can be replaced with drugs similar in composition and action. If at the right time this particular drug is not in the pharmacy, you can find a full-fledged alternative to it.

Moreover, among the analogues there are different dosage forms:

Release form Tablets (lozenges) Syrup Drops
The reason for choosing an analog Unlike Pectusin, most of these analogs have both mucolytic and expectorant properties. Liquid analogue medications are often chosen for more convenient treatment of coughs in children. Some of the drugs in the form of oral drops can be given to children from the first days of life.
Trade names
  • Ambrohexal;
  • Lizobact;
  • Codelac Broncho;
  • Omnitus;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Eucalyptus-M;
  • Faringosept;
  • Alteika.
  • Pertussin;
  • Eucabal;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Ascoril.
  • Stopussin;
  • Bronchostop;
  • Gedelix;
  • Sinecode.
Pectusin tablets for resorption. Instructions for use, price, reviews
Bromhexine tablets

Eucalyptus-M is one of the most popular natural-based analogs. The drug is available in several dosage forms - tablets (have an identical composition), syrup, lozenges.

Cough medicine helps to eliminate inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, however, unlike Pectusin, it has many contraindications. It is impossible to use Eucalyptus-M for whooping cough, bronchial asthma and bronchospasm.

Alteika chewable tablets do not contain menthol and eucalyptus esters, therefore, if you are allergic to Pectusin, you can use this drug based on an extract of dry marshmallow root. Alteyk is allowed to be given to children from 2 years old. The medicine has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance, and can be used for pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma.

A stronger substitute for the phytopreparation Pectusin is Ascoril. This product contains bromhexine, guaifenesin, salbutamol. Ascoril tablets do not need to be sucked, they are washed down with water and swallowed whole.

On the part of the respiratory system, there are no restrictions for taking medication. In this case, the drug should not be taken by patients with impaired functions of the heart, circulatory system, liver, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

All of the above medicines are in the middle price category. If the doctor prescribes Pectusin, then, from his point of view, this drug is the most optimal means of therapy in a particular case. You should not self-medicate and select an analogue yourself.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

Lozenges require special storage conditions. In order for the drug to retain its medicinal properties throughout the entire shelf life declared by the manufacturer, it must be kept in a place not accessible to exposure to the sun and high temperatures.

It is better to immediately determine the packaging of the drug in the refrigerator so that the physicochemical properties of the tablets are not disturbed.

A deterioration in the quality of tablets can be indicated by a change in their color (yellowing, the appearance of a gray tint), texture and density. If the tablets become looser and more crumbly, do not take them. Pectusin is suitable for use for 36 months (counting must be carried out from the date of manufacture indicated on the pack or blister with tablets).


You can buy Pectusin at any inpatient pharmacy without a prescription. The cost of lozenges is the lowest in comparison with the above analogs and is 40-50 rubles. This drug has predominantly approved user reviews, since it is easily tolerated at any age and is not addictive.

Cough medicine videos

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