Respiratory System

Aqualor during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, reviews

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Aqualor is a line of products based on sea water for the care of the throat and nasal cavity. Water for the creation of the drug is used from the Atlantic Ocean from the coast of Sweden and France.

The tool helps to strengthen the immune system, eliminates swelling of the mucous membrane in the nasopharynx, and also has an antiseptic effect. At the same time, the drug has practically no contraindications and side effects, therefore it is allowed to use it during the period of bearing a child (in any trimester of pregnancy).

Record content:

  • 1 Release form and composition of the drug
  • 2 Pharmacological properties
  • 3 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • 4 Indications for use
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 Instructions for use, dosage for pregnant women
  • 7 Side effects
  • 8 Overdose
  • 9 special instructions
  • 10 Drug interactions
  • 11 Analogs for pregnant women
  • 12 Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  • 13 Price
  • 14 Video about medications for a cold in pregnant women

Release form and composition of the drug

Aqualor Forte is produced in the form of a liquid based on seawater in 6 types. Each type of preparation differs in the concentration of sodium chloride in the composition, the concentration of seawater and the type of nozzle used. The solutions are placed in cylinders with a capacity of 50, 125 and 150 ml.

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List of Aqualor species and their composition:

Aqualor name and release form Composition of the preparation Description of the action of the components
Aqualor Baby. Drops and spray spray solution in the form of a soft shower. Sea water from 30 to 33 ml Prevention and elimination of infection in the nasopharynx, mainly in infants and in early pregnancy.
NaCl from 8 to 11 g / l
pH 6 to 8.5
Aqualor software. Spray with spray solution in the form of a shower. Sea water from 30 to 33 ml Eliminates dry nasal mucosa and allergic rhinitis.
NaCl from 8 to 11 g / l
pH 6 to 8.5
Aqualor Norm. Spray with spray solution. Sea water from 30 to 33 ml Prevents the development of infection and inflammation in the nasal mucosa.
NaCl from 8 to 11 g / l
pH 6 to 8.5
Aqualor Forte. Spray with spray solution in the form of a shower. Sea water from 70 to 77 ml Eliminates severe nasal congestion and lingering rhinitis.
NaCl from 19 to 23 g / l
pH 6 to 8.5
Aqualor Extra. Spray with spray solution in the form of a stream. Sea water from 70 to 77 ml Thanks to aloe vera and chamomile, the antiseptic effect of the product is more pronounced. The composition allows you to eliminate even a lingering chronic rhinitis.
NaCl from 19 to 23 g / l
pH 6 to 8.5
Aloe Vera Extract 0.025%
Chamomile extract 0.025%
Aqualor for the throat. Spray with a spray bottle. Sea water from 70 to 77 ml Fights inflammation and eliminates infection in the tissues of the throat and pharynx.
NaCl from 19 to 23 g / l
pH 6 to 8.5
Aloe Vera Extract 0.025%
Chamomile extract 0.025%
Aqualor during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, reviews

Thanks to seawater, which contains a large list of minerals and active substances, Aqualor provides a therapeutic effect. The higher the concentration of seawater, the higher the effectiveness of the drug.

Important. There are no preservatives in the solution to extend the shelf life, so the drug is safe for both children and adults, including pregnant women.

Pharmacological properties

Aqualor belongs to preparations with a natural composition for the care of the mucous membrane of the throat and nasal cavity. The tool has an immuno-strengthening effect, moisturizes mucous membranes, and also has antiseptic properties.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Aqualor during pregnancy 1-3 trimesters is not only allowed, but also recommended for use.

Thanks to the use of natural sea water, the solution has the following effects on the body:

  • helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • activates tissue regeneration, as a result, the healing process of tissues is accelerated, for example, after surgical intervention on the tissues of the nose and throat;
  • enhances the effect of medicines used nasally and for the treatment of the throat (antibiotics, antiviral, vasoconstrictor). As a result, the dosage of drugs is reduced, and as a result, the likelihood of side effects is reduced;
  • has a moisturizing effect on the mucous membrane of the nose and throat;
  • prevents the development of an inflammatory reaction;
  • eliminates tissue irritation;
  • softens dried crusts in the nasal mucosa;
  • washes out pathogenic microflora, thick mucus and allergens from the tissues of the nose and nasopharynx;
  • reduces tissue swelling, resulting in easier breathing;
  • reduces the likelihood of penetration of pathogenic microflora into the ear canals, as a result, the likelihood of developing complications in the form of otitis media is reduced;
  • normalizes the mobility of the ciliated epithelium in the nose and activates its protective properties.

At the same time, Aqualor extra and Aqualor for the throat, due to the inclusion in the composition of chamomile extract and aloe extract, has a pronounced antiseptic effect, contributing to the destruction of pathogenic microflora in the tissues of the nose and throat.

The therapeutic effect of using the solution is noted in the first 5 minutes. Since the product has a natural composition, its absorption and excretion from the body has not been studied.

Indications for use

Aqualor for children, adults and during pregnancy is prescribed in the following cases:Aqualor during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, reviews

  • to moisturize the mucous membranes of the nose and throat when working or living in hot and dry conditions;
  • to restore the pH balance in the tissues of the nasopharynx;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes (including chronic ones) in the tissues of the throat or nose;
  • before the planned surgical intervention in the tissues of the nasopharynx;
  • in the postoperative period (subject to surgery on the tissues of the nasopharynx). Aqualor accelerates the process of repairing damaged tissues;
  • allergy to dust and other allergens "flying" in the air. The solution washes away allergy "provocateurs" from the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, preventing the development of an allergic reaction;
  • runny nose caused by pathogenic microflora. Aqualor washes out pathogens from the nasal mucous membranes, and also enhances the body's defense reaction;
  • the presence of swelling in the tissues of the nose and throat;
  • to facilitate the withdrawal of thick secretions from the nasal cavity;
  • for softening dry crusts in the nose and their further withdrawal;
  • for the purpose of daily hygiene of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages;
  • in the season of colds, to prevent the penetration of infection through the respiratory tract
  • to restore the mobility of the ciliated epithelium in the nasal passages and strengthen the immune system.

The tool is recommended for use in complex therapy for infectious diseases of the throat and nose, as well as for allergies. The drug enhances the effect of medications, accelerates the removal of harmful substances, and as a result, the duration of treatment is reduced.


Aqualor during pregnancy (1-3 trimesters are not a contraindication to the use of the drug) should be used according to the dosage and rules that are described in the instructions for the drug. Aqualor cannot be used if there is an intolerance to the composition (especially when choosing Aqualor Extra and Aqualor for the throat, since they contain plant extracts).

Instructions for use, dosage for pregnant women

Aqualor, despite the naturalness of the composition, is a drug. Therefore, it should be used strictly according to the dosage indicated in the instructions (especially in the 1st trimester of pregnancy).

Before using the solution, you must familiarize yourself with the rules for its administration, depending on the type of nozzle:

  • drops:
  1. It is required to take a horizontal position and turn your head to the left side.
  2. Shake the bottle, remove the cap, wipe the dropper-dispenser with a disinfectant solution.
  3. Take the bottle with the solution into the right hand and insert the dropper dispenser into the nasal passage of the right nostril.
  4. Pinch the left nostril with the index finger of your left hand.
  5. Carry out the required number of clicks on the bottle.
  6. Massage the right nostril lightly to distribute the solution evenly.
  7. Repeat the manipulations with the left nostril. That is, the head should be tilted to the right and the solution should be injected into the left nostril.
  8. Blow out excess solution.
  9. Wipe the dropper dispenser with a disinfectant. Close the bottle with a lid.
  • spray with spray solution in the form of a shower:
  1. Take an upright position (you can sit).Aqualor during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, reviews
  2. Shake the solution bottle.
  3. Remove the cap from the cylinder, disinfect the nozzle and install it on the bottle.
  4. Perform 1-2 test clicks so that the drug begins to spray into the air.
  5. Next, you need to enter the spray dispenser into the right nostril. The left nostril should be pinched with the index finger of the left hand.
  6. Press the dispenser and hold for about 2-3 seconds. It is necessary that the solution irrigates the nasal passage well.
  7. Blow out excess solution from the nostril.
  8. Repeat the manipulations of introducing the drug into the left nostril.
  9. Finally, remove and rinse the spray nozzle.
  10. Close the bottle with a protective cap.
  • spray spray solution in the form of a spray (for the nose):
  1. Manipulations must be performed over the basin or sink.
  2. Shake the solution bottle. Remove the protective cap and put on the spray nozzle (it must first be disinfected).
  3. Carry out 2-3 test clicks into the air.
  4. Insert the nozzle deep into the nasal nostril. The free nasal passage must be clamped with the index finger of the free hand.
  5. Press the dispenser nozzle and hold for about 5 seconds. The solution will flow out of the nostril, flushing out pathogenic microflora and mucus.
  6. Blow out the remaining solution and rinse the second nostril in the same way.
  7. Rinse the spray dispenser and close the bottle with a protective cap.
  • Spray spray (throat):
  1. It is necessary to carry out manipulations while sitting or standing.
  2. Shake the can and change the protective cap to the spray nozzle (the nozzle must be disinfected beforehand).
  3. Carry out 1-2 test clicks into the air.
  4. Insert the spray nozzle into the oral cavity, aiming at the area of ​​inflammation.
  5. Press for about 2-3 seconds.
  6. Remove the nebulizer from the oral cavity.
  7. Remove and rinse the spray nozzle and close the bottle with a protective cap.
  8. It is advisable not to eat or drink for 30 minutes.

To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, when using the drug during pregnancy, you need to adhere to the following dosage.

Aqualor during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, reviews
Aqualor Baby can be used during pregnancy
Type of drug Single and daily dosage Notes (edit)
Prevention of pathologies To eliminate pathologies
Aqualor Baby drops It is required to bury the solution 1 drop 1-2 times a day at intervals of every two days Instill 1-2 drops from 2 to 4 times a day until symptoms are eliminated The dosage of the solution can be increased if necessary (for any trimester of pregnancy)
Aqualor Baby spray You need to irrigate the nasal cavity 1 injection 1-2 times a day every other day It is required to use the solution 2-3 injections 2-3 times a day until recovery
Aqualor Soft Irrigate the nasal passages 1 injection 1-2 times a day every 2-3 days You need to use Aqualor 2-4 injections 3-4 times a day until the symptoms are eliminated If necessary, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the dosage can be increased
Aqualor Norm It is necessary to inject the solution to one "zilch" 1-2 times a day, approximately once every 3 days It is necessary to irrigate the nasal passages 2-3 injections 2-4 times a day until recovery The daily dosage can be increased from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy
Aqualor Forte It is enough to irrigate the nasal passages one injection once a day every 2-3 days Manipulations are required 2-3 injections 4-8 times during the day until the symptoms are eliminated The indicated dosage can be increased by 2 and 3 tons in the trimester of pregnancy.
Aqualor Extra Rinse the nasal passages once a day every 3-4 days Rinse the nasal passages 4-6 times a day until recovery It is possible to adjust the dosage upward only in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
Throat aqualor It is necessary to irrigate the throat 1 injection once a day every 3-4 days Spraying the throat is required 3-4 injections 2-6 times per knock until the symptoms are eliminated If necessary, the dosage can be increased during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
Aqualor during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, reviews

When prescribing complex therapy, it is necessary to check with the doctor the required time interval between the use of Aqualor and other drugs for the nasal cavity or throat.

Side effects

When using Aqualor products (Baby, Soft, Norm and Forte), side effects were not recorded, so as the only negative reaction can be an allergy, which rarely occurs to sea water.

When using Aqualor Extra and Aqualor for the throat, the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction is higher, since it contains chamomile extract and aloe extract.

Therefore, when using these types of drugs, the following may appear:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • itching;
  • swelling of the limbs and facial tissues (the development of Quincke's edema is possible);
  • increased nasal discharge;
  • lacrimation;
  • deterioration in breathing up to suffocation.Aqualor during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, reviews

When allergy symptoms manifest, antihistamines (Zodiac, Suprastin, Zyrtec) should be taken.


Aqualor during pregnancy (1 trimester is the most vulnerable to fetal formation, so any medication must be selected with extreme caution) is considered a safe drug. Even if the solution is accidentally swallowed or used in a higher dose than prescribed by the doctor, an overdose of the drug will not occur (provided there is no allergy to the composition).

special instructions

Before using any type of Aqualor solution, you need to familiarize yourself with the special conditions of use:

  • the bottle for each family member should be different. If the lavages are performed in a hospital setting, then it is advisable to have a personal preparation. The individual use of the product is justified by the fact that pathogenic microflora can get from the mucous membranes to the nozzle and, with poor disinfection, can be transferred to the healthy mucous membrane of the nose or throat;
  • when using the drug after surgical interventions, the dosage is selected individually, and it is also desirable that the manipulations (at least in the first days) be carried out by medical personnel;
  • after each use of the solution, it is necessary to qualitatively disinfect the nozzle, and close the bottle with a protective cap;
  • when using Aqualor in complex treatment, the doctor needs to clarify the required time interval between the use of the solution and other local medicines.Aqualor during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, reviews

Additionally, during manipulations, it is necessary to ensure that the solution does not get on the mucous membrane of the eye. Due to the inclusion of salts in the solution, the drug will cause a strong burning sensation. If the solution accidentally gets into the eye, it is necessary to immediately rinse the mucous tissues of the eye with running water.

Drug interactions

Aqualor during pregnancy 1-3 trimesters can be prescribed in complex treatment with other drugs that are allowed during the period of bearing a child. It should be borne in mind that the drug enhances the therapeutic properties of local medicines (external drops, ointments, solutions), therefore, an adjustment of the dose and course is required.

Analogs for pregnant women

Aqualor is considered a fairly effective, but expensive drug.

Therefore, specialists can be assigned budget analogues, which are listed below:Aqualor during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, reviews

Name, form of issue and price Active element and description of its actions Instructions
Dolphin. It is produced in the form of a powder, placed in a sachet. Also included in the kit is a bottle with a dropper dispenser. Average price 300 rubles. The preparation contains sea salt and rosehip and licorice extracts. For people prone to allergies, Dolphin can be purchased without herbal ingredients. The composition of the drug has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. The drug has similar indications for use. In this case, the agent cannot be used until the patient reaches 4 years of age, in the presence of malignant tumors and with a predisposition to nosebleeds. The rules for making the solution are described in the instructions. Rinse the nasal passages 1-2 times per knocking for 7-14 days.
Humer. It is produced in the form of a spray and drops. The average cost is 250 rubles. The basis of the product is also sea water, which ensures the removal of pathogenic microflora from the nose, strengthens the immune system and normalizes the condition of the nasal mucosa. Indications, contraindications, dosage, as well as the course of using the solution and possible side effects completely coincide with the drug Aqualor.
Aquamaris. Available in the form of drops and spray. Average price 250 rubles. The basis of the product is sea water from the Adriatic Sea. The agent has anti-inflammatory, anti-edema and immunomodulatory effects. It also prevents the development of allergies and the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Indications for use, dosage and possible side effects are similar to Aqualor solution. At the same time, Aquamaris cannot be used in case of a predisposition to nosebleeds, in violation of the patency of the nasal passages and in the presence of malignant tumors.
Aqualor during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester. Instructions for use, reviews

It is recommended to replace Aqualor during the period of bearing a child in conjunction with a doctor in order to exclude the presence of contraindications.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

Aqualor solution (any form of release) can be bought without a prescription. After purchase, the solution must be stored at a temperature of 6 to 25 degrees above zero. Important. Direct sunlight is not allowed on the bottle. Therefore, if possible, the drug should be stored in a "purchased" cardboard package. Subject to these conditions, the drug can be stored for up to 3 years from the date of production.


The cost of the Aqualor solution depends on the form of release, the volume of the bottle and the region of sale. The table below shows the average price range for Russia.

Type of drug Cost by volume (in rubles)
15 ml 50 ml 125 ml 150 ml
Aqualor Baby (drops) 140 These volumes are not produced
Aqualor Baby (soft shower) This volume is not produced 385 415
Aqualor Soft (soft shower) 285 375 405
Aqualor Norm (jet spraying) 370 405
Aqualor Forte (soft shower) 275 370 395
Aqualor Extra (jet spray) 385 405
Throat aqualor (soft shower) 300 385 405

The “-” sign in the columns means that the drug is not produced in this volume.

Aqualor is not only effective, but also safe due to its natural composition and the absence of preservatives. The tool is allowed to be used not only for children, but also during pregnancy.

It should be borne in mind that Aqualor Extra and Aqualor for the throat contain plant components, therefore, it is not advisable to use them in the first trimester of pregnancy, due to the likelihood of developing allergies.

Author: Kotlyachkova Svetlana

Video about medications for a cold in pregnant women

Aqualor and analogues for a cold in pregnant women:

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