
Yoks-Teva throat spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews

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  1. Release form
  2. Chemical composition
  3. Pharmacological properties
  4. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  5. Indications for use
  6. Contraindications
  7. At what age can the drug be used?
  8. Instructions for use, dosage
  9. Side effects
  10. Overdose
  11. special instructions
  12. Drug interactions
  13. Analogs
  14. Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  15. Price
  16. Video about the drug Jox

Yoks-Teva is an antiseptic for the treatment of throat pathologies. The spray is used not only for the purpose of treatment, but also for the prevention of the development of complications in a severe course of a pathological condition. The drug is active against many microbes and can be used in combination with other medicines.

Release form

The pharmacological agent is produced in the form of a topical spray. It is a solution with a specific aroma, packaged in small containers of 30 ml, equipped with a special spray for ease of processing. The vials are placed in cardboard boxes, in which you can also find a description indicating the features of the application, possible complications arising from therapy.

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Chemical composition

The topical solution contains several active ingredients that provide a therapeutic effect. The main substance is povidone iodine, but allantoin and propylene glycol are also considered active ingredients.Yoks-Teva throat spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews

The substances have an effect on tissues when applied topically. There are no other ingredients in the solution, which is considered an advantage over many products with synthetic excipients.

Pharmacological properties

Yoks-Teva is a throat spray with pronounced antiseptic properties. The drug destroys pathogenic bacteria that provoke an inflammatory process in the mucous membranes of the throat.

The medicine also prevents the progression of the disease, the spread of the lesion to the lower respiratory tract, and the development of complications. The complex effect of substances on tissues allows the use of the drug in acute and subacute course of the disease to alleviate the patient's condition.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

When the solution enters the affected tissues, it quickly spreads over large areas and provides a therapeutic effect. The ingredients of the composition destroy the outer shell of pathogenic bacteria, which leads to their rapid death and the cleansing of tissues from the waste products of microorganisms.

The medicine eliminates the signs of inflammation, since the multiplication of bacteria and their vital activity will certainly provoke tissue damage.

The drug has a complex effect on tissues:

  • Helps eliminate swelling and redness. Such symptoms often bother patients with the development of an inflammatory disease.
  • Prevents the spread of inflammation to healthy tissues and the ingress of bacteria into the lower respiratory tract. As a result of the lack of therapy, other diseases often develop, provoked by microorganisms that live on the mucous membrane of the throat.
  • Helps to shorten the recovery period, even in the chronic course of the pathological condition.

The drug is absorbed in a minimal amount into the systemic circulation when applied topically. The presence of lesions on the mucous membranes increases the level of the ingredients in the blood. Minimal systemic absorption reduces the likelihood of complications. Active substances act only locally. The first result is noted in 1-2 days, but a pronounced effect is observed only after completing a full course.

When the drug enters the bloodstream through the mucous membranes of the throat or digestive tract, the components do not accumulate in the body. Substances, when released into the blood, are processed in the liver, after which the products of their decay are evacuated with the help of the kidneys. Pharmacokinetic features may differ depending on the therapy regimen and duration of use.

Indications for use

Yoks-Teva is prescribed mainly for upper respiratory tract infections.Yoks-Teva throat spray. Instructions for use, price, reviewsYoks-Teva throat spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Throat spray has indications for use:

  • Tonsillitis in acute and chronic form. The drug is prescribed as an adjuvant or as the only method of therapy.
  • Angina at different stages of development.
  • Laryngitis and pharyngitis, in which signs of inflammation are present.
  • Damage to the mucous membranes of the throat with streptococci and staphylococci. The drug is usually used in combination with systemic antibacterial agents.
  • Sore throat on the background of a cold or viral illness, difficulty swallowing food and liquids.
  • Gingivitis and glossitis in different forms. The drug is used as an auxiliary method of therapy in the acute stage or in the chronic course of a pathological condition.
  • Stomatitis. In some cases, the spray helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease.
  • Diagnosis in patients with influenza of various types. Often with such violations, patients develop complications from the mucous membranes of the throat.

The medication can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of complications in patients with chronic forms of disease.


The drug has contraindications, despite local exposure and minimal systemic absorption. The main obstacle is considered to be an allergy to any ingredient of the composition or a tendency to such reactions in the patient's history.

Doctors identify other barriers to treatment:

  • Increased levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. The drug is not used for hyperthyroidism, since the course of pathology in this case significantly worsens. This is due to the presence of iodine in the composition of the product.
  • Heart failure in severe form, accompanied by fluctuations in blood pressure and other complications. The medicine can worsen the condition of patients, especially in the acute stage of the pathological condition.
  • Uncontrolled form of arterial hypertension, when indicators are difficult to regulate with standard drugs.Yoks-Teva throat spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews
  • Diagnosis of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the acute stage. The drug often leads to the appearance of additional symptoms from the digestive tract.
  • Viral liver disease, severe liver failure.
  • Infectious kidney disease in acute form.
  • Renal failure
  • Acute period after myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke. It is allowed to prescribe the medicine after the acute symptoms have been eliminated.
  • Ulcerative foci in the mouth and on the mucous membranes of the throat. When using the spray, irritation of the foci and the development of additional complications is possible.

The drug is prescribed with caution in the treatment of school-age children, as well as patients with chronic diseases of the endocrine system.

At what age can the drug be used?

Yoks-Teva is a throat spray that is allowed to be prescribed to patients over 6 years old. If prescribing drugs with similar properties to children under 6 years of age is required, safer medicines are selected.

Parents on their own cannot use the medicine in the therapy of children of any age.

Instructions for use, dosage

The spray is used only topically according to a specific scheme prescribed by a doctor. Depending on the symptomatology of the pathological condition and the presence of concomitant complications in the patient, the application features may differ.Yoks-Teva throat spray. Instructions for use, price, reviewsYoks-Teva throat spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews

For children, oral cavity treatment is carried out 2-3 times a day with approximately equal time intervals. When spraying, you must do 2 sprays to the right and left. This rule must be followed in the treatment of tonsillitis, when both tonsils are involved in the pathological process. The duration of the therapeutic course is 5-7 days.

In the absence of effect, it is possible to use it for a longer period as directed by a doctor. Adults are allowed to irrigate the mouth and throat up to 4 times a day if symptoms are severe. The duration of therapy for adults is 10 days. If the symptoms disappear earlier, it is allowed to complete the course earlier, if the specialist considers it appropriate.

A repeated course is allowed to pass after 3-6 months if the patient has a chronic disease with regular exacerbations.

Side effects

Yoks-Teva is a throat spray that can cause complications despite minimal systemic absorption and topical application. Complications usually involve the tissues in the area of ​​application, but can provoke systemic reactions.Yoks-Teva throat spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Damage area Frequent negative reactions
Mucous membranes From the side of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, complications appear quite often. Patients experience tissue edema, redness, and sensitivity. Eating food and even liquids is difficult when these symptoms appear. Patients report pain, which also makes the condition worse. Over the course of several days, the symptoms can worsen, which leads to systemic disorders against the background of dehydration and lack of food.
Skin With the development of an allergic reaction, patients develop complications not only from the mucous membranes, but also from the skin of the face. Rashes may appear on the skin, which gradually spread to large areas, limbs, and the skin of the trunk. The condition is aggravated by severe itching, which worsens the condition and forces the patient to scratch the affected area. Such symptoms are especially difficult for children, since they cannot control their actions, they comb the affected areas, increasing the likelihood of tissue infection.
Nervous system Complications from the nervous system usually appear against the background of local systemic reactions. Patients report headaches, dizziness, weakness and fatigue, poor sleep, and decreased performance. After the elimination of local symptoms, complications from the nervous system gradually disappear.
Digestive organs The digestive organs also suffer against the background of the appearance of local reactions. Patients may experience nausea and vomiting, upset stools, and abdominal pain. Many also talk about flatulence and bloating, dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, constant thirst.

The emergence of complications and their rapid progression is considered a reason for discontinuing therapy and visiting a doctor. Sometimes it is necessary to prescribe medications to improve the condition, but in most cases, the manifestations disappear on their own after the cancellation of therapy.


With prolonged use of the drug, an overdose does not develop, since systemic absorption is minimal, and when the components enter the blood, they do not accumulate in the body.Yoks-Teva throat spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Despite this, doctors cannot rule out the likelihood of developing such a complication when used for long courses and at higher dosages. If symptoms of an overdose occur, the patient's general condition worsens, there is a severe headache, repeated vomiting during the day, and frequent loose stools.

An allergic reaction in case of an overdose is severe, accompanied by swelling of the throat tissues. Such complications provoke suffocation, which threatens not only health, but also the patient's life. The appearance of such symptoms requires immediate medical attention, the appointment of special treatment.

It is not worth ignoring the manifestations of an overdose, as well as using medications without a doctor's prescription.

special instructions

Yoks-Teva is a throat spray that is not used for a long time in the absence of indications. Even in the case of prophylactic use, courses should be short, since long-term use does not help to achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect.

It is not recommended to eat for 20 minutes before irrigating the throat. This rule should be observed after throat treatment, so that the active substances of the composition can have a therapeutic effect.

When irrigating the mouth and throat, the patient may notice a slight burning sensation, which intensifies in the presence of a large number of inflamed foci. It disappears after a few minutes. If the symptoms are aggravated, it is better to refuse to use and visit a doctor.

Drug interactions

The drug acts locally, so it does not affect the activity of systemic components, the therapeutic effect of their use. Despite this, doctors do not recommend the simultaneous use with medicines that have the same properties.

Simultaneous use with antibacterial agents, vascular and cardiac drugs is allowed. Do not use the spray at the same time as tablets or lozenges.

Yoks-Teva throat spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews

If you need to use several medications, it is important to visit a doctor first, who will determine the appropriateness of using several medications.


On drugstore shelves, you can find many analogues with similar properties, but most of them contain other ingredients in the composition.

The most commonly used substitutes are:

  • Hexoral contains hexetidine, which has antiseptic properties. The drug is available in the form of a spray for topical use, it is prescribed for adults and children over 3 years old. with pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat against the background of colds diseases. The tool is used in short courses of 7 days, irrigation is carried out according to the standard scheme from 2 to 4 times a day, depending on the severity of the manifestations and the age of the patient. The drug is considered effective despite its different composition.
  • Ingalipt in the form of a spray also has antiseptic properties, but its action is carried out due to the presence of eucalyptus extract in the composition. The herbal ingredient in the composition helps to gently affect the tissues of the mouth and throat, destroys pathogenic bacteria, prevents the spread of the lesion focus to large areas, as well as lower Airways. The drug is used topically to irrigate the mouth and throat when diagnosing laryngitis, tonsillitis and other diseases.
  • Angilex can also be used as a substitute, as it has an antiseptic effect on tissues and helps prevent the development of complications from the bronchi and lungs. The medicine is available as a topical spray. Unlike the original, it can be used for children over 3 years old if certain indications occur.

When selecting an analogue, the doctor takes into account the peculiarities of the course of the pathology in a particular patient, the presence of complications. But patients are not advised to choose substitutes on their own, without a doctor's prescription.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

The medicine is allowed to be stored only in a dark and cool place, away from children and direct sunlight.

Yoks-Teva throat spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews
Yoks-Teva throat spray

The maximum storage time is 4 years. After the expiration of this period, it is prohibited to use the medication. Information about the production date can be found on the packaging.


You can buy a spray for topical application for about 230-270 rubles.

Yoks-Teva is an antiseptic medication for topical use, which is actively used in the treatment of pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. Throat spray can also be prescribed in the treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity. The prescription of the medicine is made only by the doctor after a preliminary examination of the area of ​​the proposed irrigation.

Video about the drug Jox

Yoks spray description and instructions:

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