
How many days lie with appendicitis in the hospital after the removal operation?

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1 Types of surgical interventions

There are several types of appendicitis, but they have a common treatment - surgical removal. Depending on the time of treatment, the operations are divided into:

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Recommended to read

  • What is peritonitis
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Most surgeons perform emergency operations because of late treatment of patients for help. Lack of emergency operations - doctors have very little time to make the right diagnosis and conduct additional examinations of the patient. When performing routine operations complications occur rarely, as doctors can thoroughly examine the state of the human body.

The appendix can be removed by the following operations:

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  • Appendectomy.
  • Laparoscopy.

The latter method is not used in our country so often and requires special equipment. In the peritoneum of the patient, several openings are made, into which an endoscope and optical equipment are inserted, through which the doctor will monitor the operation. Appendectomy is a standard surgery to remove an appendix through a cut in the abdominal cavity.

2 Possible complications of

The removal of appendicitis can be complicated by the atypical location of the appendix. It can be displaced in a small pelvis, closer to the right kidney or liver. In some cases, the appendix is ​​located among the intestinal plexuses. Especially often there is a shift in the appendix during pregnancy, which is already a complicating factor.

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If you seek medical help late in the abdominal cavity, peritonitis may develop, which requires drainage. With phlegmonous appendicitis, pus is collected in the cavity of the appendix, which also complicates the operation. The faster the operation is performed, the higher the chances of avoiding complications. A very dangerous complication is pilephlebitis, which is a thrombophlebitis of the veins.

After the surgical intervention, children and elderly people need the most intensive care. Possible complications include:

  • Seam divergence.
  • Formation of adhesions.
  • Suppuration of wound.
  • Peritonitis.
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Compliance with the recommendations of the treating specialist is rare. Divergence of the sutures is possible if the patient has been lifting weights or exercising heavy physical exertion, which is prohibited in the first 3 months after the operation. The exact causes of the formation of adhesions have not yet been revealed. It is assumed that they appear when ingested into the abdominal cavity of pathogenic microorganisms.

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Suppuration of the wound occurs with weakened immunity and inadequate hygiene and antiseptic practices. Peritonitis after surgery usually appears in people of advanced age who have a severe postoperative condition. The number of patients with complications is minimal.

3 Postoperative period

After the patient withdraws from anesthesia, the surgeon assesses his condition. At this time, all patients feel a strong weakness, which is normal. To get out of bed is allowed only on the advice of a surgeon. Some patients can do this in a few hours. If surgical intervention was performed for the elderly and children, it is necessary to comply with bed rest, the duration of which can be up to 4 days.

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The patient's condition improves significantly the next day after surgery. At this time, patients are given only a drink, and then recommended to adhere to a special diet that allows to normalize digestion. The patient can move freely, but feels pain in the wound area. Treatment consists in the use of antibacterial and analgesics. Every day they make dressings.

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It is necessary to stay in the surgical department until the stitches are removed. They are removed when the wound is covered with a granulated crust, and it usually takes place on the 7-10th day. Suture removal is carried out in the treatment room. After this, the patient is discharged and the sick leave is issued. How many days lie in the hospital after removal of appendicitis, depends on the time of removal of stitches and the presence of complications. The patient should register with the surgeon and visit him before the full closure of the sick leave sheet.

If the patient has no complications, the normal body temperature, the hospital can be closed after 10 days. In the event of any violations, the hospital may be drawn up for 15 days, after which it is extended. In most cases, long-term recovery is necessary for children and people of advanced age. In the event of complications during the operation, the hospital stay can be extended to several weeks.


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4 Follow-up rehabilitation

In order for the organism to recover more quickly, it is recommended to perform respiratory gymnastics and easy walking. Lifting weights is strictly forbidden for 3 months, and in complicated cases - 6 months. For prolonged movements it is recommended to use a postoperative bandage.

The diet should include only digestible food. In the first month, it is necessary to abandon harmful food and alcohol. In the event of a malfunction in the digestive system and the occurrence of discomfort in the wound area, consult a specialist.

Surgery for appendicitis will not cause complications if all the surgeon's recommendations are followed. After a person leaves the hospital ward, his health will be completely in his hands. If you disregard the recommendations of the surgeon, then in a very short time there is a risk again to be in the hospital room.

  • 1 Types of surgical procedures
  • 2 Possible complications
  • 3 Postoperative period
  • 4 Subsequent rehabilitation

Many people consider surgery to remove appendicitis one of the simplest. In fact, the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of this disease requires special care and knowledge. Patients most often seek help at the time of inflammation of the appendix, which causes complications. How many days lie in the hospital depends on the presence of complications before or after the operation, the age of the patient and his overall health.

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How many days lie with appendicitis in the hospital after the removal operation?

How many days lie with appendicitis in the hospital after the removal operation?

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