Dental Disease

Periodontitis. Home treatment with folk remedies, hydrogen peroxide, soda, decoctions, ointments, antibiotics. Etiology, pathogenesis, causes

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Periodontitis is characterized by an inflammatory process in the soft tissues.that surround the tooth. Pathological changes disrupt the work of the ligamentous apparatus, it weakens and cannot hold the teeth.

As the disease progresses, they shift or loosen. It is necessary to visit a dentist. The specialist will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment at home. In the absence of timely therapy, there is a risk of facing serious complications.

Record content:

  • 2 Stages and degrees
  • 3 Symptoms
  • 4 Reasons for the appearance
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 Prophylaxis
  • 8 Treatment methods
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
  • 9 Possible complications
  • 10 Video about periodontitis


In medicine, periodontitis is classified into the following types:

Name Description
Localized The inflammatory process spreads around one or two teeth.
Generalized Pathological processes extend to the soft tissues of the entire jaw or on one side.

A dentist or orthodontist will help to establish an accurate diagnosis. It is necessary to go to the hospital in a timely manner in order to be examined and properly selected treatment.

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Stages and degrees

Given the degree of damage to the inflammatory process of soft tissues, the following stages of periodontitis are distinguished:Periodontitis. Home treatment with folk remedies, decoctions, ointments, antibiotics. Etiology, pathogenesis, causes

Name Description
Sharp In most cases, the main cause is mechanical damage to the gums. Symptoms are pronounced. Chronic periodontitis is successfully treated with timely admission to the hospital.
Chronic Pathological processes occur against the background of the negative influence of pathogenic microflora. Severe periodontitis requires long-term and complex treatment.

Periodontitis (home treatment is carried out after a complete medical examination based on the results obtained) has a certain classification, given its severity:

Name Description
Easy A pathological condition in which bleeding occurs in the gums, the mobility of the teeth is absent. A person complains of mild discomfort while brushing his teeth.
Average Periodontitis is accompanied by the formation of a pocket, up to 0.5 mm in size. Teeth begin to loosen. Partitions collapse. Unpleasant sensations appear when teeth come into contact with cold or hot foods.
Heavy Soft tissues are destroyed, which can be seen visually. A specific plaque and calculus appears on the teeth. Pockets with a depth of more than 6 mm are formed, where food residues fall and provoke the development of a purulent process. There is a gradual dying off of periodontal tissues.

In any situation, the help of a dentist is needed. Timely therapy will save teeth and prevent negative consequences.


The clinical picture depends on the stage of periodontitis. Taking into account the symptoms of pathology, the doctor selects the most effective therapy.Periodontitis. Home treatment with folk remedies, decoctions, ointments, antibiotics. Etiology, pathogenesis, causes

Periodontitis (home treatment is carried out with the use of medicines and folk remedies) accompanied by the following signs:

Stage Symptoms
Acute periodontitis
  • increased bleeding of the gums;
  • itching appears;
  • pulsating sensations in soft tissues;
  • bad breath;
  • the color of the mucous membrane changes;
  • teeth mobility appears;
  • the enamel is covered with tartar.
  • the gums become swollen and inflamed;
  • the mucous membrane becomes bright red;
  • strong painful sensations appear;
  • increased pulsation of soft tissues;
  • periodontal pockets are formed, from which pus is released;
  • body temperature rises;
  • general weakness appears.
Periodontitis. Home treatment with folk remedies, decoctions, ointments, antibiotics. Etiology, pathogenesis, causes

As the pathological processes progress, the following clinical signs appear:

  • the roots of the teeth are exposed;
  • the distance between the crowns increases;
  • there is a displacement of the teeth, in some situations, their loss;
  • abscesses and fistulas form on the gums.

In the jaw area, lymph nodes increase, the pathological condition is accompanied by severe pain syndrome. Some patients have an allergic reaction.

Reasons for the appearance

The dentist will help to establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the provoking source. The specialist will prescribe additional diagnostics after the examination and select the most effective treatment, taking into account the patient's condition and the individual characteristics of his body.

There are the following provoking factors that lead to the development of a certain form of periodontitis:

Name Causes
Localized periodontitis
  • poor quality prosthetics;
  • traumatic bite;
  • the appearance of blood while brushing your teeth;
  • poorly installed seal;
  • increased sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • damage to soft tissues.
  • non-observance of oral hygiene;
  • abnormal bite;
  • weak immunity;
  • bad habits (cigarettes, alcoholic beverages);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • heredity;
  • improper nutrition.

It is necessary to remember about the risk factors that contribute to the appearance of the inflammatory process:

  • violation of material metabolism in soft tissues;
  • increased stress on the teeth;
  • decrease in the body's defenses;
  • dryness in the oral cavity against the background of concomitant pathologies;
  • deficiency of trace elements and vitamins;
  • abnormal structure of the jaw.Periodontitis. Home treatment with folk remedies, decoctions, ointments, antibiotics. Etiology, pathogenesis, causes

Periodontitis in some situations appears against the background of diseases of the internal organs and systems of the human body:

Name Description
HIV Active reproduction of pathogenic flora occurs due to a decrease in the body's defenses.
Kidney disease
Diabetes The functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted. Small blood vessels in the gum area are affected and destroyed. Reduced immunity.
Gastritis, ulcer, colitis Pathological lesions of the organs of the digestive system increase the activity of pathogens that are in the oral cavity.

Diseases must be treated in a timely manner strictly under the supervision of a doctor in order to prevent possible complications and negative consequences.


Periodontitis (home treatment is carried out after a complete diagnosis based on the results obtained) at an early stage of development is not always accompanied by clinical signs. The dentist needs to describe in detail the alarming symptoms so that the doctor prescribes the most informative examination.

The following methods are used to diagnose periodontitis:

Name Description
X-ray Diagnostic methods that allow you to assess the condition of soft tissues, periodontium and tooth roots.
CT scan
Rheoparodontography The examination helps to determine the tone of the blood vessels in the periodontium, during which a weak electric current is applied.Periodontitis. Home treatment with folk remedies, decoctions, ointments, antibiotics. Etiology, pathogenesis, causes
Ultrasound osteometry The doctor evaluates the destructive changes in the bone tissue.
Microbiological research The results will help determine the type of causative agent of the disease and choose the most effective antibiotic.
General analysis of blood and urine Studies show the general condition of the body, as well as the development of the inflammatory process.

Additionally, patients are prescribed the Schiller-Pisarev test. The oral cavity is treated with a special solution, after which healthy and affected tissues acquire different colors.

When to see a doctor

The dentist should be consulted when the first signs of periodontitis appear. It is important to identify pathological processes at an early stage of development in order to start treatment and prevent possible complications. Prevention will allow timely detection of inflammation. All methods of therapy should be discussed with a doctor, since independent actions can aggravate the state of health.


Periodontitis is a dangerous disease, against the background of which not only the periodontium is destroyed, but also the ligamentous apparatus weakens, the gums shrink, the teeth fall out.

For the prevention of pathological processes, it is recommended to adhere to the simple tips of the dentist:

  1. Observe oral hygiene (brush your teeth in the morning and evening, also after meals, additionally use special tools - floss, rinses, irrigators).
  2. Eat correctly and rationally. Refuse fast food, convenience foods. Eat less sweets. Add vegetables and fruits to the diet.
  3. If you have a pathological bite, you need to contact an orthodontist to correct the violation.
  4. Visit your dentist for preventive purposes every 6-7 months.
  5. Timely treat diseases and eliminate disorders that can provoke inflammation of the soft tissues in the oral cavity.
  6. Regularly clean teeth from calculus at the dentist.
  7. To temper the body, maintain immunity, play sports.Periodontitis. Home treatment with folk remedies, decoctions, ointments, antibiotics. Etiology, pathogenesis, causes

It is important to have teeth treated and dentures installed in approved dental facilities.

To prevent the disease, you should also adhere to an active lifestyle, give up bad habits. Alcoholic drinks and cigarettes negatively affect the condition of teeth and soft tissues.

Treatment methods

Treatment of periodontitis at home is selected by a dentist, taking into account the patient's condition and the degree of development of the disease. The therapy is carried out using complex methods. Medicines are used inside, topically ointments and gels. If there are no serious contraindications, you can use the recipes of healers and healers.


The dentist selects medicines, taking into account the degree of damage to soft tissues in the oral cavity. The drugs help to reduce the inflammatory process, eliminate the source of pathology.

Periodontitis. Home treatment with folk remedies, decoctions, ointments, antibiotics. Etiology, pathogenesis, causes
Chlorhexidine is actively used in the treatment of periodontitis and many other dental diseases.
Drug group Name Application
Antibacterial drugs Tsiprolet, Wilprafen Eliminate the inflammatory process, act directly on the causative agents of the disease. The recommended dosage for adults is 500 mg 2 times a day. The medicine is taken orally with water. The course of therapy lasts 7-10 days.
Probiotics Linex, Lactobacterin They restore useful microflora, break down dead cells and accelerate the process of regeneration of damaged tissues. The adult dosage is 1 capsule 1-3 times a day. The drug is taken with food or after a meal.
Immunostimulants Cycloferon, Polyoxidonium Medicines help to increase local and general immunity by activating the body's defenses. The drug is taken before meals for 30 minutes with a sufficient amount of water. The recommended dosage for an adult is 3-4 tablets per day.
Antiseptics Chlorhexidine, Maraslavin Medicines caress the oral cavity and treat periodontal pockets. The procedures should be carried out every day in the morning and in the evening for 10 days.
Analgesics Levomekol, Kholisal The drugs help reduce inflammation, pain and kill pathogenic flora. The medicine is used topically. The daily dosage is a maximum of 3 grams.
Adsorbents Enterosgel, Polyphepan The drugs eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, remove the waste products of pathogenic bacteria from the human body. The medicine is taken orally before meals for 1 hour, diluted in a glass of water. The adult dosage is 1 sachet 3 times a day. The course of therapy depends on the patient's condition, lasts 3-5 days with an exacerbation of the disease. Chronic or allergic conditions are treated for 2-3 weeks.
Periodontitis. Home treatment with folk remedies, decoctions, ointments, antibiotics. Etiology, pathogenesis, causes

To strengthen the immune system, vitamin complexes and mineral supplements are additionally prescribed.

Traditional methods

Periodontitis (treatment at home is carried out according to the prescription of a dentist) requires complex therapy and strict adherence to all the prescriptions of a specialist.

Prescriptions of healers and healers help to cope with the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, but therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a dentist. Many of the ingredients used can trigger an allergic reaction. It is also important to remember about contraindications and individual sensitivity.

Effective folk remedies for periodontitis:

Name Recipe Application
Oak bark Grind the main product. Pour 1 tsp. powder with water (1 tbsp.) and put on fire, bring to a boil. Set aside for 30 minutes, cool and drain. The finished broth is used to rinse the mouth. Water procedures are carried out every 2 hours in the first days of the disease.
Plantain Grind the leaves and stems of the plant, squeeze out the juice. The resulting juice can be rubbed into the affected gums or compresses for 20 minutes. Plantain eliminates inflammation well.
Herbal collection Mix linden flowers, chamomile and oak bark. Pour 1 tbsp. herbal collection with boiling water (200 ml). Close the container tightly, wrap and leave for 2 hours. Strain the resulting mass. The prepared solution is used to rinse the mouth. To increase the effectiveness of therapy in a glass of the resulting broth, you can dissolve 1 tsp. natural honey. The course of treatment lasts 10 days.
Berry-honey mixture Mix the fruits of viburnum and mountain ash in equal parts (1 tablespoon each). Add 4 tbsp. May honey. The medicine is recommended to take 1 tsp. after eating, dissolve slowly.
Calendula and hydrogen peroxide Mix 8 drops of calendula alcohol tincture and 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Add 2 tbsp to them. boiled warm water. The resulting product is used to treat affected gums. They are lubricated with a gauze swab, having previously moistened it with a ready-made solution. The procedures are recommended to be carried out 4 times a day.
Periodontitis. Home treatment with folk remedies, decoctions, ointments, antibiotics. Etiology, pathogenesis, causes

Massage with sea buckthorn and fir oil can reduce inflammation of soft tissues, eliminate unpleasant symptoms of the disease. It is recommended to massage the gums with oils for 10 minutes 2 times a day.

Possible complications

The inflammatory process in the oral cavity is dangerous because, when the body's defenses are weakened, harmful substances penetrate the bloodstream, spread throughout the body. Not only does it become poisoned, other diseases begin to develop.

Periodontitis entails the following complications:

Name Description
Heart attack, stroke A pathological condition that occurs as a result of a neglected inflammatory process. The vascular walls become thinner, under the influence of negative factors, atherosclerosis develops.
Purulent inflammation The contents of periodontal pockets cannot be removed on your own, you must consult a doctor. The accumulation and decomposition of the accumulated masses provokes the development of a purulent inflammatory process.
Respiratory diseases A large amount of pathogenic microflora accumulates in the oral cavity. Pathogenic bacteria with the progression of inflammation penetrate the respiratory tract and provoke respiratory diseases.
Loss of a tooth Periodontitis often develops against the background of gingivitis. Pathological processes affect not only teeth, but also nearby soft tissues. The functioning of the ligamentous apparatus, which is responsible for keeping the tooth in the hole, is impaired. If mobility has appeared, removal cannot be avoided.

At an advanced stage, periodontitis cannot be cured. A person will have to fight the disease throughout his life, visit a doctor and take medications. In some situations, experts advise, as soon as the mobility of the teeth appeared, to remove them and install an implant in this place.

Periodontitis is a serious oral disease that disrupts a person's usual lifestyle, causing discomfort.

Pathology is accompanied by various symptoms, therefore, for its diagnosis, it is necessary to visit a dentist. Timely treatment of periodontitis at home will prevent the progression of the disease and avoid negative consequences.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

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Dental Disease

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