Dental Disease

Gums bleed. How to treat at home. Ointments, tablets, vitamins, folk remedies

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Bleeding gums are most often a sign of an inflammatory processcaused by bacteria. This symptom should be the reason for going to the dentist, since the cause of the violation can even be diseases of the internal organs and metabolic problems.

To suspend the development of the pathological process, various methods of treatment are used. Therapy can be carried out at home with the help of medication, and in mild cases, alternative methods can be dispensed with.

Record content:

  • 1 Home remedies for bleeding gums
  • 2 Antiseptics for rinsing
  • 3 Antibiotic treatment
  • 4 Medicinal herbs
  • 5 Massage for the gums
  • 6 Vitamins for bleeding gums
  • 7 Toothpastes
  • 8 Ointments and gels for bleeding gums
  • 9 Traditional methods of treatment, recipes
    • 9.1 Oak bark
    • 9.2 Sea salt
    • 9.3 chamomile
    • 9.4 Aloe
    • 9.5 Baking soda
    • 9.6 Plantain
    • 9.7 Calendula
    • 9.8 Herbal mixture
  • 10 Videos about bleeding gums

Home remedies for bleeding gums

Gums bleed (pathology can be treated at home only under the supervision of a specialist) - this is a reason to visit a dentist. Perhaps this is a temporary phenomenon associated with improper dental care.

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Gums bleed. Home treatment, ointments, tablets, folk remedies
Treatment, if the gums bleed, should be prescribed only by a doctor in order to prevent complications.

In this case, to solve the problem, it is enough to establish this process:

  • brush your teeth at least 2 times a day. It is also advisable to carry out the procedure every time after meals;
  • in the absence of an opportunity to brush your teeth, use dental floss. Due to its compact size, it can be carried with you in your purse;
  • eat fresh solid fruits and vegetables. They will help prevent the appearance of plaque on the teeth. Also, when they are used, the production of saliva increases, which provides protection against caries;
  • use a soft or medium-hard brush to avoid damaging the fabric.

In more serious cases, you will need to use certain tools that will help you choose a specialist.

Antiseptics for rinsing

With increased bacterial activity, the risk of bleeding increases.

For disinfection of the oral cavity, it is recommended to use antiseptic agents:

  • Chlorhexidine. Eliminates redness, swelling of the mucous membrane, eliminates microbial plaque, prevents the development of inflammation. The action of the drug is long-term, it is able to envelop the gums, preventing the growth of bacteria. The dosage and frequency of use is determined by the doctor.Gums bleed. Home treatment, ointments, tablets, folk remedies
  • Lugol. An iodine-based product that is capable of destroying various microorganisms on the mucous membrane. Use the drug 2-3 times a day.
  • Miramistin. It is analogous to Chlorhexidine, but acts more mildly. It prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria, relieves inflammation, and helps to heal microdamages. As in the case of Chlorhexidine, the regimen should be prescribed by a specialist.
  • Furacilin. The product neutralizes bacteria, prevents bleeding. It is used every 1.5-2 hours at the dosage recommended by the dentist;
  • Chlorophyllipt. The drug has an anti-inflammatory, healing effect. The oral cavity is rinsed 3-4 times a day.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Thanks to the use of the remedy, bleeding stops, pathogens are destroyed. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day, after brushing your teeth.

Antibiotic treatment

The most effective remedy for bleeding caused by dental diseases is antibacterial drugs. After their use, the inflammatory process is quickly eliminated, and the state of health improves. But such drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor; they cannot be purchased without a prescription.

As a local treatment for acute inflammation, antibacterial ointments or gels are used.

It is also possible to use herbal antibiotics (tincture of calendula, eucalyptus) for irrigation of the oral cavity or applications. The most advanced cases are treated with general antibiotics.Gums bleed. Home treatment, ointments, tablets, folk remedies

Antibacterial agents for bleeding gums:

Name Group Application features Duration of treatment
Lincomycin Lincosamides 500 mg 3 times a day 7-10 days
Amoxicillin Penicillins
Erythromycin Macrolides 250-500 mg every 6 hours 10-12 days
Ampicillin Penicillins 1-2 tablets 4 times a day 7-10 days

Medicinal herbs

With the help of medicinal herbs, you can accelerate recovery, reduce bleeding. They are used in the form of infusions and decoctions prepared on their own. You can also purchase ready-made solutions at the pharmacy.Gums bleed. Home treatment, ointments, tablets, folk remedies

Effective application:

  • Sage. Eliminates inflammation, swelling, pain. For the preparation of infusion 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured into 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist for half an hour. Apply the remedy every day 2 times until the condition improves.
  • Nettles. Has a hemostatic effect, can be used with severe bleeding. Preparation and use are similar to sage.
  • Calendula and St. John's wort. It takes 2 hours. l. Pour boiling water over calendula (500 ml). St. John's wort will need 2 tbsp. l. for 0.5 liters of liquid. The herbs need to be boiled for 5 minutes, filtered, cooled and used for rinsing several times a day, alternating between means.
  • Burdock. To strengthen the gums, use a decoction of 1 tsp. l. plants and 1 tbsp. water that is rinsed out of the mouth several times a day.
  • Sequence. To prepare the infusion 1 tsp. l. raw materials are poured into 200 ml of boiling water.
  • Water pepper. The finished product can be purchased at the pharmacy. The plant improves blood clotting, stops bleeding, eliminates inflammation. As a rinse solution, use a product of 30 drops of the drug and 1 tbsp. water.

Massage for the gums

Massaging the gums effectively improves blood circulation in the tissues. Also, thanks to the procedure, stagnant infected blood comes out. The best results can be achieved by combining the procedure with herbal rinses.Gums bleed. Home treatment, ointments, tablets, folk remedies

During the massage, the pressure should be moderate in order to prevent the appearance of microtraumas, which will only increase bleeding. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day, after brushing your teeth.

It is necessary to conditionally divide the area of ​​influence into several areas, which are massaged for about 1 minute. The first result can be seen in 7-14 days, the lasting effect will appear in 2 months.

Vitamins for bleeding gums

Gums bleed (untreated cases can be treated at home) sometimes with a deficiency of certain nutrients in the body.

The situation can be corrected with the help of specially designed vitamin complexes, such as:

  • Dentovitus. Protects against periodontal pathologies, strengthens local immunity. Can be used as a prophylactic agent;Gums bleed. Home treatment, ointments, tablets, folk remedies
  • Kaltsinov. Prevents the development of caries, strengthens teeth and gums;
  • Ascorutin. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, relieves bleeding.

Taking vitamins heals not only the oral cavity, but the entire body. With a sufficient intake of nutrients, the protective forces can easily cope with infections that affect the teeth and gums.


The gums bleed (it is necessary to treat at home in a complex manner) usually when the pathological process has already begun to develop. Therefore, pastes do not give an effect at this stage. They are effective as a prophylactic agent, can slow down the development of pathology and even slightly reduce the inflammatory process, but do not get rid of the already existing bleeding are able.

Ointments and gels for bleeding gums

Ointments and gels should be used strictly on the recommendation of a specialist. The reason is the content of potent substances in high concentration, which can provoke negative consequences if the dose is exceeded.

The best remedies for solving the problem are:

  • Metrogyl Denta. Copes well with inflammation and pain. Thanks to metronidazole and chlorhexidine in the composition, it effectively prevents the growth of bacteria;Gums bleed. Home treatment, ointments, tablets, folk remedies
  • Solcoseryl. Differs in natural origin, heals wounds well. This agent is not used as an anti-inflammatory, but it is effective for mechanical damage and trophic ulcers;
  • Holisal. A fast-acting drug with a local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory effect. Possesses antimicrobial and antifungal properties;
  • Kamistad Gel. The preparation is based on chamomile extract, which has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect;Gums bleed. Home treatment, ointments, tablets, folk remedies
  • Asepta. Combined drug, indications for the use of which are infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity. Produces a pronounced antibacterial effect, relieves inflammation and bleeding, has a long-lasting effect.

Traditional methods of treatment, recipes

It is possible to treat bleeding gums at home with folk remedies only after consulting a doctorso as not to complicate the situation. Herbal medicine is effective only in the early stages of inflammation.

If severe symptoms have arisen, such methods can be used only as part of complex therapy.

In this case, you need to remember some rules:

  • when using herbal preparations for rinsing, the procedure should last at least 5 minutes. After that, you can not eat food for half an hour. You should also give up drinks for this period of time;
  • infusions and decoctions must be warm, otherwise rinsing will not be effective;
  • therapy should last at least 1.5 months. To get a lasting result, it is necessary to apply herbs from 2 to 4 months.

Oak bark

Oak bark preparations are astringent, so they are effective for various bleeding. To prepare the broth, 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials are poured into 1 tbsp. water and boil for 20 minutes. Then the agent is infused for another 2 hours and used for rinsing twice a day.Gums bleed. Home treatment, ointments, tablets, folk remedies

Experts recommend using the remedy not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of dental pathologies.

Sea salt

Sea salt can be used even in pure form. The product is rubbed into the gums, which helps to eliminate inflammation, stop bleeding and strengthen tissues.

You can also make a rinse solution. For this, salt (1 tbsp. L.) is diluted with boiled water (200 ml). The resulting composition is rinsed through the mouth during the day.


The plant prevents the growth of pathogens that cause inflammation and bleeding. Also, preparations based on it contribute to the healing of wounds and erosions.Gums bleed. Home treatment, ointments, tablets, folk remedies

To prepare the product, you need 1 tbsp. l. Brew chamomile 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes. After straining the infusion, rinse the mouth twice a day.


Aloe helps to reduce pain, eliminates inflammation, relieves irritation of the mucous membrane. It is necessary to take a fresh leaf of the plant, cut it in half and attach it to the affected areas. The procedure is repeated every day 6 times until the condition improves.

Baking soda

Soda is used to reduce inflammation and cleanse the enamel. It is necessary to dilute 1 tsp. l. powder in 1 tbsp. warm water. The resulting product rinse your mouth three times a day. The therapy lasts at least 10 days.


The effect of using plantain can be seen after 3 days. You will need a fresh leaf of the plant, which is chewed whole and then spit out.Gums bleed. Home treatment, ointments, tablets, folk remedies

You can also prepare a rinse infusion from 1 tbsp. water and 2 tbsp. l. fresh or dry raw materials. The plant is poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for a quarter of an hour. After straining and cooling the infusion, it is used for rinsing three times a day.


You can use a ready-made pharmacy tincture of the plant. For rinsing 1 tsp. l. the drug must be diluted in 1 tbsp. boiled water.

The decoction also effectively copes with bleeding, for the preparation of which 20 g of dry raw materials are poured in 250 ml of boiling water and boiled over low heat for a quarter of an hour. The strained agent is used twice a day.

Herbal mixture

Herbal preparations are effective for bleeding.Gums bleed. Home treatment, ointments, tablets, folk remedies

You can prepare a remedy from:

  • celandine;
  • nettle;
  • chamomile;
  • sage.

Plants are taken in equal parts, mixed and selected 2 tbsp. l. mixtures. Then the raw material is poured with boiling water (500 ml), infused for 30 minutes, filtered. The solution in warm form is used to rinse the mouth. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day. After that, you can not eat for another 2 hours.

Also, a decoction, which is prepared from equal parts, has good healing properties:

  • ivan-chai;
  • mint;
  • rosehip petals.

Plant mixture (1 tbsp. l.) Pour cold water (1 tbsp.), Bring to a boil. After that, the agent is infused for 2 hours, filtered, 5 g of mummy is added and used to rinse the mouth 3 times a day.Gums bleed. Home treatment, ointments, tablets, folk remedies

Bleeding gums cannot always be dealt with on their own. When such a symptom appears, a visit to the doctor should be scheduled for the near future in order to prevent the development of more serious diseases.

With insignificant discharge, the doctor will recommend methods that can be used at home as part of a comprehensive treatment. And also the specialist will tell you about the rules of care, preventive measures that will help prevent the development of the problem in the future.

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