Antimicrobial Drugs For Systemic Use

Unidox Solutab analogues are cheaper. Price, reviews

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Unidox Solutab - antibacterial drug with pronounced properties, which is actively used for the treatment of patients with inflammatory pathologies of bacterial origin.

The medicine has a wide spectrum of action, therefore it is effective. The high cost leads to the fact that patients select analogs that would be cheaper, but have a similar effect on the body.

Record content:

  • 1 Characteristics of the drug
  • 2 Basic instructions
  • 3 Analogues are cheaper
    • 3.1 Doxycycline
    • 3.2 Tetracycline
    • 3.3 Flemoxin Solutab
    • 3.4 Amosin
  • 4 Price of funds
  • 5 Video about Unidox analogues

Characteristics of the drug

An antibacterial medication has a therapeutic effect due to the presence of doxycycline in the composition. This ingredient belongs to the group of tetracycline antibiotics. It affects many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, which in most cases provoke pathologies of the respiratory tract and other internal organs.

The active ingredient of the composition suppresses the activity of microorganisms, which leads to their death and cleansing of tissues, elimination of signs of inflammation. As a result, the lesion is reduced and completely disappears after the course of the therapeutic course.

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The product is available to patients in the form of special dispersible tablets that are designed to dissolve in water. After that, the patient takes the resulting solution orally. The agent in the form of a solution is better absorbed in the body and has a therapeutic effect faster.

The drug is effective not only against staphylococci and streptococci of various types, but also helps to fight chlamydia, mycoplasma and spirochetes, which expands the spectrum of its action.

The main indications for the appointment of tablets:

  • Throat and ear diseases. With otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and other pathologies, the remedy helps to improve the condition within a short period of use.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by an increase in body temperature and signs of inflammation. For acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and lung abscess, the agent is prescribed in different doses.
  • Diseases of the urinary system, for example, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system, for example, salpingitis, adnexitis, endometritis.
  • Sexually transmitted infections provoked by ureaplasma, chlamydia, spirochetes, gonococci.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract, accompanied by an inflammatory process. With gastritis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, the drug is often prescribed. It can also be used for cholera.
  • The defeat of bone tissue in osteomyelitis.
  • Blood infection of varying severity and origin.

The drug can be used for some other diseases as part of complex therapy or as the main method.

Unidox Solutab (analogs can be produced cheaper in other dosage forms) is considered a potent agent, therefore it has contraindications. Among them, one can distinguish intolerance to the components of the composition, severe damage to the kidneys and liver.

Contraindications include exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, the patient's age is up to 18 years. One of the features of the drug is considered to be a negative effect on the development of a child during gestation. That is why it is not prescribed for lactating and pregnant women.

During treatment, patients may experience negative reactions in the form of nausea and bouts of vomiting, diarrhea. The remedy often provokes acute allergic reactions, when the patient immediately needs the help of a doctor. Complications are often manifested in the form of a decrease in the level of red blood cells and platelets in the blood.

In advanced cases or in case of an overdose, impairment of consciousness, anaphylactic shock, and the appearance of hallucinations are possible. Such symptoms are considered a reason for immediate refusal to admit and visit a doctor.

Basic instructions

The medication is taken orally after a preliminary visit to the doctor and identifying the degree of neglect of the disease. The daily dosage for the patient is 0.2 g, but sometimes 0.1 g per day is sufficient.

Before use, the tablet is crushed into powder and dissolved in 100-150 ml of water, after which the solution is taken orally. Experts also allow you to take the pill whole and drink it with a sufficient amount of water. Treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days, depending on the patient's condition and the characteristics of the progression of the pathological condition.

Analogues are cheaper

Unidox Solutab has a high cost, so patients choose analogues that are cheaper, but have the same properties. Some of them have an effect due to the presence of the same ingredient in the composition, others contain a different component, but are highly effective.


The most popular and affordable analogue, which contains the substance doxycycline, which provides a therapeutic effect. The mechanism of action of the drug does not differ from the effect on the body of the original. The substance suppresses metabolic processes in disease-causing cells, which leads to their rapid death and an improvement in the condition of patients.

The drug is available in the form of dispersible tablets, capsules for oral administration and a lyophilisate to obtain a solution that is administered parenterally. The presence of several dosage forms is considered to be the difference between the analogue and the original. The tool can be used for patients who, for whatever reason, cannot take tablets or capsules.

The effectiveness of the drug does not differ from Unidox, it is used when symptoms of various diseases occur:

  • Angina, laryngitis, tracheitis.
  • Bronchitis, purulent foci in the lungs.
  • Cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis.
  • Ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis.
  • Sepsis, osteomyelitis.
  • Prostatitis.

Unidox Solutab and analogues are cheaper. Prices, reviewsThe drug is also used for infectious diseases of the eye, while the original is rarely prescribed for such disorders. The indications include the period of rehabilitation after suffering a miscarriage or artificial termination of pregnancy for various reasons. The tool helps prevent the development of complications in such violations.

The dosage of the drug is determined for each patient individually, as well as the dosage form. Capsules are taken orally, tablets are dissolved in water or consumed whole. The lyophilisate is dissolved in saline and injected intravenously. Usually, the dosage for an adult is 100-200 mg, but the correction is also carried out individually, depending on the effect of the therapy.

Unlike the original, the substitute is allowed to be taken by children over 8 years old. The dosage for them is determined depending on the body weight, is 4 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

The use for adults and children continues for 5-10 days, depending on the specific disease. The substitute is often combined with the appointment of cephalosporins in severe disease. The original is more often prescribed as the only treatment.

The medicine, like the original, is not used in the treatment of lactating, pregnant women, patients with severe liver and kidney diseases in acute form. In case of allergy to components, the medication is contraindicated.

Experts note that the analog often provokes complications in the form of angioedema, acute urticaria and stool disorders. Complications are especially common in children.

In this case, a violation of the process of hematopoiesis, the development of bleeding and a deterioration in the functioning of the liver is possible. The drug can provoke an overdose, in which all negative reactions are aggravated.


Unidox Solutab (analogs are cheaper to provoke complications more often, according to patient reviews) belongs to the group of tretracycline antibiotics. If the patient cannot use the drug, the specialist replaces it with a drug from the same group. For example, the Tetracycline remedy contains the active ingredient of the same name and has a pronounced antibacterial effect.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the ability of the main component to suppress protein synthesis in a pathogenic cell, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes in it and death. The remedy is considered effective, but today it is not prescribed so often due to the frequent development of complications during the period of therapy.

The medication is available for purchase in the form of tablets for oral administration. They are most often used as a substitute for Unidox. But on the pharmacy shelves you can also find a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution, an eye ointment. The original is not produced in such forms.

The remedy is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, respiratory and digestive systems. It can be used to diagnose infectious pathologies, as well as sexually transmitted diseases.Unidox Solutab and analogues are cheaper. Prices, reviews

Taking pills is carried out within 10 days to obtain a therapeutic effect. The daily dosage is 1-2 tablets, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

The drug is strictly forbidden to use when carrying a child and during pregnancy, since the active substance has teratogenic properties. Do not prescribe a remedy for leukopenia, intolerance to the components of the composition.

Unlike the original, the substitute is allowed to be used for the treatment of children over 8 years old, but only in short courses and after examination. The dosage in each case is determined individually.

The lyophilisate is used to obtain a solution that is administered parenterally. The daily dosage and duration of the course is determined individually.

The medicine often provokes complications that disrupt the digestive system and also lead to disorders of the inner ear. The drug more often than the original leads to the development of an overdose, which is accompanied by acute urticaria or even anaphylactic shock.

If, when using the original, it is not so difficult to eliminate the symptoms of an overdose, then when a substitute is prescribed, prolonged treatment in a hospital is required.

Flemoxin Solutab

Unidox Solutab (cheaper analogs often contain other active ingredients with similar properties) renders action due to the presence of doxycycline, but there are drugs with a similar effect, but having other substances in composition.

For example, Flemoxin Solutab contains amoxicillin as its main component. The mechanism of its action is based on the bactericidal effect on microorganisms. In this case, metabolic processes are disrupted and bacteria die.

The drug is considered to be more gentle than a substitute, it is produced in the form of dispersible tablets to obtain a solution that is taken orally.Unidox Solutab and analogues are cheaper. Prices, reviews

The drug helps to fight various diseases of bacterial origin:

  • Acute and chronic pneumonia.
  • Acute bronchitis, chronic course of the disease, obstructive changes with signs of inflammation.
  • Pathology of the urinary system.
  • Infectious diseases with damage to the respiratory and digestive organs.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Pathologies of articular joints and bone tissue.

The main difference between the remedy and the original is that it is used mainly when symptoms of diseases of the respiratory system appear. Despite this, the drug is considered effective. Other differences include a milder effect on the body and a lower risk of complications, provided that it is used correctly.

The original is prescribed only for adults, the substitute can be used to treat children over 3 years old. This makes the drug safer, it is used in short and long courses, depending on the severity of the manifestations of the disease.

Adults take 2 tablets per day with a higher dose of the active substance. Children are prescribed tablets with a lower dosage, while it is important to dissolve the product in 100 ml of water beforehand.

Unlike Unidox, Flemoxin is often prescribed for lesions of articular joints of inflammatory origin. The active ingredient of the analogue fights against the causative agents of rheumatism and arthritis, while the original is not so often prescribed for such diseases.

Flemoxin rarely provokes an overdose and complications. In some cases, with improper use, mild allergic manifestations, nausea and upset stools are observed.

Symptoms quickly disappear after discontinuation of therapy, but it may be necessary to prescribe special medications to eliminate it. One of the important differences is the possibility of prescribing a substitute for lactating and pregnant women. The original in this case is categorically contraindicated.


Unidox Solutab (cheaper analogs are not always considered less effective, but are often more gentle) often provokes complications in patients due to a pronounced effect on the body and an aggressive effect on fabrics.

That is why doctors can prescribe analogues that belong to a different pharmacological group, but have a similar effect. For example, the drug Amosin has an effect due to the content of amoxicillin. This component belongs to penicillin antibiotics.

The mechanism of action consists in disrupting metabolic processes in a pathogenic cell, followed by their destruction and cleansing of the affected tissues. In patients, when taking the remedy, the symptoms of inflammation are quickly eliminated, the body temperature is normalized, and an improvement in general well-being is noted.

In this case, the drug does not provoke severe complications when used correctly. It can be used with caution for the treatment of patients during lactation and pregnancy.

The remedy is prescribed for inflammatory and bacterial diseases of the genitourinary system, bones and joints, and the digestive tract. Most often, the drug is indicated for violations of the respiratory system, but if necessary, it can be prescribed to patients with infectious or venereal diseases.Unidox Solutab and analogues are cheaper. Prices, reviews

Unlike the original, the analogue is produced in the form of capsules and suspension, lyophilisate to obtain a solution. Adults usually take capsules of 2-4 pieces per day, children are prescribed a suspension after they reach 10 years of age. This also distinguishes the substitute from Unidox, which is only prescribed for adults.

Dosages of other dosage forms are determined individually, as well as the duration of treatment. On average, 10 days are enough. The medicine can provoke complications in the form of dyspeptic disorders, allergies.

Overdose rarely develops, only with uncontrolled intake for a long period of time. The substitute is considered safer, as it has a less aggressive effect on the body. At the same time, its effectiveness does not decrease.

Do not prescribe Amosin for allergies to its components, severe liver damage and violations of the hematopoietic system.

Price of funds

The price of medicines in different pharmacies and regions differs, it depends on the manufacturer and the amount of medicine in the package. The original is expensive, its substitutes are often cheaper.

Name Price
Unidox Solutab You can buy the product for about 350-450 rubles.
Doxycycline The price of an analogue is 270-300 rubles.
Tetracycline The cost of the medication is 50-130 rubles.
Flemoxin Solutab In pharmacies, the price of the product is 240-270 rubles.
Amosin The tool can be purchased for about 50-120 rubles.

When choosing, specialists are based not on the cost of the product, but on its therapeutic properties and the expected effect for a particular patient.

Unidox Solutab is considered one of the popular antibacterial agents, which is actively used to treat patients with inflammatory diseases. The high price of a medicine is the main reason for the selection of a medicine that would be cheaper. In most cases, analogs have the same properties and effectiveness.

Video about Unidox analogues

Antibiotics analogues of Unidox:

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