
Fucidin ointment. Indications for use, reviews

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  1. Skin and soft tissue infections
  2. Impetigo
  3. Carbuncles
  4. Boils
  5. Infected wounds
  6. Hydradenitis
  7. Folliculitis
  8. Paronychia
  9. Sycosis
  10. Erythrasma
  11. Acne
  12. Bacterial eye infections
  13. Conjunctivitis
  14. Blepharitis
  15. Barley
  16. Keratitis
  17. Dacryocystitis
  18. Infections associated with removal of a foreign body from the conjunctiva and cornea
  19. Video about the drug Fucidin

Fucidin ointment is a local antibacterial agent with glucocorticosteroid and anti-inflammatory action. Containing fusidic acid (its fat-soluble and water-soluble salts) and hydrocortisone, the drug is used in the treatment infectious and inflammatory diseases, quickly penetrates the skin, suppressing the activity of pathogenic microorganisms sensitive to fusidic acid, fights with inflammation and itching.

Skin and soft tissue infections

Fucidin ointment is used as a topical antibacterial agent in the treatment of soft tissue infections caused by all strains:

  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Corynebacterium;
  • Streptococcus;
  • Neisseria;
  • Clostridium.


Impetigo is a pustular skin lesion caused by pathogenic bacteria (staphylococci and streptococci).

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Depending on the causative agent of the disease, there are:

Type of disease Its symptoms
Streptococcal impetigo Most common in patients living in areas with warm, humid climates and manifested by the appearance of painful, elastic red vesicles, up to 5 mm in diameter with serous-purulent content.
Staphylococcal impetigo It is characterized by the appearance of small pustular eruptions around the hair follicles.
Strepto-staphylococcal skin lesions It manifests itself as multiple purulent formations on the surface of the skin and around the hair follicles, resolving with the formation of massive crusts exposing the erosive surface.

Fucidin ointment. Indications for use, reviewsFucidin ointment is prescribed for the treatment of the disease as an external antibacterial agent, supplemented by the use of preparations disinfecting and drying pustular formations and vitamin therapy.


A carbuncle is an inflammation concentrated under the skin, simultaneously capturing several hair follicles and accompanied by the formation of an extensive necrotic focus on the skin. With the discharge of necrotic masses against the background of a carbuncle, a deep, reaching to the muscles, ulcerative a surface that can develop into a malignant neoplasm, be complicated by bleeding or sepsis.

Fucidin ointment is prescribed at the initial stage of development of the carbuncle as a bactericidal drug that blocks the process of maturation of the pathology and promotes the resorption of the inflammatory infiltrate. With the transition of pathology to a necrotic process, surgical treatment is indicated.


Furunculosis is a purulent-necrotic disease of the follicle and its peri-hair part caused by staphylococcal infection and accompanied by the formation of a purulent-inflammatory infiltrate with a necrotic green shaft around the hair follicle colors.

The use of local antibacterial drugs, which include fucidin ointment, is indicated after opening the purulent follicle. It is forbidden to use the drug until this moment due to the likelihood of the spread of processes and the development of phlegmon.

Infected wounds

Wound infection is a complex of general and local pathological manifestations that occurs when staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria get into accidental or postoperative wounds. The pathology manifested by pain, swelling, fever and an increase in lymph nodes is complemented by the discharge from the wound of serous or purulent discharge, and in some cases tissue necrosis.

The use of fucidin ointment is indicated to accelerate the healing and arrest of the activity of pathogenic bacteria after opening or draining the purulent focus and washing the wound with antiseptics. It is permissible to use the drug when carrying out dressings.


Hydradenitis is a purulent-inflammatory process that occurs in the apocrine sweat glands (armpits, umbilical region, groin, genitals). Caused by the defeat of a staphylococcal infection, the disease is manifested by the formation of dense, painful small nodules on the skin, which are subsequently filled with a purulent infiltrate.

The appearance of pus is accompanied by a febrile state and ends with spontaneous opening of the nodule with the formation of an extensive wound surface.Fucidin ointment. Indications for use, reviews

The use of fucidin ointment is indicated to accelerate the healing process, relieve inflammation and itching after opening a purulent nodule. When phlegmon is attached, the use of surgical treatment and oral administration of antibacterial drugs are indicated.


Folliculitis is an infectious lesion of the hair follicle, leading to purulent inflammation caused by the pathogenic activity of bacteria, viruses or parasites. In most cases, folliculitis is multiple in nature, manifested by the appearance of purulent cone-shaped formations at the site of the hair follicle.

Fucidin ointment is used as a local antibacterial drug at the initial stage of the development of pathology caused by pathogenic bacteria (staphylococcus and streptococcus) and is prescribed simultaneously with antiseptic solutions funds. With severe recurrent development of pathology, general antibiotic therapy is indicated.


Paronychia is a dermatological disease, with inflammation of the nail fold, caused by trauma, exposure to chemicals or high fever, followed by infection. The disease manifests itself with edema, soreness in the area of ​​the roller and suppuration.

Fucidin ointment is prescribed for paronychia caused by staphylococcal and streptococcal infections and is used as an anti-inflammatory and local antibacterial drug. With a purulent nature of the inflammation, dressings with the drug are prescribed after opening or draining the abscess.


Sycosis is a pustular skin pathology caused by Staphylococcus aureus that affects the area of ​​the beard, nose and mustache on the face. The disease begins with superficial folliculitis, gradually affecting healthy areas of the skin and is of a protracted, chronic nature.

With a spontaneous opening of the abscesses, a painful, itchy, weeping surface is exposed. Depending on the type of pathogen in dermatology, an ordinary (staphylococcal), parasitic and lupoid type of sycosis is distinguished.

The use of fucidin ointment is shown as a local antibacterial drug used as part of complex drug therapy for all types of sycosis.


Erythrasma is a chronic superficial skin infection caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium minutissimum, characterized by rash of asymptomatic red-brown spots of various sizes with slight peeling, mainly in the folds of the body person.Fucidin ointment. Indications for use, reviews

Fucidin ointment containing fusidic acid is used as a local antibacterial agent that blocks the synthesis of pathogenic microorganisms and inhibits the spread of infection.


Acne (acne) is a chronic lesion of the skin, symptomatized by the appearance of papular acne, comedones, and nodules on its surface. Acne on the face, chest, back and shoulders can appear at any age. In adolescents (aged 12-24 years), the disease manifests itself in the form of juvenile acne.

Fucidin ointment is used to relieve the inflammatory process and prevent its spread, and prescribed as part of complex therapy, including the use of medical and cosmetic drugs.

Bacterial eye infections

Fucidin ointment (indications for use allow the use of the drug as a local therapy infectious pathologies) is used in ophthalmology as an antibacterial drug to relieve the symptoms of infectious eye diseases.


Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctiva) caused by trauma, viruses, bacteria or an allergic reaction and manifested by swelling, redness and discharge with an admixture of pus.

Fucidin ointment is used as a local antibacterial drug for bacterial conjunctivitis and is used as a monopreparation or together with antibacterial drops.


Blepharitis is an inflammatory disease of the eyelids, most often of a chronic nature, caused by external (bacterial, infectious, allergic) or internal (non-infectious) causes.

Itching, peeling, redness and swelling of the eyelids is a disease caused by the pathogenic activity of Staphylococcus aureus, allows the appointment of fucidin ointment as an antibacterial and glucocorticosteroid topical drug in conjunction with a tear substitute therapy.


Barley is a purulent inflammation of the eyelid that occurs when a hair follicle or sebaceous gland is infected with Staphylococcus aureus.Fucidin ointment. Indications for use, reviews

Manifested by swelling and redness of the eyelid, pain when touching (or blinking), itching and burning, pathology can:

  • localize at the edge of the eyelid in the sebaceous gland or ciliary bulb (external or hot barley);
  • hit the passage in the meibomian glands (cholyazia).

Fucidin antibacterial ointment is used to treat barley at any stage of the disease. Early use of the drug allows you to prevent the development of pathology. With developed inflammation, the drug is prescribed in conjunction with bactericidal drops.


Keratitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the cornea of ​​the eye and is accompanied by its swelling, pain, redness and increased lacrimation.

Fucidin ointment is used to treat bacterial keratitis as a topical antibacterial drug and used in conjunction with drugs necessary to dilate the pupil and relax the ciliary muscles.


Dacryocystitis is a purulent inflammation of the lacrimal sac, limiting its functional abilities, accompanied by discharge from the lacrimal points of mucopurulent or purulent secretions and caused by:

  • infection of the lacrimal canal with pathogenic microorganisms;
  • congenital anomaly of the lacrimal duct;
  • edema of surrounding tissues associated with ENT pathologies.
    Fucidin ointment. Indications for use, reviews
    Fucidin ointment. Indications for use

Fucidin ointment is prescribed after the operative opening of the lacrimal sac to remove purulent contents in as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory drug, which also prevents repeated infection.

Infections associated with removal of a foreign body from the conjunctiva and cornea

Fucidin ointment (indications for the use of the drug allow its use both at an early stage and as an anti-inflammatory drug in the postoperative period) used in ophthalmic practice for the prevention and treatment of infections that occur when a foreign body enters various parts of the adnexa of the eye, orbit and ocular apples.

The pathology manifested by lacrimation, pain, hyperemia and edema of the conjunctiva requires surgical removal of foreign bodies. Fucidin ointment is used as a topical antibacterial drug to prevent (treat) subsequent infection of the eyeball (conjunctiva) and is used in conjunction with bactericidal drops.

Fucidin ointment is a local antibacterial drug with anti-inflammatory and glucocorticosteroid qualities, used in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory processes of the skin and soft tissues.

The fusidic acid contained in the preparation accumulates in pus, sputum and bone tissue, suppressing the synthesis of pathogenic bacteria. Used at an early stage of the disease or after removal (drainage) of purulent exudate, the drug leads to death of the causative agent of the disease, accelerating the recovery period and preventing re-infection or rebirth pathology.

Video about the drug Fucidin

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