
Hipp (HiPP) tea for newborns with chamomile, fennel, for colic

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  1. Brand history
  2. Organic
  3. With fennel
  4. With chamomile
  5. Fruit
  6. Herbal
  7. "Apple-fennel"
  8. "Rosehip and sea buckthorn"
  9. With rose hips
  10. Instant
  11. Linden with lemon balm
  12. "Apple"
  13. "Berries"
  14. "Raspberry with rosehip"
  15. "Fruit"
  16. "Chamomile"
  17. "Fennel"
  18. Natural herbs
  19. "Blueberry"
  20. "Black currant and strawberry"
  21. "Apricot"
  22. Teas for kids videos

Hipp - tea for children from a well-known German brand appeared on Russian shelves about 20 years ago. Made from natural raw materials, the preparation is recommended for feeding babies from birth to 6 years old, placed in a comfortable packaging and is considered one of the best and safest remedies for improving the functioning of the digestive, immune and cardiovascular systems.

Brand history

"Hipp" - tea for newborns and children under the age of 1 year was created in 1956 by a German landowner Klaus Hipp, who practiced the production of organic food products. It took the creator of the brand more than 10 years to turn the Hipp company into the world's leading manufacturer of baby food products.

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Today the company "Hipp" grows raw materials for its products for 8 thousand. farm pastures, and the quality of her drinks for children is confirmed by numerous international quality certificates.

Children's herbal tea "Hipp":

  • made from organic, soft and easily digestible raw materials;
  • does not contain preservatives, dyes, synthetic flavors and gluten;
  • saturated with natural saccharides;
  • has a pleasant taste and aroma;
  • has a low energy value.

Tea "Hipp" is produced in 2 types: in the form of sachets and instant granules for brewing a drink.


"Hipp" - tea bags for newborns can be used in the nutrition of children from the first days of life. The product bears the HіPP ORGANIC quality mark and helps to fight problems of the digestive tract and stomach that occur in children under the age of 3 months.

With fennel

Made from a natural extract of a special type of fennel, characterized by a low content of estragole, the drink can be used in the nutrition of children of the 1st months of life as an effective organic remedy that helps to improve the digestion of the child, prevent gas formation and the appearance of gastrointestinal colic.

To prepare a drink, pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tea bag, leave for about 5-8 minutes and remove the bag to cool to a temperature of + 37 ° C. You can use a bottle with a pacifier or a teaspoon to give your baby tea.Hipp (HiPP) tea for newborns with chamomile, fennel for colic

Recommended dosage:

  • No more than 20 ml (1 tsp) for children aged 1 week to 3 months;
  • from 3 months of life - 50-100 ml;
  • from the 4th to the 6th month of life - 100-150 ml;
  • from the 7th to the 12th month - 150-200 ml.

From the second year of life, herbal tea can be given to the child as needed.

The cost of tea is 350 rubles.

With chamomile

Made from the inflorescences of medicinal chamomile, herbal tea has a mild soothing and anti-inflammatory qualities, widely used for nausea and vomiting, disorders of the digestive tract, influenza and ARVI. The drink is made from hypoallergenic raw materials and is allowed for feeding children from the 1st week of life.

Recommended dosage:

Child's age How much to consume
From 1st week to 3rd month 30-50 ml
3rd to 4th month 40-50 ml
4th to 6th month 50-80 ml
7th to 12th month 80-100 ml

Hipp (HiPP) tea for newborns with chamomile, fennel for colicTo prepare fitchay, one sachet of the drug is required to pour 200 ml of boiling water, stand for 5-10 minutes, cool and give the child to drink with a teaspoon or a bottle with a nipple.

The cost of tea is 320 rubles.


Made from hypoallergenic fruits (apple), vegetables (carrots, celery) and rose hips, this tea has a sweet taste and pleasant aroma, using:

  • as a general tonic;
  • to quench thirst;
  • in order to increase the child's appetite and vitality;
  • as a regulator of the baby's digestive system.

It is recommended to consume tea, which is acceptable for use in the nutrition of children from 5 months of age, in an amount of 100-150 ml. The drink also contains carbohydrates, so experts do not recommend that parents exceed the indicated dosage of the product.

To prepare tea, one sachet of the drug must be brewed in 200 ml of hot water, insisted for about 5-10 minutes, cooled and given to the child as a thirst-quenching and appetite-increasing drink.

The cost of tea is 345 rubles.


Medicinal tea "Hipp" made from natural herbal extractors has a calming effect and regulates sleep.

The drink allowed for use from 4 months of age contains:

  • chamomile;
  • fennel;
  • lemon balm leaves;
  • Linden blossom.Hipp (HiPP) tea for newborns with chamomile, fennel for colic

To prepare a drink, pour 1 tea bag with 1 cup (200 ml) boiling water, let it brew for about 5-10 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, the tea bag should be removed from the broth and cooled to a temperature of 37 ° C and given to the child to drink in the evening.

The cost of tea is 315 rubles.


Tea for newborn babies "Hipp" with apple and fennel is a delicious, excellent thirst-quenching drink that normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating increased gas production and stomach cramps, as well as regulating chair. Used from the age of 4 months, the tea has a pleasant taste and quenches thirst well, which allows use as an additional source of vitamins for formula-fed children.

You need to prepare tea from 1 bag of raw materials, filled with 200 ml of hot water. The drink, which has been infused for 5-10 minutes, must be freed from the sachet-sachet and cooled to 37 ° C before use. The recommended daily dose of herbal tea for children aged from 4 months is 80–150 ml.

Tea cost - 360 rubles.

"Rosehip and sea buckthorn"

Fruit and berry herbal tea is made from natural raw materials and is recommended for use in the nutrition of children over 5 months old. Used as an additional source of fluid for bottle-fed babies during hot seasons or the moment of the introduction of complementary foods, the drink helps to strengthen the child's immunity and contains:

  • rosehip and sea buckthorn;
  • Apple;
  • fennel fruit;
  • carrot;
  • hibiscus flowers;
  • beets.

For ease of use, tea is packed in individual sachet-bags, and to prepare a drink, 1 of them needs to be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and insisted for 5-10 minutes.Hipp (HiPP) tea for newborns with chamomile, fennel for colic

The dosage recommended by doctors for a child at the age of 5 months is 100 ml.

The cost of tea is 320 rubles.

With rose hips

Children's tea "Hipp" with organic rose hips is a soft drink that quenches thirst well, containing carotene, vitamins C and E and minerals necessary to strengthen the immune system of the child. This tonic tea is intended for feeding children from 4 months of age.

To prepare a drink, 1 tea bag must be poured with 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 5-10 minutes, cooled to a temperature of 37 degrees and consumed in an amount of up to 100 ml per day.

The cost of tea is 348 rubles.


"Hipp" - tea for newborns in instant granules contains natural herbal extracts, vegetable and fruit juice and ascorbic acid, which is necessary to strengthen the immune system of the child.


  • made only from natural raw materials;
  • has a refreshing fruit and berry taste;
  • saturated with vitamin C
  • does not contain synthetic dyes and preservatives;
  • made without the use of milk protein.

Tea is produced for babies 4, 5 and 6 months of age.

Linden with lemon balm

Linden blossom tea contains medicinal chamomile and lemon balm leaves, which have a calming and thirst-quenching effect. Due to the dextrose content, the drink has a pleasant taste and can be consumed both warm and cold.

For the preparation of herbal tea 1 tsp. (4 g) of granulated drink should be dissolved in 100 ml of boiled water. The resulting broth needs to be shaken a little and given to the child to drink in the evening. You don't need to add sugar to your tea.Hipp (HiPP) tea for newborns with chamomile, fennel for colic

Energy value of tea - 360 kl / 100 g.

100 g of the product contains:

Protein 90 g
Fats 1 g
Carbohydrates 1 g

The cost of a 200 g package of tea is 521 rubles.


An instant drink in granules of apples and herbal extracts is used in the nutrition of children from 6 months of age. This tea, which has a light soothing effect, enriches the child's body with vitamin C, which is necessary for strengthening the immune system.Hipp (HiPP) tea for newborns with chamomile, fennel for colic

As part of tea:

  • natural apple powder;
  • Melissa;
  • lemon acid.

To prepare a drink 1 tsp. instant granules must be mixed with 100 ml of boiled water. You can drink tea both hot and cold. The product does not need additional use of sugar.

The recommended daily dosage of the drink for babies at the age of 6 months is 250 ml. After a year of life, children can drink tea as needed. The cost of a 200 g package is 540 rubles.


Refreshing and pleasant to the taste Hipp hour is made from extracts of wild berries and medicinal herbs and is recommended for feeding children from 6 months of age.

Quickly quenches thirst and has a tonic and firming effect on the child's body contains:

  • dextrose and sugar;
  • fruit powder of currant (in glucose syrup);
  • hibiscus extract;
  • strawberry and raspberry juice concentrate;
  • natural flavor;
  • citric acid;
  • blueberry juice concentrate;
  • vitamin C.

To prepare a drink 1 tsp. the instant granules should be mixed with 100 ml of water. You can drink tea both warm and cold.

The energy value of the product is 376 kcal / 100 g.

Nutritional value of tea:

Protein 94 g
Fats 1 g
Carbohydrates 1 g

It is forbidden to use the drink with individual intolerance to its components.Hipp (HiPP) tea for newborns with chamomile, fennel for colic

The cost of a 200 g package of tea is 413 rubles.

"Raspberry with rosehip"

Tea for children from 4 months old contains berry extract, is saturated with ascorbic acid and has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.

Experts recommend drinking a drink saturated with vitamins for influenza and ARVI as a natural immunostimulating agent for young children.

Tea is made up of:

  • sugar syrup;
  • hibiscus extract;
  • concentrated raspberry juice;
  • rose hips;
  • citric acid.

To prepare a drink 1 tsp. the instant granules should be filled with 100 ml of water. It is forbidden to use water from open sources for making tea. Recommended dosage:

Child's age Dosage
From 4 to 6 months up to 150-200 ml / day
6 to 12 months up to 250 ml / day
After 1 year On demand

It is forbidden to use tea with hypersensitivity to its components.

The cost of a 200 ml package is 440 rubles.


Tea saturated with fruit extracts "Hipp" is a drink intended for children aged 6 months and over.Hipp (HiPP) tea for newborns with chamomile, fennel for colic

Helps to strengthen the immune system and provide the body's need for the necessary him trace elements, the drink is filled with:

  • hibiscus
  • rosehip and lemon fruit powder;
  • citric acid;
  • apple flavoring;
  • ascorbic acid.

The drink can be prepared from 1 tsp. granules filled with 100 ml of water. The recommended dosage of the drink for children over 6 months of age is 150 ml / day.

It is forbidden to use tea with individual intolerance to its components.

The cost of a 200 g package of tea is 440 rubles.


The drink from the Swiss concern "Hipp" contains inflorescences of a medicinal plant and dextrose, has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

The drug is used for:

  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • stomach cramps and increased gas production;
  • the appearance of acute respiratory viral infections and flu, accompanied by redness of the laryngeal mucosa;
  • the occurrence of nausea and vomiting.

To prepare tea, 1 teaspoon of instant granules must be poured with 100 ml of water and mixed well. You do not need to add sugar to the drink.

Recommended dosage:

Child's age Dosage
Up to 3 months 50-100 ml / day small portions between feedings. You need to give the drug with a teaspoon.
from 3 to 6 months up to 150-200 ml / day
from 6 to 12 months

250 ml / day

At an older age, the drug is used as needed.Hipp (HiPP) tea for newborns with chamomile, fennel for colic

It is forbidden to use tea with individual intolerance to its components.

The cost of a 200 g package is 429 rubles.


"Hipp" - tea for newborns and nutrition for children aged 4 months and older made from a special type of fennel with low in estragol, which makes it as safe as possible to eat in a baby age.

A drug sweetened with dextrose is used:

  • to normalize digestion;
  • to prevent pain and gas formation in the stomach;
  • with intestinal upset.

To prepare a drink 1 tsp. quick-dissolving granules must be filled with 100 ml of water. Recommended dosage of the drug:

Child's age Daily dosage
Up to 3 months of life 50-100 ml (you can give tea to a child using a teaspoon or a bottle with a nipple).
3 to 6 months 100-150 ml
6 to 12 months 150-200 ml
From 1 year On demand

The cost of tea is 480 rubles.

Natural herbs

Instant granulated drink from the German concern Hipp is used as a general tonic, regulating metabolism, which helps with intestinal colic and strong gas production, helps fight respiratory infections.Hipp (HiPP) tea for newborns with chamomile, fennel for colic

A drink acceptable for use from the 1st week of a child's life consists of:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • fennel;
  • lemon balm leaves;
  • fennel and thyme oils.

For making tea 1 tsp. quick-dissolving granules must be filled with 100 ml of water. The resulting drink should be placed and given to the child in a dosage of 100 ml starting from the 6th month of life. On the recommendation of a doctor, a child can drink tea for children at the end of the first week of life in a dosage of 30-50 ml.

The cost of tea is 450 rubles.


It is recommended to introduce baby tea based on organic blueberry powder into the diet of children from 6 months of age.

A drink that is a source of minerals:

  • good thirst quencher;
  • stimulates the body's immune forces;
  • has a tonic effect.

The tea contains:

  • hibiscus extract;
  • blueberry flavor;
  • Melissa;
  • citric acid;
  • blueberry powder based on glucose syrup.

For making tea 1 tsp. instant granules must be mixed with 100 l of water and mixed thoroughly. You do not need to add sugar to the drink.

The recommended dosage of tea for babies aged 6 months to one year is 100-250 ml.

The cost of 200 ml of tea packaging is 300 rubles.

"Black currant and strawberry"

The tea of ​​the Swiss company "Hipp" is recommended as an additional food for children aged 6 months.Hipp (HiPP) tea for newborns with chamomile, fennel for colic

Drink prepared without the use of flavors and dyes:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps to calm the nervous system;
  • improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Tea is made up of:

  • blackcurrant flavor;
  • lemon balm leaves;
  • sugar beet juice;
  • citric acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • black currant powder (glucose syrup);
  • strawberry juice concentrate.

To prepare a drink, a teaspoon of instant granules must be diluted in a glass of water. You don't need to add sugar to your tea.

The recommended dosage for children 6 months of age is 100-150 ml.

The cost of tea is 239 rubles.


General strengthening instant tea "Hipp" is made from organic components and is recommended as calming and normalizing the work of the cardiovascular system, as well as the function of the child's digestive tract drink.

The main components of tea:

  • caramel syrup;
  • lemon balm extracts;
  • apricot powder;
  • apricot flavor;
  • lemon acid.

To prepare tea, 1 teaspoon of instant granules must be poured with 100 ml of water and stirred well. The drink is intended for use by children from 5 months of age.

The cost of tea is 345 rubles.

Tea "Hipp" is a drink recommended for feeding children under the age of 1, made entirely of organic raw materials. Free of artificial substances and gluten, this tea has a refreshing fruit and berry flavor, contains extracts of vegetables, fruits and medicinal herbs, providing a tonic and tonic effect, normalizing the work of the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

Teas for kids videos

Teas for babies:

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