Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Feijoa with pancreatitis

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Pancreatitis is an extremely unpleasant disease characterized by a metabolic disorder. In the pancreas, there is inflammation, which affects the secreted substances necessary for a normal digestive process. Often, the chair is broken, the general well-being of the patient. People begin to feel high fatigue, constant fatigue and frequent lack of oxygen.

Feijoa with pancreatitis

In acute form of pancreatitis the patient suffers from severe unceasing pain. Sometimes they just can not be tolerated. As a rule, a person applies for medical help when the condition deteriorates sharply.

When pancreatitis is very important to follow a special diet. However, it is not recommended to decide on your own whether you can eat a certain grade of sausage or some kind of cereal. Usually a dietary doctor appoints a doctor. From the diet, it is required to exclude quite a few products. Particular difficulty arises with the use of fruit. Some of them are highly acidic, which is highly undesirable in the presence of severe inflammation of the pancreas. Feijoa is an exotic fruit. Therefore, many doubt whether it is possible to use it when there is such a serious disease.

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Useful Properties

Feijoa is a useful fruit. It is enriched with essential vitamins, amino acids and minerals. In order not to harm yourself, you must follow certain rules and know the peculiarities of its consumption. What is remarkable about this fruit?

  • Normalizes metabolism

Feijoa perfectly promotes cell renewal, removes toxins from the body. You will feel better if you eat it on a regular basis. Thanks to the systematic use of such a product, the metabolism is gradually normalized. Feijoa literally makes the pancreas work correctly. People who use feijoa say that pain decreases over time, more vitality and resources for everyday life appear.

Feijoa with pancreatitis

  • Useful substances

Feijoa contains a large number of useful substances, so necessary for maintaining good health. Normal functioning of the body is impossible without sufficient content of amino acids, vitamins and minerals in the food consumed. Feijoa is rich in vitamins of group B, C, potassium, phosphorus, copper. Feijoa has a high iodine content, so it is also useful for thyroid disorders. Essential oil has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Strengthens the immunity of

Feijoa promotes and strengthens immunity. With the addition of feijoa in the diet, the body's resistance to various infections increases. A person starts to notice that he becomes less susceptible to diseases during the seasonal exacerbations. In many cases, even periodic relapses can be avoided. The manifestations of chronic pancreatitis become less pronounced and weak. Accordingly, a person's mood improves, confidence in his physical abilities and capabilities increases.

Recommendations for the use of

There are certain rules for the use of feijoa, thanks to which you can improve your physical condition without much effort. From you and do not need any incredible suffering and limitations. You just need to reconsider your food a little.

  • On a full stomach

God save you to eat this fruit on an empty stomach, especially in the morning, immediately after awakening! Feijoa with pancreatitis can be consumed only pre-tightly. The substances in it can have a negative effect on the pancreas, even if it does not bother you at the moment. The aggravation can happen so suddenly that you will not have time to take any measures. It is necessary to be extremely attentive to one's own health, if you have any chronic illnesses. Even frivolous ailments deplete the body, do not allow it to feel good.

  • In remission phase

Use feijoa only when the disease is in remission. You should not eat fruit when the exacerbation is in full swing. You can cause significant harm to health, without being aware of it. There are special lovers of exotic fruits, who do not understand that they exacerbate their already difficult situation.

Feijoa with pancreatitis

In the event that a person has a history of a serious chronic disease, one should treat their own health with particular caution. When the painful symptoms subsided, and you begin to feel better, you can allow yourself to enjoy delicious feijoa. In the remission phase, this is absolutely not dangerous for well-being, but even useful.

  • Without peel and core

In order to fully benefit the fruit, it is necessary to eat it without skin and necessarily carefully cut the core. The peel contains coarse fiber, which can adversely affect the intestines, cause bloating or upset of the stool.

Often in patients with pancreatitis, constipation also occurs. In this case, feijoa will be an excellent solution to the problem. Enjoying only the flesh of the feijoa, you consciously enrich your body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals - everything that he really needs. It must be remembered that the weakened by the disease organism becomes incapable of combating pathogens, which means that the immune system suffers as a result.

  • Ripe fruit

Choose for snack only blind and juicy fruits. Feijoa can not be used unripened, otherwise they can cause serious damage to health. Observe certain measures, it is absolutely not superfluous. Otherwise, you can cause a severe exacerbation of pancreatic disease. It should also be remembered that any fruit should be eaten strictly in limited quantities, without the addition of sugar. Feijoa is no exception here. This fruit should be consumed in small quantities.

Thus, feijoa in pancreatitis can be an excellent solution to the health problem. You just have to start to take more care of your own health in order to avoid serious complications.

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