Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Constipation in pancreatitis

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The pancreas has a fairly serious role in the digestive tract. If the inflammatory processes begin in it, the digestive process in the whole system is disrupted. This disorder is manifested in patients in different ways - some start diarrhea, others - constipation with pancreatitis.

Constipation in pancreatitis

Clinical picture of disorders

Diagnosis at the first examination of pancreatitis can not only on complaints of shingles, especially after eating, and also on fever and hyperemia.

In addition to this picture, disorders of the intestinal function are added, which in total indicates to the gastroenterologist the correct way of further diagnosis.

Acute pancreatitis is characterized by prolonged, protracted constipation, which as a result can lead to intestinal obstruction and its paralysis. This is the so-called lazy intestine syndrome, when its peristalsis is significantly reduced or absent altogether.

The chronic phase of pancreatitis is more typical of diarrhea, accompanied by bloating and flatulence, even if the patient observes a diet and does not eat foods that cause fermentation.

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There are cases when the chronic form is accompanied by constipation, not diarrhea, in spite of the statistics.

Despite the fact that constipation in pancreatitis is common, it is necessary to deal with its treatment, otherwise the intestine can suffer and add serious complications to an already unpleasant disease.

Causes of constipation development

Already, only a diet prescribed to patients with pancreatitis can cause frequent constipation. The patient's table is devoid of fats and carbohydrates, but is rich in proteins, which in itself is a prerequisite for stagnant phenomena in the intestine.

Constipation in pancreatitis

In addition, patients are often prescribed analgesics, antispasmodics, preparations containing bismuth, as well as enzymatic preparations to improve the digestion of food. This can lead to drug-induced constipation.

According to statistics, more than 85% of patients with pancreatitis suffer from constipation due to the development of secondary diabetes mellitus. This form of diabetes is also called pancreatogenic. Complications arise because the inflamed cells of the gland do not work not only in the direction of secretion of pancreatic juice, but also in terms of insulin production.

Increased sugar in the blood and body fluids leads to some dehydration of the intestines, resulting in stools becoming thicker and denser.

Under the influence of diabetic neuropathy, impairment of peristalsis and intestinal motility develops, the walls of the intestines become flaccid, sensitive

. In neglected forms, it is possible to develop ketoacidosis - the body's cleavage of fats with the release of ketone bodies that lead to general intoxication of the body, and hypokalemia is also possible. But these complications are already related to secondary diabetes mellitus.

To determine whether diabetes has become a cause of constipation, it can sometimes be difficult and at first diagnosis is delayed. In addition, the patient is sometimes prescribed metformin, which can have a side effect in the form of chronic constipation.

Methods of treating constipation

There are many ways of treating constipation in pancreatitis. Do not immediately rush to the extreme and take a handful of laxatives - sometimes the problem is solved more loyally to the body and gives a positive result.

Constipation in pancreatitis

Secondly, these methods of dealing with constipation are generalized, and a concrete solution should be given by a gastroenterologist.

  • The first thing that is necessary for constipation is to revise the diet. Even dishes based on fats and proteins can be liquid, for example, the first dishes. Very often, the reason for constipation is the advantage of dry food over liquids in the diet of the patient.
  • The second step is the detection of fiber in the diet. It should be easily assimilated, coarse fiber, on the contrary, leads to constipation.
  • After a review of the diet and its adjustment, studies are conducted to detect secondary diabetes. Studies involve ultrasound of the pancreas, a blood test for glucose, a urinalysis for the amount of sugar in the morning, in the evening and after eating.
  • The patient should warn the doctor diagnosing diabetes that he has pancreatitis and if a metromorph was previously taken, the doctor may prescribe an insulin replacement therapy.
  • Even if there are no secondary diseases, the patient must drink plenty of water to help liquefy stool. If diabetes is found, this condition becomes vital, since it helps to avoid dehydration of the body.

Patients with pancreatic inflammation are prescribed laxatives, which are often not recommended once a week. It is also possible to select enemas.

The most popular drug for the treatment of constipation in patients with pancreatitis is dyufalac. It contains lactulose. Another common drug is guttalax.

The method should be selected only after diagnosing diabetes on the background of pancreatitis. If diabetes is found, treat with laxative drugs and enemas should be extremely careful not to cause a syndrome of the lazy bowel and not lead to dehydration of the body.


Douching of the intestine is necessary only after consultation with the attending physician. Enema can be oily, saline, aquatic.

Oil is considered the most sparing, even allowed to pregnant women. You can use olive, sunflower, vaseline oil in the amount of one hundred milliliters.

Constipation in pancreatitis

Salt enema is also called hypertonic. In such a enema, the salt solution is prepared from the fact that the salt concentration should be 1%.

To conduct enema with ordinary water take boiled purified water at room temperature.

Oil enemas are considered to be the most mild. They rather relate to microclysters, the contents of which are easily placed in a pharmaceutical syringe.

Before the procedure, you need to conduct hygienic procedures, and spray the tip of the syringe with petrolatum oil. It is inserted into the anal opening no more than two centimeters.

Douche set, lying on the left side. The right leg is bent at the knee and raised slightly to the chest. Enter the contents of the syringe by pressing on its convex part. The introduction should be slow, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the intestinal walls with a strong pressure.

Folk methods of treatment

Among folk methods of treatment are also worthy of attention. Patients are shown special physical exercises. For example, from the prone position, the upper part of the trunk is raised and lowered, without using hands for support. Also, from the prone position, you can slowly raise your foot slowly, stroking your abdomen.

After making an enema in the evening, you can drink a glass of cool water in the morning with a pinch of salt, and then have breakfast in an hour. The use of prunes in the soaked form can also help. To do this, put it in a cup and pour it with boiling water. When he gets soaked, eat, chewing.

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