
What kolyat low pressure: injections, enhancing acting drug substance

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Low blood pressure may be a result of fatigue, prolonged starvation, lack of full sleep. Such cases do not require medical intervention; pressure normalization sufficiently eliminate the cause of illness. Otherwise, frequent bouts of hypotonic stoped injections or drip administration of medication. Selection medicament that kolyat at low pressure, is carried out exclusively physician.

To do an injection


The active ingredient of the drug - Angiotensinamide. Contributes to narrowing of the small blood vessels, cells are saturated with calcium. The medicament is used for short-term pressure increase during collapse, shock, intoxication. Angiotensinamide not applicable in the form of injections, its administration is intravenously. Infusion for therapeutic purposes are permissible for several days.

Initially introducing slow speed (less than 20 ug / m), if the situation is difficult - not more than 60 mcg / min. When reaching the upper pressure indicator 90 of the medicament administration rate is decreased to 1 g / min. During prolonged infusion required control over the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

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Angiotensinamide stabbing

Simultaneously with increasing drug pressure reduces heart rate. In this situation to normalize heart rate using atropine.

Angiotensinamide contraindicated in cardiac arrhythmia. Also it is not suitable for use in cardiogenic shock due to vasoconstriction. Due to the saturation of cellular calcium may experience intestinal cramps, uterine, bladder and gall bladder.


The active ingredient of the drug - heptaminol hydrochloride. Due to the ability of the drug to tone up the cardiovascular system is used by low pressure. Geptamil non-toxic to the body. Among the stated properties of the drug appear:

  • increased heart rate;
  • toning the circulatory system;
  • deposited blood back into the arterial system.
Geptamil stabbing

Geptamil does not provoke strong vasoconstriction as other means, which reduces the likelihood of clogging. It is administered as an intramuscular injection or infusion. Used in shock, myocardial infarction, collapse, syncope, induced by administration of antipsychotic drugs, cardiovascular failure.

Geptamil contraindicated in the shock situation provoked a large loss of circulating blood volume is not recommended in pathologies cardiac rhythm.


The active ingredient of the drug - dopamine. It is a vasoconstrictor that exerts influence on kidney function. As a result, increased renal blood flow, decreased vascular resistance, an improvement in renal filtration.

When injected with low doses of medicament occurs primarily effects on dopamine receptors, triggered by the expansion of vessels in the kidneys, brain and coronary.

At medium doses, there is stimulation of post-synaptic beta-adrenergic receptors, cardiac output increases. There is an increase in systolic blood pressure, increased heart rate. Diastolic pressure remains virtually unchanged.

dopamine drug

At high doses stimulated predominantly alpha-adrenergic receptors, increased heart rate, renal blood vessels constrict. By increasing cardiac output, the pressure increase.

Stabbing the drug should only intravenously, its action begins within 5 minutes after administration. The effect lasts for 10 minutes.

Dopamine is also used in hypovolemic shock, shock states of different etiology, cardiovascular failure. After applying bradycardia may occur drug, headache, nausea and vomiting. The instructions for use of the drug contraindications are myocardial infarction, diabetes, asthma, heart rhythm disturbance.


When reduced pressure is applied Kordiamin injection and drip. Its active ingredient - niketamid. The introduction of the drug leads to narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels. This provokes a rapid pressure increase, increasing the frequency and depth of breathing. Therefore, the medication is called a respiratory analeptic.

The medicine is also used to:

  • intoxication from drugs and drugs;
  • a state of shock and collapse;
  • suffocation;
  • heart disease;
  • respiratory deterioration in the operational period or after the intervention.
Kordiamin drug

Drip Kordiamin is slow. Injections are painful, so before the intramuscular injection of novocaine anesthetize the injection site. Injections and drip drugs used in emergency situations or the impossibility of reception Kordiamin inside. For intramuscular injection drug use thigh area, for intravenous or subcutaneous - hands. Intravenous drug administration is short-term effect.

The drug contraindicated with epilepsy, temperature, frequent convulsions, individual intolerance. When co-administered with anticonvulsant drugs reduce the effect of them. Among the adverse reactions observed allergic reactions, restlessness, twitching of facial muscles.


The active drug ingredient - phenylephrine, which is an artificial substitute for epinephrine. phenylephrine Lasts longer. Mezaton possesses vasoconstrictor and has a wide range of applications. Also pressure increase drug increases the heart rate slows extends bronchi and peristalsis.

The drug is indicated for:

  • collapse;
  • vascular insufficiency;
  • shock;
  • great loss of blood;
  • Poisoning of the body;
  • part of complex treatment of infectious diseases and the like. d.
mezaton prick

To increase the pressure, Mezaton patient is administered intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The introduction of the drug should be administered slowly. Drug action starts immediately after injection and lasts up to 20 minutes after intravenous administration, 1-2 hours following intramuscular or subcutaneous hour. After canceling application of the medicament it is stopped gradually, gradually reducing the dose, or pressure indicators may decrease again. Therapy is resumed if the upper pressure indicator dropped to 70-80.

The most common adverse reactions are more frequent heartbeat, pale skin, nausea, and cephalalgia, possible convulsions. Mezaton contraindicated in pancreatitis, hepatitis, exposure to the vascular spasm, pregnancy.

The drug is well absorbed, it appears in the urine.

noradrenaline tartrate

The active substance is norepinephrine. Noradrenaline tartrate acts on alpha-adrenergic receptors. Unlike adrenaline action, it preferentially affects the blood vessels, and not on the heart muscle. In contrast, phenylephrine, increases pressure for a longer period, but not so much. Introduction norepinephrine stimulates an increase in cardiac output. There is a reduction of blood flow in vessels of the kidneys and intestines.

Appointed by the sudden drop in pressure after cardiogenic shock, surgery, internal bleeding, intoxication medicines. Introduction norepinephrine performed intravenously with constant monitoring of pressure indicators. When infusion is important to ensure that the drug did not get under the skin or into the muscle, otherwise it will cause tissue necrosis. Excreted by the kidneys in the urine.

noradrenaline tartrate

Side effects of the drug may be photophobia, shortness of breath, pain in the sternum, paleness of skin, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, confusion.

Noradrenaline tartrate is contraindicated in patients with arterial hypotension caused by heavy blood loss, severe hypoxia. The medicament used with caution during recent myocardial, circulatory failure, vascular thrombosis, congestive heart failure.

ephedrine hydrochloride

The active substance is called ephedrine. Effect of the drug is the narrowing of the blood vessels and decrease their permeability. According to its effect of the drug is similar to adrenaline. The effect of Ephedrine longer, but less pronounced. Receiving the medicament results in an increase in total peripheral vascular resistance, increase pressure, the increase minute blood volume, frequency and intensity of myocardial contractions, tones the muscles and increases the rate of sugar in blood.

Ephedrine hydrochloride pressurization administered intravenously or subcutaneously and jet. The introduction of the drug should be made slowly. The drug is not used in the evening and before going to bed, as this may provoke hyperactivity and lead to insomnia. It is not used for a long time because of the ability to cause excessive vasoconstriction, which is fraught with gangrene or tissue necrosis. Cancel the drug should be made gradually, with a planned reduction in dosage.

To increase the pressure of the drug used in the following situations:

  • during surgery;
  • hypotension, which appeared as a result of infectious pathologies;
  • at the central and peripheral collapses;
  • for spinal anesthesia;
  • blood loss caused by trauma.
ephedrine hydrochloride

Ephedrine is contraindicated in increased anxiety, insomnia, severe heart diseases, diabetes, prostatic hyperplasia, hypertension. Additional adverse reactions to the drug can be observed:

  • increased activity;
  • dilated pupils;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • hallucinations, fears appearance;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • visual disturbances.
  • angina, pain in the sternum;
  • palpitations.


The active ingredient of the drug is caffeine-sodium benzoate. It contributes to the stimulation of the medulla centers: respiratory, vasomotor and vagus. Provokes an increase in the number and intensity of the heart rate, minute volume of blood circulation. It is prescribed in moderate hypotension.

Caffeine for injection

Introducing a solution made subcutaneously. Intramuscular injections are not recommended, since at the injection site may occur painful muscle spasms. Long term use of the drug can lead to addiction. The sudden cancellation of the drug can cause some changes in the nervous system (excessive retardation or agitation).

following subcutaneous reactions may occur:

  • heart rhythm disorder, seizures, tachycardia;
  • agitation, anxiety, tremor, dizziness, cephalalgia;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Medication is contraindicated in organic diseases of the heart and blood vessels (myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis), sleep disorders, glaucoma, paroxysmal tachycardia, epilepsy, tendency to seizures.

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