
Constant bloating and gas: causes, treatment, tablets

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3 Causes of excessive gas generation

Bloating, despite similar causes, has a single mechanism, but depends on many exogenous and endogenous factors. Exogenous factors of meteorism can be poor-quality food, drugs that affect the digestive process, etc.

Picture 3 It is difficult to list all the exogenous causes that cause bloating, but you can limit yourself to the following examples:

  1. Eating badly combined foods, which affects the activity of intestinal bacteria, resulting in excessive gases and bloating.
  2. Excessive consumption of carbonated drinks. Their reception is an artificial increase in the number of bubbles of carbon dioxide in the intestine to a concentration exceeding the normal several times. This produces, above all, bloating.
  3. Frequent use of sodium bicarbonate( soda) as a remedy for heartburn. When the soda reacts with the acid of the stomach, a chemical reaction occurs with the formation of carbon dioxide. These gases are formed immediately in large quantities, which forms a swollen abdomen.
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  5. Frequent overeating, especially at night. In this case, the process of digestion slows down. In the intestine, large pieces of food are formed, in which the processes of putrefactive or yeast fermentation begin. In such cases, flatulence increases after eating and a "swollen abdomen" appears.
  6. Passion for fatty foods. This is fraught not only slowing down the processes of digestion of food, but also increased stress on the liver and pancreas. A bloated stomach in this case is a consequence not so much of the formation of gases, as of the difficulty of digestion.
  7. A dramatic change in the diet. Most often, constant bloating and gas appear when switching to food mainly vegetable food. Especially strongly affects the change in diet when switching to eating raw food.
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The reasons for abdominal distention due to pathological processes in the body can be as follows:

  1. In frequent constipation. They can be caused by atony or spasms of the intestine, sciatica, sciatica, colitis, enterocolitis, liver and pancreas diseases, emotional overload, malnutrition. Constipation is the lack of an adequate response of the body to a crowded intestine, as a result of which the stool mass lingers in the intestine longer than usual. All this time they continue to be digested by the body with the release of a large number of intestinal gases. A person feels a "swollen belly".This overcrowding causes abdominal pain and increases the squeezing effect of the organs.
  2. In food allergies. The ingestion of allergens into the intestines can cause abdominal pain, changes in the skin, rashes, etc. Including bloated stomach.
  3. In a dysbacteriosis. This is a violation of the optimal balance of microorganisms living in the intestine. The disease is always accompanied by persistent gases and bloating. Usually, the number of bacteria of lactic fermentation decreases and the number of fungi, putrefactive bacteria, etc. increases. However, the general decrease in the number of microorganisms in the intestine also applies to dysbiosis. Usually this is due to bowel diseases, antibiotics and poor nutrition. A person with a dysbacteriosis always bursts from the inside - he feels a swollen abdomen, and this is a big problem.
  4. In living in the digestive tract parasites. Any parasite in the intestine affects the digestion process. For example, pinworms and ascarids feed in the intestines with the same food as the person. They do not damage the intestine itself, but the body also has to digest the waste products of these parasites. This changes the whole process of digestion, which necessarily entails frequent bloating.
  5. In diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Bile promotes better digestion of fats. With violations associated with the production or excretion of bile, fats do not undergo primary processing in the duodenum, which adversely affects the whole process of digestion. In this case, bloating occurs after eating. Over time, these sensations can be minimized, but with a chronic illness, bloating after eating will be a constant companion to a person.
  6. In diseases of the pancreas. Hypofunction of the pancreas reduces the effectiveness of the entire digestive system. In this case, there is a flatulence after eating.
  7. In inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. It's about gastritis diseases. Especially serious consequences occur with gastroduodenitis. This disease disrupts the production of digestive juices, which entails not only increased formation of gases, but also abdominal pain.
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It is practically impossible to list all causes of bloating, although it is possible to generalize the variants of the causes - gases are formed with disturbed digestion. The reasons for these violations are diverse.

1 Digestive process mechanism

Digestion of food begins in the oral cavity and ends in the rectum. However, the most intensive process of cleavage of organics fed from food occurs in the upper intestine.

Tormenting flatulence?

SERGEY RYKOV: "Frequent and unpleasant gas emission due to parasites." Get rid of the proven method - write down the recipe. ..! "Read more & gt; & gt;

Picture 1

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The essence of the digestive process consists in crushing food to such a state that it could pass through the walls of the intestine and blood vessels. Divided with blood flow, it will serve as a building material for the formation of cells and tissues of the organism.

Digestion of food is a chemical process that is accompanied by the appearance of waste, that is, substances that are unnecessary to the body. It is they that give the calves masses a distinctive color and smell. Some of these substances are released in gaseous form and are excreted from the body together with the feces. It is these processes that cause bloating.

With a healthy digestion of gases a little and their presence is completely human does not feel. However, almost all disorders of the gastrointestinal tract lead to the formation of excessive amounts of gases. This is immediately felt on the subjective level of perception of one's state.

2 Symptoms and sensations

Symptoms of abdominal distention are manifested in the following:

  • in the sensation of a strong and even visual increase in the abdomen, its extension;
  • a strong swelling contributes to the appearance of pain that can pass by itself;
  • bloated stomach creates the illusion of constant overeating, while a person eats very little;
  • in rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, usually these sounds are harbingers of a sensation called "bloated stomach";
  • the appearance of weakness, perhaps a headache and a sense of self-doubt.

Picture 2 All these signs can manifest separately, in aggregate or in blocks.

4 How does the swelling on the body state affect

Abdominal pain and bloating create emotional discomfort. However, this is not the most important thing. The organism under these conditions works with increased load and less efficiency. Since digestion is disturbed, the body does not receive nutrients in the proper amount. In this case, a person may lose his appetite. Perhaps the appearance of a pathological appetite, when all the time you want to eat. A person with such an appetite has obsessive desires to eat something special and unusual. As a result, he eats a lot of food with increased taste, which creates additional problems for digestion. There is a swollen abdomen and weight gain.

Picture 4 General state of health worsens, fatigue accumulates, irritability appears, changes in mood. There is a bad smell from the mouth, rashes on the face skin are possible. Such a person often gets sick and acquires new chronic diseases.

5 How to get rid of the problem

Bloating, what to do? This question arises in everyone who has encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon. Even in the absence of chronic serious diseases, regular bloating after eating is already a signal of trouble. If a person has serious diagnoses of diseases of the digestive system, then, above all, it is necessary to treat these diseases. However, in any case, the body should be helped in its heavy digestive work. It is necessary to combine the effects on the symptoms and treatment of chronic diseases.

Picture 5 First of all, it is necessary to find out why the swelling occurs. If there are no chronic diseases and a person does not take any medications, the resulting flatulence after eating can indicate malnutrition. With a regular bloating, the symptoms usually vary widely, and this is a serious reason for visiting a doctor.

The elimination or alleviation of symptoms is achieved by regular intake of adsorbents. The most common adsorbent is activated charcoal, which not only reduces the amount of gases in the intestines, but also helps to eliminate toxins. However, it should be remembered that it can lead to constipation.

In order to reduce the formation of gases, you need to eliminate problems with intestinal motility. Equally undesirable are both constipation and diarrhea.

The pharmaceutical industry produces a large amount of laxatives. However, if there is no need for emergency removal of feces from the intestine, then you should use herbs, fruits and vegetables with a slight effect of relaxation.

A good remedy is Dufalac. It does not irritate the mucous membrane, and its laxative effect is associated with the creation of the effect of additional volume. The effect of increasing the volume of fecal matter activates peristalsis in the rectum without the formation of gases. The healing property of Dufalac does not end there. It is a good way to combat dysbacteriosis, since it helps to activate the activity of microorganisms useful for the intestine and suppress the work of harmful microorganisms. In addition, it is also used to treat the liver.

Frequent diarrhea is necessarily accompanied by increased flatulence. They can be symptoms of gastroduodenitis, liver and pancreas diseases, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the intestine. The most effective herbal remedies for controlling diarrhea are oak and willow. However, taking drugs from their bark for a long time is not desirable.

For a long reception is calculated a mixture of herbs chamomile, peppermint, St. John's wort. Chamomile and St. John's wort struggle with inflammatory processes, mint is an excellent antispasmodic. All the ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions and boiled with boiling water, in the ratio: 1 tablespoon per 0.5 liters of water. Drink the broth three times a day for 20 minutes before eating half the glass.

A mother-and-stepmother has a good effect on the intestines. It fights inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, eliminates excessive gas formation and bloated stomach.2 tablespoons of leaves of mother-and-stepmothers should be poured a glass of boiling water, insist for about an hour. You need to take 1 tbsp.spoon for half an hour before meals.

Plantain leaves have enveloping properties, they stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes and activate the work of the intestine. Brew it for 1 tbsp.spoon on a glass of boiling water, then insist 4 hours, filter and add 1 tbsp.spoon of honey. Take it is necessary for 1 tbsp.spoon right after eating.

  • 1 Digestive process mechanism
  • 2 Symptoms and sensations
  • 3 Causes of excessive gas generation
  • 4 How does the blister on the body state
  • 5 How to get rid of the problem

Improper digestion is the most common cause of discomfort in the abdominal cavity. Bloating, causes and treatment is a hot topic for discussion. These unpleasant sensations can be experienced by people who are completely healthy or suffer from chronic diseases.

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