Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Can I drink chamomile in pancreatitis?

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Healing properties of chamomile pharmacy have long been recognized as traditional medicine. This plant is widely used in the treatment of many diseases. In particular, it is used in the treatment of pancreatitis and gastritis. Regular use of chamomile infusion, decoction and tea can remove inflammation, normalize the digestive organs and reduce pain. Chamomile in pancreatitis can be used both for preventive purposes and as an additional therapeutic agent.

Can I drink chamomile in pancreatitis?

The use of

Chamomile is a wonderful natural antiseptic. It differs antimicrobial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence in its composition of unique natural components: essential oils, tannins and flavonoids. With inflammation of the pancreas, this plant reduces the clinical manifestations of the disease and contributes to the stabilization of the state, due to:

  • decreases in the intestines of the processes of putrefaction and fermentation, which lead to increased gassing and cause uncomfortable sensations;
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  • removal of spasmodic pain in the abdominal region;
  • accelerates the regeneration of cells damaged by pancreatic disease;
  • healing of minor mucosal damage to the organs of the digestive system;
  • improving the digestive tract, due to increased secretion of gastric juice;
  • protection of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs against the corrosive effects of food;
  • ability to combat harmful bacteria, which are often present in the development of inflammation in the digestive system;
  • has a moderate laxative effect, which prevents constipation.

Preparation of medical drinks

In acute form, you can drink a decoction or an infusion of a plant. It is recommended to take such drinks as medicinal products in the intervals between meals. In this case, the dose should be one third of the glass, and the course of treatment should be carried out within a couple of weeks.

Can I drink chamomile in pancreatitis?

Infusion of chamomile can be prepared as follows:

  • Add to the thermos a tablespoon of chopped herb.
  • Pour a glass of boiling water.
  • Insist for over an hour.

Effective for the treatment of inflammation of the pancreas is also a decoction. Take this drink on a third of the glass after eating for a month. Prepare the broth in this way:

Preparation of tea

  • A couple of tablespoons of grass pours into a container of glass or ceramics.
  • Grass is poured into a glass of boiling water, and then the container is covered with a lid.
  • The container is placed on a water bath, and is kept for about a quarter of an hour.
  • The container with decoction is removed from the water bath, and the drink is infused for another hour.
  • Ready decoction is filtered, and the remaining raw material is squeezed out.
  • The drink is filled with boiled water to a volume of 200 ml.

Camomile tea is an excellent preventive against the development of various pathologies of the digestive system. This drink is also very effective in the treatment of pancreatitis and gastritis.

To prepare tea, as a rule, bags of crushed plants are used, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. In this case, one sachet should be poured a glass of boiling water and insist for 10 minutes. In addition, you can use a dry chopped chamomile herb. Two teaspoons of this herbal powder is poured a glass of boiling water and insists for a quarter of an hour under the lid. To enhance the taste, it is allowed to add a little honey to the drink. You can combine chamomile with other medicinal herbs when preparing tea. For example:

  • Peppermint and melissa will enhance the soothing properties of the drink;
  • Fennel and dill will improve the effectiveness of the drink when stopping flatulence.

Can I drink chamomile in pancreatitis?

It is allowed to drink tea from chamomile while treating pancreatitis for no more than two months. The break should be at least two weeks, after which it is allowed to reuse the therapeutic drink. Similar requirements for taking tea and treating gastritis.

Contraindications and Warnings

Chamomile grass is not recommended for hypersensitivity to this plant. In addition, you should know that chamomile has choleretic and laxative properties. This means, it is not recommended to use medicinal drinks from chamomile for cholelithiasis or the presence of diarrheal syndrome.

It should be remembered that using infusion, decoction or tea from chamomile during the exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis should be treated with caution. To do this, you need to prepare less concentrated drinks. That is, it is necessary to use half the raw material for the above volume of water, or to dilute the prepared beverages according to the described recipe with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio. As the condition improves against the background of the suppression of exacerbation, it is permissible to proceed gradually to the standard dosage recommended for the treatment of pancreatitis.

It must be remembered that all drinks made from chamomile are medicinal. Therefore, do not overdose them and deviate from the course of treatment. It is important to consult a doctor before starting the use of medicinal drinks for the treatment and prevention of pancreatitis. Side effects that indicate chamomile intolerance or its overdose are headache, hoarseness, the appearance of causeless cough, weakness and irritability. At occurrence of even one of such symptoms from application of a camomile at treatment of a pancreatitis it is necessary to refuse.

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