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Treatment of diarrhea( diarrhea) in an adult at home using folk remedies

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1 Medical indications

Physicians refer to the symptoms of this ailment:

  • liquid bowel movements, which are released at least 4 times a day;
  • persistent flatulence;
  • bubbling in the abdomen and bloating of the abdominal cavity;
  • feeling of heaviness and cramping in the lower abdomen;
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • complete loss of appetite;
  • a feeling of nausea that goes into vomiting;
  • drowsiness;
  • fatigue.

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The average duration of diarrhea is 3 days.

Before you can cure diarrhea at home, it is recommended to find out the cause of it.

Picture 1

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The causes can be:
  • food poisoning;
  • viruses;
  • dysbiosis;
  • stress;
  • diseases of the digestive system.
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The main cause of the disease is viral diarrhea. To cure such diarrhea at home, you will need the help of a doctor. Particular attention is paid to nutrition, especially children. After the first appearance of a loose stool, it is recommended to give up food. The patient can drink black or herbal tea, a decoction of bird cherry, blueberry jelly. The diet includes dry biscuits and white bread crumbs. After a while you can use mucous porridge, cooked on water and without oil. You can cook a rice broth.

Treatment of diarrhea at home in children is conducted under the supervision of a pediatrician. Folk remedies and other medications are taken by the doctor's order. Preliminary conducted laboratory studies to identify the causative agent of diarrhea. Diarrhea in children occurs due to ingestion of viruses:

  • rotavirus;
  • adenovirus.

Diarrhea in children can result from the ingestion of parasites that result from the use of certain medications, chronic gastric diseases and improper diet. When diarrhea in children, the following symptoms appear:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headaches;
  • loose stool with blood.

2 Symptoms of the disease

Dehydration of the body is the main threat to the lives of children. With diarrhea from the body displays a large number of elements, including electrolytes. Before using folk remedies and medicines against diarrhea at home, it is recommended to restore fluid in the body.

If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, then there is a dehydration of the body. In the process of its development, the performance of internal organs worsens, which can lead to death. Therefore, it is recommended to quickly begin to treat diarrhea at home in children under 2 years old.

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At this age, often appears a loose stool of green color( due to disturbed nutrition).Before stopping diarrhea at home with folk remedies, it is recommended to pay attention to the mother's nutrition or infant formula. It is necessary to monitor the general condition of the child. If it worsens, then the doctor will need help. When a liquid stool with blood appears, call an ambulance.

Diarrhea is treated with garlic. For 4 cloves of garlic will require 450 g of honey.1 cup of the resulting mixture is used per 1 cup of water. Folk remedy should be drunk in small sips 3 times a day.

Unhealthy black teas are effective home remedies for diarrhea. They restore and soothe the digestive tract. From diarrhea quickly helps papaya. Treatment of diarrhea at home with rice decoction prevents irritation of the intestine when ingested gastric juice. This composition has good enveloping ability and astringent properties. Starch, when ingested, absorbs excess accumulated fluid, which favorably affects the concentration of the entire contents of the intestine. Such folk remedies are safe for humans, and they quickly eliminate the symptoms of ailment.

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Picture 2

Before you cure diarrhea with rice decoction, you need to boil 1 liter of water. In a liquid soak 2 tbsp.l.rice( water should be boiled, but cold).The agent is stored in the refrigerator. In 0.5 liters of water add the soaked rice. The mixture is cooked for 50 minutes. After the preparation of the broth, allow it to cool to room temperature. Then it is filtered. If you eat rice porridge between the reception of the decoction, then the patient will quickly recover.

3 Wild cherry decoction

For the treatment of diarrhea folk remedies use fruits, bark and cherry blossom. Medicinal preparations prepared on the basis of bird cherry, contain tannins. Such drugs are recommended if diarrhea does not occur against the background of infections.

It is impossible to take in a lot of folk remedies based on bird cherry. This is explained by the fact that the plant contains a glycoside, which in the process of getting into the body of children and adults is split into glucose and cyanide. The latter substance is a potent poison. Before you prepare folk remedies from bird cherry, it is recommended to consult a doctor. You can not take such funds for pregnant and lactating mothers.


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Picture 3

A bird cherry broth can be prepared according to the following recipe: ripe bunches of plants are washed under running water. The berries( 0.5 cups) are placed in a special container, in which the broth will be prepared. Add 2 cups of boiled water to the container. The broth is cooked in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then the broth is filtered. In the composition add the juice of blueberries. The received remedy is used every hour. Children older than 3 years of age are given every 2 hours.

Adults help with diarrhea decoction from the bird cherry bark. To make it use 1 tablespoon.bark plants and 1 tbsp.boiled water. The formulation is boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes. After preparation, the product is cooled, filtered and taken 3 times a day.

To get rid of the symptoms of diarrhea in children, prepare a decoction of pomegranate. To do this, you need to peel the fruit peel. They are dried and ground. A glass of boiled water is required per 1 spoonful of the mixture. The broth is boiled for 20 minutes in a water bath. The mixture is then insisted for 40 minutes. Folk remedies from pomegranate are taken before the normalization of the stool.

For complex treatment of diarrhea use the bark of oak. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. When interacting with proteins, tannins form a protective layer, which prevents irritation of the digestive tract. Medicated and folk remedies based on oak bark are effective against diarrhea, developed against the background of viruses, overeating or poisoning. From this plant you can prepare a decoction, tinctures and infusions. To do this, use oak aged 15-20 years. From young shoots, the bark is removed in the early spring.

To prepare tincture for alcohol, you need 400 ml of vodka and chopped bark of oak. The drug persists for 7 days.

There is another way. Mix 1 spoonful of chamomile and oak bark. The mixture is poured with boiling water, insist and filter.10 drops of valerian are added to the resulting composition. This tool is used for children's enemas.

4 Drug therapy

In case of severe illness, medication is administered. If diarrhea is caused by poisoning, then hospitalization of the patient is required. In this case, it will be necessary to wash the stomach, put a dropper. If the body temperature is high, then antipyretic agents are used. Children are assigned "Laferobion".The dosage depends on the age of the child. To bring down the temperature of an adult, designate "Paracetamol".If diarrhea in a pregnant woman occurs with a pain syndrome, then the patient is assigned "No-shpa".

For diarrhea, the following drugs are prescribed:

  1. "Supreol", "Loperamide" is used for non-infectious diarrhea. These drugs quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease( within 2 hours).
  2. "Smektu" is used for diarrhea caused by intestinal infections. She is assigned to small children. Smecta is sold in powder form.
  3. "Kaopectat" is prescribed for pregnant women and is contraindicated in children younger than 6 years of age. The drug is available in the form of tablets and suspensions.
  4. "Polyphepan" helps with infectious diarrhea. It is prescribed to the newborn. The drug is available in the form of a powder, which must be diluted in water. Before treating diarrhea with it, it is recommended to read the instructions for preparing the solution.
  5. Application of probiotics( Lineex, Hilak-Forte).In the microflora of the intestine, useful microorganisms are populated. Probiotics are prescribed to eliminate dysbiosis and infectious diarrhea.
  6. "Enterofuril" has an antimicrobial effect. Assign to children older than 1 month.
  7. "Enterosgel" is a sorbent, the action of which is aimed at removing toxins, allergens and bacteria from the body.
  8. "Activated carbon" is a strong adsorbent that eliminates toxins from the body, as well as the necessary vitamins. It is recommended to take it if diarrhea is caused by food poisoning. If diarrhea is caused by a violation in the microflora or by viruses, then "Activated charcoal" will aggravate the condition. The composition of this remedy for diarrhea includes natural ingredients, so it can be taken by children. Preliminary it is recommended to find out the cause of the disorder and consult with the pediatrician.

Before treating diarrhea, it is recommended to exclude from the diet raw vegetables and fruits, fried and fatty foods, milk, coffee, sweet. These products cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. To replenish the water-salt balance, prepare a glucose-saline solution: 1 teaspoon of water is added to 1 liter of water.salt, ½ tsp.soda, 4 tsp.sugar and ¼ st.l.potassium chloride. You can use ready-made preparations of a similar action( "Regidron").

In case of infectious diarrhea, sorbents( "Bilignin", "Polyphepan", "Salts of Bismuth") are used to reduce flatulence and remove bacteria and gases from the intestine. Since the above drugs have a binding effect on medications, they should be taken with small interruptions( maximum 2 h).Antibiotics are taken with acute bacterial diarrhea.

In the treatment of diarrhea, folk remedies are used that have antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. Treatment at home is to use herbs such as sage, wormwood, mint, black elderberry, cuff. Herbs can be harvested independently or bought at a pharmacy. Before treating diarrhea with herbs and preparations, it is recommended to read the contraindications and consult a doctor.

  • 1 Medical indications
  • 2 Symptoms of the disease
  • 3 Wild tea digestion
  • 4 Medication therapy

If you have diarrhea, than to treat this unpleasant disease at home, this question must be answered. There are many medicines and folk remedies designed to solve this problem. In difficult cases, especially when it comes to the health of the child, it is recommended to see a doctor.

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