
Symptoms and treatment of Still's disease in adults and children

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inflammation of the joints of the hand is one of the forms of arthritis .With its development in the joints, a chronic form arises that is accompanied by an inflammatory process. Usually, Still's disease is typical for children, the clinical picture is manifested in them most often up to 16 years.

But it can also occur in adults, however, somewhat less often. At the same time, scientists are inclined to believe that the risk of disease is higher at the age of 14 to 25 and from 34 to 46.

It is characteristic that for each case the symptomatology may be somewhat different. The same applies to the type of treatment, its effectiveness.

Contents of the article

  • Contents of the article
    • The causes of the pathology
    • The symptomatology characteristic of the
    • disease The set of diagnostic procedures
    • Treatment methods
    • Forecast
    • Complications
    • Preventive measures
    • Video: Arthritis regimen from the doctor

The causes of the pathology

The exact causes of the disease,was not, despite numerous studies. There is an opinion that the hereditary predisposition can become a factor in the development of the disease.

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Above there is much risk of getting sick of the Still syndrome in those who develop rubella. It can also connect with such viruses as parainfluenza, cytomegalovirus, escherichia, microplasma. The appearance of the first symptoms is possible after several weeks of pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

Symptomatology, characteristic of

disease Stylle's disease is rich in symptoms, which allows to identify it in a timely manner. It should be taken into account, however, that at earlier stages it can only be found under the supervision of doctors. The list of symptoms of the Still's disease includes:

  • Fever. differs in that the temperature at it is not constant. Up to 40 ° C, it can go up twice a day. It is also characteristic that the older the age of the patient with this syndrome, the lower the degree of fever. The rise in temperature begins in the evening, accompanied by fever and a strong chill. By the morning it falls, which is accompanied by a large sweating. The second peak can come in both late morning and day;
  • Rash. In some cases, it portends the development of the disease even for several months. A peculiarity of the rash may be the time of its appearance. Often this happens only during a fever. Daily it can change. There may be several types of skin rashes at once. This list includes erythema nodosum, petechia, papula and some others;
  • Joint pain. Myalgia can manifest along with arthralgia. The development of inflammation can begin with one joint and affect gradually radial, knee, wrist, interphalangeal and many other joints.
  • Lymph nodes. When the disease is noted, they increase, but they can retain mobility. If palpation shows a certain adhesion to other tissues, its proliferation and a decrease in the ability to slightly move the lymph node, it can cause even an oncological disease;
  • Sore throat. Often the development of the disease can begin from it, which often causes patients to confuse it with the symptom of any other infectious disease. The pain is constant, characterized by a special burning sensation in the throat;
  • Exposure to organs. Most often, Still's syndrome affects the heart and pulmonary system. Possible manifestation of aseptic pneumonitis, pericarditis, pleurisy. A feature of their manifestation is the fact of their occurrence on the background of intensive antibiotic therapy. Somewhat less common are diseases such as cardiac tamponade, endocarditis and myocarditis.
Inflammation of the joint What should be the treatment for joint rheumatism you can learn from our article. The article also identifies the symptoms and causes of the disease.

In this article, you will discover why a snapping finger is dangerous. Methods of diagnosis and treatment of this unpleasant pathology.

Set of diagnostic techniques

Symptoms of the disease, although numerous, but it is difficult to diagnose it in the early stages. Usually the patient is under the supervision of a rheumatologist.

A sufficient number of laboratory tests are performed. A blood test for biochemistry yields a result in which an increase in the number of proteins can be observed.

There are no such factors as antinuclear and rheumatoid. The liver increases its activity, which can be traced by its biochemistry test.

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joints of hands

Left-healthy arm, right - affected by the disease Stilla

Biopsy of the lymph node shows an uncommon lesion that has a metastatic character. When carrying out puncture joint for synovial fluid can be traced the characteristic changes associated with the inflammatory process.

X-ray picture allows to determine the presence of swelling of the tissues, effusion in the joint, and sometimes also osteoporosis.

Diagnostic criteria there are two types of .For an accurate diagnosis, several of both species are required.


  • Leukocytosis;
  • Steele rash or some of its other types;
  • Fever that lasts at least a week;
  • Manifestation within two weeks of arthralgia.


  • Lymphadenopathy;
  • Sore throat;
  • Antinuclear or rheumatoid factors are negative;
  • Liver dysfunction.

Treatment methods

Treatment of the disease in both the adult and the children is selected strictly individually, according to the symptomatology, the severity of their manifestation, the body's response to a particular treatment, as well as age.

Most often, is administered to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Duration of admission can vary and exceed three months. In addition to these drugs, additional therapy for the heart muscle is also necessary, as a result of which dexamethasone or prednisolone is prescribed.

Still's disease is known for rather high mortality. Therefore, requires an adequate and rapid response.


It is difficult to predict the development and appearance of the disease, it is also difficult to predict and recover. It can come spontaneously. A sharp transition is possible not only in a recurrent form, but also in a chronic one. Most often within six months, Still's syndrome disappears in 1/3 of the patients.

It is characteristic that during the period from 10 months to several years the disease can manifest itself again. But it is also noted that this happens only once.

In case the disease was accompanied by polyarthritis, which was more pronounced than usual, the clinical picture may be less favorable. Mobility in the joints is substantially limited.

Mortality in Still's syndrome is 5% and may come from the return of the infection, or from changes in the organs that accompany it.

Complications of

After Still's disease, adults may develop renal failure, pulmonary tuberculosis, distress syndrome, coagulation disorders, as well as heart problems. More is likely the appearance of arthritis, enlargement of the spleen, pericarditis.

Preventative measures

Prevention measures are aimed at preventing the appearance of the syndrome of Still in the future. It is better to start their already teenage years, to exclude the possibility of its manifestation. Prevention is, first of all, in strengthening the body, step-by-step tempering. You should definitely get vaccinated against various infectious diseases.

Secondary preventive measures will be aimed at preventing the possibility of the appearance of Still's disease in those who have already suffered it. The intake of medications that will be recommended by a doctor should be done in the spring and autumn. This includes both the intake of calcium and sanitation of the mouth in those people who are prone to frequent illnesses.

Video: Arthritis treatment regimen from a physician

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