
Prunes with pancreatitis

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Prunes have such a rich rich taste that they cannot leave anyone indifferent. And if some are not at all able to eat it, for others it is divine, attractive. But what to do if lovers of dried fruits suffer from pancreatitis? Can you then enjoy the amazing flavors of prunes?

Prunes with pancreatitis


In this form, the plum retains most of its qualities, and even enhances some. A large amount of vitamins and minerals add value to taste and help to resist seasonal viral diseases. Moreover, prunes absorb free radicals, which makes them a prophylactic agent against cancer.

Anemia and vitamin deficiency are also afraid of eating dried fruit, because the high content of iron and other nutrients prevents their lack in the body. Cores should pay attention to prunes because of the large amount of potassium, which is beneficial for the myocardium. View Instagram posts, stories, followers anonymously Browse Instagram with the best experience.

Normalization of the digestive organs, the ability to reduce inflammation, an excellent solution to problems with constipation makes it popular for weight correction. In addition, the product contains natural sweetness and is used in food instead of sugar for healthy eating.

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Acute pancreatitis

Doctors advise to give up the use of prunes with a pronounced inflammatory process of the pancreas. The point is that the product:

  • It contains a lot of organic acids, which encourages the intestines to work with increased peristalsis and a significant release of pancreatic enzymes, which overloads the pancreas.
  • Amazingly, dried fruit contains more sugar than fresh plums. However, a large amount of carbohydrates is harmful to the diseased organ.
  • Coarse plant fiber damages the inflamed areas of the mucous membrane, overloads the pancreas.
  • It provokes an increased secretion of bile, which, when falling into the pancreatic ducts, forces the gland to work with increased fermentation.
  • High calorie content is also harmful.

However, prunes with pancreatitis during an exacerbation are sometimes used if necessary to deal with constipation. To do this, it is thoroughly crushed and taken under the supervision of a doctor, or decoctions are used.

Prunes with pancreatitis

Chronic form

If a stable period of remission has come, the ban on the use of prunes is lifted. This does not mean that you can eat half a kilogram of delicious dried fruit in one sitting. Reception should be started gradually, with one thing, previously chopped in a blender, meat grinder or grater. As such, it can be added to salads, cottage cheese or meat dishes.

Gradually, the number can be increased to 4-10 pieces. This large range is due to the different reactions of people to the product. It all depends on weight, tendency to constipation or diarrhea. It is not worth giving up use at all. Prunes are important for the full functioning of the body, because:

  • It contains pectins that cleanse from harmful cholesterol and toxins.
  • Contains potassium, which has a beneficial effect not only on the cardiovascular system, but also on the kidneys.
  • Sets blood pressure back to normal.
  • It has a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms, including staphylococci, salmonella and E. coli.
  • Contains antioxidants, which stops cancer, stops inflammation and has an excellent anti-aging effect on the skin.
  • Has a general tonic effect.

After getting acquainted with such a list, I just want to eat prunes. But how to use it correctly for pancreatitis?

Several recipes

Best of all, dried fruit goes well with meat, goes well with dairy products, beets, carrots, nuts, buckwheat, which can be eaten by patients in remission. Therefore, it is better to combine in recipes with these products.

Cottage cheese with prunes

  • 2 pcs. Steam prunes, cut into pieces and chop together with 100 gr. cottage cheese.
  • Place in a dessert bowl and pour over with a spoonful of yogurt.

Prunes with pancreatitis

Chicken breast with prunes

  • Pickle 1 chicken fillet with a splinter of salt, a teaspoon of softened honey, leave for 1 hour.
  • Bake in foil for half an hour at 200 degrees.
  • Meanwhile for the sauce 2 pcs. boil the washed prunes for 5 minutes in a minimum amount of water, grind in a blender, interrupt the mass with 2 tbsp. spoons of broth.
  • Cut the finished warm fillet into pieces 0.6-0.8 cm thick, pour over the sauce and serve.

Buckwheat casserole with prunes

  • Cook buckwheat porridge from 100 gr. cereals.
  • Rinse and cut into 4 pieces. prunes, add to chilled porridge.
  • Stir in 1 chicken egg and a splinter of salt.
  • Put in a baking pan, brush with a thin layer of yogurt or sour cream on top and bake in a hot oven at 180 gr. 20 minutes.

Beetroot salad with prunes

  • At 2 st. tablespoons of finely grated boiled beets, 2 pcs are enough. washed and steamed prunes.
  • Chop it finely, season the salad with salt and yogurt.
  • You can use boiled carrots, if there are no beets, the taste will be different, but also good.

Despite the rigidity of the diet, you can always choose products that will combine well, fill the body with useful substances, and at the same time spare the pancreas. Prunes will become a pleasant variety of taste in familiar dishes.

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