
Methods of adaptation to stress

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Methods of adaptation to stress Adaptation to stress or stress resistance is a useful concept that is often used not only in modern medicine but also in many areas of science that are very far from biology.

For example, this term is used as a theory of material resistance. In a broader sense, this term is applicable to any system that from time to time experiences unaccustomed loads for itself.

Different people can differently perceive different situations and events and differently define for themselves what "stress" is.

Thus, and methods of overcoming stress in all can be different. Adequate or inadequate in its unique nature.

Inadequate methods include:

  • Surrender, back down, "give up" on what is happening. That is, a person ceases to control the impact of a source of stress, letting everything go on its own.
  • Man becomes aggressive. He "rushes" at people who, in his opinion, are sources of stress.
  • A person begins to be given excess: in food, work, drinking alcohol, gambling.
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  • The protective functions of the body are included. A person begins to deny reality or plunges into the world of fantasy, to somehow cope with the sudden difficulties that have arisen.

Adequate methods of solving a problem are those approaches that can work with maximum efficiency on you, while not creating you new problems for .

They can be divided into several groups:

  • statement, which sounds in the internal monologue;
  • method of emotional study of what is happening;
  • physical method of stress control;
  • is the method of focusing on unshakeable spiritual values.

For effective mental adaptation in professional groups or teams, is vital:

  • team cohesion;
  • the ability to build interpersonal relationships;
  • communicability.

Adaptation is a good prerequisite for successful professional activity.

Today there is a tendency to associate stress with stress. But this is not so, because stress is not just emotional feelings or strong emotions. Stress is a universal physiological reaction of an organism that has its own symptoms and phases, from activation of the body to its exhaustion of .He has a strong impact on the body, in this regard, it is very important to learn how to successfully cope with its action.

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