
Vitamins from stress

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Vitamins from stress Many health professionals believe that short-term stress is very useful for the human body.

It makes a person feel much better than usual, while it activates all the processes of the body and improves brain activity. But if the stress is delayed, everything happens according to the reverse scenario.

The nervous system is exhausted, the nerve cells are completely worn out, and everyone knows that they are not being restored. In addition, prolonged stress can cause a preliminary, early aging of the skin. The skin becomes sluggish, loses elasticity, wrinkles appear. The impact of stress on human health should in no case be underestimated!

When a person encounters stress - his body starts to work much more actively than usual. Accordingly, the consumption of vitamins, minerals is much greater.

Faced with stress, the body consumes substances such as magnesium, vitamin C, calcium .Magnesium has a good effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels. Calcium is responsible for the strength of bones and teeth, and vitamin C is responsible for strong immunity and is a strong antioxidant.

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If the body lacks these important substances, the aging of the skin will begin, and the general health will deteriorate sharply. Therefore, when you encounter prolonged stress, it is best to take additional vitamin complexes that will help support your body in this difficult period of .


  • Vitrum superstress;
  • Dynaman;
  • Multimax;
  • Special Merz swiss;
  • Lady-with the formula Anti-stress.

But in general, ideally, stresses should be avoided with all the forces. To this end, everyone and everyone should learn, to rest and let themselves relax. Disconnect phones, fence off from the outside world.

Arrange yourself days that will be completely devoted to rest. Same. Doctors advise you to use calming herbal teas and to ensure that you sleep the right amount of hours per day. The norm of an adult person is eight hours a day, and a child is eight to twelve hours a day.

Some, to deal with stress helps shopping .What could be better than the acquisition of a brand-new, beautiful little thing that was so appealing in the store? !Especially if she then will long please the eye at home.

However, today the reality is that when shopping you can only stress yourself and earn from fabulous prices for the goods and services provided.

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