
Age and stress

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Age and stress Stresses accompany a person throughout his life. From the very first minutes the child can experience stressful situations.

Simply put, stress is a special mechanism for psychological protection of the child's inner world. This mechanism is included in the case when the habitual flow of life is interrupted by any events or innovations.

For the child, any separation from parents( visit to a children's institution, an independent trip to the toilet, etc.) can serve as a stress, a regime change. One of the strong factors that affect the psyche is the TV.

The child's attitude to any event in his life is very much related to how this event is experienced by the parents of .Children feel the anxiety of adults very much.

Scientists claim that categories such as age and stress are very interrelated. It is from the sex and age of a person that the reaction of his body to stress will depend.

It is believed that representatives of the beautiful half of humanity and gentlemen endure stressful situations in their own way. And the reaction is different both at the physical and psychological levels.

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Unfortunately, a variety of studies undertaken in this area show that it is women who are more at risk for a variety of heart diseases because of stress. But men with age less and less react to unpleasant situations.

If you have reached the age of twenty years, certain protective reactions to the stressful situations of are already being developed in your body. Examples of such protective reactions are many:

  • simple negation;
  • striving to avoid a stressful situation;
  • certain data repression.

There are other manifestations of body protection. Each person has an individual system and the strength of protective reactions. For example, in women, the natural protection which is very high, the following picture is the manifestation of stressful situations:

  • increases the pressure;
  • heart rate increases;
  • increases cortisol
  • there are unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.

In men who have crossed the threshold of the forty-fifth century, there is no noticeable reaction to the stress of .

As experts prove, the sense of belonging of every person is innate. Even in prehistoric times, belonging to a particular human group contributed to the survival of the individual. Currently, many people argue that their personal isolation from the outside world can pose a real threat to their lives and existence. Social relations of a single person very strongly determine its stability to the stresses of .

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