Skin Treatment

How to cure seborrhea on the head - medicamentous and folk methods of treatment

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Seborrhea refers to one of the most common skin diseases associated with impaired work in the sebaceous gland. It begins to produce a huge amount of sebum, which first becomes the cause of dandruff and the subsequent formation of a dense crust. Some patients have dry-type seborrhea, in which iron can not ensure normal nutrition of the skin, which causes a large amount of dry dandruff, itching and subsequent irritation in the form of wounds, in severe cases of suppuration. You can fight the problem of seborrheic dermatitis not only with the help of shampoos or balms, for this you can also use special pills and various folk methods.

How to cure seborrhea on the head

How to cure seborrhea on a head

material Content

  • 1 Shampoos against seborrheic dermatitis
    • 1.1 Ch'ing
    • 1.2 Keto Plus shampoo
    • 1.3 911
  • 2 Creams Antiseborrhea
    • 2.1 Nizoral
    • 2.2 Sebozol
    • 2.3 Mikozoral ointment skin-
    • 2.4 cap
  • 3 Balms against seborrheic dermatitis
    insta story viewer
    • 3.1 Gestil
    • 3.2 Balm with red pepper Belita-Viteks
    • 3.3 Tavitin Balm
  • 4 Tablets against seborrheic dermatitis
    • 4.1 Ketoconazol
    • 4.2 Mycosoril
  • 5 Lotion against seborrhea
    • 5.1 Diprosalik
    • 5.2 Losterin
    • 5.3 Video - How to get rid of seborrhea on the head and body?
  • 6 The cost of anti-seborrhoeic drugs
  • 7 Folk methods of treating dermatitis
    • 7.1 Soap soap
    • 7.2 Video - Treating seborrhea folk remedies
    • 7.3 Herbal mixture
    • 7.4 Eggshell
    • 7.5 Onion and garlic
    • 7.6 Video - Seborrhea: treatment with folk remedies
  • 8 Diet for seborrheic dermatitis

Shampoos against seborrheic dermatitis


Form of issue Tsinovit

Form of formulation Cinovit

The formulation of the drug includes such active components as pyriteion zinc and climbazole. Simultaneous exposure to these substances can significantly improve the function of the sebaceous gland, which is to adjust the production of the necessary amount of sebum to protect the epidermis and hair from drying out or severe pollution due to high fat content. Use Tsinovit only twice a week, and the foam should be rubbed into the roots for one minute. After this, zinc pyrithione and climbazole should be kept on the head for 2 minutes and washed off. The duration of therapy with Tsinovit lasts 4 weeks, after which the remedy can be used weekly for preventive measures.

Keto plus

Keto Plus refers to antifungal shampoos that can eliminate fungal manifestations

Keto Plus refers to antifungal shampoos that can eliminate


This medication refers to antifungal shampoos that can eliminate fungal manifestations, which begins to multiply actively in cases of abnormalities in the sebaceous glands. In the presence of seborrheic dermatitis should be gently massage the skin for several minutes, then it will be necessary to leave the formed foam on the head for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water. A similar procedure is performed twice a week, preferably at the same time. The recommended course of therapy is 30 days. It is used for preventive measures once every two weeks.

Shampoo 911

A series of 911 shampoos against seborrhea

A series of 911 shampoos against seborrhea

A medical brand that has received its respect from patients, thanks to its high efficiency and soft impact. Use medicinal shampoo is required once every three days for 4 weeks, until the required result is achieved. In the future it is allowed to use the medication once every 7-14 days in the future for preventive measures.

Warning! Simultaneously with the treatment of seborrhea, these shampoos restore the structure of the hair, which makes it more beautiful, shiny and silky.

Creams against seborrhea


Nizoral cream refers to antifungal agents that quickly stop the reproduction of pathogenic fungi

Nizoral cream refers to antifungal agents that quickly stop the reproduction of pathogenic fungi

A drug is produced in several pharmacological forms. Nizoral cream refers to antifungal agents that quickly stop the reproduction of pathogenic fungi. Use the medication every day. In this case, it must be applied to the affected areas 1-2 times a day at the same intervals. Treatment continues as directed by the attending physician and usually makes a one-month course. For preventive measures it is better to use shampoo of the same name in the future.


Antifungal agent Sebozol

Antifungal agent Sebozol

The medicinal preparation eliminates the hypersensitivity of the scalp, kills pathogenic fungi, restores blood circulation in the head and the structure of the hair. To achieve the desired result, you will need to apply Sebozol cream to the affected skin areas twice a day for 4 weeks, a more precise course of therapy should be clarified with your doctor, as it is possible to adjust to a greater or lesser extent.

Mycosoril Ointment

Mycosorrhal allows you to eliminate problems with seborrheic dermatitis within a month

Mycosoril allows to eliminate problems with seborrheic dermatitis

for a month A good antifungal agent that allows to eliminate problems with seborrheic dermatitis within a month. To obtain the desired result, the cream is applied only to the affected areas of the skin, healthy should be avoided as much as possible in order to prevent the development of hives and severe burning. For a day Mikozoral ointment is not used more than twice. The therapy lasts for 4-8 weeks, the doctor should determine the more accurate treatment.


Skin-up allows you to quickly restore the integrity of the skin, adjust the function of the sebaceous gland and remove irritation

Skin-up allows you to quickly restore the integrity of the skin, adjust the function of the sebaceous gland and remove irritation.

An expensive medication that allows you to quickly restore the integrity of the skin, adjust the function of the sebaceous gland and remove irritation. Apply a thin layer of the cream on the affected epidermis, rubbing the active substance with gentle massage movements. The treatment lasts for 2-6 weeks, it all depends on the severity of the skin lesion. In some cases, due to the use of ointment, patients complained of a strong trial and swelling of the tissues.

Attention! Especially good effectiveness of medicinal creams against seborrheic dermatitis is shown in combination with shampoos and other means.

Balms against seborrheic dermatitis


Gestil Line

Line Gestil

An expensive medical product that shows an excellent result in the treatment of seborrhea and at the same time significantly improves the elasticity of hair, nourishes the hair bulb and promotes microcirculation of lymph and blood in the scalp. Use balsam 2-3 times a week for 15 minutes, with mild disease, you can use the remedy for 5 minutes. Apply the drug only to damp, clean hair. Use the product for an unlimited amount of time even after the completion of the course of therapy.

Balm with red pepper Belita-Viteks

This product is a complex of active substances that are aimed not only at suppressing the increased balancing balance, but also at rapid growth of the hairline. Apply the cosmetic product three times a week for 10-25 minutes. Treatment with balsam with red pepper can last an unlimited amount of time.

Tavitin Balsam

Tavitin well helps in the violation of the sebaceous gland

Tavitin well helps in breaking the work of the sebaceous gland

A therapeutic product that works well for abnormal sebaceous glands. Apply Tavitin Balm with a strong itch, high fatty hair due to the effects of seborrheic fungi. To do this, it is required to distribute the necessary amount of product on wet hair over the entire root zone and along the length of the curls. Withstand the product for five minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for 4-8 weeks.

Warning! These cosmetic products should be used at one time with any medical shampoo. With monotherapy, the result of treatment will appear much later.

Tablets against seborrheic dermatitis


Antifungal agent Ketoconazole

Antifungal agent Ketoconazole

This medication should be taken strictly apart from hormonal preparations of any form of release. It should be postponed the use of ketoconazole for two weeks from the last dose of corticosteroids. Assign a drug in the classical dosage for adults 1-2 tablets, which is 200-400 mg of the active substance. The exact duration of therapy is determined solely by the dermatologist and can be 1-2 months


Mycosorrhal can quickly eliminate fungus activity

Mycosoril is able to quickly eliminate the fungus

activity. It is also a good medicine capable of quickly eliminating fungus activity, which significantly improves the skin condition and improves the sebaceous balance of the epidermis. Begin treatment with one tablet a day immediately after meals. If the minimum dosage does not give the desired result, the amount of active substance is doubled. Accept Mycosorrally individually selected time. Usually, to achieve the required therapeutic effect, you will need to drink tablets for 4-8 weeks, taking into account the severity of the disease.

Warning! Antifungal medications for internal use should be used only after consultation of the attending physician and dose adjustment. This will make it possible to avoid serious problems with the liver and kidneys, which can be a side effect of the illiterate use of drugs of this group.

Lotion against seborrhea


Lotion Diprosalik

Lotion Diprosalic

This drug can also be used in monotherapy, as lotion is characterized by a fairly fast and effective effect. To obtain the necessary therapeutic effect, it will be necessary to apply Diprosalik only to diseased parts of the skin in the morning and in the evening. Thus already in the first two days with seborrheic dermatitis the itching and discomfort completely disappeared. Treatment with lotion can be continued for 14-30 days.


A modern medicinal product that can eliminate seborrheic dermatitis in two weeks. Losterin is applied 2-3 times a day at the same intervals, avoiding healthy skin areas. The drug starts the processes of skin regeneration, improves blood circulation, relieves itching and fixes the sebaceous glands. Therapy with Losterin can last for two weeks, in severe cases, treatment is increased to one month.

Video - How to get rid of seborrhea on the head and body?

drugs cost Antiseborrhea

Product Image Price in Russia in rubles Price in Belarus ruble price in Ukraine UAH

Ch'ing Czinovit 250 8 102
Keto plus 600 19 246
911 300 10 123
Nizoral 600 19 246
Sebozol 150 5 61
Mikozoral 500 16 205
ketoconazole 200 7 82
Gestil 1000 33 410
Balm with red pepper 200 7 82
Tavitin Balm 200 7 82
Mikozoral ointment 300 10 123
Diprosalik 600 19 246
Losterin 600 19 246
Skin-cap 2000 66 820

Attention! All prices are indicative only and may vary slightly from those that are offered to customers in a particular pharmacy chain.

Folk methods of treatment of dermatitis

Tar soap

Tar soap allows you to cure even severe forms of seborrheic dermatitis

Tar soap makes it possible to cure even severe forms of seborrheic dermatitis

Tar is an excellent drying component that allows curing even severe forms of seborrheic dermatitis. Use tar tar soap should not be more than three times a week, with severe disease it is allowed to wash the head with a remedy every other day for two weeks. First, the hair should be rinsed with any suitable shampoo for the type of hair, you can use any medicinal, then you will need to soap the head with tar. Formed foam is kept on the head for 15 minutes and rinsed off with warm water. To remove an unpleasant smell and to wash out hair well from fat content, it is possible to wash once again ringlets with a suitable shampoo. You can be treated in this way until the patient's recovery is complete.

Video - Treatment of seborrhea folk remedies

Herbal mixture

For treatment it is required to mix in equal quantities calendula officinalis, chamomile field and plantain. It is better to take a tablespoon of each plant mixture. Once the herbs are well mixed, they are poured with 300 ml of boiling water and insisted for 10 hours in a thermos bottle. After infusion, the resulting solution will need to be rubbed into the scalp in the morning and evening, until the desired effect is achieved. To wash the tincture is not required. Instead of these herbs, you can take a mixture of St. John's wort, roots of elecampane and plantain. A solution is prepared with them according to the same principle, and also does not require flushing.


Egg shell - an effective tool in the treatment of seborrhea

Eggshell - an effective remedy for the treatment of seborrhea

To prepare the solution, you should take only domestic chicken eggs that have not yet been washed. Use for treatment of a crude cover. It is necessary to obtain about 10-20 g of chicken shell, which is finely ground, it is better to make a powder. The resulting substance is mixed with unrefined vegetable oil to obtain a solution that resembles fatty sour cream. The resulting drug is applied to diseased parts of the skin and carefully rubbed. The mask is kept on the head for 20 minutes and rinsed thoroughly. Repeat the procedure daily until the necessary therapeutic effect is achieved.

Onion and garlic

To make a medicine, you need to take one large onion and turn it into a puree. To it is added a puree of one head of garlic of medium size. For greater efficiency, 5 ml of burdock oil should also be added to the vegetables and mixed thoroughly. Apply the resulting drug to the entire head immediately after washing your head, after which you must put on a hat. Maintain the mask on the head for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure twice a week until the desired result is obtained.

Warning! In the treatment of seborrhea, folk recipes in many patients show excellent results even without the use of cosmetic and pharmaceutical means. But it is best to do only combination therapy.

Video - Seborrhea: treatment with folk remedies

Diet for seborrheic dermatitis

To treat seborrhea as quickly and successfully as possible, immediately remove from your diet a number of allergenic products that can indirectly cause skin problems. Such products include:

  • any bee products, especially natural honey;
  • citrus fruits, including baked or in juices;
  • nuts, especially this rule applies to almonds and peanuts;
  • mushroom products, including a small amount in salads and other dishes;
  • fish caviar, as well as fish in large quantities;
  • dairy products, but only if they are intolerant.

It is also recommended to reduce the amount of high-carbohydrate foods in the diet, replacing simple carbohydrates with complex ones. It will be useful to eat porridge, especially oatmeal and buckwheat. It is necessary to exclude any fatty meat and fish, completely prohibited from drinking alcohol.

Nutrition for seborrheic dermatitis

Nutrition for seborrheic dermatitis

It is essential to saturate your body with useful amino acids, which can be found in low-fat proteins, turkey, beef, veal and chicken, as well as in green vegetables. It is also recommended to drink home-made juices and compotes that are capable of eliminating allergens and toxins. Especially useful cranberry fruit drinks.

Warning! If the patient has a tendency to seborrhea, the described dietary rules should be adhered to throughout life, and also monitor their psychoemotional level. With increased nervousness and apathy it is necessary to drink vitamins, especially vitamin D .

Treatment of seborrhea should begin already from the first days of the manifestation of the disease, as it is simply impossible to cure it in one day. For greater efficiency, a combination of different methods and preparations is always required for the rapid elimination of dryness or increased fat content of the skin. When using folk remedies, it is better to choose the most mild and sparing effects, since the affected skin can react unpredictably to the therapy. Usually, for a complete cure for seborrheic dermatitis, if all recommendations are followed, patients will need 4-8 weeks.

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