Skin Treatment

Pink lichen: treatment with ointments at home, detailed information

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Pink lichen is a skin disease well and notorious for many. His other, less "popular" names are Zhibera's lichen or pink pityriasis. It is spread widely, one percent of the total population of the earth suffers from a statistically pink deprive. If we consider that there are a lot of different lichens, this is a fairly high frequency index. It looks like this: on the surface of the skin integrate and spread the flaking areoles of pale pink color. They are quite large, centimeter diameter, or even more. An anticipation of their appearance is education, called the maternal plaque.

Pink lichen treatment with ointments

Pink versicolor: treatment ointments

material Content

  • 1 Nature and manifestation of pink pityriasis
    • 1.1 Symptoms
    • 1.2 Treatment
  • 2 effective external means
    • 2.1 Ointment Oletetrinovaya
    • 2.2 «Acyclovir»
    • 2.3 hydrocortisone ointment
    • 2.4 Ointment "Sinalar"
    • 2.5 Prednisone ointment
    • 2.6 Ointment "Lorinden"
    • 2.7 Ointment "Flucinar"
    • insta story viewer
    • 2.8 Lassard paste
    • 2.9 Rhodoxol ointment
    • 2.10 Zinc ointment
    • 2.11 Sulfur Ointment
  • 3 Auxiliary Tools
  • 4 How not to get infected? Prophylaxis
    • 4.1 Video - Remedies for pink hair loss Zhibera

Nature and manifestations of pink pityriasis

Unfortunately, the exact origin of the disease is not clear. The causative agent is designated only presumably - doctors call herpes, but not any, but only 6 or 7 types. More is known about the "habits" of the disease.

Herpes virus

Herpes virus

  1. Data on the seasonality of pink lichen are collected - it affects patients in the spring-autumn season.
  2. There are observed increases in the incidence of the disease during the exacerbation of viral diseases and in those people whose immune functions are weakened after infection.
  3. The disease occurs with various injuries of the skin, as a concomitant.
  4. More often the disease attacks children than adults, and from adults it is most common among people under the age of 40 years.
  5. Much more than men, women suffer from psoriasis.
  6. The duration of the course of the disease can vary from one to six months.
Pink lichen is more common in children

Pink lichen in children is more common than in adults

Pitiriasis is classified as infectious erythema. This means that the disease has an infectious-allergic nature. One of the possible causes of infection is called reduced immunity. The second reason is hereditary predisposition.

One of the reasons for the appearance of red lichen is reduced immunity

One of the reasons for the appearance of red lichen is the reduced immunity of

. In the treatment of this disease, a large arsenal of medical preparations is used - from internal antibacterial therapy to various ointments that are based on antibacterial components of a wide spectrum.

Important! Absolutely in all episodes with the suspicions of Zhiber zoster, before starting treatment, counseling with a dermatologist is recommended.

Before the beginning of treatment it is necessary to consult a dermatologist

Before starting treatment, consultation of a dermatologist

is required. Symptomatic

. It is found mainly in the upper part of the human body. From it, at least, it always begins. A pinkish round spot - the mother's plaque - appears on the chest, on the neck, shoulder, face. It can be centimeter, and can exceed in diameter two centimeters.

Pink lichen on the face

Pink lichen on the face

Itching begins at the site of the appearance of the plaque. Over time, the stain decreases in size, turns yellow from the center and begins to flake out intensively. It seems that the disease has come to naught, but it was not there. At this time on the whole body, including limbs, there are multiple spots no more than a centimeter in diameter. The center becomes scaly, dries, along the edge of the spot are delimited by the rim.

Multiple specks on the body

Multiple specks on the body

By the way. Lisha Zhibera can not be treated. A maximum of six months, if there is no self-infection, it passes by itself. But since the disease causes considerable anxiety - itching, unsightly, unaesthetic appearance, moral inconvenience - treatment is still conducted, and it can be quite effective.

Pink lichen delivers quite a lot of inconvenience

Pink lichen delivers quite a lot of inconvenience to the

Table. Causes of the appearance of lichen Zhibera

Cause Description
Temperature effect

Temperature effect

Overheating of the body or its cooling, which occur dramatically.


Any stressful situation associated with temporary changes in the state.


Allergic reactions to allergens in the active phase.


Infectious disease, flow period and post period.
Reduced immunity

Reduced immunity

Weakened or impaired immunity associated with a previous illness, metabolic or hormonal failure.


Bites of any insects, in particular fleas, bugs and lice, can provoke pityriasis.

Vitamin fasting of the organism against a background of shortage or disturbed metabolism.

Treatment of

It is difficult to answer the question which ointment helps best from this skin disease. There are so many preparations, and the methods of cure are so different, directly depending on the stage of lichen formations, the age of the patient, the presence of pregnancy or other factors.

Methods of treatment depend on various factors, for example, the presence of pregnancy

Methods of treatment depend on various factors, such as pregnancy

Effective external means

The methods of treatment, its methods and therapeutic agents are chosen by the physician, in accordance with the severity and stage of the flow. With correct and timely treatment, the body does not leave scars or scars, and the lichen spots themselves disappear quite quickly.

Oletetrine ointment

This medical preparation is widely used for the treatment of dermatological diseases of complex genesis, but in the treatment of pityriasis rosemary is considered the main therapeutic external drug. Represents an antibacterial spectral preparation, created on the basis of oletetrin( oleandomycin plus tetracycline).Ointment not only conducts effective elimination of flaky spots, but also prevents attachment to depriving pathogenic bacterial flora. Treatment is carried out within 14 days.

The use of oletetrine ointment

Use of Oletetrine Ointment


This product is available in the form of ointments, and in the form of tablets. Effectively at different stages the use of different therapeutic forms. The remedy is antiviral. For external use, the ointment is used in the treatment of most viral pathologies that have a viral etiology.

"Ацикловир" в таблетках

"Acyclovir" in tablets

The drug cycle continues, depending on the form, from 7 to 14 days. Has difficulty in applying - the areas of the skin affected by lichen spots need to be treated frequently - five times a day, which is not always convenient for the patient. Nevertheless, high efficiency and low price make this tool the second most popular.

"Ацикловир" мазь

"Acyclovir" ointment

Hydrocortisone ointment

The drug has an active ingredient in its composition - glucocorticoid hormones. The effect is not only antiexudative, but also anti-edematous. Quickly removes swelling, itching. It is applied twice a day on the damaged areas, the treatment lasts 14 days.

Hydrocortisone ointment

Hydrocortisone Ointment

Ointment "Sinalar"

This remedy is anti-phlogistic, anti-allergic and anti-exudative. He is appointed by the doctor depending on the stage of the disease, on the basis of which the term of therapy is appointed. It is applied to damaged skin either two or three times a day.

Мазь "Синалар"

Ointment "Sinalar"

Prednisone ointment

In this agent, the active ingredient is glucocorticosteroid hormones. Ointment not only exhibits anti-phlogistic properties, but also gives a strong wound healing effect. The drug is used, as well as other means - three times a day during a two-week period.

Prednisolone ointment

Prednisone ointment

Ointment "Lorinden"

A popular synergist, which contains glucocorticosteroids, as well as phenolic acid. Effectively removes swelling, allergic tumors and skin changes, itching, is an antiphlogistic agent, significantly reduces erythroderma. The application is differentiated by stages - at the initial stage of the disease, ointment is applied three times a day to the damaged areas. When the number of spots begins to decrease, and their size is obviously reduced, the frequency of application is two, and then once a day. The maximum process of treatment lasts 14 days.

Мазь "Лоринден"

Ointment "Lorinden"

Ointment "Flucinar"

The active substance of this drug is glucocorticoid hormones. The agent is very effective, the elimination of manifestations of erythroderma occurs almost immediately after the start of use. The surface of the skin, covered with pink lichen spots, is cleared. In addition, Flucinar gives an antiphlogistic effect, relieves itching. In the use of this drug has its own specificity - it can be applied twice a day, but the course should not exceed 14 days.

Мазь "Флуцинар"

Ointment "Flucinar"

Lassar paste

This ointment contains in active ingredients zinc compounds with phenolic acid. The product is antiseptic, with a strong antibacterial effect. Has antiflogistic effect, dries, disinfects. A good result is achieved when combined with hormonal ointments. It is applied twice a day before blanching and disappearance of plaques.

Pasta Lassara

Lassar Pasta

Rhodoxol Ointment

Trihydrorsorcin is the main active ingredient in this combination which provides antiviral, antiseptic, antifungal, bacteriostatic, antibacterial action. The effectiveness of the product is high, when applied up to 21 days.

Rhyodoxal ointment

Rhyodoxal ointment

Zinc ointment

Simple and popular dermatoprotective agent with the action of softening, antishilling, bacterial protection, which also has anti-phlogistic and anti-exsudative effect. The active component is zinc oxide. The agent not only reduces the spread of new plaques, forming a protective film, but also removes the influence of irritating factors, completely eliminating itching. It is applied twice during the day, the number of days of application is determined individually.

Zinc ointment

Zinc Ointment

Sulfur Ointment

Another popular "folk" drug that can eliminate the foci of pink pityriasis and have an antiexudative effect. Sulfur ointment can be used even for newborn babies, in pregnant women and other groups of patients we deprive Zhibera, who uses contraindicated drugs.

A safe preparation that does not dry the skin, has only one drawback - a specific sulfuric odor. In addition, ointment spoils the laundry, so during treatment, which can last up to two weeks of a three-time use, it is recommended to use old clothes after applying sulfuric ointment.

Sulfuric ointment

Grape ointment

Auxiliary products

In case of a disease, Zhibera should, with the exception of therapy, take some supporting measures. A hypoallergenic diet is shown in which completely the following products are excluded from the diet:

  • drinks containing caffeine;
  • salted food;
  • hot snacks;
  • oily food;
  • canned foods;
  • sweet foods;
  • food having a sour taste;
  • alcohol of any kind.
If you have pink shingles, you must follow a diet

In case of pink lichen disease it is necessary to follow the diet of

. In parallel with treatment, immunomodulating agents and vitamin preparations are taken.

Important! When treating, you can not wet the skin areas that are affected by plaques. After moistening, the spots spread over the skin more quickly.

To facilitate the effect of itching and general condition, it is possible to moisten lichen spots with oil. Suitable milk thistle, sea buckthorn or St. John's wort oil.

St. John

Hypericum oil

It is regularly allowed to make lotions for damage to apple cider vinegar( natural).

Plaques can be cauterized with celandine juice.

Pharmacy juice celandine

Pharmacy juice of celandine

Treatment should be performed only after medical diagnosis and only according to the doctor's plan, since each person is individual, and any illness manifests itself in different ways. In addition, the components of all the ointments themselves can be allergens and only aggravate the disease.

How not to get infected? Prevention

There is a misconception that pink lichen is not a contagious disease. This is not true. It can be transmitted to other people with tactile contact or joint use of clothing, towels, combs, hygiene items. True, there is a medical reservation that we can only get infected by a person whose immunity is weakened, who is in a state of stress, suffered an infection, and so on, has any symptom accompanying the onset of the disease from the table. Nevertheless, measures of sanitation and disinfection, as well as quarantine, should be taken.

You can get infected if you use one towel or clothes

You can get infected by using one towel or

clothing Important! If a member of the family has pink shingles, all physical contact should be limited, and the common use of household and hygienic items should be stopped.

As for the prevention of the disease, since no one knows the exact cause of its occurrence, it is difficult to single out any particular preventive measures. Of the general procedures.

  1. General hygiene is recommended.
    As a preventive measure, general hygiene is recommended

    It is recommended to observe general hygiene

  2. as prevention. Ensure that the immune system is stable.
  3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
    Lead a healthy lifestyle

    Maintain a healthy lifestyle

  4. Protect the body from overcooling and overheating.
  5. Rationally and fully, vitaminized to eat.
  6. Refuse bad habits.
    To refuse from bad habits

    Refuse bad habits of

  7. It is good to treat infections and finish treatment with vitamin therapy.
  8. To lead an active way of life, tempered.
  9. Avoid stress.
  10. If you are allergic, take antihistamines immediately.
    With allergies, take antihistamines

    For allergies, take anti-histamines

  11. Do not use chemical additives.
  12. Avoid biting insects.
    Avoid insect bites

    Avoid insect bites

A person who has recovered from Zhiber's disease, acquires a fairly persistent immunity to the disease, and re-infection is possible only if the immunity is too weak, or collectively, several co-morbid factors are collected.

Video - Remedies for pink zhibera

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