Violation Of Speech

Causes and correction of speech in children with dyslagia

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dyslasia in children Dyslalia is a violation of pronunciation in children with good hearing and a sufficient supply of words.

The disorder is mechanical and functional( phonemic).

The first type is a consequence of defects in the dentoalveolar system. Broken bite, cleft lip, too short a bridle lip upper or lower, defects of the palate - soft or hard;disruptions in the structure of the tongue can cause dysplasia in children.

Sometimes, a surgical operation is necessary to correct a situation, for example, with a short hyoid frenum. And the sooner it is performed, the less effort will be needed to correct speech violations.

In many cases, the mechanical dyslasia can be eliminated faster than the phonemic one. With the help of surgical correction, the anatomical defects in the structure of the speech apparatus are removed.

Measures to correct the bite with a competent approach give good results.


  • Lack of communication
  • Characteristics of the child with
  • disorder Characteristic features of
  • insta story viewer
  • Diagnosis is made by the doctor
  • Methods for resolving the disorder at home
  • Doctor's help
  • Treatment terms
  • Prevention of speech disorders

Lack of communication

Functional dyslasia develops in children, usually as a result of delaypsycho-speech development. This state develops as a result of the environment, the conditions in which the baby is growing.

A phonemic type disorder can occur because of a child's illness that provokes a delay in the development of the psyche and speech.

The reason may be a lack of attention and concern from parents. And also the desire of the child to imitate the speech of people from the environment, who have a wrong pronunciation.

Therefore, it is better that the child during the period when he formed a speech spoke with such people less often.

Calling the appearance of dyslalia is capable of excessive lisp with the baby: it begins to repeat deliberately distorted by adults words.

In addition, this speech violation can be the result of a lack of communication, when the child is too little talking.

Characteristics of a child with

disorder Dyslalia not only prevents others from understanding the baby, but also creates difficulties for the child in communication and complicates the process of his child with dyslasia social adaptation.

For example, in a kindergarten, peers can start making fun of such a child. He is unlikely to be allowed to read poetry at various festive events, thus excluding him from this type of activity.

All this can cause shyness of the baby. He can become withdrawn and withdraw into himself, begin to avoid contact with peers in order to talk as little as possible and be ridiculed.

Characteristic features of

Dyslasia in a child is manifested in a violation of pronunciation of sounds. The nature of such violations can be different.

Sometimes children miss sounds in words. In other cases, they pronounce them incorrectly, replacing one sound with another.

A vivid example:

  • instead of "machine" the kid says "mafa" or "masin";
  • the word "fish" sounds like "lyba", "lamp" as "ramp".

It happens that the child pronounces the sounds correctly in one word, and in others - distorts.

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Diagnosis is made by the doctor

The speech therapist must diagnose speech disorder. His task is to find out what form a speech violation in a child is. And then offer options for correcting the defect.

To ensure that the process of forming correct speech in children occurs as quickly and easily as possible, experts recommend showing the child to a professional speech therapist regularly even before he turns four or five years old.

Methods for resolving the disorder at home

reading with a child Correction of various types of dyslalia requires a different approach.

In a situation where the violations are of a functional nature, plays a big role in repairing defects to parents and other relatives with whom the child communicates a lot .

It is necessary to adhere to the following rules and advices:

  1. First, experts advise to stop lisping and start talking with the baby by pronouncing words correctly. It's worth doing since his birth.
  2. Secondly, should not scold the child for the fact that he can not clearly pronounce the words .Instead of shaming him, it is better to exercise with him, using different exercises. For example, funny poems.
  3. It is necessary to perform simple exercises .There are many articulatory exercises that help improve pronunciation. They are better done in the form of a game and in front of a mirror. The child can blow on the toy-turntable or blow off the snowflakes from the cotton wool from the palm of his hand, or blow out the burning candle. You can play in the "window": the child needs to open his mouth wide and close. Another exercise, "beacon", represents movements to the right and left of the lower jaw.
  4. You can play the psychological games .For example, to invent for new items, the name of which the child distorts, new associations. So by "mafy" you can mean a funny thing, which does not exist in real life. At the same time the machine will be in the child's mind to communicate with the correct pronunciation of this word.
The result will not be long in coming if the exercises are performed regularly. Of course, this requires patience, attention and a lot of time from parents or other close people.

If the homework does not give the desired effect, and the child has already crossed the age of five, it is worthwhile to turn to the speech therapist.

Doctor's help

A doctor examines children with dyslasia and, if necessary, sends a consultation to the dentist( for revealing anatomical disorders of the speech device) or to the neurologist - with functional type dyslalia.

The work of the speech therapist is to make the form the child's skills and proper pronunciation of the sounds of .To do this, the specialist teaches the child to reproduce phonemes, recognize different sounds, hear their pronunciation and evaluate it, reception at the speech therapist develop skills of correct articulation.

It is important for the doctor to find the "shortest" way to correct violations.

In doing so, a combination of different methods is used, which are chosen depending on the type of violations and the degree of their severity in a particular child.

To ensure that the logopedic lessons bring results, the frequency of their conducting should be at least three times a week. In addition, the child should be engaged at home, performing tasks of the doctor every day several times.

Timing of treatment

How long will it take to resolve speech problems? This is determined by a variety of factors, including the individual characteristics of the child and the position of the parents.

With minor violations, the correction can be done in one to two months. In more complex cases, it takes from three to six months.

The younger the child, the faster the process. Complex dyslasia in pre-school children is much less common than schoolchildren.

Prevention of speech disorders

Early prevention helps prevent the development of dyslasia in children. One of its main conditions - forming a healthy lifestyle of the baby from the very first days of his life .

Doctors recommend doing a massage to a child, later - charging with it;temper it. All this has a beneficial effect on the development of correct speech.

An important way to prevent the development of a disorder is communication.

It is necessary to talk a lot with a child, even when he does not yet speak syllables. You can just tell him about what you are doing: cook, clean, play. Describe objects and people who meet on the street. Read tales and poems, sing songs.

lessons for children with speech impairments In order for a child not to develop a mechanical dysplasia, should pay attention to his bite of .Check whether the upper and lower teeth are properly positioned relative to each other with the doctor.

If most of the teeth do not touch each other, an excessively large crevice appears between them. Language falls into it, and this prevents the child from speaking correctly.

One of the reasons for the appearance of bite abnormalities for a long time was considered excessive parents' addiction to pacifiers.

Modern forms are produced in anatomical shape and, according to physicians, do not have such an impact on the formation of the teeth, as their predecessors

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