
Dried apricots with pancreatitis

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Dried apricots are dried halves of large-sized apricots. This method allows not only to preserve most of the beneficial properties, but also to increase the concentration of important minerals for the human body. That is why dried fruits are a component of many medicinal diets. Dried apricot in pancreatitis does not apply to safe foods, so you need to know in what form and quantity it is allowed to be included in the diet.

Dried apricots with pancreatitis

Use in acute pancreatitis

With the development of acute pancreatitis or the emergence of exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease is always shown curative fasting for several days. This allows you to remove the load from the pancreas. After that, recovery begins with diet therapy. And almost immediately allowed to include in the diet of unsaturated drinks from dried apricots. When cooking, you need to maintain the following ratio: for 30 grams of crushed dried fruit, 200 ml of water.

Use a chilled drink once a day after meals. Thanks to its nutritional properties, the broth speeds up the recovery process after an attack. In addition, potassium and magnesium, which are contained in dried apricots in large quantities, have anti-edematous effect.

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Dried apricot drink permitted for acute pancreatitis should be prepared as follows:

  • Dried fruits are pre-soaked for several hours in cold water, after which they are ground.
  • The ready-made drink must be filtered, which allows to completely remove the flesh from it.

Since the drink from dried fruits contains many easily digestible carbohydrates, it is not recommended to add sugar to it, in order not to load the inflamed pancreas additionally. In another form, dried fruits are forbidden to be used during the recovery period. The fact is that in dried apricots there are quite a lot of substances that activate the activity of the digestive system. This leads to increased gas formation, the occurrence of diarrhea and painful colic. Such symptoms slow the recovery process and can lead to relapse.

After the inflammation gradually decreases, it is possible to include the dried fruits in the jelly, souffle and jelly. These dishes are very useful, and the addition of dried apricots to them will saturate them with vitamins and beneficial minerals. Kissels are recommended to be used as sauces for other dishes.

Dried apricots with pancreatitis

Use in chronic pancreatitis

There are no strict prohibitions on the use of dried apricots in chronic pancreatitis. Dehydrated dried fruits can be added to any permitted sauces and seasonings. The answer to the question, whether it is possible to use dried apricots in pancreatitis, is always positive in the event that constipations appear against the background of severe food restrictions. This will normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dried apricots have other important properties that strengthen the body in pancreatitis and cholecystitis. This kind of dried fruit:

  • Normalizes the functions of the heart muscle and stabilizes blood pressure, due to the presence of a large amount of magnesium and potassium.
  • Saturates the human body with iron, which allows you to fight anemia, which is a frequent companion of chronic pancreatitis.
  • features strong diuretic properties, which allows you to wash out harmful substances from the kidneys.
  • Has a mild laxative effect on the intestine and restores its peristalsis.
  • Improves eyesight, skin condition, and slows down the aging process.
  • Reduces cholesterol in the blood, and therefore prevents thrombogenesis.
  • Disinfects toxins, slags, heavy metals and radionuclides due to the presence of pectins in the composition.

Dried apricots with pancreatitis

Due to the high utility of the product in the period of stable remission, it is allowed to expand the range of dishes in the diet. Dried fruits can be used as a filling in pies, they can be added to cereals and casseroles. Dried apricots can also be used as a dessert, but not more than a couple of pieces at a time and necessarily after a meal. In general, the allowable amount of this product in various dishes should not exceed 80 g.

Harm of dried apricots in pancreatitis

Do not use dried apricots in pancreatitis in large quantities. Harm can cause the fiber contained in the product. It can overload the pancreas and provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

If inflammation of the pancreas appeared on the background of diabetes mellitus, it is better to consult a doctor about the inclusion of dried fruits in the diet. This is due to the fact that the composition of dried apricots contains about 85% of sucrose. Its processing requires a large amount of insulin, which, when the disease develops, is produced in small amounts. But in any case, even if permission is obtained, it is necessary to give preference to sour apricot varieties.

When choosing dried apricots, you should pay attention to its appearance. It should have a natural orange tint, be slightly wrinkled, matte and translucent. In addition, the product should be distinguished by a light natural apricot flavor.

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