Diagnostic Methods

Can I do FGDs during pregnancy?

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1 Technique for performing the

procedure The FGD refers to precise diagnostics. She can be assigned to a woman if she complains about:

Do you have gastritis?

GALINA SAVINA: "How easy is it to cure gastritis at home for 1 month." A proven method is to write down a recipe. ..! "Read more & gt; & gt;

  • heartburn;
  • abdominal pain;
  • belching;
  • attacks of nausea.

Picture 1

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These symptoms are typical for almost all women who are in an interesting situation, but if a doctorsuspicion of a serious health problem, gastroscopy will help to refute or confirm the presence of a pathological process. In addition to the above symptoms, the future mother of EGD can be prescribed under such circumstances:

  • inefficiency of other diagnostic measures;
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  • a combination of pronounced symptoms that indicate problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • supposition for the presence of tumor neoplasm;
  • signs of internal bleeding.

Diagnosis is carried out by inserting into the esophagus through the throat a special probe, on the edge of which is the camera. It will transfer the image to the monitor, and the doctor will be able to fully appreciate the condition of the patient's mucosa. If necessary, then during the procedure, biological material is taken to perform a biopsy. This procedure is designed to identify the risk of malignancy, that is, it is malignant or benign.

During the introduction of the probe into the pharynx, the patient has unpleasant sensations that provoke a vomiting reflex. It is for this reason that in order to alleviate the unpleasant moments caused during the diagnosis, an anesthetic of local action can be prescribed to a woman. The drug is chosen taking into account that its effect does not have a negative effect on the fetal development of the fetus.

Seldom, but still can be applied such method of anesthesia, as a medicinal dream. For the duration of the procedure, the woman will not feel anything. This procedure is considered very dangerous, and therefore, it requires the assistance of a highly qualified anesthesiologist.

When the results of FGS and other laboratory tests are ready, they are diagnosed and the appropriate treatment is given.

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2 Preparatory activities

According to the experts, the most favorable time for gastroscopy is the first trimester or the beginning of the second.

Picture 2

To make the study go without any complications and was as accurate as possible, a pregnant woman should properly prepare herself. Gastroscopy is usually prescribed for the morning hours. From the last meal until the time of the EGD should take at least 8 hours. Do not use water or other liquid. Get a high-quality image will be possible only under the condition of an empty stomach, since it is necessary to examine the mucosa completely.

Despite the fact that smoking during pregnancy is a contraindication, some women neglect the ban. Therefore, those future mothers who still could not give up the bad habit, being in a position before gastroscopy, will have to refrain from poisoning the body with tobacco smoke. Resins and smoke that penetrate not only into the lungs, but also the stomach, settle on its walls, which can also distort the scanning.

Gastroenterologists claim that the procedure of EGF is safe for pregnant women. But it should be borne in mind that any extraneous impact on the body causes for him a small but stressful. That is why, when it is a question of conducting this study, the doctor takes into account all the factors. If you really can not do without the EGD, then it is not recommended to abandon it.

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3 What to do after?

As a rule, after the stomach is examined from the inside, the pregnant woman will have an unpleasant sensation in the throat for a certain period of time. This symptom is provoked by trauma to the mucosa during the insertion of the probe. After a few days, the damaged tissues are completely regenerated, and discomfort will pass. During this period it is necessary to treat your health with increased vigilance. Even minor micro-injuries are a favorable place for various pathogenic bacteria. It is for this reason that it is recommended to adhere to several rules after conducting the EGD:

  • giving up food for about 2-3 hours;
  • Drink allowed not earlier than 30 minutes after the procedure;
  • food should not irritate the injured mucous membrane.

For quick tissue regeneration, it is allowed to take slightly( 1 teaspoon) sea-buckthorn oil before eating. As a rule, there is no need to take painkillers, but if the patient has a low pain threshold, an exception can be made. Absolutely all medicines to the future mother should appoint a doctor. Self-medication can adversely affect not only the mother's well-being, but also the fetus.


Korotov SV: "I can recommend only one remedy for the rapid treatment of Ulcer and Gastritis, which is now recommended by the Ministry of Health. .." Read the reviews & gt; & gt;

  • 1 Technique for the procedure of the
  • 2 study Preparatory activities for
  • 3 What to do next?

FGD during pregnancy is not a prohibited procedure. It is performed to diagnose pathological processes that occur in the digestive tract, such as gastritis, ulcers or even cancer. Gastroscopy is often prescribed for pregnant women, because during pregnancy, many hidden pathologies are exacerbated or manifested due to the fact that the load on the body doubles.

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