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What to do if the stomach hurts during pregnancy in the early stages - treatment

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1 Why can pain occur

The pain in the stomach during pregnancy occurs in the first trimester and later. Constantly growing uterus occupies not only the entire free space of the abdomen, but also causes other internal organs to share their place. And the "extreme" among all these organs can be a stomach.

Do you have gastritis?

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Pain can be of three kinds:

  1. Medicated. Various diseases, infections and stuff.
  2. Mechanical. Contusions, fractures, weight transfer, fetal strokes.
  3. Poisonings of all kinds( food) or allergies.

2 Medicated pain

Such a sensation is not uncommon, both in the early stages of pregnancy, and at later times. If they are irregular, then it is not worth worrying, but when a pregnant woman feels unwell constantly, you should definitely contact a doctor. It can be an acute infectious disease or inflammation of the internal organs.

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There is a myth that when in the early stages of pregnancy it hurts in the stomach, it is a threat of miscarriage, but if it is above the navel - do not worry. This in the first trimester is a normal reaction to stress, which is experienced by a future mother in connection with such an exciting event.

In later months, pain can begin from a variety of causes. If all this happens on the twenty-seventh week - this grows the uterus. Because of this process, the stomach and lungs primarily suffer.

Everything can happen even from banal overeating, constipation or general body fatigue. But if to these symptoms were added also general weakness, nausea, vomiting - you were poisoned. If this situation occurs, you should contact the doctor as soon as possible so that he can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

When the stomach hurts on the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, which is no longer typical for such a period - immediately consult a doctor. The fact is that at such a time the child has already turned over, the uterus has lowered, and its head no longer presses on your stomach.

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3 Other causes of drug pain

The cause of a painful condition can be an infection. Any organs of the gastrointestinal tract can be infected( liver, gall bladder, pancreas, kidney and bladder).Even diseases such as pneumonia and angina are accompanied by pain in the stomach.

Why does the stomach ache during pregnancy? Such symptoms can trigger toxicosis, bloating, heartburn. Sometimes a painful condition causes constipation. In the end, long-term chronic stomach problems such as an ulcer, gastritis or increased acidity may be aggravated.

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Often, pain can be accompanied by various complications. If the stomach hurts in the pregnant woman and this happens constantly, then there is a certain disease. Such symptoms can occur when a future mother has pancreatitis, colitis, cholecystitis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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In case a woman has a duodenal ulcer - it hurts abruptly, and it all looks like a fight. If it hurts badly and progresses in the stomach, then this is a manifestation of gastritis along with colitis and pancreatitis.

Women who suffer from gastritis, feel a strong weight in the abdomen, it seems to burst. It is necessary to monitor the symptoms and timing of their arrival, because in this case it will be much easier to find out the reasons.

In case of chronic gastritis, malaise begins right after eating. In the case of an ulcer, an hour and a half after eating.

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4 Mechanical pain and poisoning

Feelings of malaise can occur not only from all kinds of diseases. The stomach can also make itself felt by mechanical influences on it both from the outside and from the inside, as well as from poisoning.

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External exposure is considered:

  1. Contusions, fractures in the fall or wrong position of the body during sleep. For example, you accidentally turned over and lie all night on your stomach, pinching an organ.
  2. When you carry something heavy - the muscles of the whole tract are overextended, which can cause not only normal stomach pains, but also more serious consequences.

Internal mechanical effects are:

  1. Ingestion of too large a food fragment.
  2. Involuntary movements of already formed fetus.

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You can not feel the impact of the leg( for example, sleep), and the stomach can respond in its own way.

Painful sensations appear when food is poisoned by poor-quality food or drinks with a high content of gases.

Pains can occur as a result of rejection by the body( allergies) of the parturient woman, some preparations and food products. For example, carbonated water, kvass, honey. Food containing lactose in large quantities.

Observe, for a start, when the unpleasant feelings begin. Perhaps the stomach hurts after you eat something sour. Do not confuse the pain in the stomach with the intestines.

Very frequent cause of pain - gastritis. Among pregnant women, this disease is observed even more often than most people. Since toxicosis for pregnancy in the early period is a frequent occurrence, it negatively affects the gastric mucosa. In 50% of women in the situation comes remission of peptic ulcer because of the high level of progesterone in the body.


Korotov SV: "I can recommend only one remedy for the rapid treatment of Ulcer and Gastritis, which is now recommended by the Ministry of Health. .." Read testimonials & gt; & gt;

According to doctors, stomach pains during pregnancy can be avoided if the nutrition is established.

It should be correct, balanced, and most importantly, dietary:

  • , exclude from your menu harmful fried, smoked, salty foods;
  • forget about sharp;
  • in any case can not be overeat, eat often, but in small portions;
  • is not recommended to sit on diets, there may be "hungry pain";
  • if this is the result of a toxicosis, try( before you get up in the morning) eat something, or drink various herbal preparations.

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5 Folk remedies

In an interesting situation, treatment is best done with folk methods, since it is undesirable to use chemical preparations. There are lots of folk ways to treat during pregnancy.

What if my stomach hurts? With gastritis, the following folk methods will help you:

  1. If gastritis in a woman with increased or normal acidity - it can be treated with herbs( St. John's wort, yarrow, chamomile).Fill the collection with hot water, insist for 2-3 hours. Take it twice a day( morning and evening) before eating.
  1. If the gastritis in a woman due to reduced acidity - treat it by collecting herbs from dill, thyme, oregano, wormwood, cumin.
  2. With gastritis, honey helps very well.
  3. Severe pain will remove ordinary mineral water. Observe bed rest.

6 Useful tips

To avoid stomach pain, you must adhere to a few simple rules:

  • after meals can not lie horizontally for about thirty minutes;
  • do not sit on a starvation diet;
  • for toxicosis in early pregnancy should use neutral products, for example, bananas;
  • if you do not have swelling, drink plenty of water;
  • do not overeat( especially at night), and before going to bed, better drink kefir or yogurt;
  • follow the diet, eat heavy meals in small quantities or discard it.;
  • regularly undergo a physical examination.

Regular consultations of a specialist are necessary, so that pregnancy can go without complications and a healthy and strong baby is born.

  • 1 Why can pain occur
  • 2 Medication pain
  • 3 Other causes of drug pain
  • 4 Mechanical pain and poisoning
  • 5 Folk remedies
  • 6 Useful advices

If you often have a stomach ache during pregnancy - do not panic. During this period, a woman experiences a lot of changes, both pleasant and not so. The first trimester is especially problematic. Many expectant mothers have a problem with the stomach.

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