
Tomatoes and cucumbers in pancreatitis

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Cucumbers and tomatoes are considered the most popular vegetables that do not leave the table all year round, both festive and ordinary. In summer and autumn, freshly, in winter and spring, in salads, they perfectly diversify the menu, approach any dish and saturate the body with useful substances. Patients with pancreatitis can also enjoy their use, but with certain limitations.

Tomatoes and cucumbers in pancreatitis

Properties of Tomato

Bright and shiny, they are already one kind of cheer up. The organism is looking forward to receiving a magnificent set of phytoncides, vitamins A, B2, B6, C, E, PP, K. In tomatoes, at once 3 acids - oxalic, malic and citric, a lot of iron, there are zinc, magnesium, sodium,iodine, silicon, zinc, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus and manganese. They are rich in fructose, glucose, lycopene and serotonin.

Because of this significant saturation, vegetables have a number of properties that have a curative effect on the body:

  • Prevent cell decay. This is particularly effective in the prevention, in particular liver diseases( cirrhosis) and pancreatitis.
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  • Work as antioxidants, which allows you to prevent aging of the body as a whole, reduce the risk of pathological processes.
  • Have a preventive property against cancerous growths, prevent their spread, if they are already available.
  • The mild diuretic property works favorably in the presence of puffiness.
  • The cardiovascular system normalizes its activity.
  • Regulates the total metabolism, which is extremely important for people with excess weight. Often recommended for diet.

But the same rich composition imposes an increased burden on the body, so some diseases require partial or complete, depending on the patient's condition, excluding them from the diet. These include:

  • Part of diseases of the liver, bile and bladder, in particular when they form stones. Unfortunately, the latter are often found in patients with pancreatitis. Gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • Hypertension.
  • Osteochondrosis, which affects a significant part of the population.
  • Arthritis and gout.

The reason - the presence of a significant amount of acids in tomatoes.

How to eat tomatoes in pancreatitis

During the period of exacerbation, vegetables are extremely needed, but the presence of a large number of acids calls into question the consumption of a tomato even during the period of symptom fading. It is much wiser to start introducing them to the patient's pancreatitis table during remission.

Tomatoes and cucumbers in pancreatitis

Tomatoes on the table of a patient with pancreatitis moist may not appear immediately. Begins with one tablespoon of steamed, baked or stewed tomato. Preliminarily remove the peel from it, grind it into a homogeneous mass, separate the seeds and in such a pasty state add to vegetable purees or porridges.

If the body is receptive to the introduction of the product, you can afford an average tomato a day before reaching a complete remission. In the future, nutritionists disagree about the consumption of fresh tomatoes. Some believe that peeled, or better still in the form of freshly squeezed juice, tomatoes will bring relief to the pancreas, and recommend drinking up to 200 ml of juice without salt per day.

Others believe that the permissible maximum is cooked in the oven or steamer. Most likely, relying on his state of health after taking, trying the minimum dose during the period of complete remission, the patient must decide for himself the use of the vegetable. The main thing is to remember about the need to separate the skin and the desired disposal of the seeds even six months after the exacerbation.

In what nutritionists are solidary, so in this prohibition on any conservation. Shop juices, pastas, marinades and pickles, a variety of canned salads are extremely dangerous. Of households, some agree on the use of pasta cooked to maximum, with the minimum possible salt content and without vinegar, but it is better to dispense freshly cooked food. The fact is that any, both shop and home preservation includes a large number:

  • seasonings and spices with a sharp taste;
  • of acetic and citric acid;
  • a large amount of salt and sugar.

In store variants thickeners, preservatives, dyes and other chemical additives are often found.

According to the strictest standards during the remission period, you can eat up to 100 grams of tomato per day in cooked or baked form.

Tomatoes and cucumbers in pancreatitis

Properties of cucumbers

Cucumbers do not have such a rich composition of substances, which, however funny, allows them to be used more often in food with a diseased pancreas. On 95% consisting of water, they nourish the body with moisture. Most vitamins B1, B2 and C contain not a few trace elements - potassium, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, chlorine, phosphorus and even silver. Cucumbers excellent:

  • reduce pressure in hypertensive patients;
  • due to diuretic effect relieve puffiness;
  • deduce harmful cholesterol;
  • have a rejuvenating effect, in particular on the skin;
  • are an easy laxative;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • are mild analgesics.

For patients with pancreatitis, the ability of cucumbers to increase the digestibility of proteins in the body is important, which helps improve the condition. But a sick ulcer, with a tendency to diarrhea and increased acidity will have to limit themselves.

Proper consumption of cucumbers in pancreatitis

In acute period, their use is unreasonable. The presence of acids provokes irritation of the inflamed organ. Unless with remission, you can peel the vegetable from the peel, grate it on a fine grater and add a teaspoon to the salad. To consume cucumbers in the period of remission is not only allowed, but it is also recommended. The rule of peeled skin is preserved, as is the need to grind the product, but you can gradually bring the amount eaten to a small whole cucumber.

Tomatoes and cucumbers in pancreatitis

In the network there are suggestions to sit down on a cucumber diet to lose weight and relieve the pancreas. It is illiterate and extremely harmful. In cucumbers a lot of fiber, which acts irritatingly on the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the presence of a large amount of water will remove a lot of useful substances from the body, leaving behind a reduced immunity. Balance in the diet must be preserved and not give preference to individual products.

As for canned vegetables, the same applies to cucumbers as was said about tomatoes.

The right choice of vegetables

Is it possible to eat tomatoes and fresh cucumbers in pancreatitis, depends largely on the quality of the product. The biggest evil is the consumption of these vegetables in winter and spring, since greenhouse and greenhouse production most often use harmful fertilizing - pesticides and nitrates. The use of such vegetables is extremely dangerous for the patient of the pancreas, and the body as a whole.

When choosing it is necessary to give preference to actually grown vegetables, or, at least, products purchased from village residents who grow them for their own needs.

Tomatoes in an immature form contain poisonous substances. Their ripeness should be boundary. For cucumbers it is important to be dense and elastic, which guarantees the freshness of the fruit. Damage or heterogeneous color indicates that such vegetables can not be consumed. In the rest, cucumbers and tomatoes in pancreatitis are an important part of the menu, delicious and healthy.

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