
Nutrition for thyroid goitre

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As is known, the thyroid gland, when there is a shortage of a trace element of iodine in the body, begins to grow and, depending on the type of disease that has arisen, a certain type of goiter may appear in a person. For example, there are:

  • nodal goiter;
  • endemic goiter;
  • diffuse goiter.

The type of diet is prescribed depending on which pathology of the thyroid gland is observed.

  • For example, the nutrition of in nodular goiter should be rich in all the necessary vitamins, macro and trace elements, especially iodine. Such a diet will help to avoid too much loss in the body of vital substances.
  • When endemic goiter is important to eat foods rich in iodine, and avoid the food that produces a shortage of this element( zobogen food).Also it is worth to part with your bad habits.
  • The diet for diffuse toxic goiter should contain as few iodine-containing products as possible, so that the situation with excessive iodine production in the body is not aggravated. Elevated levels of iodine in the body, along with thyroid hyperfunction, are usually considered hyperthyroidism, and lowered iodine hypothyroidism.
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The diet is prescribed only by the attending physician, depending on the diagnosis. Without a preliminary medical opinion, it is strictly not recommended to make a diagnosis and self-medicate independently. Nevertheless, general recommendations, regardless of the specific thyroid disease, exist.

Zodogenous food

If a healthy person consumes these foods in excessive amounts, then his thyroid gland may increase due to iodine deficiency. In the case of a high content of microelements, zobogenous food can perfectly help in the fight against the disease. To zobogennymi food products are:

  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • Peking cabbage,
  • white cabbage;
  • is all soy.

In hypothyroidism and endemic goiter, these foods should be avoided. Cabbage and soybean will be very useful in the fight against hyperthyroidism.

The only exception is when you can consume cabbage and soy-based food for hypothyroidism - heat treatment .Cooked or braised cabbage almost completely loses its zobogenic properties. Also, when iodine deficiency is not in any case, it is impossible to replace full-value protein food of animal origin with soy. Powders, dried or soy milk, food additives, soy meat are prohibited for use in hypothyroidism, and for hyperthyroidism, they can be consumed without special restrictions.

If a person with thyroid disease suffers from frequent constipation and excessive fatty deposits, it will be useful to eat a moderate amount of fiber. To foods with high fiber content are all fruits and vegetables. Nevertheless, among the fruits and vegetables are also present zobogenous. To zobogennoy vegetative food include:

  • cabbage;
  • turnip;
  • spinach.

In cases of diffuse toxic disease, they can be consumed in unlimited quantities, but with hypothyroidism one should either completely abandon such a source of fiber, or eat only in limited quantities and only in boiled form.

Water consumption


Any person, especially suffering from the pathology of the thyroid gland, needs to consume water in large quantities. Tea, coffee and soup to water do not belong, it's just a liquid. You need to drink at least two liters of clean water a day. A diet with a high water content will help:

  • cope with constipation;
  • normalize the metabolism;
  • to remove excess salt from the body;
  • eliminate edema.

When thyrotoxicosis is also recommended to use iodized salt.

Some recommendations of

In order to lose weight, it is recommended to eat in small fractions at least five times a day. Desirable:

  • high-carbohydrate food is in the morning( sweet, floury);
  • porridge and soups can be eaten at lunch;
  • for dinner is better to limit something lean( chicken, kefir, lean fish).

Also it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • if the patient drinks coffee, then his use should be limited, or drink no earlier than an hour after taking hormone tablets;
  • if the patient drinks a complex of vitamins and microelements, then after taking hormonal drugs, such trace elements as iron and calcium should be consumed no earlier than 3-4 hours after the last drunk hormone tablet;
  • from vitamins it is important to give special preference to thiamine hydrochloride( B1) and retinol( vitamin A).

Example of nutrition for one day

Here is an approximate diet for a pathology of the thyroid gland for one day.

  • The first sutra food intake can not be missed in any way by the .Even if you do not feel like it, you have to overcome yourself. Breakfast should be tight. An excellent option - cottage cheese and milk. You can also cook oatmeal porridge or buckwheat. Be sure to eat a boiled soft-boiled egg. As a drink, a compote of dried fruits or tea.
  • The second meal should take place 2-3 hours after the first. It is best to eat a light vegetable salad with olive oil with iodized salt or just bite an apple.
  • For lunch, a light vegetable soup and stewed beef with vegetables will be an excellent option.
  • For a snack, crackers with compote without sugar will do.
  • In the evening it is better not to eat carbohydrate food. So for dinner it is better to eat boiled chicken fillet or low-fat fish. You can eat with sea kale. At the second perfect manna porridge, cooked on the water.
  • Before sleeping, it is advisable to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
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