Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Death from pancreatitis

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Pancreatitis is one of human diseases, with the aggravation of which death is possible. Whether it is possible to die from pancreatitis is one of the main questions posed to the doctor by the patient after setting this diagnosis. The pancreas is inflamed, affecting all the basic vital organs of man. This body weighs just under 100 grams, and is located behind the stomach, from which it is called.

Death from pancreatitis

Is it possible to die from pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which can be acute and chronic. To understand whether death from pancreatitis is possible, it is first of all to understand the difference between these terms.

  • The acute form of the disease develops very quickly. At the time of the disease, its own pancreatic enzymes kill this organ. If you do not start treatment in the first days after the onset of symptoms, the likelihood of death is very high. According to statistics, out of ten patients with acute form of pancreatitis, two die. These are very scary figures, therefore at the first signs of the disease one should not postpone the visit to a doctor and even more so engage in self-medication. In acute disease, iron changes are inevitable, leading to death.
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  • The chronic form can develop over a long period of time. The period of exacerbation is followed by a period of remission, and there are no clear signs of pancreatitis. The people most affected by this disease after 40 years. The chronic form most often arises from the irresponsibility of the patient himself - with the first improvements in the state of the body, the course of treatment is interrupted, and resumed only at the next aggravation.

Most often die from the acute form of the disease, as the rapid development of the disease is difficult to predict. From this outcome neither men nor women are insured. The disease develops so quickly that mortality from pancreatitis is fixed within the first week after the onset of the first symptoms.

Death from pancreatitis

Why pancreatitis is a deadly disease

The pancreas secretes high concentration juice that can digest even its own tissues. The secreted special juice is sent to the duodenum, in which it combines with the rest of the substances. For some reason, this juice may not reach the intestine and stay in its ducts. This is how their clogging occurs. In connection with the aggressiveness of the pancreatic juice, the process of self-digestion of the pancreas, called pancreatosis, begins. People die most often because of the blockage of the gland ducts.

Pancreatitis is affected for a variety of reasons, but the risk group includes people with a habit of consuming large amounts of spicy and fatty foods on a daily basis, and drink it all with liquor.

Symptoms of pancreatitis

Such depressing statistics should make people take more care of their health. Therefore, the following symptoms should be paid close attention, and when they appear, immediately see a doctor.

  • In the area of ​​the ribs and lower abdomen there are attacks of acute pain;
  • There is constant nausea and vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • With prolonged inflammation of the pancreas, the patient has an elevated body temperature;
  • Skin becomes a pale shade, in rare cases, the skin may turn yellow;
  • Appearance of eructations, frequent hiccups;
  • In the mouth there is an unpleasant aftertaste, the mucous membrane constantly dries up;
  • A decrease in blood pressure is observed.

Death from pancreatitis

Diagnosis of pancreatitis

It is not easy to detect inflammation of the pancreas, and therefore, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, the physician should conduct a full diagnosis of the patient with:

  • General blood test. If the body undergoes an inflammatory process, a general analysis will show this by an elevated content of leukocytes in the blood;
  • Biochemical blood test. This is the most accurate analysis that will help identify certain enzymes in inflammation;
  • Urinalysis in pancreatitis will show the presence of amylase;
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity;
  • X-ray examination.

Treatment of

Treatment of the pancreatic gland, especially acute, is performed only in the hospital. At the first attacks of pancreatitis, the patient must ensure complete rest before the arrival of the ambulance crew, apply cold on the stomach and give the No-shpy pill.

In hospital, the patient is prescribed the following treatment:

  • Taking diuretics that will help remove puffiness from the gland and remove toxins from the body;
  • Antispasmodics will perform analgesic action;
  • Medicines are prescribed that can stop vomiting;
  • If a purulent process has begun, a course of antibiotics is prescribed;
  • Vitaminotherapy will support weakened immunity;
  • In the first five days the patient should be on a fasting diet, at which only the use of water without gas is allowed;

Death from pancreatitis

If the drug treatment is not effective, and complications arise, a decision is made to promptly intervene.

  • Peritoneal lavage. This procedure is necessary for washing the abdominal cavity of accumulated pus;
  • Removal of dead pancreatic tissue. This is a very complex operation, and it is carried out on rare occasions;
  • Removal of the gallbladder.

Chronic pancreatitis during periods of its exacerbation by symptoms is similar to acute form and the therapy in this case is no different from treating an acute type of disease. In the chronic form of the disease, a person must adhere to a certain diet all his life. From the diet, all fatty, salty, spicy dishes, sweets are excluded. The intake of food should be frequent and consist of small portions.

With a long course of the disease, the level of insulin decreases, and this leads to the onset of diabetes mellitus. Further treatment of the pancreas is carried out in conjunction with a doctor endocrinologist.

Inflammation of the pancreatic gland affects almost all important organs of a person. An untimely visit to a doctor or a long finding of the cause of a sharp deterioration of the patient's condition can cost a person's life.

This disease spares no one - the famous musician David Alexander died of pancreatitis caused by excessive drinking, Vladislav Galkin died of heart failure complicated by pancreatitis. To avoid such a disease, do not abuse alcohol and fatty foods. Proper nutrition, exercise, refusal of bad habits, will make your life long and devoid of all sorts of diseases.

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