Hair Loss

Prices for hair transplantation

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However, sometimes, the hair begins to thin out.

Panic begins - what should I do?

People start to buy hats and stock up on wigs.

Fortunately, there is a technique that helps to solve this problem.

This technique has a very specific name - a hair transplant operation.

The problem with baldness has existed for a very long time.

Since the time of Aristotle, it is customary to call this problem allopecia.

The causes of allopecia( hair loss) can be different:

  • genetic factor( poor heredity);
  • age( 20-60years);
  • male gender;
  • hormonal predisposition( androgens);
  • stress;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • chemotherapy procedures and so on.

It is known that the problem with baldness is not a verdict: it is completely reversible.

Hair Transplant Surgery

This surgical method is quite simple: the required number of grafts is taken from the occipital head( grafts - microscopic pieces of skin with a certain number of hair follicles).259ph

The dimensions of the graft are about one mm2.

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Grafts are a kind of foundation for creating a new head of hair.

Today, micrografts are used for three to five bulbs( hair follicles).

There are two methods of obtaining donor skin cover:

  • Strip method( strip, scrap of skin), after which there is a small seam, easily hidden under a layer of healthy hair;
  • seamless method FUE( Follicular Unit Extraction).

The first, Strip-method is rather short-term procedure.

The second FUE method is performed using an endoscope.

This is a reusable procedure, during which a follicle adjacent to an extractable one often dies.

Then, the grafts are formed under the microscope, taking into account the angle of growth and the natural direction of the hair.

During one operation, 1500-3000 grafts can be transplanted.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia, which allows the patient to be constantly conscious and monitor the progress of the operation( calmly communicate with the medical staff).

Contraindications to operation

The operation is performed by a transplant surgeon.

Absolute contraindications to the operation are practically absent.

Relative contraindications for the operation of hair transplantation:

  • incompatibility with some components of analgesics;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • diabetes( defined by a specialist surgeon).

After the hair transplant surgery, the patient can usually go home safely.

In the first three days in the place of suturing, there is a certain discomfort.

However, swelling occurs no later than five days.

Sutures are removed after about two weeks.

Then, within three days is not recommended:

  • washing the head;
  • access to the pool or sauna;
  • performing heavy physical work.

The transplanted hair should eventually fall out, and then, in their place, new, stronger, healthier hair appears.

Hair transplant prices


The cost of the operation depends on:

  • of the selected method;
  • qualification of a surgeon;
  • volume of replaceable hair.

The real transaction price is 10 000-15 000 rubles.

You can also hold:

  • eyelash restoration;Beard;
  • ;
  • mustache;
  • eyelashes.

Take care of yourself.

Be Healthy!

Video: Seamless method of hair transplantation FUE

Prices for hair transplantation Healthy, shiny, fluffy head of hair, of course, is the dream of any person.

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Prices for hair transplantation
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