
Modern view of analeptics: scope, classification, review of drugs

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Cordiamine With the development of various diseases and disorders, the human body can be weakened, as a result of which it becomes exposed to infections, is unable to function normally, and the supply of useful substances to internal organs becomes insufficient.

To help the body restore vitality and enter a healthy healthy life rhythm, there is a whole group of medical drugs called analeptics.

Drugs along with curative effects have a large list of contraindications, which causes their limited use in modern medical practice.

The main task of analeptic drugs is to restore and stimulate the functioning of the human brain. As a rule, most representatives of this group of drugs affect the centers of the so-called medulla oblongata, whose task is to maintain respiratory processes, as well as blood circulation.

There are analeptics that are able to actively affect other parts of the brain, also stimulating their more violent and vigorous reaction to various substances entering the body from the outside, or produced by internal systems.

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Drugs of this group, taken in large numbers, are able to actively affect even the motor zones of the human brain, which in the case of a significant overdose is often manifested by convulsions.

In general, the mechanism of action of respiratory analeptics on the brain and the central nervous system is not fully understood, in this area of ​​pharmacology there are still significant gaps in knowledge.

More recently, these funds have been used quite actively, but their role in modern medical practice is gradually disappearing, giving way to more sophisticated medicines, as many experts criticize analeptics for excessive force, cramps, hypoxia stimulation and other adverse reactions.


Modern classification of

Analeptics are classified according to the effect on the respiratory center of the brain:

  1. Direct stimulants of , which directly affect the neurons of the brain, specifically the respiratory center. This includes substances such as Caffeine, Securinin, Strychnine, Bemegrid and some others.
  2. Drugs that exert a reflex action - H-holinomimetiki, which excite the corresponding cholinergic receptors of the central nervous system. Examples of such medications are Lobelin, Cytisin.
  3. Means that have a complex effect of - both as direct stimulants and as a mechanism of reflex action. The most vivid representatives of this group are Cordiamin, or as it is also called Nykethamid, and also all known camphor.


There is a large number of a wide variety of analeptic agents, but the most popular and the most popular are the following:

  1. Etymisol .Aneleptic, which is able to simultaneously have both a stimulating effect on the respiratory center, and some sedative, soothing effects on the cerebral cortex of the brain. It is noteworthy that Ethymizol acts quite gently and does not deplete the function of the respiratory center, in contrast to many similar substances.
  2. Camphor .Through the use of this substance, several results can be achieved simultaneously: analgesia, Caffeine in tablets stimulation of some parts of the brain, in particular the respiratory center, effectively fights pneumococci.
  3. Cordiamine .Has a mixed mode of action on the human body, it can stimulate the central nervous system, provoke the functioning of chemoreceptors, increase the sensitivity of neurons and their excitability.
  4. Caffeine .Well-known to every person substance, as it is contained in a favorite for many drink - coffee. It is able in certain quantities to cause activation of cardiac activity and have a psychostimulating effect. For some people, caffeine causes the opposite effect - some inhibition and slowing of nervous activity.

Pharmacology and mechanism of action of analeptics

As mentioned above, the full picture of the effect of analeptic drugs on the brain and the central nervous system is not yet fully understood.

It is known only that these substances have a dual effect on the brain - either activate the work of some of its areas, or contribute to suppress the process of inhibition. One way or another, their main task is to facilitate the synoptic connection between neurons, to make the passage of nerve impulses between them more active.

Analeptics act virtually on all areas of the brain and central nervous system. Depending on the type of medication used, it can exert a stimulating effect on the dorsal or( and) oblong brain, on the cerebral cortex and so on.

The mechanism of action is approximately the following: the accepted analeptic exerts an excitatory effect on a specific area of ​​the CNS, so that the neurons responsible for its work become more sensitive.

This in turn leads to the fact that the selected area of ​​the brain becomes more sensitive to certain natural irritants, for example, carbon dioxide. As a result, respiratory movements increase, blood pressure rises, breathing can become fuller and deeper.

Each drug acts on different parts of the brain, but the mechanism of their work, which leads to the desired results, is approximately the same. Various medications, for example, Cordiamin, can have other beneficial effects on the body:

  • vascular resistance enhancement,
  • inhibition of the action of psychoactive drugs, as well as sleeping pills,
  • activating the work of consciousness.

The impact of analeptics on the body

Scope of application

The indications for the use of analeptics are as follows:

  • the fight against asphyxiation in newborns( although now this problem is being solved by more modern, non-chemical means);
  • for the control of poisoning with drugs, hypnotics, alcohol and ethyl alcohol;
  • in cases where a person experiences depression after anesthesia;
  • in case of cardiovascular failure;

Also analeptics are capable of stimulating the muscles, so they are occasionally, but still used for paralysis, impotence, paresis and other such disorders.

In addition, medications of this group can sometimes be used to stimulate vision, hearing.

TOP-5 popular

remedies Some analeptics are used today, the list of the most popular drugs is presented below:

  1. Etymisol is a caffeine molecule in which a pyrimidine ring is opened. Acts mainly on the respiratory center of the brain, but it is not dangerous in terms of the appearance of seizures, since it does not affect the vasomotor center at all. In addition to positive effects on respiratory processes, etimizole is able to increase a person's mood, improve the characteristics of his memory. Also, thanks to the medication, the secretion of the hypothalamus increases, resulting in an increase in the amount of the releasing hormone called corticotropin. In addition to these reactions, this substance is capable of activating the body's recovery processes, improving protein synthesis, restoring damaged parts of the gastric mucosa. The medicine almost never causes a negative reaction from the body. Camphor Powder
  2. Camphor refers to ketones of the terpene series and has the form of hexagonal translucent crystals. In addition to affecting the respiratory center of the brain, camphor is able to have an antiarrhythmic effect, normalize the heartbeat. Thanks to it, the coronary vessels expand, the heart receives an increased need for oxygen. In contrast to the coronary vessels, which camphor expands, when it is received, the vessels of the abdominal cavity narrow. There is an improvement in the synthesis of a number of substances: creatine phosphate, glycogen, AFT.
  3. Caffeine is most often used to stimulate the central nervous system in order to increase the working capacity of a person: both mental and physical. He is able to have an anti-sedative effect - to fight with drowsiness, to reduce the level of fatigue. Mainly affects the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the brain. Beneficially affects the work of the heart, increasing its stroke volume and rapid heartbeat. Also, caffeine helps to expand the vessels of both the brain and other organs, for example, the kidneys and the heart. Excellent for fighting the effects of drugs, with cardiovascular failure, as well as spasms of cerebral vessels.
  4. Cordiamin , like the previous substance, acts mainly on the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the brain, has a caffeine-like effect. Distinctive features of the drug can be called the possibility of using in asphyxia, in the event of a vascular collapse, as well as an auxiliary means for fighting the organism with various infectious diseases.
  5. Bemegrid is a preparation of an analeptic property, which is often used in cases when it is necessary to influence the work of the respiratory function, avoiding the effect on the vessels. Excellent for the following tasks: the fight against mild intoxication of the body, when a person takes too many drugs that depress the functions of the central nervous system, as well as to remove the patient from the state of anesthesia.

As a conclusion, it is worth noting that analeptics are widely used for a wide variety of tasks and help doctors achieve significant improvements in patient health.

Some funds are still quite common, some are gradually being replaced by more modern substances, but nevertheless they play an important role in the recovery of many people with a wide variety of problems.

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