Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Which doctor should I use with the pancreas?

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Pancreatic disease leads to the appearance of acute pain in the abdomen. In case of such an attack, the best action will be the call of an ambulance brigade, which will relieve the pain syndrome and, if necessary, hospitalize the patient. In the future, treatment of pancreatic diseases can be carried out by various specialists. It all depends on the results of the diagnosis and the stage of the disease.

Which doctor should I use with the pancreas?

What does the surgeon do?

In case of acute pain and calling an ambulance, the patient will most likely end up in the intensive care unit or surgery. The fact is that with such an attack the first few days, the patient should simply starve, which means, to be under the constant supervision of a doctor. As a rule, this is possible in the intensive care unit, where the patient enters.

During this time period, the doctor must decide on the methods of further treatment. This can be a drug treatment, then the patient is transferred to the department of gastroenterology, or maybe surgical. Then the patient will be transferred to the surgery department, where he will be prepared for surgery, and then monitor the recovery process.

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In some situations it may be necessary to install a special probe into the stomach to relieve the pancreas due to the constant cleaning of the stomach. This operation also requires the involvement of a surgeon. Thus, the role of the surgeon is very important. In addition to surgical intervention, if necessary, this doctor may participate in subsequent treatment when installing a gastric tube.

The role of the therapist

In the event of even the most minor problems with the pancreas, it is best to contact the local therapist right away. Symptoms that should immediately go to a doctor are:

  • Heartburn;
  • Unpleasant burp;
  • Continuous appearance of sour taste in the mouth;
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen.

Which doctor should I use with the pancreas?

The therapist will prescribe a series of studies, which will result in a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe a treatment. The list of analyzes includes a comprehensive blood test, general urine analysis and urinalysis for amylase content, ultrasound, MRI, complex tomography and certain narrow studies of the state of the digestive tract.

Such a comprehensive examination is required, since these symptoms are manifested not only if the pancreas hurts, but also in the presence of problems with the gallbladder. Despite the fact that these bodies are interrelated, their treatment is significantly different.

In addition, as a result of a consultation with the therapist and the diagnosis, he can recommend to which doctor to apply in the future. It can the gastroenterologist or the endocrinologist. In case of a negative development of events, a consultation with an oncologist doctor may be required.

How can a gastroenterologist help?

This doctor performs treatment after acute symptoms of the disease have been removed. He, as a rule, carries out medicamentous treatment. If the pancreas hurts, the patient is disturbed by the process of digestion. After all, this body produces the necessary enzymes for the splitting of food. Therefore, the essence of drug treatment lies in their admission. Most often used drugs such as pancreatin, mezim or creon. If acute pains occur, the doctor may prescribe an anesthetic medication.

Compliance with diet plays a big role in the treatment of the pancreas. And here the gastroenterologist also plays a big role, which helps the patient to make a menu that, on the one hand, does not create a great discomfort in the diet, and, on the other hand, will promote a speedy recovery.

Which doctor should I use with the pancreas?

In the most general form, the recommendations for nutrition are as follows: it is necessary to exclude from the diet acute, fatty and fried foods, as well as alcohol, and include various porridges. In addition, the food should be small portions several times a day. The regime of food intake in the treatment of pancreatic disease plays an important role.

Does the pancreas cure an endocrinologist?

The pancreas, in addition to producing enzymes for digestion, is responsible in the body for the production of hormones that control the level of glucose in the blood, in particular, insulin. Therefore, in case of problems with it, there is a high probability of a patient having diabetes mellitus. Avoid this, timely consultation with an endocrinologist.

This doctor can appoint a patient to take hormonal drugs, select the optimal dosage. If necessary, inpatient treatment under the supervision of an endocrinologist can be prescribed to restore the body's hormonal balance and proper metabolism.

Which doctor should I use with the pancreas?

Surveillance in an endocrinologist can be prescribed for those patients who have only a risk of developing diabetes. Therefore, after removing acute symptoms of the disease and discharge from the hospital, a patient may be recommended to observe not only the local therapist, but also the endocrinologist. In most cases, this is quite enough, and many patients, while following the recommendations on nutrition, never experience problems with hormones.

Should I go to an oncologist?

If the patient is ill for a long time with any chronic disease of the pancreas or gallbladder, and serious improvements are not observed, an oncologist may need to consult, since the processes of formation of various tumors, cysts and other similar tumors can occur in the tissues of this organ.

To detect such changes in the body can be in the process of complex tomography or MRI.They can be prescribed by an oncologist if he has enough suspicions. If the hypothesis is confirmed, this doctor will formulate recommendations for treatment - from surgery to chemotherapy. However, an appeal to this doctor is required only in the event of the most negative development of events. In addition, at present, the removal of various types of cysts has become quite a known operation and in most cases leads to success.

Answering the question, which doctor treats the pancreas, you can name a few specialists. First of all, it is, of course, a therapist and surgeon, as well as a gastroenterologist. If complications arise and the disease develops, the endocrinologist and, in the worst case, the oncologist are involved in the treatment. Each of them performs its tasks, which in the end result in the majority of cases to the patient's recovery. The patient only requires compliance with diet and other doctor's recommendations.

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