Mental And Psychological Disorders

Paranoid - a delusional psychosis, full of hallucinations and anxiety

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delirious psychosis The term "paranoid" is used to designate mental abnormalities associated with the appearance of delusions, auditory and visual hallucinations, anxiety and suspicion.

Often, these patients have depressive manifestations of varying severity. A person is in a state of emotional tension, he has a clear system of his own values ​​with complete rejection of someone else's opinion and significantly overestimated self-esteem.

What are the causes of the disease

Such changes often occur against the background of other disorders of the psyche, but can also be an independent disease.

The main reasons for the development of this pathology include stress factors, often the disease manifests itself during isolation, for example, in prisoners. In such cases, patients often suffer from auditory hallucinations.

Other possible causes of delusional psychosis are the following:

  • heredity, when the family had cases of mental disorders;
  • violations, the roots of which go to childhood, when the child was in an unfavorable situation, the family had a tense relationship or was practicing domestic violence;
    insta story viewer
    pathological intoxication
  • features of a person's nature and his predisposition to such conditions - such people are usually very suspicious and rancorous by nature;
  • long-term abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • regular communication with persons with mental disorders for a long time.

And also this condition is not uncommon among people with hearing loss. Due to limited opportunities, difficulties arise in communicating with people, it is not easy for a patient to correctly assess their behavior, which leads to the development of excessive suspicion, nervousness, and, as a consequence, to mental disorders.

The classic course of the violation of

Paranoid Paranoid refers to violations that develop gradually.

At the initial stage of the disorder, the behavior of the patient can be considered as a characteristic of the character, but with the course of the disease the changes progress.

For persons suffering from delusional psychosis, the following behavioral characteristics are characteristic:

  • high sensitivity to failures, strong feelings about the received failure;
  • misinterpretation of current events and actions of surrounding people, excessive touchiness( the habit of perceiving everything "at one's own expense");
  • increased sense of self-worth;
  • persistent stereotypes and lack of flexibility( a person lives on the principle "I'm always right");
  • constant discontent, inability to forgive insults( both real and fictitious), attitude towards others from above;
  • increased suspicion in relation to family members and surrounding people.

Depending on the type of disease, the list of symptoms can be supplemented with hallucinations, aggression and excessive nervousness.

The main types of disorders, their features

Delusional psychosis is divided into varieties depending on the causes and manifestations of the disease. Thus, the following types of paranoid are distinguished:

  1. A reactive disorder of the induced type arises from prolonged communication with persons with psychiatric Mental failure deviations. In this case, the risk group can include people who have been communicating with those who have mental disabilities for a long time. The danger increases if the patient has any influence on this person and is for him an authority, for example, close relatives of the older age. Particularly predisposed to states of this type are people with a high degree of suggestibility, low intelligence and are prone to the development of psychopathy. When the contact between the recipient and the inductor is broken, the symptoms of the disorder disappear in most cases.
  2. The invasive type of disorder develops as a result of age-related changes. Involutional paranoid unites mental illnesses that occur at the age of 45-60 years. The patient gradually develops a persistent nonsense, a person becomes touchy and suspicious. He seems to be oppressed, humiliated, and family members or neighbors intentionally spoil things and pour poison into their food. This self-suggestion is also reflected in the somatic health of a person, for example, thinking that they want to poison him, he experiences discomfort in the stomach, diarrhea can start, and coughing occurs when one suspects that, for example, someone lets poison gas into the patient's dwelling. Such an individual is constantly in a state of excitement and "combat readiness" to combat fictitious pests.
  3. Disease on the basis of alcoholism .Alcoholic paranoid arises with chronic drunkenness. This state is characterized by delusional disorder, a sense of anxiety and fear, increased excitability, disorderly chaotic movements. Such patients need urgent medical care and long-term restorative treatment.
  4. The reactive paranoid arises because of traumatic circumstances. These include protracted conflicts and stressful situations, being in an unfavorable social environment, in the territory of military operations and in places of deprivation of liberty. This kind of psychosis develops quickly, for this condition is characterized by an acute form. As a rule, after a situation that adversely affects the psyche, it will be eliminated, the symptoms of the disease become less pronounced, and then disappear altogether.
  5. The infectious disease is not a perceived contradiction and a double "I".In this state, there are manifestations of alertness to everything that happens around the patient. In addition, a person is in a state of contradiction, which he can not realize. In his mind there are two opposite "I", with different traits and prejudices, and the dominant role is constantly changing from one to the other. In addition, with inflationary paranoids, delusions often arise and an exaggerated awareness of one's own importance.

Each type of disorder has a marked symptomatology, which allows to establish the type of disorder in each case.

On treatment and prognosis for

Depending on the type of paranoid and its attendant symptoms, and taking into account the individual characteristics of the person, the Wooden figurine specialist prescribes treatment. In the process of rehabilitation therapy, medicamentous and psychotherapeutic effects are used.

Only complex application of these methods allows to cope with mental disorder.

In most cases, the prognosis is favorable and the disease does not cause serious consequences, and sometimes passes without a trace.

When the conditions caused by the impact on the psyche of various circumstances( stay next to a mentally ill person or psychological trauma), the disease disappears after the elimination of traumatic situations.

As for the alcoholic type of disorder, the prognosis is favorable provided that the individual stops abusing alcohol. If the addiction to alcohol remains unchanged, and the person continues to drink, it threatens with repeated attacks, as well as hallucinations and protracted psychoses.

In cases of senile and infectious disease, the behavior of patients can be adjusted with the help of medical drugs and psychotherapeutic methods of therapy. With successful treatment, patients can lead a full life and communicate normally with others.

In case of an unfavorable outcome, seizures may appear again, and then go into a serious chronic disease. This occurs in cases where anxiety symptoms have been ignored for a long time, and the person has not been provided with timely assistance. Hallucination

The person's psyche is sometimes very receptive and unable to cope with stressful situations. As a result, various mental disorders appear, the outcome of the disease in these cases depends largely on the people surrounding the sick person.

Any signs of mental disorders can not be ignored, in such a state a person can be not only dangerous to others, but also harm himself, sometimes irreparable.

It is important to understand that in mental disorders people do not realize that they are sick, and do not see the need for specialist advice. But attempts at self-treatment can lead to a worsening of the condition, for this reason, you should not try to convince a person, you should immediately seek qualified help. The sooner the treatment is started, the better the chances of the patient recovering.

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