
Dr. Komarovsky on frequent regurgitation in infants after breastfeeding

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1 Belching, regurgitation, vomiting

Often these 3 processes are confused. Despite the fact that each case is the release of milk or mixture through the mouth, physiologically all 3 processes differ among themselves.

During breastfeeding, a baby swallows air that can enter the stomach, intestines and linger there, causing spasms and swelling, causing uncomfortable feelings and provoking regurgitation. To avoid this, before putting the baby in the crib, after feeding it keep it upright until it spews up the air. Usually it takes no longer than 20 minutes. When belching, air from the stomach can go out, trapping a small amount of milk.

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If the eradication is eaten out with air by a jet - this is regurgitation. The stomach content is pulled passively, the diaphragm and muscles of the abdominal cavity are not strained. On the health of the baby regurgitation is not reflected. Emetic eruption occurs when the musculature of the abdominal cavity is activated, the features of the baby's face are distorted. Milk stands out curled, with a sour smell. At the present vomiting the child pales, its pulse becomes frequent, limbs become colder.

2 Do not panic

Regurgitation is observed in children from birth or begins at the age of 1-4 months. Eating from the stomach can go up immediately after feeding or after 1-2 hours. In some children this happens occasionally, in others several times after one meal. It happens that the child regurgitates 10-20 minutes after he began to suck. Sometimes, when the milk gets in his nose, the baby breathes with difficulty, but does not let go of the chest. Especially mums are frightened at a kind of the liquid pouring out from a mouth of the child a fountain. How dangerous are regurgitations for baby health? Maybe the kid is sick and needs to be treated urgently?

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Candidate of Medical Sciences, pediatrician with 30 years of practical experience Komarovsky EObelieves that regurgitation is natural for babies in the first months of life. Most often this happens because the newborn is overeating because of the inherent nature of the instinct of self-preservation, and later the excess of food is allocated. In addition, many children have increased vomiting center activity so much that even a slight stretching of the stomach results in vomiting. If, in spite of this, the baby is cheerful and active, do not panic. The main thing that parents should pay attention to is how a child adds weight, whether his development corresponds to age. After the child strongly regurgitated, mothers, confident that everything that has been eaten, is rushing to feed him again. The voided mass in volume always seems to be larger than it really is, so if the baby is calm and does not show hunger, do not rush with feeding.

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Children can overeat if milk comes from the breast in large quantities or the nipple is picked up incorrectly. A hungry baby who sleeps for a long time and then succesfully sucks, can eat more than the volume of the stomach allows. This kind of greed appears in the infant, if the break between feeding was 4 hours or more.

To prevent the child from swallowing a significant amount of air when sucking helps to properly apply it to the chest, namely that the baby does not rest against it with his nose, seizes the nipple and the nasal areola, and his head is not thrown back. Bottle should be kept, raising the bottom so that the nipple was completely filled with milk. Do not forget to clean the baby's nose in time from mucus and crusts.

Reducing the amount of food and changing the feeding schedule rarely leads to getting rid of regurgitation in the baby. In some, it increases when the teeth begin to grow. Can completely disappear as soon as the baby starts to sit or walk.

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3 When is the doctor urgently needed?

The cause of regurgitation may be the replacement of the mixture to which the child is accustomed to the other, as well as the feeding of the newborn before the time. In some cases, to prevent vomiting, helps to rub the baby around the navel clockwise before eating or if he lays on the tummy. Feeding can be interrupted and the baby can be held vertically, so that the food inside it lies down. After the air comes out, continue. It is important that the tone of the muscles of the esophagus and stomach of the baby is strongly influenced by passive smoking. It can cause vomiting in the baby.

Dr. Komarovsky argues that regurgitation, in which the child feels well and gaining weight - a normal phenomenon, passing by age 1 year. You should immediately consult a doctor if the milk return is accompanied by the following factors:

  • the baby belches or vomits from birth and after each feeding;
  • observed a slow increase in weight;
  • has abnormalities in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • every day a strong vomiting;
  • with regurgitation the child behaves restlessly and cries;
  • in the vomit contains green bile.


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Alarm parents should, if regurgitation occurs after drinking or taking a small amount of milk and the child almost does not gain weight. This may be a sign of pyloric stenosis - a sharp narrowing of one of the stomach sections, resulting in almost nothing in the small intestine. Such anatomical defects are usually detected in the first days after birth and are immediately operated on. But sometimes pyloric stenosis is detected only in 3-10 weeks.

With atypical regurgitation the doctor suggests choosing a mixture with antireflux action, which includes thickeners that prevent vomiting. It can be used only on the advice of a pediatrician.

To help a doctor determine the diagnosis will help frequent weighing a child. At home, it should always be carried out under the same conditions, so that the side effects do not affect the indicators. Weigh the baby at the same time before feeding, naked, putting a diaper under it, the weight of which is subtracted from the obtained data.

  • 1 Belching, regurgitation, vomiting
  • 2 Do not panic
  • 3 When is the doctor needed urgently?

Nursing children regurgitate food. Many parents see this as a cause for concern. Consider what Dr. Komarovsky says about regurgitation of babies, when to call a doctor and what are the causes of regurgitation.

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