Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Pain in the pancreas: treatment, diet, symptoms, medications, causes

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Pain in the pancreas The pancreas is an internal organ with a lobed structure.

The pancreas with pancreatic juice helps the small intestine digest:
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • proteins.

In the pancreas, the inflammatory process with a chronic or acute course can most often develop.

This process is called respectively: chronic or acute pancreatitis.

Causes of pancreatic pain

Pain in the pancreas for the following reasons:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • overeating;
  • concomitant diseases of the digestive organs;
  • infectious diseases;
  • long-term use of medicines;
  • cholelithiasis with blockage of the bile duct;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • age changes.

Symptoms of pain in the pancreas

Most often, the pain is localized around the navel and in the upper abdomen.

The intensity of pain depends on the severity of the inflammatory reaction, that is, the greatest intensity pain takes when exacerbating pancreatitis.

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A typical property of pain in this case is the surrounding nature( pain is felt both in the abdomen and in the dorsal region).Usually, the pain is not spiky( intermittent) or short-term. 420ะน

Painful sensations intensify after:

  • intake of alcoholic beverages;
  • eating;
  • in a posture lying on his back.

Parallel with the pain, the patient can feel:

  • nausea;
  • bloating;The
  • feels heavy in it.

Vomiting does not bring relief, neither in chronic, nor in acute pancreatitis.

Another symptom of pancreatitis is diarrhea( diarrhea), which appears and worsens after eating.

The inflammatory process can be complicated:

  • by tissue necrosis( by its destruction);
  • formation of pseudocysts;
  • jaundice;
  • ascites( fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity).

Treatment of pancreatic pain

Short-term relief can be achieved:

  • when fasting;
  • by applying ice to the left abdominal region;
  • in the knee-elbow position.

The withdrawal of acute, fatty, cold and hot food also contributes to the removal of pain.

Diet for pain in the pancreas

The diet should begin with severe fasting for several days.

After fasting, the diet recommended by your doctor can be gradually expanded.

At the first occurrence of pain in the pancreas area, you should immediately consult a doctor for the necessary examination. The doctor will determine the main cause of your illness and direct you to a more narrow specialist.

The problem of the incidence of the pancreas is occupied by the branch of medicine, which is called gastroenterology.

We must not forget that only a specialist is able to identify the main cause of the disease, prescribe treatment and prescribe medication for pain in the pancreas.

Stay healthy!

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