
Sustavit Forte - emergency aid for joint diseases

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joint forte Sustavit forte is a biologically active additive for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joints.

Body cream has useful properties that improve the full functioning of the joints, for oral administration, BAA is made in the form of capsules and tablets.

Sustavit forte, regardless of the form of release, is created as an additional source of nutrients that the articular system needs. The composition of the cream based on natural extracts was developed by Russian scientists according to the Swiss recipe.

Contents of the article

  • Ingredients
  • Pharmacological profile
  • Indications for use
  • Contraindications to prescription
  • How to use
  • Special instructions
  • What is the power of dietary supplements?
  • Viewpoint
  • Purchase and storage


Sustavit forte is available in the following forms:

  • body cream, tube 75ml;
  • gel balm with chondroitin and glucosamine;
  • capsules, 300 mg and 400 mg;
  • tablets, 400 and 500 mg.
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Cream composition: Cream for joints

  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • glucosamine hydrochloride;
  • capsaicin;
  • biostimulating complex of B vitamins;
  • anti-inflammatory complex;
  • biostimulating complex of microcapsules;
  • liposome-emulsion complex;
  • microcar DMP;
  • perfume composition, purified water,

Capsules and tablets Sustavit contain in composition:

  • glucosamine;
  • selenium of organic origin;
  • tanning agents;
  • anthocyanins;
  • flavonoids.

Pharmacological profile

The pharmacological properties of the cream are determined by its composition:

  1. Chondroitin .Chondroprotector. One of the main components of articular cartilage, which protects cells from chondrocytes from damage. With its lack of joints appear crunch and pain. It plays the role of lubricant for articular surfaces. It prevents the destruction of cartilage, accelerates the restoration of bone tissue, regulates the intake of nutrients, prevents the loss of calcium. It inhibits the degeneration of the joint tissues.
  2. Glucosamine .Chondroprotector. Affects the metabolic processes in the cartilaginous membrane and articular fluid, improves the production of useful substances, including hyaluronic acid. Participates in enzymatic cellular reactions, thereby regulating the outflow of substances that destroy the joint. Removes pain, slows down destructive processes, accelerates recovery. Glucosamine with chondroitin enhances the positive effects of each other, providing cells with chondroprotective( protective) action. This affects the rate of onset of clinical effect.
  3. Capsaicin .Extract of red pepper with a warming effect. By improving the local blood flow is a muscle soreness. Due to the improvement of the microcirculation of the tissues, an outflow of toxic decomposition products occurs, accumulated in the joint as a result of inflammation and causing pain. Capsaicin removes spasm for a long time, it helps to relieve swelling. Complex of vitamins of group B .Participates in the reaction of cellular metabolism, the transmission of nerve impulses, restores damaged nerve endings, positively affects the condition of the periarticular muscular tissue.
  4. Biostimulating anti-inflammatory complex .The less inflammation, the less pain.
  5. Complex of microcapsules .Promotes the directional action of active components of the cream to the site of pain localization, improves the conductivity of medicinal substances in the body cells.

osteoarthritis Selenium, flavonoids, tannins, anthocyanins in capsules and tablets of Sustavit Forte are components of natural plant origin.

The biological effect of the constituent ingredients has a positive effect on the permeability of the vessels, which is necessary for the full flow of useful substances to the inflamed joint site. A significant role is played in strengthening general immunity.

This helps the weakened body to strengthen protective functions, especially if the joint pains are caused by the transferred infectious diseases or nervous overstrain.

Glucosamine, which is contained in tablets for internal ingestion, entering the body through the blood, replenishes the lack of intake and production of the body's own nutrient cells, which require joints.

Indications for use

Cream - ointment for the body Sustavit forte is used to treat such diseases and conditions:

  • primary and secondary osteoarthritis;
  • arthropathy;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;sore elbow
  • polyarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • joint stiffness, pain, aches;
  • traumatic lesions;
  • pain after physical and sports loads;
  • weather-related pain;
  • restrictions in mobility, long stay in static position;
  • edema, redness around the joint.

Also, the use of this drug provides an improvement in joint condition with age-related changes. Used for the prevention of degenerative diseases of the joints and spine.

Sustavit capsules and tablets are used as an additional source of nutrients in combination with a body cream, enhancing the overall positive effect on the entire articular system.

There are risk factors that provoke the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, namely: muscle fatigue, sedentary lifestyle, physical and sports loads, stress and nervous states, hypothermia, and transmitted infections and catarrhal diseases. Sustavit Forte will cope with disturbing symptoms and prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

Contraindications to prescription

Body cream is contraindicated in such cases:

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  • individual sensitivity to constituent agents;
  • should not be applied to exposed, damaged areas of the skin: wounds, abrasions;

For capsules and tablets: an individual allergic reaction to the constituents of the product.

How to use

rub ointment on the knee Ointment Sustavit Forte should be used regularly every day. Apply 2-3 times a day, gently rubbing with massage movements for 3-5 minutes before absorbing the cream. To achieve better effects of dietary supplements it is necessary to provide peace and warmth. The course of application is individual - 4-6 weeks.

For chronic diseases, a second course can be repeated after 2-3 months.

Capsules and tablets for adults and children from 12 years should be taken 1 capsule( tablet) 3 times a day at the same time as meals for 30-40 days.

Special instructions

Consult a specialist before use. Appointment of dietary supplements to pregnant and lactating women occurs only with the consent of the attending physician.

Capsules and tablets are approved for admission from the age of 12 years. The dietary supplement is not restricted for use by elderly patients. It can be combined with other medicines.

Does not cause adverse reactions, it is very well tolerated by the body. If unwanted reactions occur, the drug should be withdrawn and specialized care should be sought.

What is the strength of dietary supplements?

Advantages of using Sustavit Forte: Cream for joints

  • because the diseases of the spine and articular joints are chronic, the use of painkillers compels to be constant, BAA also copes with pain and inflammation, while stimulating independent renewal of the joint without causing harm to health;
  • is applicable as a prophylaxis;
  • with prolonged use of the therapeutic effect is enhanced;
  • does not cause addiction and drug dependence.


Comments from consumers who personally tried the action of BAA Sustavit Forte.

As with an arthrosis trouble happened 10 years ago, so all the ointments were smeared and the tablets perepil. I use the joint for a long time, I smear knee joints every day, it helps me. I like that it absorbs well, there is no sharp odor.

Victor, 47

Very good for pain relief. At me cervical osteochondrosis, becomes aggravated at change of weather, as I shall anoint - it becomes easier. I noticed the result - as soon as the plastered place is wrapped in heat, it warms up very well, stiffness, aches and aching pain pass.

Valentine, 39

I do sports and after intensive training sometimes my back hurts. Then a few days in a row I smear my back with BAD Sustavit. Of course, not immediately the pain passes, but if I take two weeks, the condition becomes easier. The coach advised this dietary supplements as a prophylaxis with a constant load on the joints.

Alexander, 29

I have work on my feet, pain and crunch in knee joints with edema is a common thing. I liked the essence of my composition.

Thanks to him, the crunch in his knees was only a month later, and the swelling was gone right away. I smear every day for prophylaxis, so that the pain does not reappear. In the pharmacy saw BAA in capsules - also drink every six months. I feel healthier, the joints are more mobile.

Ludmila, 58

Purchasing and storage of

Average price of BAD Sustavit Forte in pharmacies:

  • body cream 165 rubles;
  • tablets and capsules 150 rubles.

The cream should be stored at a temperature of +5 to + 25 ° C, capsules and tablets should be stored in a dry, cool, protected from light place. Shelf life 2 years for cream and 3 years for capsules and tablets.

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