Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Monastic tea with pancreatitis

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The pancreas is of great importance in the body. It promotes the digestion and assimilation of food, producing the necessary substances and hormones. One of the main enzymes that the body produces is insulin. He is responsible for the normalization of glucose levels in the body, and his deficiency can lead to the development of diabetes. In addition, the dysfunction of the pancreas can lead to a disease such as pancreatitis, the main symptom of which is acute pain in the abdomen. Cure it is very difficult, but it is quite possible to neutralize the main symptoms. To do this, you need to change the diet and take a collection of herbs, which is also called monastic tea.

Monastic tea with pancreatitis

What does monastic tea consist of?

The composition of folk decoction, which helps cure pancreatitis, includes the following plants:

  • The root of elecampane. It is rich in vitamin E, contains insulin and other useful microelements and substances that help to restore the pancreas. Also in the root of elecampane contains an enzyme called "pepsin", which has a positive effect on the digestive system.
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  • Sage. This plant is rich in trace elements, which relieve inflammation, have a general strengthening effect and normalize the production of hormones and enzymes by the pancreas.
  • Wormwood. It activates the work of the pancreas, improves the metabolism, and with constant use prevents the onset of cancer.
  • St. John's Wort. A strong analgesic, stops inflammatory processes, positively affects the general condition of the patient and his gastrointestinal tract.
  • Horsetail of the field. It helps with wound healing, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The sequence. Positively affects the metabolism in the body and improves digestion.
  • Calendula. It is a preventive agent in inflammatory processes. It helps to avoid the appearance of suppuration, removes toxins from the body.
  • Chamomile. Anti-inflammatory drug, has analgesic effect.
  • Wheat cane. This plant normalizes the level of sugar in the body.

Thus, every constituent of tea in pancreatitis has a beneficial effect. However, the main therapeutic effect of monastic tea from pancreatitis brings with the joint brewing of all herbs and their subsequent admission. The chemical reactions that take place intensify the action of the beneficial substances of each plant and contribute to the speedy recovery of the patient.

Therapeutic effect of

Monastic tea in pancreatitis is used widely enough. It can be taken, both for preventive purposes, and for acute pain. It normalizes the activity of the pancreas, promotes its rapid recovery, unloads it in the process of producing hormones and digestive enzymes.

Monastic tea with pancreatitis

The therapeutic effect of monastic herbal tea is manifested as follows:

  • Improving the digestive process by obtaining the body's necessary enzymes from herbs. In addition, thus, pancreas is relieved and quickly restored.
  • Improves metabolism. The endocrine system is stabilized, slags are eliminated from the body, the production of necessary hormones is normalized.
  • Reduces pain. Many herbs in the monastic tea have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, which, together with a positive effect on the digestive and metabolic processes, allows taking it on the third day after removing acute symptoms of pancreatitis.
  • Prevents the poisoning of the body or the development of tumors, if the disease is in neglected form.

How to take monastic tea in pancreatitis?

To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, monastic tea from pancreatitis should be properly prepared. The way it is brewed and received is as follows:

  • The herbal mixture should be covered only in a clean teapot. It is recommended even to pre-heat it with boiling water.
  • One teaspoon of the herbal collection purchased at the pharmacy( you should not purchase such medicines from your hands, they may not have the necessary grasses, which can even damage the body in the worst case), you need to put it in the teapot.
  • Pour tea with boiling water( about 200 ml), close the lid and let it brew for about 20 minutes.
  • To consume monastic tea should be in three meals with interruptions. It is not recommended to seize or dilute anything.

Monastic tea, consisting of various herbs, is a folk remedy for the treatment of inflammation of the pancreas. Its therapeutic effect is achieved due to the overall effect of all the beneficial herbs. It is expressed in the reduction of pain, pancreas discharge and normalization of digestion and metabolism.

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