
Gastroduodenitis( chronic, erosive, superficial): what is it, symptoms, treatment

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1 Acute form of the disease

The acute form of gastroduodenitis is characterized by damage to the stomach and duodenal mucosa. This form often accompanies gastritis, moreover, it often becomes its consequence through the passage of inflammation from region to region in the structure of designated internal organs. Transition causes untimely or incorrect treatment. The origins of the original pathology are numerous, including:

  • heredity;
  • regular improper diet;
  • stresses and all kinds of overload;
  • congenital or acquired abnormalities in the functioning of the gallbladder, pancreas;
  • hepatic dysfunction.

The main alarm signal is a severe acute pain in the stomach, which does not go away even when taking pain medications.

In addition to acute pain, patients are noted for poor health, intoxication syndrome, dizziness and weakness. Physiological picture of the disease unfolds for one simple reason: a failure in the motor function in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

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The age of the patients diagnosed with this diagnosis usually fluctuates around 40-45 years, when the vitality of the gastrointestinal tract begins to "lose strength" due to years of malnutrition, stress. The earlier a person begins to pay attention to the state of his body, organize for himself prevention and treatment, the better for him. This form of the disease is dangerous because it can develop into a chronic one.

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2 Chronic form

Chronic gastroduodenitis is replaced by an acute form, if the patient was not given proper and timely medical assistance or the patient did not adhere to medical advice, did not follow the diet. The most unpleasant and dangerous at the chronic stage is the possibility of developing a new outbreak of the disease that can overtake the patient anywhere. The stomach, the duodenum become defenseless targets for the virus and infection.

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Chronic gastroduodenitis develops in 2 standard phases: exacerbation and remission. Usually they disturb in autumn and spring, accompanied by severe acute pain for 10 days.

The main problem with the chronic form is that it can be properly diagnosed only when it becomes aggravated. Behind this lies the difficulty of treatment: many procedures and medical complexes have to start again, and a strong and sharp pain returns. The pain syndrome does not subside within 10 days, and then it can be felt for another 25-35 days with palpation.

The chronic form is diagnosed in 2 stages: chronic erosive gastroduodenitis and superficial. Erosive form of gastroduodenitis is characterized by the formation of numerous ulcers on the mucosa of the affected organs. Chronic superficial gastroduodenitis, in comparison with erosive, is an easier kind of lesion, since in this case only the mucosa suffers. With proper treatment, the disease does not spread to the surface of the stomach and duodenum. It should be emphasized once again that superficial gastroduodenitis is a pathology, from which it is necessary to get rid without delay.

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What other symptoms indicate chronic gastroduodenitis? Practice notes in patients suffering from this disease, lethargy, pallor, weakness, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of overeating, stool disorders( diarrhea, constipation), heartburn. In rare cases, there is a syndrome of intoxication, sleep disorders, dizziness and headaches, fainting.

3 Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of

Chronic gastroduodenitis can in no case be left untreated. If the disease once overtakes the patient, you need to do everything so that it does not return. Treatment should appoint a specialist. The first step to this is timely diagnostics. This is an activity that involves the procedure of endoscopy. It allows to find out in what form there is a superficial gastroduodenitis: in the focal or diffuse, and maybe the pathology has reached erosion. All this can only be found out by the doctor and only with the help of endoscopy.

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If manipulation for any reason can not be carried out, the patient is sent to the ultrasound. To ensure that the ultrasound gives a maximum of correct information about the form and stage of the patient's illness, the stomach before the procedure must be filled. Treatment is appointed by the doctor based on the data that were obtained during the diagnosis, and basically the complex of therapeutic measures depends on the identified form of gastroduodenitis.


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The first thing that is used in the fight against any form of this disease is a diet. It should be prepared for the fact that diet therapy, like untreated chronic gastroduodenitis, is forever. It is necessary to forget about fast, too fat, heavy, sharp and salty food. Diet at the appropriate tables M.I.Pevzner is good because it is not only curative, but also has a number of preventive features. Observing all the conditions, you can destroy not only the consequences of the disease, but also its causes. And in combination with antibiotics, the diet effectively removes inflammation.

Now about antibiotics. This question is purely individual, solved by the doctor. The patient is not only unable to prescribe the necessary treatment, he can not correctly determine the affected organ. For example, only a doctor knows what antibiotic treatment should be prescribed in case of detection of Helicobacter infection as the main cause of gastroduodenitis. Only a specialist knows how long it will last, what complications and side effects can overtake the patient during the administration of the drug.


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Opinion of doctors. .. "

Special attention should be paid to the treatment of children, since they are extremely vulnerable to the described disease, especially when chronic gastroduodenitis is detected. The causes of the appearance of such a disease in children and adolescents are many: a bad ecological situation, poor-quality food, child-teen stresses associated with problems, unrest in school and at home. In such cases, you must immediately arrange a visit to the doctor, otherwise chronic gastroduodenitis can torment the patient throughout his life.

If the stomach hurts, the patient needs proper treatment, and not waiting until the problem is resolved by itself. Do not be afraid of the procedures that should be taken to make a diagnosis. Now the medicine is at a level to create maximum comfort for the patient and in a short time to reduce the pain syndrome.

  • 1 Acute form of the disease
  • 2 Chronic form
  • 3 Diagnosis, treatment and prevention

There is such a disease as gastroduodenitis: what is it? This is a serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract, more precisely, of the stomach and duodenum. What is caused by the appearance and development of this pathology, is there a cure? The official medicine does not provide an unambiguous answer to this question, but it is assumed that the onset of this disease is associated with inappropriate and unhealthy diet, inactive way of life, regular stresses that are everywhere persecuting modern man, and psychological and physical overloads. Everyone who has encountered this problem needs to know its first alarming symptoms and methods of treatment.

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