
Exit from stress

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Exit from stress From the very first moments of his life, a person is facing stressful situations.

In adulthood, it is common to call psychological stress, which occurs under the influence of difficult conditions. Such difficulties are answered in the human body by a number of different psychological and physical changes.

The exit from stress is a whole science that can turn any failure into success of .There are a large number of professional psychologists who can help find a way out of what seems to be a hopeless situation. But first you need to find the strength to these specialists to turn to.

The personality of each person is unique, accordingly, the choice of suitable means depends on the nature of the person.

Our body has its own mechanisms for answering stressful situations, laid down in ancient times by our ancestors. The very first reactions will be instantaneous gathering for battle or the urge to escape.

To give vent to negative emotions, it is best to give the energy output that accumulated in the muscles of

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.This is good in all senses: and get rid of stress and save your health.

But sometimes we just have to dream about behavior, because we are restrained by rules of decency, different laws, dependence on the person who makes us feel these emotions.

For such cases, there is a set of simple rules that will help get rid of the stressful condition in the shortest time with the least damage to yourself:

  • The most important thing is to pull yourself together to prevent the development of a shock state. No matter how hard, try to stay calm in the most critical situations.
  • Do not let the interlocutor lead you to a white heat. It's not worth it. Let him be nervous and angry.
  • The manifestation of restraint is not a manifestation of weakness. On the contrary, you even show your superiority over a person who at the moment is rude or rude to you.
  • Cope with stress and calm breathing. It is necessary to slowly inhale through the nose, hold your breath, and slowly exhale.
  • If you stayed alone, you can try to completely relax, first the face, then the shoulders.
  • You can try to focus on the objects that are around you.
  • If possible, leave the room where an unpleasant event occurred, go out into the street, stay face to face with your thoughts.
  • From bad thoughts will help to distract any physical work. A very good discharge is provided by physical exercises, you can beat a pillow, scream or smash some trinket.
  • Turn on distracting music and focus on it.
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